tv [untitled] October 11, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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thank you. >> thank you that first deeply beep means you have thirty more seconds. >> well, then (laughter) i did want to say i've helped with security and with assisting in certain events and sometimes, it's based on the fact we're volunteer run and we're still trying to gain the marketplace as well as the finances to implement all the measures and doing it as quickly as possible. >> thank you carson. >> hello, hello my name is carson i'm a san francisco native i've been involved in all sorts of open mike sties of events over the city for a decade i've been helping to host on open event at the honey hive it's been really fantastic danny and max take the whole thing
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sorrowfully i have total confidence that, you know, if you guys see fit to issue this permit they'll take the responsibility absolutely seriously and commissioner hyde your concern ocean i sort look at judy district attorney not that different just to get a few this spaces artist galleries and casey is being humble she has a writers workshop for the young writers they're putting out a book soon it's fantastic and important speaking commissioner lee i promise i'll be playing acoust acoust acoustic dbe guitar pledge the acoustic guitar services there's been rocky services but so much
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more good stuff than those brief rocky momentum like i said that danny and max h have done well i've seen tons of people walk in under and ask a few questions and they leave happy they leave authentic being art and music which is what the whole tinge is about and a definitely a couple of people that don't leave happy after the conversations but 9 out of temple people are really, really happy after talking to them thank you. >> thank you other public comment i see one mofshlg or anybody else. >> i grew up in the outer suspect me and my friends are wondering 80 wasn't to do out
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there and downtown is not a good time for kids bad stuff happens i one way or the other won't incriminate myself but kids need creative outlets if there's none that energy gets turned into destruction i think this phase is giving people that out let and culture vatd a place to educateism and learn and practice i've seen beginning musicians coming in and playing sets like one of they're first shows it's amazing to see some more where people can create and feel supported by their community i understand there recent complaints about sound and the amount of people but it's a collective artists and musicians none of us have been
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bus owners and there's financial stuff we're struggling to stay open so will music specifically is the main maples for funding but as the business build and art gets more importantly and just gets more understood by the community as something that is valuable the music is going to improve in terms of being better installed it's going good for people to understand we're learning and this is definitely more valuable i understand a few individual might be getting bothered by noise but it only goes to 10 and the benefits out weigh the costs in terms of people in the communicated having their voices. >> i'm going to alternate.
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>> good evening, commissioners i'm a member of the muthsz union there was a thought earlier how whether to connect promoters with members they'd love to hear from you guys i'm ken carter 20 years ago i moved to san francisco i chose this city because of the large artistic community by the supported endeavors and the live music seep many, many years i've performed countless shows at the paradise lounge and he did red devil launch all of which are gone and not inadequately replaced today optimum a professional composer and he homeowner a father of two
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boys 7 and 10 i raise them in san francisco i want them to have the same great experience in the city and active in the music scene the success i was able to cut my teeth in the small venues the sunset is one of the last neighborhood in the city that people can live cheaply enough i startled out in a small room in a neighborhood near the judy daze they've provided a venue for the artists and keep the live music of san francisco that attracts the most talent the people in the world to live and work here and contribute to the outer suspect as one of the san francisco's designation neighborhoods so as a neighbor
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of the neighborhood i urge the commission to approve the will music permit. >> tell you why don't you come on up. >> i'm robin i wanted to thank you all for being here and hearing us talk talk about the honey gallery and i want to thank the community members who are here to give us the criticism we know that danny and max are flushing entrepreneurs and i'm sure they're going to do everything possible to make sure that the creative small business is successful and peaceful and serving the community i know they love to do
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myself as an artist working in the serve industry there are times i'm overwhelmed with serving others as i'm sure you're aware of you know because you serve the whole city so i need a creative space that's nourishing and helps me with my creativity and i wanted to thank the honey hive for being tdr there for me and thank you guys for helping us with our wisdom and guidance thank you. >> thank you you want to come on up? >> hello my name is matthew bureau errors i'm a musician and a promoter i have promoted venues around the city and a professional booker in berkley and from that
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angle i want to say the honey hive is one of the few spots in san francisco there's one on 18 and mission but hard to come by they're a strong community but like to volunteer my knowledge and time i've been volunteering for 10 years to help the honey hive if this goes through i'm offering shows and gilman is run off a volunteer so i have presented in of friends that will help on top of that i'm organizing what people have said the sunset is artistic and cool industry downtown is strong mission be haiti book at the hemlock and i've booked at the venues and the outer richmond previously before the honey hive
