tv [untitled] October 7, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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fear the party welcoming home whether leonard i have said it it shall be so i'll finished finish with the lawyers and much the l.v.n.s have a thievery process urinating on the u.s. constitution and veterans and law enforcement have no need for mrigsdz i've said it (inaudible). >> thank you very much thank you and blessings for all those who licenses. >> sfgovtv please. i wish to address the use of toxic chemicals in san francisco public parks and athletic with the artifical turf has that
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board p is aware it's over 2 hundred chemicals the statistic is known to be caused cancer but the board may not be aware to date the city of san francisco has introduced 11 million pounds to children's playing environments you currently this is jaktd in the spoishlt of california a group of voter incentives for will halt the use of s b r until it's processed astonishing members of this board respond the poison pill signed by supervisor chiu and supervisor mar will trumpeted and kill the citizen initiative. >> excuse me. sir, you're not
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allowed to use the speaker time to not speak on ballots and i'm speaking on s b r i don't think that's a campaign issue most disturbly the officials do nothing while the action are being xblthd it's well within the beyond the scope of allowable comments it is something i'd like to see representatives take more serious seriously chronicle said it's a poison pill it's designed only to wipeout the citizen inch we all know that we're letting this
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happen thank you very much. next speaker. . >> if john decame and alex jones are the most righteous man on the architecture if they don't believe in jesus they'll not be going to heaven he had prophecies written but b about them but jesus said every book give the prophesies matthew 16 who do men say that i am i said who say you peter said your
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anothers meshing the man of the living god and blessed you my father revealed this to you i say on the you, your peter scombrooeft was the safer but it's prevention he game the key to the kingdom and there jesus showed had you he must go to jerome and be killed and raised the same day and peter said this is no lord this is not going to happen to you and jesus turned to pete and said get behind me satan you say the things that are not have god it is necessary
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that jesus christ should die on the cross to save siners jesus said when i'm lifted up on the cross i'm i but my father taught me to speak those things. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm katie live in san francisco i appreciate our staying i appreciate that even more if you listen i'm here because my friend roberto and i were the only members of the public to show up at the department of arterial in sacramento a last week concerning their pesticides san francisco has a eruption for
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loving birds i was going to play something bird singing but somehow my tape recorded door-to-door in this building those big ravens with the ones to survive the herbicides should have or showered an u.s. crops spradz that only pollute we're told use phenomenal amazes of water in their application water which california can't spare and pesticides and herbicides doesn't work in the meantime, they kill birds butterflies that's not two minutes. >> you have 27 seconds left
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down to the transmiters the cd s a is seeking to capitalized it's pesticides operation we find in sacramento the cd i appreciates comments from the public i'm only here i thought i don't know the issue you can write to them the p d i r dot - >> thank you very much >> next speaker. >> good evening superintendent i wanted to express my thanks to san francisco and the burden unit of the san francisco
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hospital fair their amazing care for burning victims such as use myself relevance they have good intentions from you i won't - i would like to suggest that all san francisco hospital have access to the tree claefk ecclesiastic arts show case 32 and the music for victims to teach the two different side of the burn to communicate once again, thank you and my caregiver hopes you'll soon release the help necessary of this traffic engineers for
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street i'm resident number 2 are here to report egregious horrifying harassment and intimation 0 through there through mile-an-hour yadz and mile-an-hour yoodz of what you this is the first step for doing this nor many, many blind people that are terrified to report for fear of retaliation the most egregious has been drilling holes in the seeping and pumping gases into our sro's this is how i have to live in my apartment day and night 7 days a week and any companion animal i can't
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put this on her, please do something we're step forward our actions please do something i know you can and thank you supervisor campos for your quotations in the recently edition of the san francisco examiner you are a friend indeed thank you thank you >> next speaker >> i'm resident number 2. >> come close to the mike please. all right. speak right into it. >> there you go i'm resident number 2. >> and louder. >> we have a serious problem i'm not in the stage e same building but virtually impaired person and would go in san francisco over 20 years
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and unfortunately, the conditions have gone from bad to worse recently within the last 6 months or so but it's been happening for a couple of years in my building as well as hers we've having similar protons why that is opens up to a lot of questions and investigation i pray that you'll take us seriously and help us investigate that if all possible i intend to go to other authenticities i hope that the new yorkus gases and fumes that have been bothering her and me in different buildings and different times like e they are and what is people doing with e
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they are and i mean all kinds of au naturel gas. >> one speaker at a time please. those are things we've been enduring a problem and other residents in the building we don't know thank you for your time. >> thank you is there any public comment? that wish to speak in general public comment overhead projector please sfgovtv. >> yes. it is thank you. >> tom two townsend personality how many ellis act evictions
