tv [untitled] October 4, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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reporting the number of days aggressive monitoring and competitive investigation that takes significant resources and most importantly to sue the violators without going through complicated processes first without the strong enforcement mitch's that don't exist we're not doing anything short of giving away our precious housing - >> thank you ms. short. >> hi, i'm tony i was here last week. >> tony i'm so sorry i didn't call our card we got a lot of complaints last time but thank you for come back. >> i'm brooek turn areer with
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the coalition of better housing i want to talk about 3 concerns it's important to the city and important to our members of the coalition who rent to san franciscans of every kind 3 issues i would like you to consider we'd like make sure that a monthly rental rate is enforced for the maximum rent to the unit and an owner of the register should be able to conform that remedy amount and what the renter is representing it out or they can't rent it out at an elevated rate we appreciate we're part of the administrative native process but we believe the owners the buildings should share in the private right of action and we
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should be listed as such and once again today, i'm going to address the insurance issue and remind you of the flooith migrate of the apartment owners you've received the stack of national press that the insurance issue relative to the airbnb that has gaernd there's no insurance if you're a rental property ownership we want to make sure you have enough insurance one million we have to h have that by law to indemnify everyone else in the building thank you thank you, mr. turner. >> supervisors i'm dennis last week he sent each you, you each of the board of supervisors
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a copy of our letter 5 backseats points i want to open the legislation as it stands stop the ellis act for the purpose of short-term rentals or an owner renting out vacant unit for s drs the reading and mooibd of the legislation it actually doesn't do that now i want to talk about a couple of points raised toy today with the regards of reggie understand as i read it only requires registration after the fact of renting out a short-term rental the registration should be in advance of the fdr and in terms of the permission under the tenant to get the permission from the landlord/tenants it should be required from the landlords not only notification
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privacy some people actually said they want to keep all of this private but when necessarily they registered to vote and signed up for a driver's license number their information was public somehow people feel this should be private until the legislation can actually assure all of us. it will stop the local i don't think it's ready for at that particular time time and not fartdz actually written in the legislation i'll ask as one other commenter said we see the actual text of the amendments in advance of the next hearing thank you thank you. >> so i realize my colleagues
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reminded me we have a recess coming up another 1 o'clock but those folks (calling names) if you're still here i want to give you an opportunity to speak seeing they're not here i have 27 more speaker cards - oh, you're he you're here come up. >> i thought it was v - >> seeing we don't have a speaker card we're going to go on a thirty minute break as supervisor wiener mentioned 4
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we'll be hearing items 4 and 5 after at 1:30 as a special order and then return back to public comment on item 3 and hear the 27 speaker cards i have . >> good afternoon. welcome to the 70 board of supervisors land use commission we will render end the recess and rechallenge we explicit complete comment on item 3 but i indicated items 4 and 5 we collateral for 1:30 we'll call items four and five
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madam clerk call items 4 and 5 and item 4 is the urge ordinance for the zoning ton on in the south of market plan area. >> actually, i'm sorry just item 4 my apologies so item 4 by itself is before us supervisor kim is the lead author of item 4. >> thank you, supervisor wiener colleagues, we're hearing the ferries item of a accommodated agreement between my office and the mayor's office on a plan to build for affordable housing here in san francisco and also to slow down some of the projects we're seeing in our neighborhoods today is a moratorium prohibiting buildings
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currently identified as distribution and repair in the central selma plan area bounded by marketing over the north and 6th street on the west to rezone the entire area our policy goal to say preserve the pdr spaces and no loss of pdr we know this provides a living wage and jobs to middle-class families in san francisco it is south of market is an important part it was highlighted in the news when an announcement was made on purchasing the flower mart is the seconded largest flower market of 5 in the nation those
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proprieties pdr use and any pdrs use in the selma plan while the city engages in a plan to appropriately rezone this plan including office and residential and as i mentioned before we know that pdr spaces and jobs provide important employment for the working class workers and several weeks ago when the joint powers authority association many mentioned they/family and friends that worked at the flower market and they were worried about it no longer in existence i highlight this issue duo to give folks an understanding of what wear trying to prevent against in addition to the pdrs another reason to introduce
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those controls is to look at land use in the south of market we need land use and the selma plan is a plan to achieve 33 percent of housing as he affordable it will be a huge feat for the city given we no longer have the redevelopment to build for affordable housing but i'm happy the city is committed to making this happy without the tools we historically had and creative in looking at our toolbox so what does this moratorium do the urgency ordinance about prevent the planning department from issuing an approval or authorization to replace the pdr uses by non-pdr use in the south of market area acknowledging the pdr use
