tv [untitled] October 6, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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>> i was going to go, briefly through the quick presentation, 7 slides that we gave to the board of supervisors and i know that it is late, but i could do that. >> and we are not attempting to respond to all of the recommendations just like the jurors did not present all of their recommendations tonight. alana it was good to hear that you spent the time thinking about the title and we appreciated it when we saw it. and clearly, a lot of thought went into it. you know, one of the things that we tried to emphasize at the board of supervisors is a big emphasis to the report is on development and public process around the development and much of the board's activities does not have anything to do with development. it has to do with man taining the maritime lines and being in the operating department of the city. and feel that is something that we need to emphasize when we
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are out in public and commissioner adams here is your stock portfolio and this is a break down of the port's land uses by type, and you will see that over 40 percent is either in current maritime use or plans for the maritime use or 25 percent is planned for parks, and you know, about 25 percent of the port is leased up on a fairly long term basis. and we are still refining these numbers but they add up to ten percent of the port's portfolio and this is an analysis that we conducted after commissioner woo ho asked us to look, how much is left to look to develop at the port and there is not that much, and it is on operating the port and improving our portfolio. and there was the comment about public input and we take that
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to heart. and and it sets fourth the process planning and the development planning that leads to you know, over 400 meetings, and in the pier 48 there was strong community involvement and developing that plan, and the ideas in that plan came from the community. >> it is really the city's water front and we have to have that from all of the districts in the city and i want to clarify what the port issued with the water front plan,
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review. it is a look back to see what has been accomplished since the land use plan was adopted and taking about the projects that were built and some that were not, and what are the lessons that we drew from that, and what are the preliminary recommendations and on this document, and then, we will want to engage, with our subareas, or in different areas along the water front and with, the other departments, and city wide, and a discussion about how to update the water front
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plan. and so, i just want to make clear, and i am sorry, if we didn't communicate that well enough. and in the pier lot, and the south pier and had the development and there is controversy in both areas and at the commission's direction, the subarea planning effort and in those areas and coupled, and how the port is responding to the sea levels. >> and so, there were a number of other recommendations that i am not going to go into each of them, but i do list them here. and if the commission has any question about the staff response to any one of these, we will be happy to answer, and but mostly we want wanted to appreciate the work of the civil grand jury and all of the
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time and effort put in to understanding the port and we took the recommendations in the spirit that they were offered. >> okay. >> i have i am not sure if he is still here, john, i can't read it... >> temple ton. >> good afternoon, i have provided a written response that i will divert with that from the time that i have to actually touch on a number of things that have come up today, and as you probably recall, i did the freedom trail and i did the statement and asked them for the history throughout the city, and also host, the black maritime. and and the major point that i noted is when i had a chance in
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the civil grand jury report, and i was actually looking for the address for the pier one, and just that. and 50 years ago, the port was and perhaps, more than any other department of the city, and the port has been the economic engine of the black community and it has been just a peeling back of that, and those opportunities to just come along the water front, and over the last 50 years, and as well, i was looking ad hard of the blue green, and they are going to finish the process and rat us out of the history of
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the water front, and so, so, as, and rather than looking piece meal at things like the bay view gateway, and the artwork that appeared on the... and where did that come from. and there needs to be a plan, for the role historically, economically, and environmentally of acting in that community, and the port. and it needs to be comprehensive as the water front plan, because to give an example. and we (inaudible) who had had a shoe shine stand in the building, in 1915, and he started the naacp and this is, and so if he was not in the third building, operating the business, and they did not have that history, and going on. and we can talk about just the
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wu, and the project, and the (inaudible) just a whole number of people who should be recognized for anybody who comes to san francisco and who wants to really. and so it was beginning to implement the african american freedom trail site and there are dozens of sites and we hope that you will be engaged in that process to make sure >> thank you, any other public comment? >> seeing none... public comment is closed. >> i will start with the commissioner woo ho and lee. >> well, i appreciate both the report from the civil grand
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jury members today and i think that it puts it in good context and i think that there are things things that we will be taking in very cracing, and in a more con secretary youal way in the specific responses that the port has made and i think that it is something that we need to sort of figure out in between, and i think that it is communication and that needs to work and i think that there is hopefully a better understanding and not just for today's commission meeting of the topics that we do in balance what we are trying to accomplish, which i think that you all tried to point out to us as well and so i appreciate the fact that you have come and the comments that you made. and i believe that we as a commission works toward trying to address both the interest of groups and the stake holders, and so that are in the city, and that you would have pointed out the difficult position that we are in, in terms of what we are trying to do, as far as also, maintaining the viability of the water front. and i think that some of the
