tv [untitled] October 11, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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for burning victims such as use myself relevance they have good intentions from you i won't - i would like to suggest that all san francisco hospital have access to the tree claefk ecclesiastic arts show case 32 and the music for victims to teach the two different side of the burn to communicate once again, thank you and my caregiver hopes you'll soon release the help necessary of this traffic engineers for
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street i'm resident number 2 are here to report egregious horrifying harassment and intimation 0 through there through mile-an-hour yadz and mile-an-hour yoodz of what you this is the first step for doing this nor many, many blind people that are terrified to report for fear of retaliation the most egregious has been drilling holes in the seeping and pumping gases into our sro's this is how i have to live in my apartment day and night 7 days a week and any companion animal i can't
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put this on her, please do something we're step forward our actions please do something i know you can and thank you supervisor campos for your quotations in the recently edition of the san francisco examiner you are a friend indeed thank you thank you >> next speaker >> i'm resident number 2. >> come close to the mike please. all right. speak right into it. >> there you go i'm resident number 2. >> and louder. >> we have a serious problem i'm not in the stage e same building but virtually impaired person and would go in san francisco over 20 years and unfortunately, the
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conditions have gone from bad to worse recently within the last 6 months or so but it's been happening for a couple of years in my building as well as hers we've having similar protons why that is opens up to a lot of questions and investigation i pray that you'll take us seriously and help us investigate that if all possible i intend to go to other authenticities i hope that the new yorkus gases and fumes that have been bothering her and me in different buildings and different times like e they are and what is people doing with e they are and i mean all kinds of
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au naturel gas. >> one speaker at a time please. those are things we've been enduring a problem and other residents in the building we don't know thank you for your time. >> thank you is there any public comment? that wish to speak in general public comment overhead projector please sfgovtv. >> yes. it is thank you. >> tom two townsend personality how many ellis act evictions started with a sale what we have
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here i'm introducing the sharing formula and the formula 45 years for every 5 yrlg years living inform europe you could 3 percent of sale price you've gts got 4 unit they get $30,000 a so you would a lot of money 6 years 60 thousand and 15 resident gets e gets $2,013,000 a 20 years gets more it is a total of 3 hundred and thirty/$44,000 the owner gets $670,000 increase a stay sale the city is doing is putting the taxes away but instead of one person getting the entire pie we get 5 people
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to get a share of the pie now i said how the owner could be a little bit upset so let's change the price and make it one hundred and 20 thousand are we on guarantee again, we're blacked out oh. >> sfgovtv. >> sorry about that we raised it to one hundred and 20 thousand what happened is everybody gets a little bit nor 72 thousand 8 thousand with that amount of money you can stay in the city again, they share three or four people share 3 hundred and 96 thousand and the owner get 6 how do tell you telling you thousands plus the speculators are buying the building -
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>> thank you very much yes you are and time going or goes by to quickly. >> thank you very much are there any members of the public who wish to speak. >> hello, i'm lair edmond my name is juicy i wanted to thank the people fighting in front of city hall fooifkt for housing i think it was ground water great that people need god housing in the city and today we've seen the fighting for people to use the housing to rent out they don't want to come to our great hotels in the city we live at the sro he hotels i could be resident number 3 a lot of things going between eddy and
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turk street and you get a lot of the chemicals and stiff is flying in also, we have a clean on market street things going on inside we're going to s have a lot of department of transportation on weeks and week people are coming down saying people are attacked and staying in the sro's nothing is being done i had a thing that martin luther king said a thick black tried to hit me in my face the day b that ms. williams one the opening i'm trying to found out the gentleman with domestic violence we see the women are buzzed lgbt people a lot like a man that got killed near that
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the sofa way a lot of the men and women that are attacking us be lgbt people you don't hit women back but make sure that san francisco as we have 27 states with medical marijuana we want to make sure that san francisco is taking care of all thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon actually good evening supervisors it's been a long meeting but an educational and productivity i'm jackie brison once again to speak on the need to update administrative native code section 12 l dealing with public information and access to
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nonprofit board of directors meetings i am very happy to report i did although i didn't get in until the end of september a quarterly report january to march of 2014 and that, yes it did pay to file a complaint with the whistle blowers program i have a summary of sustained complaint and so improper activities by city contractors is the category and the complaint nonprofit organization failed to comply with the san francisco administrative native code to novice the thirty days and the resolution is that the department conducted an investigation and sustained the allegation i want to encourage