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requires a higher rent this legislation will exempt the following areas and promotions from the controls we're introducing one the c-3 zone district, two proposed projects that compromise one hundred percent of the affordable housing as defined and 3 properties containing any of the following pdrs uses gas stations and storage we know that better use of the sites and 4 projects under the administrative native code sections we know that the 5 m project is a major project is currently undergoing negotiations for development and finally projects that have simpleminded an environmental conversion where they're allowed
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on or before 20th of september in the pipeline that this is moving forward while giving notice to promotions that have not submitted viably environmental those plans will be in place for 45 days and renew those into the selma plan actually, it's finally adapted and the process a project 66 third street was approved at the planning commission in order for those interim controls to conform with the projects the planning department ask us for amendments to allow this project to move forward i was happy how this project turned out the property owners alleged to do 50 there is of the steej dedicated to pdr and this is a good compromise given that
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it is george being used inform office but i think that we were able to get to a good conclusion on the project that complements my comments. >> thank you supervisor cohen. >> supervisor kim i'm glad to see you're doing this if you didn't know those districts in district 6 a supervisorial and the zoning changes are restricted in my district i'm happy to be added as a co-sponsor for this legislation and also happy to share not with you in district 10 and i just want to you i forgot to acknowledge supervisor cohen her legislation was moving forward so we picking i didn't backed on
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her provision so thank you for your work and i appreciate you a.d. me as a co-sponsor and co-sponsors supervisor campos supervisor chiu and supervisor mar. >> okay. so the planning department i know the commission heard this so would the planning department like to comment. >> emry rogers as an interim controls did not hear this ordinance by supervisor kim described an amendment that would allow the project to go forward at 660, third street a commission authorization to allocation office space without this amendment this would be adjudicated that's not her intent so section 2 b subsection 6 it says the project approval
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under the planning provision add into this and section 802.9 on or before - as provided above in 2 b-6 no project within the s l a district would be xemd exempted so this only effects one district. >> thank you very much supervisor kim is there anything else before we move to. public comment is closed. on item 4 i have no speaker cards >> please come forward. >> thank you good afternoon, supervisors i'm ass list light the director
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of community planning at todco here to speak in support of the pdr conversions i want to note that for the public that within pdr production distribution and repair this includes the artists activities that's important many the selma neighborhood we're very pleased that the mayor and supervisor kim included this this in their recently compromise i want to thank supervisor kim so far following through with the ordinances we're seeing today the pressures to pdr and selma are 53 very real we see it everyday artists and pdr small businesses are displaced and one of the reasons the leaseds are not renewed because landowner anticipate future landfills and
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lucrative commercial leases and so they don't renew their leases are pdr businesses we don't have the luxury of them to time to wait to see what will had happen with the selma plan and what the long time solution is in district 6 and district 10 and the city as a whole john will talk about what we would like to see in the long term but it's important to note that pdr and office are not exclusive many artists and pdr is small businesses are comparable with the office and in some cases with affordable housing pdr small businesses of today are not as noisy and polluting as the light industrial of the past there's a new way to advance pdr that can -
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>> thank you very much >> next speaker. >> good afternoon john with the took could group we urge you to support and exhaustive that moratorium that supervisor kim has extraordinary it's crucially important to protect what we have today in the businesses today to be evaluated and drafted and hopefully approved by the planning department and the board in the future we want to present our draft from our community plan we've been preparing this from well over a year and talking to many of the businesses and the local community stakeholders it's a starting point we hope for discussion it's a tiered system the flower mart for example, will have to be flu replayed
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where the zoning is less restrictive and for a are replacement of the pdrs new developments or conversion our goal is yes south of market will see substantial growth we want to see in addition to the flower mart la jolla at least one million square feet of floor space continue and we need to assist businesses hopefully to buy their property for a business to be stabilized we want to forward this to you and the planning department for action hopefully, when the selma plan comes back to you in 2015 i'll drop this off with you now. >> thank you very much i have a card for gabriel
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medina. >> thank you. i'm gabriel medina for the agency it's good to see you i want to express our support for supervisor kim's moratorium on the pdr we've seen pdr stanley under threaten it's important for our clients and the development agency because many of of our clients have a high access or high disappears or barriers to a living wage job because of urban efficiency and pdr offers a high wage you see the smith chocolate factory that's been there are for many, many years and we had a lot of our clients employed there but currently not occupied because a lot of