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started with a sale what we have here i'm introducing the sharing formula and the formula 45 years for every 5 yrlg years living inform europe you could 3 percent of sale price you've gts got 4 unit they get $30,000 a so you would a lot of money 6 years 60 thousand and 15 resident gets e gets $2,013,000 a 20 years gets more it is a total of 3 hundred and thirty/$44,000 the owner gets $670,000 increase a stay sale the city is doing is putting the taxes away but instead of one person getting
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the entire pie we get 5 people to get a share of the pie now i said how the owner could be a little bit upset so let's change the price and make it one hundred and 20 thousand are we on guarantee again, we're blacked out oh. >> sfgovtv. >> sorry about that we raised it to one hundred and 20 thousand what happened is everybody gets a little bit nor 72 thousand 8 thousand with that amount of money you can stay in the city again, they share three or four people share 3 hundred and 96 thousand and the owner get 6 how do tell you telling you thousands plus the speculators are buying the building -
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>> thank you very much yes you are and time going or goes by to quickly. >> thank you very much are there any members of the public who wish to speak. >> hello, i'm lair edmond my name is juicy i wanted to thank the people fighting in front of city hall fooifkt for housing i think it was ground water great that people need god housing in the city and today we've seen the fighting for people to use the housing to rent out they don't want to come to our great hotels in the city we live at the sro he hotels i could be resident number 3 a lot of things going between eddy and
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turk street and you get a lot of the chemicals and stiff is flying in also, we have a clean on market street things going on inside we're going to s have a lot of department of transportation on weeks and week people are coming down saying people are attacked and staying in the sro's nothing is being done i had a thing that martin luther king said a thick black tried to hit me in my face the day b that ms. williams one the opening i'm trying to found out the gentleman with domestic violence we see the women are buzzed lgbt people a lot like a
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man that got killed near that the sofa way a lot of the men and women that are attacking us be lgbt people you don't hit women back but make sure that san francisco as we have 27 states with medical marijuana we want to make sure that san francisco is taking care of all thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon actually good evening supervisors it's been a long meeting but an educational and productivity i'm jackie brison once again to speak on the need to update administrative native code section 12 l dealing with public
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information and access to nonprofit board of directors meetings i am very happy to report i did although i didn't get in until the end of september a quarterly report january to march of 2014 and that, yes it did pay to file a complaint with the whistle blowers program i have a summary of sustained complaint and so improper activities by city contractors is the category and the complaint nonprofit organization failed to comply with the san francisco administrative native code to novice the thirty days and the resolution is that the department conducted an investigation and sustained the allegation i want to encourage
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someone to step forward to the 5 recommendations i've made i'm going to put it in writing in a corresponds so you'll have the number of copies through the city clerk's office because this is it really important there's a lot of public money but if not free money we're giving away there are terms and conditions known as contracts when their breached they need to be punishment for it and otherwise what's the accident point of having this administrative native code without enforcement. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment in general public comment excuse me. ma'am, you've spoken; is that correct. >> thank you very much thank you very much ma'am, we have - ma'am, we have rules for a reason thank you
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very much thank you very much madam clerk call items 20 and 81 the board of directors kneecap on october 7th for the purpose of receiving advise from the city attorney recommending to item 21 for the potential after a joint authority to assist homeowners with troubltd mortgage and supervisor avalos. >> thank you, president chiu i want to thank supervisor farrell for calling for a closed sessions i think we're still getting the material and going through the material that will be discussed we need more time before we actually go into it i so want to motion this item to be heard the next board meeting
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that will allow 80 us to leave early and perhaps go to a bar downtown wet our whistles and watch the ball game. >> thank you good giants a continuance october 21st to be continued any public comment on this item whether we should here it today okay seeing none, public comment is closed and with that, on the motion to continuance clearing we'll take that without objection. that's the case and madam clerk the adaptation calendar. >> item 22 and 23 were referred for adaptation with that reference to committee. >> colleagues, can we take those items same house, same call? the last why not take a roll call vote. >> on items towing and
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supervisor campos supervisor chiu supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor yee supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 i's those resolutions are adopted thank you nona melkonian and jennifer lowe for bringing this meeting to the homes of san franciscans madam clerk read the end mom rums and is there any more business that concludes our business for this evening. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're adjourned
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>> good moerpg, everyone, the meeting will come to order and, this is october 7th, 2014, plans and programs committee of the san francisco county, transportation, authority. and our clerk is miss erika cheng, could you call the roll? >> okay. commissioner breed? >> here. >> commissioner campos? >> absent. >> mar? >> here. >> mar present. >> commissioner kim? >> kim absent. >> commissioner yee. >> present. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you, i would like to thank, first of all jonathan goblock and jonathan larson for tell vicing us, call item two, approval of the minutes for the september 16, 2014 meeting this is an action item. >> is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed.
