tv [untitled] October 10, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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input that comes in to determine whether there will be any policy issues that kill be addressed immediately or for the long term and we have a white house conference and not only are there delegates but congress and the white house are involved. so, you know, the picking up of pieces of legislation and moving those forward, and the white house doing its work, you know, there is a joint commitment to that. but at this point, we are not saying that. because again, congress has not weighed in on this and they have not supplied the money for it and we are not sure where that will go. if there is talk now that the white house conference itself, will be in the fall or maybe as late as december. and they were originally talking about maybe having 200 people from all over the country come to washington, and in a celebration as well as a i guess, probably looking at the
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recommendations and so on. but, they have informed us that you know, the folks that they have talked to about this are saying, that 200 people from across the country is not enough, you can't have this big of a deal going on, and you can't have a white house conference and only have 200 people come to washington for it. i mean that more people come to washington for the alzheimer's work and for a policy briefing and so on. and so i think that there is going to be an effort now to look at a larger venue, with more people, but it is not clear, again, how those people will be chosen, to be part of that, so, it is a pretty exciting time, again the last one was in 199..., so ten years ago and it has been a long time everybody has been wondering given that there is an early america's act and authorized that there will be a conference itself, and we are going to be
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using technology and san francisco is positioned well and we have computer labs and we need to figure out a way to help the older adults weigh in on where the country is going and what are the issues of facing older adults and so an exciting time and so when we have more information, we will make sure that all of you hear about it. so, and that is all that i have for today. >> thank you. >> and any questions from the commissioners? i have one, did you say 2016 or 15? >> 15. >> okay. >> and it is short time. okay, as the advisory board? mr. leon schmidt? >> good morning, president james, commissioners, executive director hinton, the advisory council met on september 17th, we welcomed two new advisory council members benny wong who
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was voted in by the commission and madeleine brigham who was appointed by supervisor london breed from district five. the report forms were finalized and we had a council person who went to do a site visit to the western addition, and the report came back that everything was okay and all of the needs ever being met there. >> and the advisory council sent a letter to brown for the care giver bill and we are awaiting for the signature, and they have a new director, kelley dear man and will be invited to the october, advisory council meeting to present a short six month update. and the nominating committee has a full body and we now are in process of of finding a nominating chair person by
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november. and the advisory council is still looking for a volunteer to complete the (inaudible) four-year, california senior legislative term, and we have some possible candidates but we will know this coming advisory council for october. the lgbt als hiemer care giver committee has reached out to certain county and they were all enthusiastic in joining san francisco and doing an education and awareness campaign targeted to the lgbt community, and the alzheimer's has decided to partner and started to write a grant to do the preliminary surveys to obtain the hard data on the lgbt senior care giver with dementia.
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the age and disability friendly work group now have rose johnson who is a staff person at san francisco planning commission, and planning department to help them pull together the reports and do the hard data, and get the hard data information, and do some planning on their own. and finally, the education committee, will have a program of october 24th, and on long care, long term care, at the center and that starts at 1:30 p.m. and that is on a friday. and that is my report. >> commissioner? >> thank you. >> do you find a co-chair for the legislative community? yet? >> we are still in the process for that, so we have two possible candidates, and we will know at the october meeting. >> i hope that we will meet
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this soon. >> hopefully that will happen and we will let you know and in october we hope to have that finalized. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> the advisory council joint legislative report commissioner ow? >> yes, good news. governor brown three days ago signed ten bills governing the residential care in california. that is the residential care facility for the elderly, what this is, is a home supposed to be assistance leaving home for the seniors. and for the last sense its established, about 200 years
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ago, and it deteriorating. and there was a report saying that the patient in it, with the book (inaudible) and deadly (inaudible) and sexual assaults, and 28 deaths, and this is cities (inaudible) valley, there is a nursing home with 19 patients and they were (inaudible) in the employees just left. so, we saw with this, and there is a lot of new legislation, you know, how to take care of this problem. and take care of all of the seniors in this nursing home. as we saw at that, the governor signed about ten bills. and not all the bills that is planning he signed and we will continue to put on these
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improvements in our coming days. and the (inaudible) is none, and at the beginning all of these nursing facility were inspected once a year. and later on, every two years, now, it is one, and inspected by five years, but that has not been changed. and right now, we do have a patient bill right, and that is if the patient or family or their friends are not getting the right care, and the patient can go to court and sue for that. and and the judges find those and the nursing home not giving the good care to the patient and they find them and the big summer money.
