tv [untitled] October 4, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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from. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so as humans we - i'm asking him to repeat it one more time i'm not trying to take away the effect it is difficult to translate. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> our souls have the capacity to be able to connect themselves to t to earth. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> >> our own meet that's the exact translation flush thank you. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and we all have to be more
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cognizant of insuring we're finding that harm new and we're losing that. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and in the moment there's have been many species lost that have died we're at it point where humanity is about to be extinguished. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> now this obligates us to be more conscious to take part in all of this. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> by taking into effect we're
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losing ones life and going to be losing this battle. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> sorry. >> it's okay. >> can i ask you to be conscious we're at a time of losing our own air. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> but as i mentioned we have to be conscious of our own air without air we don't have life. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> but what can be worse than having death and without having
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life then humans are effected but it. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> ladies and gentlemen, i thank you for your time it's been a pleasure to be with you and thank you (clapping.) yes. yes. please. >> good afternoon, commissioners good evening. i'm oscar first, i applaud our leadership in the grassroots efforts like in the adequate restraining
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order in the cultural district in go making that connection on the environment as people's that have suffered through thick and thin we define the environment where we live and play and in the 24th street and districts that's our environment our trees and mountains our floor so thank you for taking leadership on it i appreciate you're bringing up the study the mit thank you was recorded on the local where the mission studies say mission has the highest exchange of cumulative impacts of the matter in the air that results from dense living and results from cars traffic and heavy truck routes and wood burning often and the highest concentration of
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restaurants restaurants don't qualify we see a surgery of popular surgery in wood burdening ovens every restaurant in the gets trying to have wood burning food is is that true (laughter) i might have dreamt it as my new startup and the lack of small business and vegetation you go outer mission south caesar chavez was the same accustom active air impacts but we don't see the same results in terms of the health there's access to more small business s open space and more trees and vegetation which we see a lack of in the core of the mission district
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we've been waiting years for fulsome near and dear to my heart that the campaign we've worked on it is stuck from the bureaucracy of the city we need more you guys are bringing up up those positive things that are happening for the community so thank you. (clapping.) >> other public comment, public comment any other members of the public seeing none, public comment is closed one other thing colleagues before we figure out that piece of our resolution we have another member of the council that's seen our resolution and posted and suggested when we talk about local job creation it is part of
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the program to be promoted through the latino cultural district to make sure that second there the local job creation for the diverse economy she'd e-mailed and worked on this since the beginning so she's well versed and suggesting that added so i do have a proposal from commissioner wald can i look at those commissioners your thoughts thoughts on the resolution, thoughts on the presentation maybe focus on the resolution for just a moment we're looking at the page one we say that we promote putting on end to disproportionate illusion
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in the community everyone good on that i can't take credit it's from commissioner wald on my right and from commissioner gravanis so this is for folks following along line 11 the department promotes putting on end to disproportionate pollution in vulnerable and then continues community as an integral part of our mission good with that what's the word - consensus so a lot of folks helped but the adequate restraining order council and a number of folks thank you. i'm good and folks are good to add on page 2 lib 2 that we promote the local
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job creation for a diversifies economy any other discussion on this resolution as amended? commissioner king >> i move to amend. >> move forward as amended second commissioner stephenson all in favor, say i. to adapt the support the creation of the adequate restraining order cultural district please say i opposed? all right. resolution passes thank you so much everybody (clapping.) thank you for your hard work on this all right. thank you and they have a meeting of the adequate restraining order council right now thank you woody allen queen and deputy.