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someone to step forward to the 5 recommendations i've made i'm going to put it in writing in a corresponds so you'll have the number of copies through the city clerk's office because this is it really important there's a lot of public money but if not free money we're giving away there are terms and conditions known as contracts when their breached they need to be punishment for it and otherwise what's the accident point of having this administrative native code without enforcement. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment in general public comment excuse me. ma'am, you've spoken; is that correct. >> thank you very much thank you very much ma'am, we have - ma'am, we have rules for a reason thank you
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very much thank you very much madam clerk call items 20 and 81 the board of directors kneecap on october 7th for the purpose of receiving advise from the city attorney recommending to item 21 for the potential after a joint authority to assist homeowners with troubltd mortgage and supervisor avalos. >> thank you, president chiu i want to thank supervisor farrell for calling for a closed sessions i think we're still getting the material and going through the material that will be discussed we need more time before we actually go into it i so want to motion this item to be heard the next board meeting that will allow 80 us to leave
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early and perhaps go to a bar downtown wet our whistles and watch the ball game. >> thank you good giants a continuance october 21st to be continued any public comment on this item whether we should here it today okay seeing none, public comment is closed and with that, on the motion to continuance clearing we'll take that without objection. that's the case and madam clerk the adaptation calendar. >> item 22 and 23 were referred for adaptation with that reference to committee. >> colleagues, can we take those items same house, same call? the last why not take a roll call vote. >> on items towing and
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supervisor campos supervisor chiu supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor yee supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 i's those resolutions are adopted thank you nona melkonian and jennifer lowe for bringing this meeting to the homes of san franciscans madam clerk read the end mom rums and is there any more business that concludes our business for this evening. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're adjourned
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>> good morning, and welcome to the transbay joint power authority board of director's meeting for thursday october ninth and i want to recognize the staff at sfgov tv who make the meetings available to the public and on-line. >> >> reiskin. >> present. >> harper. >> present. >> kim. >> present. >> and madam chair you do have a quorum. >> thank you. are there any communications today? or, old or new business for the board of directors?
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>> seeing none, we will move on toit em five, executive director's report. >> good morning, members of the public we have a number of construction milestones that you will hear about today but i want to highlight the above ground construction and last night the first of the two large cranes arrived and it is located in the access just west of the street and it weighs 2,000 pounds and has 240 feet of boom length and takes 20 truckloads to deliver it and it is going to take three days to assemble and a second crane will arrive in february of 2015, and they will be in operation for 18 months and lifting over 22,000 tons of steel and you are going to hear more about this from steve in a moment. but now that this month marks the completing of the final slab poor for the foundation, and it clears the way for us to start the above ground steel and so we are excited about that and as such, we are going to be hosting the event, on
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november 7th at 10:30 in the morning and sending out invitations later today and the event will commemorate and after years of successful excavation, and as well as completing the rail levels it will be the first element of the transit center that will be available to the public we will be sending out invitations later, i want like to ask our chief financial operator to give a bridge financing that we have been mentioning to the board in the past. >> good morning, directors, sarah, and as you know, that we have a 171 million dollar loan, and we anticipate being able to draw down on that loan late next year, 2015, and just as a reminder of the loan is secured by and will be repaid with the net tax increment that is of course, the property tax revenue that generated by the
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cal transparcel, that are being transferred to the city and tjpa, and sold for redevelopment under the transbay redevelopment plan. and as you know, of course, two of those parcels have already sold and the sales force tower and block six and three are in the negotiation stages, and block five, 8 and 9 and then once we have completed phase one, two additional parcels will be available on parcel f and block four and we have started to receive the increment from those sold parcels and received our first payment from ocii earlier this summer, for parcel t. and the net tax increment is fully committed to tjpa under the various agreement and there are no further approvals and there are authorizations required for the revenue to flow for the project, and the total revenue that we expect to receive and this is a
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conservative number but over the 45-year life of the pledge is on the order of about 950 million dollars. and however, as we have previously discussed we do need a cash flow, and so it is a revenue for the early part of 2015, before we can draw down on the tifia loan and so we have been negotiating the financing solution, and we expect that it will be secured by the tax increment as well as some of tjpa real estate, of course, and we anticipate that we will be paying back the financing with the proceeds of the loan when we are able to draw down on that at the end of next year, and we have been working with usdot, cal trans, and ocii and the city and mtc, to make sure that all of the collateral can be made available in a timely manner and we will be coming back to you, in the near future, with final transaction, and or a