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that is good news and that is the beginning and there will be more improvements and our best and mr. benson, and he is the one of those inspectors of the homes and unfortunately, he is not here otherwise, he will give us more insight of this problem. thank you. >> he has any questions, anybody have any questions and i said for this report? i just want to clear something to two people have approached us about the legislative committee in the quorum. and there are three people from the commission, and five people from the advisory board, and that is the committee, five-plus three equals eight. and you have to have half of eight people is four plus one. and that is your quorum and makes five and we had five people and we had three
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legislative people and two from the advisory board. and that is five people, that makes up the committee. and that is the quorum. >> okay? i ruling on that today, that was a quorum. do you understand that? i will go over it again. we have the committee consists of 8 people. five from the advisory board, and three from the commission. five plus three is eight. eight people make-up a committee. and you need 4 plus one for a quorum, which is five. we had five people there. and that is the quorum. okay? that is... there was a quorum. the long term care council committing, any other questions?
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>> good morning. >> >> and if it is... that is..., and now that i can't see you 5u8, this is jessica lehman and we are going to have a different member of the long term care council giving the report, this month we get me and so the council met on thursday september 11th and there were three major items on the agenda, and the first was the care task force, and which is about looking at the needs in the community and identifying resources and needs. and the council heard the recommendations from the four work groups. and over all, recommendation is to have a care advisory board, and that would operate under the long term coordinating council and one of the co-chairs of the task force is our very own anne hinton and if you have questions i am sure
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that she can help with that. another issue that came up on the council that actually has been coming up in the community quite a bit is, looking at the group of people who are long term survivors of hiv and aids. and there is a great tag line about envisioning our future we never dreamed of. and so it is for the group of people who are dealing with the issues that people had not planned for and so there a project called community connect, which may be similar to the homeless connect, project. and the last item was a legislative update and although i don't need to say anything about that and it has been covered today and the other thing that i wanted to mention, was that the same day, as this meeting, we did the first of the five town hall meetings that the council will be doing as part of the scan brand about developing and sustaining the long term coordinating council, and so the first town hall meeting was the senior and disability candidates that we
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had david chiu and campos that are filled by tom, and i think that the people considered it a success and we had more than 100 people there and yeah, covered a lot of different issues. so that was good. and the next meeting of a long term coordinating council will be next thursday, october ninth from one to three at the auditor um, and of course, the guests are always welcome, thank you. >> thank you. >> any questions? >> yes, was it long for... (inaudible). >> yes..., the location that the auditorium? >> i don't have the exact address, it is on odus street. >> okay. >> on saturday. >> oh, i got it now, it is just the name i did not catch that or connect with. >> and i am sorry for not waiting for the questions. >> what time is that >> the october the ninth? >> 1:00 >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> any other commissioners? >> okay. next report is tacc. yes, we need..., and we did not have a meeting. >> it will not have a meeting until december. >> december? thank you. >> case report? >> good morning commissioners and director, my name is linda merlin, and i am the director of the richmond senior center in district one of the city. case had its annual board retreat on september 15th and we talked at length about restructuring and revisioning committees and bringing more case members in to committees. we are also working on our budget platform, and advocacy plan for next year, now. and with the idea that if we do
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it now, we will be right on top of everything. we are also rewriting mission statement and vision statement just to keep it updated. our next member meeting is october 13th and we are going to be talking about animals and seniors. how seniors and the disabled can keep their pets and agencies that will work with them. thank you. >> thank you. >> questions? >> commissioner loo? >> what time is the meeting, and where is it. >> the meetings are at 3:00 p.m., 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and they are at project open hands on the second floor. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. any questions, any questions? okay. and now we will open it up for the general public comment. and if you have some comments, and you have three minutes.