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so i think this is a popular environment for people to go to and i want to give my opinion and word on what i see a strong community i'm a musician it helps me and others out to go to people that are easy to work with and compliant and that's about it thank you for giving me a chance to talk. >> thank you you want to come on up? >> my name is edward joseph rogers ivy lived in the outer sunset for 4 seven years i have no idea i know there's something on the walls cammy black she's a radio personality (laughter) i don't know noel or danny they
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have a comedy thing it's funny i've been in retail for 40 years i go there and make people laugh and tell me things they're not expecting and pull the legs out from under them it's cool i've watched the commercial credit card within 44 it is busting open and started to bloom this thing is real i mean you've got a coffee shop and people are gathered on the sidewalk you've got to push people out of the way to get down the road it's narrow so how can you support everybody is building a park there's parking your building apartment there's no more parking it's like the marina you drive around in recycles for hours there's no place to park i don't have a car
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anywhere what the hell i think the honey hive is a valuable asset to a blooming community we need an out let out there we're struggling artists can't pay the rent they can't live in the marina where what jack and people like that it is now a porn shop but it used to be a bookstore but probably because the surrounding communities. >> thank you very much (clapping) >> next speaker any other pub public comment after the last two i'll get him then you. >> thank you. i'm mike taylor the director of a small performs
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organization and i know that danny and kaisz i didn't who case by case i didn't do volunteers at the honey hive quite a bit and i want to speak to their character because i know they're two people who are looking to always move going in the right direction following the rules and so if there's a standard if there's any type of thing they have to abide by to keep their neighbors and police happy to keep everyone on the same page they're going to do it might be a question of what exactly needs to be done not a question of whether or not their do it i know i live close to city college off ocean and it is nice to have a neighborhood where there's things going on but at the same time, i don't want someplace that's going to be
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disturbing me so with those two people max and danny and casey who helps out so much i know this is going to also follow the right direction even if in the last few weeks or months it's a gotten complaints also i had the writers workshop every tuesday night and it's not every night that you have noise coming in some days you see a sign right outside the door as you're walking past the street and it's like oh, their could be something going on inside there we can't hear at all it matters to the community as well as the music you might be able to hear so thank you very much. >> thank you you want to come
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up. >> thank you introduction i did seven years in the army grew up around the bay a local poet and entertainer and speaks upon the importance of the event themselves this is basically an open mike for open mike this is very important do you have we're talking about here - i know it get for shadowed we're really deciding b upon when we talk about the honey hive represents everybody on this in this country right now it's expanded into the entire country and see what's happening to the army culture and the venues for artists what's happening to the constraint of the entertainment industry let that over there and the simple
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heart of the child growing up and becoming american people adult that never gets out of the space why? because a that's why they came to the human experience why voices what it is she should and shouldn't do if you're born here you don't why go through the permits and the zoning in the first place i come out of the sources when i see giggles about the art and kult culture a community as big and open as san francisco is and we're not tang it seriously it's like the community feels like we should be asking questions you guys work inform the people we need more events we need more help with this stuff this needs to be pushed antiout here so this crime explicit happen to the cops don't come out here
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this is the root of expansion i vote for that for art and culture. >> thank you is there any public comment? after this gentleman? sure go ahead >> thank you. i'm steven hill 18 year resident of the outer sunset i live a few blocks from the honey hive the dilemma is a classic one in the 49 square feet city miles in the city as someone that lived in the outer sunset it is amazing to see the demographics of the area has changed as people left the mission and there's really no venues like this at all in the outer sunset that's a unique culture everything seems to be copy
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seismic i have haven't seep horrible things certainly there's noise that's part of the dilemma; right? but it is seems like what you need is is a process of dialog and that's what's happening i here danny and max very responsible people we're listening to what the neighbors say we haven't heard from the neighbors the neighbors word why that's warrant under the bridge the dialog has begun i urge you to grant the permit so this process can play out don't nip it in and out in the bud the process has given you see do types of acts their diverse in terms of sexual orientation and other things that are going on there that educators to the new democrat
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graphic people need this otherwise the people are out occupy the street corners and causing problems it is not going to go away people go somewhere else so grant the permit and let the venue work for the neighborhood thank you (clapping.) do you want to come on up? good evening my name is officer dan i'm the new permit officer for the station if it's okay. can we reopen the police comments from the terryville station in light of the things we've heard from the community and things brought to life by the commission i think that terryville ask we table this permit at least until the next meeting based on a little further due diligence we need to