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form of transaction for you to approve and i am happy to answer any questions. >> are there any questions from board members? >> thank you. >> i would like to ask steve to provide the construction update. good morning, directors, turner construction, providing services for the tjpa and as the executive director pointed out, there are good progress this month and we did, put in place about 28,000 craft hours, and as of last night, all but striping and paving is left on the awss work and so we are out of the water there on mission street. and as far as the schedule, we are still tracking towards the end of 2017, and as we discussed before, we are looking forward to the start of
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the structural steel here shortly and work on mitigation activities to speed up the election if we can. and consider what we have discussed before down the road. and this is the slide that we show you each month, and you will see that the trade packages that were approved in last month's meeting on the eleventh of september and representing the mechanical and plumbing, and fire protection, and in there as well as the small change orders, and there is one credit back into the construction as we work on closing out the bse contract. and some changes there, and that worked and did not need to perform. and as far as safety, statistics, i have yet and i have found out now that officially the state and the feds don't actually update the previous years, until the end of the next year. later in this year and early 2015, but relative to safety, there were unfortunately two first aid incident and one last
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time incident, and this yes, working for the reinforcing steel contractor tripped and while, trying to catch himself, went down on his wrists and broke his wrist. and so that became a lost time accident and they worked on ways to correct that, and the access makes it difficult to walk on the concourse deck, and they are working so close underneath the bracing and so they worked on ways to distribute the reinforcing steal to direct that. and again, 100,000 hours with 28,000 in the last bit here, another milestone is the lower concourse project and pouring those slabs on tuesday morning of this coming week we will complete all of the lower concourse slabs, through the lessened, and in the course of the director pointed out and the upcoming slab, and the final foundation, and the five foot thick foundation and in the director
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mentioned earlier and where you see here in this picture and the pick-uper left-hand corner and the top level of bracing, and the closest to the surface is being moved and rebraced with the third wall, and the third lift wall, and that is where it will remain, until the box is completed and that reinforcing can come out and there is another picture of the train box area also in the central that is being cleaned out and all of the left overs from the shoring and everything, being removed from the walls, and that is a great progress there as the lower concourse and moves, west and east from that location. and that is just, one, ten to 15 foot length, will install, but if you look really
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and you can see the column above the tressel and the crane is certainly and moving from the first street through to freemont will begin in february and we believe that the section will begin in october of next year. >> and the construction on the left there and to actually get a picture of the cast nodes that will be up at the park level connected to the two steel columns and ground smoothed and primes and so that looks like a seamless connection and like it was always meant to be that way and that is the way that a lot of the steel will come out, unless there is a lot of steel weld that needs to be completed and just another example of the steel, and you can physically see the sign-off of the inspectors on that one beam and that happens on every piece of steel that has a significant
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weld. and you need the inspection, process and the column on the lower left is up in (inaudible) and the cast nodes, we are over 50 percent, and with the expectations to complete, close to the original schedule of one year of foundry work and that will be next march or april and the final nodes will shift and so that is great progress there. and as i mentioned the utility relocation, and sorry i jumped ahead there and the bus ramps starting up and we talked about this the last meeting and the piles and up on the via duct section will begin around the 13th, with the installation of the casings and we also expect the work to begin on the pile on nine which supports the bridge over howard street to start also on the 13th and two different contractors doing the work. and then some of the preparation for that, and the demolition on the right and the set up to guide the pile, completing of the pile on nine.
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and utility relocation, and we mentioned that the work is behind us and everybody is happy about that, and no more work on mission street and the plan is to pave it out this weekend and all things working in our favor, it should get down, in the next 30 years, the lower concourse decking and continue the foundation walls and the third left walls and that rebracing and continued the bus, ramp work and the pile and nine work started and of course, the steel erection, and by the end of october, and in the november and on through the next 90 days that will be on the list for a long time. as far as the labor, we remain of 63 percent is considered local labor. and the numbers have not changed much and we still get the great coverage at 18 percent of the labor force from san francisco. and the aprin tris, and the 33
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percent of the hours coming from san francisco. and over all, about 2139 total people hitting the project through the payroll system. and that is the end of the conclusion update, and steve, is from the web course and is going to come out and talk about the bidding process and the survey that we conducted, and if there are any questions, i will be happy to answer those now. >> if not... >> thank you, steve. >> no problem. >> good morning, and earlier this year, tjpa retained the associates to conduct the dinner out reach survey and that was presented to the board in may and is this a brief update and the findings of that report and the recommendation can have a recommendation, that have been implemented.
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