tv [untitled] October 5, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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number one residential use for commercial spaces on pine street and a commercial constitutional use on austin street the two who levels of parking constitute will contain 84 parking spaces that are dedicated car spaces and bicycle spaces will be provided and two secure rooms with access from identifying street and a total of 8 bicycle parking spaces to date the department has not received option and the sponsor submitted 18 additional levels of support i believe copies were just handed out and in addition the staff want to say acknowledge they forward right a letter on september 17th outside of the draft eir encouraging the
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approval that contains the pine street proposal this letter was included in part of the packet the lower polk neighborhood confirms the support question before i includes conditional use authorization for the development of new buildings over 50 needed in height and an acceptance of ground floor requirement as well as a parking reduction on van ness project requires a rear endorse variance from the street frontage for the deems and active use and the blow space from the zoning administrator the department has reviewed the expectations being sought and buildings the request to be warned the project will allow the mixed use under a current
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underutilized site foreman it has been sculpted at the ground floor and been reconciled between the two zoning district and the bulk and height rirmsdz it is okay. and will include the housing stock concluding the permanently affordable onsite and with the polk street corridor as such the city finds the proposal it be acceptable and lastly the commission worries about to approve the project the adaptation of the sequa finding included as part of our report first prior to the action on the conditional use authorization thank you. >> thank you project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioners
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my name is kim diamond an opportunity to speak today as always we're happy to be here and appreciate the hard work for the mixed use development at 1545 pine street i'd like to spend a few minutes describing our outreach to the public and i'm going to turn it over to bernard 0 with the architect to subscribe our designs. for the past 3 years we've been working with the local residents and merchant in the area with a clear goal of booufg and strengthening the community early on their desires our proposed in particular lp m ask to pay attention to the alley to hey of help improve the safety
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the thoughtful design on and on of retail space on you austin the project will tremendous improve the site as questioned we've presented our project numerous times and have received unanimously support as a matter of the steering committee we're part of the successful lower polk it will provide a number of services to help improve the quality of life and creating a safe and secure community in an effort to support n this true mark will donate long term ground floor space at the proposed project at the cb d headquarters it will provide a space for police artists to decide place and sell their artwork and provide now gallery
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space for the alley in addition to our involvement that lp in we've been walking the streets and talking to our merchants and neighbors to lemon them know and have had numerous one-on-one meetings resulting in overwhelming support including 37 letters of support and 80 signatures in support our proposed plan to provide one hundred and 3 new for sale homes including 12 inclusionary units on site and provides construction jobs over a 9 months period of time and to one of the participants in the program ems this is a partnership with the unit playgrounds to help what the education and employment opportunities in the construction industry we've been
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telegraph hill involved with a community and with the services true mark staff has attended ceremonies and have been involved with their friends at the larkin group that raise fundraising to provide a safe heaven for at risks i want to say that's been a great pleasure to work with after all you and we look forward to more partnership with the staff i'd like to introduce bernard who will present. >> good afternoon in stein this project we had the challenge that the site is
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straddling two different zoning territories in one case the building is lower and has certain density and the other portion of the project the building is allowed to be taller so the density is over the two zones this fact of the site led to a profiling in the building that created a lower and higher building and that gives an opportunity to actually a candidate a massing of components that case can't take down from the sky and slowly went symbol a smaller scale of the volumes as they reached the street it is a composition of two buildings
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coming together as one i mentioned that the descent to the ground because what is unique about what we're providing here in this design is that the ground floor is trying to set some positive preens for the neighborhood as a whole there's a series of valleys that have an opportunity to be more active instead of a rear surface street even though the street has a primary fronl front we've given equal importance to the backside and decided to have two footages it is this is defines this project along the street there's a lower portion of the building which then there's other one point
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recesses retreats but on the alley side i call an alley and hopefully soon will be a street we actually set back further in order to widen a sense of the space along the street it's our hope that there is a cat lyric for changes of use along that new street we're proposing you can see in the imagines what we're doing with the ground floor of the building on arrival and i think there are other imagines that show you proposed community space on the new street that we are attempting to create frontage