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and would you please come forward? >> president james and council members, good morning. >> good morning. >> and (inaudible) my name is greg norman burton and i reside with my domestic parter rose white in the water shed of san francisco and i am retired, i survive on my social security, and receive medical and cal fresh through san francisco. i am dressed like this because i am currently under going treatment for prostate cancer and have suffered for a lifetime with anxiety and depression as well as undiagnosed ptsd. three weeks ago at this time i
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was in prostate cancer surgery. and my surgery was performed by one of the most imminent surgeries and educators in the country, dr. peter carroll at the university of california at san francisco. dr. carroll does not do many surgeries, he has done 2500 of them and he gets a pass. but the urology residents at san francisco general, particularly dr.s hansen and bain, push for it. i want to emphasize, that money could not have bought this particular surgery. the only way i could have received it as an average american is through the affordable care act. and in short i am receiving world class medical care and given my life back by the people of san francisco. i should be here praising ucsf, sfgh and the clinic network and literally dozens of wonderful
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people that i have met in the last two months of dealing with this disease. it would be fitting that such an event should take place in polosi's district, since it it is her leadership that has allowed this to happen at all. instead, we have what rosa is about to tell but this event, jeopardizing and tainting the success to what was all indications a wildly successful surgery. >> president james and commissioners good morning, my name is rose white, and i live at 30 day street with my domestic partner greg burton and i suffer from conditions and i have been a client of the (inaudible) agency since 2011 and 2012 i made two unsuccessful attempt to work and the second of those, and the failure of it caused a nervous break down that lasted
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for most of the last two years. about a year ago my ptsd was retriggered and a suffered months of suicidalization and i had refused to apply for social security because i believe that i could boot strap the appropriate employment for myself. very soon and for part of that time i refused to apply for food stamps. we currently receive medical and cal fresh, the only income is $813 retirement payment and in july, faced with the negative bank balance and i applied for cal, cash aid linked to medical, and in person, and i requested an assessment, i have yet to be contacted by them. i was given an appointment to apply for general assistance, on august 25th. on the morning of the 26th, because of the cancer operations that i have had to
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miss the 25th. i arrived there determined to see somebody who could help me. right. and i apologize for this. and so, i was told that a worker could come to my home and they did, and they on september 11th, while my partner was still in the hospital, and the pointment had taken a long time to get which i was grateful. and he has been operated on the day before and it was awful to have the meeting with the social worker, but i did this and i was qualified for general assistance. we received one payment on the 16th, on the same day we got a
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notice of action saying that because we received income from ssi, our food stamps were going to be stopped. and that was not true. and had been entered in error by (inaudible), and on this day, i personally had my (inaudible) and was taken to urgent care, vomiting bile, on the 23rd i went to hsa to try to take care of this paperwork and was fingerprinted and gave over the document and stuff, andvy been taking the emergency anti-anxiety medication, and the worker became annoyed with me and tried to cut off my benefits. she knew that i had these disabling conditions, because she had been to my home, but she said, when i asked for more time to give her the documents, she said that if i should not or could not do it was not her fault. >> okay, >> there is more. >> please, i beg you. >> hold on.