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do and additional conditions i think the permit deserves >> so your requesting we continue this. >> until next week. >> what are the conditions you have those in mind. >> hearing the problems low about the noise in the back and having not reviewed some of the complaints i feel we weren't aware of theirs additional conditions for take careville station. >> so we'll take that under advisement is there any public comment? if not we'll close it now in the hands of the commission. >> commissioner hyde. >> i'm going to go ahead and make a motion first, i know how
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important it is to have those spaces one of the problems in very dense cities we have to regulate it or the space can't stay open we're not trying to come down hard but find a medium so you can open and continue this work and not disturb our neighbor with that, i'd like to suggest we approve this permit and we add into it that wherever there are performances all the windows are closed number 3 would be to send a list of events and performances to terryville station on a models base and 3 i'd like to have all amplified music sound null until
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the sound proofing done and the sound levels collected checked you can have then amplified music. >> can i get some classification on that. >> yep. >> there's police conditions are you. >> the police conditions, you know, the permit he's shouldn't serve acholic beverages on the premises but basically those are within the good neighbor policy so far as i can tell. >> so you have 3 additional conditions one with the windows closes during the performances. >> correct windows and doors. >> the second is. >> to send a list even if event
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to terryville station monthly and until sound proofing is done and sound test are completely to make sure there is no amplified sound escaping not to have amplified music until it is done. >> they can have an acoustic guitar or a mike. >> they can have a mike that's why i'm restricting it to instrument people are coming in with the theory own equipment until the sound like proofing is done it would be best to not have those sorts of equipment coming in to disturb the neighbors. >> i'm trying to clarify are you striking the police conditions one, two and four.
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>> i think four is not something i feel comfortable standing behind it in any way i one and two a taken care of in the good neighbor policy and i want to add the one about no serving alcohol is there a second a motion and second i see our director has a comment comment. >> i need classification i want a sound test performed by staff; is that correct. >> yes. >> that's not a normal condition of l lp you can add that condition and the condition related to chofbdz i'm less comfortable with a condition of our permit given we're not the
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agency that handles alcohol and from that. >> i'm happy to amend it to strike that. >> i'll second the amendment. >> all right. so is this motion clear to all the commission any discussion. >> so i just want to let the public know there is a need for a gallery space this was a house not a colombian and there's got to be a certain amount of sound like proofing to do because unlike doirnl downtown we've got cover from the outside noise and the terryville you can hear a pin drop around the blackwell block if you're not amount with the sound test you can go to a certain am against or binsz and it could be lower in the
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terryville or the in sunny set so to be fair to the nightclubs commissioner hyde is saying you should sound proof when you got the amount if i had system donated to you that's y where some of the problems were happening so as a business owner myself is disruptive to have people calling you and telling you to turn down the music it will ruin the vibe we want to support the permit with the inspectors to give you that level of comfortable for the neighbors. >> all right. other comments commissioner frost. >> i want to echo what does she
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said it's going to be great out there but i wouldn't want to be the guy that's been living there for awhile and having moved in and having the age if i had music especially the picture of the window that's keeping most of the sound inside i'm concerned you talk about the volunteers and having little money what we're asking you to do to sound proof is going to cost money putting in the fancy window and whatever else maybe you can get. >> a an acoustic volunteer maybe your speakers are facing the wrong way but i'm happy with the motion that was made thank you. >> and i'd like to say a drag queen that's raised thousand of dollars if you have the right
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benefit you can come up with the money you have community support and people that support you this is something they want to see move forward and that's half the battle unfortunately, the amplified sound at this point beyond a microphone is not available for this space if neighbors want to have their peace as well it's not something i appreciate me saying it's something i have to say because it's in my job. >> we're saying the age if i had is approved after the sound test and is that clear is that a head node we're going to be seeing more requests like this in those parts of the city we're not trying to make you an example but holding a gold sample across the city folks
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invest thousands of dollars to support this i hope you can fourth a model it is more than a permit but seems like this hurdle will pass all right. with that, any other comments what i have is to approve with the conditions that all windows and doors are closed during entertainment a monthly calendar is sent to the terryville station and all amplified sound test is completed on that motion and the police conditions are stricken good neighbor policy taking the place commissioner akers commissioner perez
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commissioner hyde commissioner lee commissioner frost and president tan. >> with that, the motion passes we'll move on to our final permit rosa. >> okay. this is for rosa i believe that brea is here you lost the room this is a large mexican restaurant part of a chain located near the one market building they do a lot of large-scale counterpart orient event and brea is here and the station has provided conditions we have representatives from the southern station as well. >> hi, i'm the catering and event manager in
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