tv [untitled] October 12, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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roughly in san francisco, 10,000 plus people in their personal cars picking up the public. it's really not that different from hitch, which i'm calling it now. we don't mind competing against those that have technology, but an industry can't survive when it has to compete against others that have a different set of rules doing the same business. the taxi industry is hanging by a thread and we talk about public safety here. it is in the city's interest to know who is picking up 20 to 30 stranger a day. the type of car that they're driving, it needs to be done immediately. thank you. (applause) >> herbert wiener. shawn lee, way lau. >> hello. herbert wiener. i have a question about the recent muni fare hike.
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it's my understanding that under the proposition ee that raising the fares was contingent upon public performance of muni, that when you raise the fares it was on the basis that muni improve the service delivery. the fact that muni service right now is at an all-time low makes that -- it would seem to make that raising of the fare inappropriate. and i think it is illegal to do so and i would like clarification on that. also, with respect to the previous speaker i think the public is at risk with these ride share cars because we do not know the backgrounds of these individuals. they could be ax murderers released from prison the day before. they could be severely disturbed individuals. and i think this board in its right mind would not want to take ride share because they may not be appearing at the next meeting. so, i think it's very important
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that it be regulated. these abuses are happening on your watch and you bear responsibility for any disaster that occurs. thank you. >> next speaker. >> tom lee followed by wei lau then homg umgo. >> mr. lee. thank you so much again. [speaker not understood] and members, please, we need your help. we need your help for restriction of taxi business and layer. now our breaking point $140 a day before we start making money. we don't like your muni driver hourly making money. we have to take everything. it's 140 bucks. so, we need the new city free car scheme for us to run our business, just like new york. new york driver didn't pay any car [speaker not understood] fee. we have to pay for that. and we had to pay [speaker not
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understood]. we never can claim this money. [speaker not understood]. we don't need to pay for this. we have now obamacare already, even undocumented care children care by the government. why should we adopt every medallion carry 2-1/2 family make a living? why you not thinking about how this driver, how the driver and medallion? if you can put the new city free color scheme, your medallion put up the price, i guarantee you. the driver be more [speaker not understood] to do their job because now we have too many uber everything. before we started to make our own money, we had to make $140 first. then we start making our own, a little bit blog. ~ income. how can we afford to do in this kind of environmental? 8,000 uber on the street. muni is not attention to our
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business. please do something for us because a cab driver struggle. you look at a lot. lucky if make if furlough. [speaker not understood]. because you cannot take care the yuber, we need time to live, we need time to make a payment. please give back the new city car layer. as the independent car driver we join the independent. >> thank you. >> wei lau, [speaker not understood]. >> good afternoon, mr. lau. my name is wee. [speaker not understood]. i'm pleased the city should help us to lower down the cost. and about the rush hour, a lot of people not getting the ride, not having other cabs because just like every business when
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it's rush hour, people have to wait. there is a cab right there. it's no way to -- nobody can be 100% happy on that situation. i think -- ubers, they are really hurting us. they are really, really hurting us and they have no regulations whatsoever. i don't see that. but please help us to lower down our side of the cost. thank you. >> thank you, mr. lee. >> [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. ibrahim [speaker not understood]. >> good afternoon, sir. good afternoon. my name is hong [speaker not understood]. taxi driver. and i come here today to talk to you for the color scheme -- we want color for the city like new york and maybe we can [speaker not understood] for the color scheme. right now we don't have the
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driver when we have to drive every day about 15 hour day and 7 day week, and we don't have time with no family. and if we make less money, we can take a break more little bit. and all i come here to say that. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> xiad masri, abraham [speaker not understood]. last person to turn in a speaker card is cad ami. >> good afternoon, sir. we are struggling. if the cost is so high, we even cannot compete with the others. the lower the price from the companies like yellow, like de soto, we couldn't compete with them. like he said, we work so much. we work hard. in the city everybody ignore us. we only go to the airport. airport is full. they kick us out. we have to go around every