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just a minute. we usually allow three minutes, and we do have i would like to is it okay, with the rest of the commissioners that we allow because the term is three minutes. >> and i know that you took yours, and she is the second speaker. so... >> i ask for... unanimous consent that we will continue listening. >> for how much longer? >> another three minutes. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. >> any objections? >> none. >> okay. >> and so, she told me that it would not be her fault if i could not get the documents to her on time and knew that i was anxious and i had ga unto meet her in person in her office and she turned me away, and greg
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was discharged from his additional two day admitting on the 25th, and on the 26th i called to ask for help from the ada desk where i thought that i had been helped earlier, and i just through a young woman who explained things and she confused me and i became upset and started crying. she seemed to me to be saying that the benefits had been cut off that the ta would be taken back and it seemed to me that we were going to have to pay back the money that we didn't have, we had already spent it because we needed it. and that they were taking back our food stamps as well. and he had to step in to deal with this and having only just come home from the hospital. >> okay. >> and now, we get to the crux of it. >> at the close of business last friday, at the very last moment with his last job of the
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day, i talked to the ga, supervisor about this case. and at this point, it was clear that because i do not receive ssi, nor does rosa, we have never received ssi, there is no record of it. that there was a clerical error at minimum on the part of the general assistance staff. that was going to result in our losing my food stamps. i asked the supervisor what could be done to remedy the situation caused by his error? his advice was to not file for a hearing, his advice was to supplement the lack of our legitimate benefits, his suggestion, was to get on ihs,
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and commit fraud. and i spent all day question and morning trying to request a hearing so that our benefits would not be cut today, due to the failers of the state hearing and due to the failures of every single voice mail system in this entire structure i was not able to file a hearing and our benefits are cut. this is the first time i have been able to find anybody who can do anything about it, and i do not expect to you do so today. but as the... said, this will not stand. after this meeting, we will be finding council, and determining appropriate legal, state and administrative charges. our statements this morning, are being emailed to representative palosi's office and mayor lee's office of disability, i look forward to discussing with them ways to resolve the situation for the
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benefit not only of us, but for awful the working class and poor people in san francisco who desperately need, not only the services but the hope of the services provide. we did not ask for this. all that we want to do is heal, and to think about the warriors moving to san francisco. every night before we sleep, in the cab on the way over here at every point, we chant together, the huddle chant, we are all that we have got. we are all that we need. and that is the truth. now if you will forgive us, i need to go home and rest and have my nursing assistant go and clean me up so i can talk to doctors about catheters and whether or not i need chemical cautoriization of my weeping flesh, thank you. >> thank you for your comments. and i am sure, yeah.
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thank you. >> >> thank you all very much. >> you are welcome. >> have a peaceful and great day. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any old business? any new business and non-action item and no vote required, community on living and annual plan? >> so, president james and commissioners, i am going to go over the annual plan for 2014, and 2015, with you and then i am going to take you through the 6 month report and just say that rose jones, and linda edelstene are here with us today and so in the packets there is a report that rose put together and so she is here to answer any questions that you might have about this really interesting report and of course, linda is here to help me answer any questions that
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you might have about the other two documents. and normally, i would go through the six month report, first. but, i think that there is some back ground information in the plan itself, that is helpful for us to review together, and so i am going to start there. >> so, the community living fund, was established, i believe in 2006. and it is all general fund dollars. and although, we do some time studying with that money so that there is a little bit of federal money there, but it is essentially a $3 million fwund that was created by the mayor, and at the time, and the board, and to help people who are living at home, and wanting to stay at home, but don't necessarily have all of the goods and services that they might need to do that and it was also established to help the people who were in skilled
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nursing facilities such as in the honda hospital to come back into the community and many of these people are folks who have resided in facilities for year, or 15 years or ten years, so they have lost obviously their home, and the things that would help them come back into the community. and so, the fund was established for that reason. and because this was a locally designed program, we were able to raise the level of entry into the program, so it is 300 percent of poverty. both on assets and on income. and it is for all adults and so any adult, who meets the minimum requirements is or has access to the fund. >> the program's design was based on work that we had done, people had done here in california.
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and the msfp and the linkage program which were primarily in the case management programs and also had the ability to buy services and other goods that people might need. lots and lots of restrictions on those programs, but nonetheless, that is the format, and the design of those programs was pretty eloquent in its origins. and we also looked at a program in philadelphia where they do something similar. and with it and we looked at the information that they had and so the program that you have in the community living service design based on the three, programs, so, it has court and in the case management and the case managers have very small case loads, anywhere from ten to 20 ten to 15, and which is not the norm, and the norm is more like 40. and again, the case managers can buy, goods and services that they and the client have worked together, and believe that are important to put i
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