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comments as far as the other agencies, i believe that we have made progress, and in that regard, and i can say that the mta has come to us several times this year, to talk about how we can improve the traffic patents on the embarcadero and we had the planning department come and talk to us about how we need to integrate more in terms of their effort and we do talk to them. and i think that not all of that is evidenced in the current version of the water front land use plan and we can reference it but i think that there is more than ad hoc work going on between the port and the rest of the city. and i think that we at the commission are encouraging more integration. and as we talk in particular about the sea level rise that is not going to happen unless there is a fully integrated way of working this across the city and it will not succeed and we have already started that process and not only in the city family but with the cdc
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and we welcome more input and it is something that has to take and integrated and if i take your comments to say that we have to work in a fashion and i don't think that we will disagree with you and i think that is the correction that the commissioner have given the staff in that regard and so i am not going to address all of the comments that you made but that one hit home with me and i like to make that comment, and i think that i in particular have had more sessions with the staff on the water front plan and they know my input, and i am not going to go through it publicly here, and they know that there is a lot of work and i do appreciate that brad mentioned because i don't think that it was clear that we saw the first rendition of the plan last month that this was more to start the process, and it was not and because it was a review of what happened or what has been accomplished and that we really have more work to do in terms of out reach and the plan itself and integrating a lot of other areas and not just working across the city but in terms of the water front
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itself, but i don't know how that is going to take us to get there. and but, i think that we are just at the beginning of that and i view that document, as extremely important as a strategic blueprint and we can't do that for 20 years, it is too much to anticipate what changes could happen in the city of san francisco. but i think that one of the things that have said in the last meeting i have said as well. we are not just about reuniting san francisco with the water front, any more, this is an asset for the entire city, the city cares about the water front and we have a lot of challenges that will not be solved by is tfl and the agency has to work across the city, and the sea level rise is a good example and, even in the day-to-day operations we have to work across the city. and rest assured that we are working towards that purpose. and part of what we need to give and communicate better. >> and document more on what we are doing not just in the commission meetings and here is
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the plan to go forward to demonstrate that. >> and i am going to have to ex-excuse meself at this point. >> thank you. >> commissioner murphy? >> yeah, i want to thank you both for your time. and effort. and to end the report, and now we talked all of the time about our city family. and the family seems to get bigger all of the time. but, the bigger it gets, the less they communicate. and i would like to see for one would like to see more communication between the different departments and the city. sure, i would like to see it give more notice to you know, when the start one department and leave it open for a month and another department comes in and they dig up another and leave that open for six months.
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>> they passed alaw about that. >> so, i don't think that any of these departments are perfect, i wish that we do need a watch dog such as the grand jury to sort of keep an eye on things and i don't think that the port is any different. and over all, i see the staff has been coming from looking down rather than what you said about looking up. i think most of the staff are probably 100 percent of staft that do the best job position and i think that we are going to talk a little bit about that earlier and the time that it
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takes projects on the boardroom and the water front to develop and it is because that and no communication and just that and certainly, you know, as you pointed out, and the out reach and..., and we certainly can improve in that area. and but, i haven't, read the report and so that is all that i got on that for now. >> thank you very much. for your time and effort. and we really appreciate the comments and the constructive criticism. and i know that we have done a lot of great things but we still have a long way to go. >> and i just i don't know if you can answer this or not. how do you choose the subjects of your report? >> come to the mic. >> i will give you a general answer. but, we take about the first
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two months or so, and the way that this jury did it was basically say that if you look at the city budget, there are about six or 7 huge chunks in health and safety, and you know, various departments and that kind of stuff, and so, we simply said, you know, you guys identify which ones you want to look at within those five or six chunks. and then, we gave everybody four weeks to come back with specific ideas. and then, each committee presented those ideas to the full jury, and then we went through an exercise of widling down the ones that we thought could come to a report that would be useful that could actually maybe result in some kind of change and we had one, and we had some that were going to come together, and going to be a single report that broke
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apart, and we had others that we thought that we were going to have a report and we thought that would be exciting, and it died in about february and, so it is about, and it is a process all the way through. and that was, and that is the general outline. >> thank you. >> well, thank you for selecting the port and like i said, we really do appreciate the communities. and i, do, think that we can do a better job in out reach, and communication, and again, i want to thank commissioner adams for taking that first step in getting the commission out in the community. but i do think that we should be able to increase our out reach and especially our mailing lists from 1500 to, you know, i think that is the first place that we can increase our out reach efforts.