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>> all right. the next item monique. >> the resolution on the public works general commission citywide (inaudible) director for september (inaudible) san francisco department of public works as the sponsor for to item i want to remark that the we owe a lot of the supervision from mayor ed lee w4er7 in his other capacity before we became mayor i was a champion of zero waste this is a program that has reached thousands of san franciscans school children and older and the department itself has a very strong relationship with this program under the leadership of mohammed nuru of public works so our school
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program and outreach team has worked clools closely and i'm proud to have jim here from public works jim i've watched him, no action and watched emphasis enthusiasm and warmth and telling him so jim i'm you're here. >> thanks for the in violation of section and members of the public to present the giant sweep program to you basically in 2012, the giant swept the world series and shortly after 2013, the giant partnered with the mayor the department of public works and the department of the environmentalists unified school district and dpw and other agencies weal joined together to
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basically join the team to keep sf clean it takes teamwork to keep litter out off our city the team partnered with the mayor to critique the giant sweep program it was an umbrella program over the programs we currently have i worked with the department of public works with the community liaison we have programs like adapt a street and graffiti watch and the community clean team now the umbrella over all is the giant sweep program giant pledge we asked everyone to take a pledge you have one on our seat mail it to us or danny will be collecting the forms at the end of this meeting and get them back to me but basically
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your pledging to put trash in the right colored bins and call 311 everyone familiar with 311 in san francisco if you see illegal trash on the street you're not supposed to that dumping i can call 311 and we'll come out and pick that up we've narrowed down to more garbage so we want to get it out of there as soon as possible. >> you pledged to call 311 if i see an illegal act in progress you call it or just reporting graffiti but if you see someone in the act call the energy line police will come out and try to
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apprehend the suspect you promise to keep our sidewalk clean whether you play or visit san francisco or wherever the work and play promise not to leave trash on the buses and pack it in and out and leave the parks cleaner than when you found them all right. so far over 38 thousand people sign the pledge volunteers through our community programs volunteer community cleans up we do that next one on district 6 kickoff in unplaza at 9 o'clock a.m. september 18th new want to be part of that feel free to get in touch jim m m r
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dot c a s example i o l at sf u p and look at up on the web you'll find me or do a google search on jimer i'm not the basketball player so far in 2013 we've logged over 75 thousand hours helping to clean up trash keeping san francisco clean green and safe giant website and social media platforms go did sf giant sweep come you can sign the kellogg pledge we have lots of competitions and focus our attention at youth we want to go into the schools and teach youth
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at a young age it's not okay to through trash on the streets and litter is not caused by just people throwing their trash on the street is sometimes trash cans overflow be part of the team and don't throw it on the street if you see it throw it out either in the green, the black or blue giant sweep we're out in the community and had a flash month by month performance and had a part in the gay pride parade we performed into years advertising campaigns we're on billboards our spokesperson from
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the 70 giants hunter was the one that got the team riled up i believe he's doing that this year we might sweep the world series again he was at our initial kickoff this is a video and i don't know if a 45 second video passing i don't know well, let me try - nope it's not working but go the website and also at the kickoff snow white from beach battalion is there they've created a song go there targeting youth we're going into schools and trying to teach behavior that's not good to trash keep it clean green and
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buffalo in partnership with the department of the environment they've been awesome and done 33 successful assembles we go in and talk to the youth to the youth about changing their behavior and that touched one hundred 8 thousand students we're or we're going to try to beat that this year we have competition last year a poster competition elementary school middle school and high school each level had a winner and the winner each level of the poster competition one $500 for the students and the supported t-shirt and $500 for the school this year we did a 30-second passing two winders they received one thousand dollars to themselves and those videos can be seen on the website as well
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their fanatically we go out to the merchant we wanted to community to the mfrnt are merchant and ask them to do their part in keeping the storefronts clean there's not not with me then going into an establishment with a dirty sidewalk and keep the litter and graffiti off the building cover it up right now the graffiti vandal one of the things to keep their tags up as soon as possible if you get rid of it in twenty-four hours they'll eventually stop we have a program giving away bathrooms and license plates we have a team that deals with the merchant throughout the city excuse me. and basically, their bringing
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outstanding merchant to us letting us know who is basically a team player and keeping their sidewalks in front of their businesses clean and beautiful there's me that is, we do we go out and do group set up and all kinds of festivals earth day and clean events giant games inside the stadium and we basically do you outreach trying to get people to pledge and do their part of keeping sf clean give a ways we give away auto graphed baseballs we have raffle we do the raffle drawing we relay he would off 6 ipad minnesota and ticketed and auto graphed baseballs and