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there are a series the existing buildings being replaced with a new series of gateways into what is new retail that will happen along the footage but following the scale of the components that existed open the sites you'll see the garage building on the right side side and within that happens on the ground floor that designs the same scale at the because of the building we've worked with staff to deal with some of the issues of set backs and massing of the building also notice there is sunset building that relates to the height that allows for light and air to the neighbors as a
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gesture noted required we decided to do that and discussed it and cooperated that with the neighbors here's a view of what will be the alley and the proposed community space that you've heard being explained earlier in this presentation where you see what's called the art spot we've got that happening along the ground floor of the secondary frontage this is what makes it different and special and i think from the urban design point of view hopefully it is a contribution that the people see benefit and will also reciprocate this there are 4 alleys of this kind in this
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neighborhood that could be safer and friendlyer places if this happens along the side of those proposals as well you see here what happens today and hoping to create in the location the same exact location thank you very much thank you. >> thank you we'll open this up for public comment if i call our name, please line up on the screen side of the room public comment is two minutes (calling names). >> my name is andrew chandler i'm the chairman the department
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at the college true mark urban gave us an inaccurate overview it was not normal interaction it was very involved and very cooperative it was exemplar from my point of view there are a couple of things to note about the project number one no resident was displaced this is something we've encouraged in the development of the neighborhood and two the bmr units are on site and in part of their full engagement of the neighborhood they were fully engaged as well as lp n was assisting the formation of the lower polk benefits district it was not peripheral involvements that was indirect it was
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impactful and tricked to the formations of that district probably the most significant component of the project which we're very, very supportive of and excited about is how they dealt with the basic urban fabric element of our neighborhood the alley and the fact you've heard the architect speak to that the fact they've taken the risk and listened to us we're committed to changing the nature of the additionally this is the first project of the neighborhood that has taken this on as a challenge we're obviously just designing something we'll follow-up and work with the city as the city looked at redesigning what we bring to the city. >> thank you.
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>> thank you very much. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm a long term resident that lives nearby the proposed development i'm a supporter of the cvs i'm personally excited about what true mark is doing with a amending and look forward to the artworks they'll be helping to sponsor and i encourage you to support this project. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm allen allison park the director of operations for the market on polk opening in the spring of next year polk and clay as a member of the business member of neighborhood i appreciate how true mark has reached out about the development and housing in san francisco is much need but must
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work for the community and true mark with their design has achieved that i strongly urge you to vote 2, 3, 4 approval of this project. >> thank you. >> commissioners i got a lot respect for you guys and having a job and being patient i'm all shock up i know that i've been standing here i'm rudy corpus born and raised in san francisco i'm the ed of the obama's preservation program that helps kids i'm here to support true mark they've been a great asset to our community they've build real relationships and help us out in ways they
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continue to support over a come up of years and been consistent and very strong in helping us out i think or want to say the project i support it and i appreciate what they're doing for the community and kids in the program so thank you for letting me make comments and keep up the good patient work. >> thank you. i'm call more names (calling names). >> good afternoon commissioners i'm joel with the electrical workers local 6 to voice our members strong support of the project if it were up to us true mark will be next year's housing hero awards winner they've helped to
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link u.s.s. u up with the united friendship program their complimented to using the low and behold workforce and people are getting paid really well, we're investing in our community the two sites are vacant so i couldn't think a of a better uncle we're strongly in support of the project on pine thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners danny with the sheet metal workers thank god i didn't have to go after rudy we're here as well to support the proje it's a fine project as a is project
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sponsor said there's additions to the housing stock including 12 below market rate in this city is facing an, an affordable housing countries and but most importantly the development is going to insure the creation of local and direct and indirect construction jobs, jobs that pay good middle-class wages so people can afford and stay i - and live in the city sheet metal workers we're here in support thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm r j local 38 pipe builders an
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opportunity on behalf of my brothers and sisters i'll strongly surprise my support on pine street we truly appreciate the outreach true mark has done their we're excited to see the direct and indirect construction jobs true mark you do consider a friend they're a good family orbited biz business and have reached out everything we've asked they've done they get it we get to know them individually and like them i've stood here a few times and thank you to true mark they get it i'm happy to see the developments in the city we support this on pine street and urge you to support the in order to create local jobs thank