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and i love the suggestion of doing bcdc for the state funds and that will be wonderful and you should put that on yours. >> and thank you, again, i appreciate the time and effort. >> i also want to thank you, and i don't agree with everything, in the report, but, there is some things that i do agree with. but i will say that the two years that i have been on this commission, and i could just speak to myself. and i have seen a lot of transparency. and i have not seen it where, the public was shut down, or left out of the process. and i have seen the people show up and they have an opportunity to talk, and the commissioners are here and we are available, and a lot of times, i don't think that you guys ever see us, and we have meetings with people in the community and they call us up, want to have coffee and talk to us and that, you probably never put in your report because those are the things that we do, and you made the mention of us being a top down, i don't think so, i think
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that we are bottom up, commission and you can approach any of these commissioners and nobody tell us what to do and as you can see from the five of us up here we are all independent thinksers and we are think our own way and we have our own experience and we are knocking around and we talk. >> and if you really think of a lot of the types that the commission has been through, it happened to the commissioner and it is not easy. because we have had to take up tough issues and make the tough decisions you know? and a lot of times people don't walk in these shoes, and it is easy to criticize, you are part of the grand jury, sometimes you don't have the insider view of what it is like to be you have up here and we are trying to do the best that we can for every citizen in this city and one thing for the grand jury report that we needed to have this meeting here, is because the commissioners that we talked about it, and with the
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direct, and moyer and the staff, and we go, and we want the public to trust us. and we are not more transparency and we are going to go out into the community and i basically got the idea to the police commission. this is what we have been trying to do. and so, i understand you know, a lot of your recommendation and stuff like that, but if you know what we are up against, and we are trying to change make that change around the corner, because of some of the things ha happen, for that should be in a lot of things, and even if the report, and we are trying to make it just as transparent and we are trying to move forward and we are trying to create a community so that everyone citizen can live in and whether it is in the climate change and we talked about the sea level rising and we even get the facts of the
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affordable house and this is a commission that understands this and so i want you to understand, what we are up against and what we are trying to do, but i can tell you, not one of us is running for public office or going to the city hall or sacramento or dc, we are here for the citizens of the city. we are the caretakers of the port and we have been asked to do the job and we have been asked to make the tough decisions and we do it basically for nothing and, we get nothing out of it other than to give back to our community. and so, we will take the heat and we will take the criticism but we make no apologies and we will keep and try to continue to do better but we are totally
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committed and so to moyer and the staff and they work tirelessly to make this a better port commission. you have had the commissioners talk and they just rubber stamp and we have the division of opinion and we agree to disagree and we agree that is hel ygt and we think that the citizens coming out and engaging because we want to be better and we challenge the sit ens and i challenge you to come to the port commission and help us to make the port better because we have a vision, and we are trying to implement and we need everybody's help. and so, i do want to understand and i appreciate you donating the time. but i would just say for me, i make no apologis for this commission, and what we have been trying to do because i know one thing, what we have been doing is right. thank you. >> president katz? >> i am sorry. i am not quite sure if this is the right time to bring it up,
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but i did want to address mr. temp lpone comments, and i was not clear on what you were asking of us. but i would like to know how we could incorporates in the african american things that were croerpted and how we can incorporate that. >> the staff has left but i know that renee is involved in working on the signage and there may be opportunities to integrate that and i will urge the staff to speak with him further on that point. >> and i always feel like it is, it is helpful to have any
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suggestions, that, bringing together, you know, reviews, and criticisms, and suggestions, and kuto. s and i think that all of that is obtained in the report and i do appreciate, the information that was provided in the work with the grand jury did and i think that it is noted in our response in the port, agreed with many of the comments, and some of the things by the time that i think that it was, you know by the time that your report came out, perhaps some of them have been implemented and some of them might have been moot. but, i think that there the sense that i got after reading the report, and then, the report response to it, was that there was a lot of agreement on many areas and i think that we can always look to how we can do things better and it is nice to have an outside view. to offer up those suggestions. but, i think you know, if i tried to outward response and a mix of agreement, and corrections and you know, i