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actually raffle ravel off a 3 thousand bike ticket we're coming to the end of the prizes by the way, r by talking about new prizes coming up starbuck's we had a teamster with them where basically, the employees helped us to buy the tools and did a full day of clear up with starbuck's the san francisco giants and clear channel and lamar teresa they were involved in the coastal clean up in september okay. i'm going about to take questions before i do that i'm going to do something a little bit different i want to make sure that everyone has a green
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ticket i'm going to be doing a guest drawing the lucky one is going to get this gift bag and commissioners you have a ticket its way less than $25 i have more ticket stubs than we're giving us out i'm going to pick a you couple of them and the first one raise your hand 513 are the last 3 numbers anybody. >> monique all right. monique congratulations arrest you're going to love everything inside >> okay. >> so, now open this up for questions if anyone has questions about litter graffiti or sf sweep
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i was thinking about one how to explain the suspicions how we rigged this the joint. >> yeah. >> thank you so may be actually debbie do you want to segue. >> i can do two. >> oh, yes. >> all right. colleagues thank you very much. >> okay. >> questions about the clean sweep initiates commisssioner finkle oh, sxhoinz sxhoinz is it to have a certain amount of goals or things. >> we want to beat what we did last year basically those numbers were presented from the
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beginning of this program february of 2013 we want to beats every year we know how many people we're going to february to february to increasing the numbers the people that commit to signing the pledge people that will join us our clean sweeping and people coming from district 10 to do a clean in district with only we want people to do their part and pitch in to keep san francisco clean green and beautiful and the mayor wants clean by 2020. >> commissioner king. >> sxhan commissioner king. >> is it true when you go to the schools that is spearheaded
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by the fantastic sf fire department. >> that's totally try. >> i didn't hear that in our presentation what schools engages those kids arrest the department of investment lamar the best partner going out and getting us into the schools we gov. both do them. >> you all didn't know there was a fourth r reading writing architecture and recycling. >> commissioner wald. >> i know you target the schools dow do you target accident schools there's nos like hot spots for sanctity issues can people report it to have a to be a targeted neighborhood or school. >> if i understand we tarmentd
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every neighborhood the tenderloin is basically a hot spot and at department of public works we basically start out in the tenderloin a lot of the sweepers from around the city and the department of the environmental services can go into this more but basically before those workers go out to their areas they actually go to the tenderloin first, we have your alley crew in the tenderloin that's stuff we're doing not part of the promissory note program but, yes we try to go to schools thought the city and we partnered with a company called elizabeth rat an online service through init is a gram the students we dealt with last year giving the presentations with the department of environment we're basically
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going back like the middle school we did the presentation for the sixth grade class now phase two to do the interact active component the entire 7th grade will be there for the presentation and each class will compete each other nor prizes basically go out for an hour a week taking photos and pimp up litter and take the photos and create art shows from the trash they've picked up and go back to the classes or go online to elizabeth other and looking at what they public comment is closed picked up like the mcdonald they can historian tag and a at mcdonald and see where the cups are picked up in
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literally rot there was one school involved they noticed a lot of what we were picking up what the paper the stray papers they convinced the school to purchase extras one way or the other without the paper wrappers to try to help this way the scott taylor's students can analysis what transparence it around and go to a starbuck's or mcdonalds and ask hey, we've got a lot of your stuff how can you help. >> i'm a small business owners in san francisco i know that a lot of folks like myself have employees that are going back looking to do something good ways to go volunteer or have a volunteer in the afternoon we're
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not starbuck's in terms of a tool kidded for a group like that okay. i'm going to give 4 hours where it is simple i don't have to necessarily get on a schedule or sign up nor small business something if there's a way to do it on our own to make sure we count it as a giant sweep is there something like that. >> everyday we have a lot of small businesses that are earthquake early warning system us and basically president to do their own clean up and every friday some south of market we supply them with the tools and we'll go out there and help them out 45 or 50 people we'll pick a day and basically pick up the
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garbage bags we do that lined up we have a couple of i have companies that do it every friday some small and some large we have. >> schedule so guys know exactly where to leave the bags we have those orange giant sweep bags and they know they can clean up we go and pick up if we ask if peer not involved agreement and you want to do on your own report you how many volunteers and bags you clean up we log it in can i ask one quick question this is a critical one about the raffle that before folks leave is there a potential to get another one of them the item
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