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time, 20, 30 minutes we lose. we're not making like we used to be making. so, we bought the medallion to relax a little bit. we can't find the drivers. we can't even relax. we can't make money. it's like a nightmare to us. thank youthv >> thank you, sir. next, please. >> abraham [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood], those are the last two people who turned in speaker cards. >> good afternoon, sir. good afternoon. my name is abraham, i am a taxi owner and i drive with yellow cab. the same thing with my friend, the cost of the medallion, we really have a hard time catching the drivers. you know wintertime is coming. i pay $150 to yellow cab. [speaker not understood]. you know it is really -- it's not like all this before because of other companies in
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the city. can you help us just to make the payment? i live in fairfield. most of the time i park my car because i cannot find a driver. if you go to the big company, you can see a lot of medallions sitting there. so, 1,150 to pay the yellow cab, it's not too many cars like before. so, please help us to do the same things with the fleet. >> thank you, sir. thank you. >> [speaker not understood] is the last person who turned in a speaker card. not here? all right, mr. chairman, that completes -- >> thank you. i'd like to say i think -- we as a board look forward to seeing the white paper mr. kim referenced. clearly it is a very important issue what the other cities are doing. we look forward to it with great interest. [speaker not understood]. >> mr. chairman, moving on to consent calendar these items are considered to be routine unless a member of the board or public has asked to have an
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item severed. no one has asked for that at this meeting. so -- >> is there a motion on the consent calendar, then? >> motion is approved. >> is there a eked all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed, so ordered. next. >> item 11 is improvement of various parking modificationses along the transit a route [speaker not understood] capital improvements and travel time reduction proposals. there are multiple ones and i will not read them. >> thank you. we have a presentation on this this afternoon? >> yes, mr. chairman. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, directors. sean kennedy with the sfmta transit division and i'm here to present capital projects that will improve the reliability and on-time performance of the 9 and 9l on
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san bruno. but before i do that i wanted to give a quick update on a pep moving to work forward project. and go over progress being made on some of the implementation projects that we're pursuing. if you recall on march 28 when you adopted a tep e-i-r finding, there were also a few capital projects that you approved and legislation has been going through, that implementation process, i wanted to update you on though. and then talk about the 9 san bruno project specifically and then cap it off with a quick kind of what's next or what's expected over the next six months. >> good. >> so, the tep as you recall, the tep was going through environmental review process for several years. that process culminated on march 27th when the planning commission certified our e-i-r. and march 28, the next day this board met and adopted the
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findings from the e-i-r as well as legislative several capital projects are associated with that. now, up to that point the transit effectiveness project or the tep was in the planning stages. we held hundreds of community meetings, got a lot of feedback and then ultimately reviewed those projects and that feedback in environmental document. at that point we're now kind of looking forward into implementing those projects. and, so, we thought it was a good opportunity to rename the program. we're going to name it now muni forward, much more action oriented, less kind of bureaucratic and planning sounding. but moving forward isn't -- doesn't just encompass tep. there's other projects, great projects that both muni as well as the larger city family is working on that will improve muni. really trying to address the two biggest concerns we hear from constituents all the time which is one, mound is
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unreliable, and two, muni is crowded. and there's a lot of great projects going on. people, it's hard to communicate those projects to people especially when you're talking about an escalator rehab here, what does that mean for munich re liability. renewed bus there, how is that improving munich re liability. the idea behind muni forward is to have a larger umbrella, i guess you'd say, over all these projects that are working toward making the system better. and there's really four buckets. the tep directly influenced the first two buckets which is creating a rapid network on our most traveled routes in the muni system. and improving reliability on all routes, not just those on the rapid network. but we've added two of the buckets that making the system smarter and enhancing safety and access, making the system smarter project would be transit single priority would fall into that category. the new line management center that is helping us monitor and
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manage the system better. those are both examples of projects in that group. and enhancing safety access, the new fleet procurements will really help both access and safety issues, also escalator rehab and repair, things like that. i'm just trying to make the point that muni forward is a lot broader than just the tep. and one of the kind of exciting things about that is we're able to put out some advertisement. so, these are examples of two types of collateral that you should be seeing on our system within the next several weeks. the top one is talking about the red lines on church and that was a tep project but now it's in a muni moving forward banner and talking about the new bus and new bus procurement we're going to replace the entire bus fleet within the next four to five years. both of those should be showing up on our system soon. i'm getting the word out about muni forward.