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think that as you said, bottom up review, and it is not always the best way to get all of the information, and certainly, and in the limited time, it was available, and the number of interviews that might not have been possible and that is all of the information and i think that our staff worked to correct some of it, and i would say that it was more than just the misconceptions perhaps and that it is things were going on and i tell, and i am very pleased about the opportunity to read the report and see where we can, and look at improvements and see the perceptions that may be out there, that, as commissioner adams was articulating and it might not always be understood, but mostly, i just appreciate the time and the effort that went in and also from our staff. as i know that many of them, have spent a lot of time reviewing the report and taking a look at where there are areas of suggestions that can be incorporated and i think that that is one of the things that
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we encourage it is public to do in one of the meetings over and over that we want to hear from the public on how we can do things bet and her what needs to be done. just, a couple of specifics that commissioner woo ho did mention it, but we do have the other departments and the departments appear regularly and just in the last meeting, i urge you to go and look at it, and we had the john from planning speak and, then we had a very extensive presentation on the sea level rise from john, and travis and so we are very much on the same page there. and throughout this past year, and we have had the various presentations from mta, and one of the things that we learned, as we put on the america's cup was how to incorporate and work with the other department and vice versa as we move the people along the embarcadero and i also appreciate the acknowledgment of how the
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(inaudible) has been done and that is one of the things that was done from the report that was referred to and i do it more as a status update and that is how that needs to be looked at and it is not, a final water front plan in any sense, but it is really an update, of the status of where we are and enables us to figure out where we want to go and we have been grappling with the and we have been successful of think of connecting san francisco with the water front and one of the goals of the original plan and i think that we have succeeded very well and that is why i think that there is so much excitement and interest in the port in the water front and so i view that as the big success, and not just with the specific that i thinks have happened along the way but the things the people have started to rediscovering our water front and come here more so. but i appreciate the acknowledgment of all that has been created throughout that time. and i just i am not sure if at this port staff, but i think
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that brad was mentioning too, that we will be figuring out to go forward and looking for suggestions and comments as to where we are going next and that will be taking steps towards that and so i don't know whether i know that you have taken a vow of confidentiality, but whether you can serve as the resources and participate in other efforts going forward and i think that given the amount of time and focus on the port it is always wonderful to have added resources weighing in on our actions. and again, i think transparency and citizen involvement is critical and we are all looking for ways that we can expand that and sometimes little hard in our limited opportunities with the commission and on some levels we are very constrained by brown act rules and other things go as commissioner adams pointsed out we often have to have one ops meeting with
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people unless it is a formally called meeting, which is actually what occurs with our citizen advisory committee meetings. and it has occurred, so often, and are open to the public. but i think figuring out ways that we can expand our out reach and is significant in that will definitely be happening and also, you know, in terms of how we increase our out reach and we have more in the social media and the technology here and i know that renee martin who is the director of communications has been looking at efforts and at least, in the big and on how to engage others in the community, and how to use the social media for more out reach and to expand that list of people that we reach out to make sure that it goes city wide and we have come up with the ways and i know that she will be presenting this to us soon i am sure as to how we increase our
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out reach and get people engaged and it is how we have been focused on. and we are on the same page, and loving our water front and looking at how much that we have done and figuring out the best ways to move forward and so i want to thank you for your report and the time to make the suggestions and also, for all of our staff for looking at those, and figuring out any misconceptions that have been out there but also acknowledging things that we have been working on that are completely in sync with the suggestions that are contained in the report. thank you. >> >> item 9, new business. >> thank you. pardon me. thank you, commissioners, and the public in the staff for a very good meeting. we have only one item of new business and a couple of other follow up items that probably don't rise to
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