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you very much. >> thank you >> good afternoon mime rob with the san francisco's housing coalition i'm speaking on behalf of the one hundred and 40 members an opportunity true mark presented their proposal on pine street to our committee and we were in unanimous support this is making active use in iowa is an underutilized site we love the bmr's on site the 12 permanently affordable housing and we like the bike parks and car parks onsite and making improvements to austin alley that will attract not only the folks from the community they've
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taken the feedback and you have a great project in front of you hope you approve it await delay thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners my name is adrian with the carpenters local 22 it's nice to be back up here just to let you know the carpets 22 supports this project as well as other try mark because they have support local 22 they make a commitments on all their projects and what that means to us and what it means to the city of is young folks learning a trade getting an apprehending and continuing their work and education because it's an education an apprenticeship is an education a pathway to a career that is they could end up
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sitting up there where you're at we appreciate that and hope you'll support this project like carpets 22 does. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> yes. good afternoon commissioners i'm david grass the profit of doom in this case, i was not supportive i'm seeing tim redman the other day did an article of the over development of san francisco and the massive amount of vacancies it is he pointed out there are probably 40 percent of those new high-rise subway they're being bought as second and third and fourth homes as belittle mars and have airbnb is seeing to that the
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development is not occupied by local residents by instead being used as airbnb sites so where it's a a bait-and-switch we're being told that residents and affordable housing would be developed but the reality is no one is living in those places we're over developing san francisco so where i don't have a specific animus towards the developers in this case i'm definitely opposed until we get this roefldz about airbnb and multiple condos sitting empty and 40 percent of those high-rise are empty we're going to have a boom in this thank you. >> is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed
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commissioner richards and i metabolites developer and was impressed with the standards of the community and really strong i believe will positively impact so i think they engage the unions we've heard the awesome footage i could see this is a positive change and the community space you'll be giving the cv did you will say an improvement i like the sent you didn't have to do that on the east but i think it's a great design nobody lives at that site and one hundred and 2 units
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whether their occupied i allocated accident preservation hifks preservation they've presented president hasz and keeping the facade is pretty much demolishing the resource works for the design so i support the demolition. >> commissioner moore. >> markedly your honor, i agree with that i'm happy to see that building we've seen frequently talked about and challenged because the alley guidelines as they're being next to go it didn't at this moment we've frequently talked among our selves the alley is becoming our next generation of streets that's where we stand rather
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than having fast corridors like pine carry the traffic by the energy will be in the alley it takes 5 parcels and it is failed the building in a manner that is significantly sensitive and meets the clear definition in how it talks about the zoning district without asking for more i appreciate that it makes the building interesting staff the historic preservation they're talking about the building it was actually a temporary building and while it is aphasia a scale remedy innocent of the scale it is a place that was historical i believe the simulation of the scale as the building as the
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architect is doing it is remnant of the building the forms so i believe that we have a enough of the recall in vertical and i'm in support of the proximately and going to be a great neighbor to those in the corridor. >> commissioner antonini and i also really support this project and really to the one speaker who spoke against it there is a shortage of condominiums that's why the appraising prices are high we need more construction in condominiums this is going going in the right direction it is having available on site and the garage off the alley not on pine which is appropriate and no
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one is being displaced the fact there was an interesting article in today's examiner a young woman basically, had been displaced from voluntarily from san francisco because she couldn't afford to buy anything here she formed an organization her grips the city has not built enough housing over the last thirty years and it didn't make sense not to build on vacant lots and talks about common sense where a younger woman tailbones i want to hear more about the project i like what we are doing on austin making the alley and pitting latin-american on pine and worked well with the heights their allowed i cigarette butt from the
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adjacent building and lots of support they've also had less parking than they could have and seek a variance but that is fine and other exemptions as well the endorse is a technicality look at the 20 to 25 open space and we've heard about the community benefits so i think this is one of many projects we're seeing that is extremely well done and very glad to see this i will move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much definitely also supportive of the project just a note it's been brought up by the commissioners for their policy issue i think the city needs for housing and then whether or not who lives
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