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landmarks in the city are holding land space hoping for hire rents and i'm sure you're aware of some pdr spaces are converted to office pdr generated $2 plus p is secret in office space so weigh seeing a lot of illegal conversions and we need a comprehensive plan to protect pdr in san francisco we're happy about the moratorium to protect our businesses in san francisco. >> thank you very much. next speaker. excuse i'm david silverman working with the local families with the building on 660 third street for several years to obtain their scombiements e entitlements specifically for a
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historic building in a historic district i'll vote in support of the amended language of the ordinance and appreciate the opportunity to speak thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, members of the board peter we fully support the moratorium are the enter controls and thank you supervisor cohen for being a supporter this takes me back 12 years with the internet boom with the lighting industry and the earn neighborhoods obey displaced it took the interim controls time to stabilize the plan for the controls to be put in plasma are effective we're in
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the similar situation south of market in an unstable place but to allow the things to take place public utilities there's no longer an argument over wrote a lighting industry has a place in san francisco committee we had badgering back there they thought pdrs were dead now frankly a greener greater demand we can be looking this in a pro-active way we know this is jobs for folks who need it and folks that will live and work in san francisco those are not commuters but local folks that's the kind of growth we want it's a good time to be lane planning and a good time to invite back lighting into our modern committee. >> thank you very much. is there any additional public
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comment on item 4 seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor kim. >> so colleagues i'd like to introduce the amendment as spoken read into the record by emry rogers as an amendment so i'd like to make a motion to move forward. >> okay supervisor kim has offered an amendment we'll take that without objection. that amendment is adapted. >> and finally would like to make a motion to move this forward with a positive recommendation. >> to the full board with a positive recommendation we'll take that without objection. that will be the order. >> thank you, colleagues. >> madam clerk call item 5. >> item 5 is ordinance amending the planning code for uses of residential places in commercial. >> and supervisor chiu is the author and they've asked the
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committee to continue until october 20th so if no comment colleagues public comment on item 5 or the motion the possible motion to continue it to october 20th is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues a motion to continue tosto october 5th. >> so moved. >> any objection so item 5 is continued until october 20th. >> madam clerk can we recall item 3 is that need to be said again. >> item 4 is an ordinance regulating short-term rental and establishing an application fee. >> we're recalling number 3 we end in the middle of public
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comment and supervisor kim said e you shouldn't speak until our name is called we're going to continue to enforce that rule so everyone is on an equal footing i'm going to call cards 10 at that time, and we'll call the first batch please don't come up unless your name is called (calling names). >> good afternoon, supervisors 5i78 or not i'm a long time resident in the south part of the san francisco i'm opposed to short-term rentals and rh1 neighborhoods homeowners living in the areas
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zip codes for single-family residences has bought their hoenz homes with the clear understanding those homes are for single-family homes and those who now want to turn their houses into airbnb knew that short-term rentals are not allowed and redefining this as residential not use just didn't seem right it's a commercial use and san francisco has a problems are families leaving san francisco commercial listing this will make that worse short term renter don't constituent is neighborhood we have a short-term rental problem as longer register are converted another point that's not been mentioned houses and
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apartments that are successful as airbnb and they might help the residents to earn money but they'll be sold at higher prices as investments that raises the price of housing that's affordable. >> is that two minutes yeah. thank you very much this was the 2 minute expiration thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is carolyn as a homeowner and a single-family i understand the concerns of the speakers that claim the importance of the short-term rental to continue to live in san francisco louver the negative impacts of the short-term rental i think the enforcement is the biggest issue
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in the rh1 and other areas most questions related to apartments and landlord not to the rh1 or rh1 d areas the legislation includes the landlord notification but what about the residential notice that who will address the concerns in those areas a june san francisco chronicle documents the housing the impact on the san francisco housing supply the store notes it favorites tourists over san francisco tenants and residents the oral quotes the results compiled in may 2014 by the harvesting company connote chief
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strategy officer states there are chronicle housing shortage and the around model has a significant impact 2/3rd's of the 5 thousand rentals were for whole houses and with pricing averaging 8 hundred plus dollars a night what is the insensitive to make that affordable legislation contradicts the housing shortage lowers the availability of the housing - >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm marla knight i represent north beach committee we formed in january of this year in response to the ellis act and now for the
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