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>> breed, aye. >> campos, absent. >> kim, absent. >> mar. >> aye. >> yee >> aye. >> passes. >> thank you. >> and item 3? >> citizen's advisory committee report, information item. >> good morning, here at 9:30 and i am not sure that he is able to come back, and i am sure that he wanted to pass on the three items that they approved the motion of support for all of them and there were some questions asked about the items that it said that the item five, and that can be addressed during the item if you like. >> thank you. >> so, let's open this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed. >> call the next item, miss
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cheng. >> election of one member to the gein the meantime eva harney bus rapid transit community advisory committee. >> the feasible study committee advisory committee composed of 13 seats,. and we are seeking a recommendation to appoint a seat for exelcieo the seat which was vacated the previous person occupying the seat indicated the work responsibilities and time commitments. and in your attachment number one you will find the complete list of members of the community advisory committee in gray are highlighted and the white are the two candidates
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presented. and thank you, and i have a note here, that supervisor avalos and others perhaps have urged to continue this item is that your understanding? >> good morning, executive direct e because we are not there and the avalos's office is working on it, another option is to forward the item on to the full board without recommendation and that will allow him to finalize the process and make a action up at the board. >> i will move that. >> commissioner yee has moving this item without recommendation to the full board and seconded as well, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed. colleagues could we have a roll call on that motion to move this without recommendation. >> commissioner breed?
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>> aye. >> campos absent. >> kim, absent. mar. >> aye. >> yee. aye. >> the motion passes. >> call the next item. >> recommend amendment of the prop k strategic plan and amendment of the transit enhancement programs and allocation of $131,153,142 in the prop k funds for the condition for the san francisco agency's light rail vehicle procurement, subject and attachment fiscal year cash flow, this is action. >> deputy lumbardo. >> i think that you should have at your desks some very exciting item, and it is for us as mta and the transit ride irs tl. is some information that i can share with you today. >> and so, you have before you
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on this screen, on the slide number two, just a quick recap, just a 1.4 billion dollar contract, to provide replacement light rail vehicles or lrvs as well as expansion vehicles, and i notice that this has been said before but we can't repeat it enough that it is one of the largest contracts that they have issued and probably the largest procurement in north america and in terms of what we can do with the prop k, is that there is not anything else that we can invest in, that will be more to directly improve the performance for the muni riders and in between the action item today, and items that you have previously approved, when you adopted the prop k, strategic plan, and helping to replace the entire fleet as well as the liv fleet, and over the next at this point will be 15 years, and it is a pretty, and amazing and historic event for us, and this will also be the single large prop k allocation that we have ever made. >> and so what you can see up
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there is muni and the other partners that did a great job negotiating with a contract and it is a very large contract and it works with the vehicles like many other things and you purchase you get a price per vehicle and it is a structured with a base contract with $934 million dollars and two options and the subject is the base contract, and let me show you that funding plan for that base contract here, and it is $934 million and it is from the combination of sfmta revenue bonds, that is issues on the prop k sales tax and matched with the bridge tolls and you can see the transportation mission, and some set aside for the expansion vehicles as part of the budget, and prop k, except for this small amount
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