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so, back to the tep specific projects, i do want to start off by noting that some of the projects you approved on march 28 have already been implemented. this is a picture of a bus on columbus, columbus and green. already been implemented, constructed and is in use, super exciting. that lead us to some of the other fast-track projects that are going on and i wanted to run through this list really quick with you. all of these were approved on march 28th and i just want to run over where we are in the process. n judah there is a 9 block street between th and arguello on irving that is in detail design right now. it is looking to be advertised in the may time frame. i do want to point out all of these projects were approved to take advantage of coordination with dpw. all these corridors, dpw is working on repaving and, so, we wanted to be able to take
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advantage of that work going on both from a cost standpoint as well as an implementation disruption standpoint. so, that's why these projects have been -- are moving forward rather quick pace. n judah also on 28 we're adding a few accessible stops. and that project has already been issued an ntp and construction should be starting imminently. on the 5 fulton between 25th and great highway, in detail design should be released. the project should go out for bid the end of october so really soon. mc allister and fillmore, there's bus bulbs going in. there are some turn pockets. that's part of a repaving project on part of mc allister already in construction. the san bruno, the 9l on potrero i'm going to talk in a minute about the two segments kind of each end of this potrero segment.
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the potrero segment super exciting, a really great project for improving transit and transit reliability for the 9 and 9l. and that is moving through detailed design right now. and i think they're planning a release for that project to start construction bids in november. 14 mission is a few bulbs at silver and construction. haight street, several bulbs between fillmore and lion and that's been advertised, it's going with a repavement of hayes and hayes is going to be repaved first then they'll pave hate part of the same contract, though. finally a few more bus bulbs on columbus that will be implemented as part of the d aphelion w repaving on columbus going out to bid in november as well. ~ dpw so that is the capital projects aside from just construction coordination. we've been working with on dpw, we've also been doing outreach on the next round of corridors.
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i want to start off with the [speaker not understood] really exciting project that is going to extend the contra flow on sampson right now. currently it runs from sutter to washington and this project will extend it three blocks from washington up to broadway and say approximately three minutes for both the 10 and 12 so we don't have to go all the way over to battery and kind of make that hook around the corner. that project was legislated on a consent calendar in front of the board on september 2nd. i'm going to talk in a second more about the 9 san bruno, that's why it's highlighted in red. we're also working on outreach on 5 and 71. the 71 just on haight from laguna to stanyan and the 5 is from market to sixth. so, before i walk through this slide, i do want to point out or reemphasize the process that we've been going through.
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obviously the last several years we've been in the planning environmental process stage. we've had hundreds of meetings. that feedback did environmental review on that. we're now in the process of coordinating with and moving for projects both in the vision zero and walk first fields making sure that those are within our -- anywhere in our corridors that we can. we put those projects? ~ in and then going out and doing implementation round of outreach. 9 has gone through that. i'll explain that more in a minute. but all of our corridors are going to have to go through additional outreach before we are ready for legislation. and then after that second round of outreach we make changes. we're doing detail design and then ultimately once legislated and we get funding we build it. so, on the 9 san bruno specifically we did door to door outreach on both 11th and
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bayshore talked with both business and he residents. if businesses and residents are concerned or had questions about the project, we met individually with them. we had stakeholder meeting world we talked to them and worked through issues and problems that people had with the project. and ultimately had a public hearing beginning part of september on the project. there's two types of proposals. safety, on safety wise -- safety wide improvements, pedestrian bulbs, traffic signals, turn pockets. on the liability side, of course, bus bulb is a priority, stop relocation. specifically on 11th we're talking about installing two bulbs in a transit island. i'll explain more about the island in a minute. removing several stops and removing around five parking spots on that. on bayshore three bulbs two
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transit islands and [inaudible]. so, just to walk through a few examples on 11th, i'm doing one on 11th and bayshore, on 11th at hair aston and 11th on the inbound side, currently a bus zone now. we're going to replace that with a bus bulb. originally we were contemplating 110-foot bulk which is still a fairly long bulb, but working with the local residents in a daily lounge, i think barry is actually here. he has a [speaker not understood] there right at the edge, 30 feet from the edge [speaker not understood]. we're working to make sure we incorporate that into the design. he's also concerned about bikes and bike access. so, we're working on making sure we have up to date bike racks there on the bulk as well as anything we can do to improve bike safety through there. on the outbound side, very
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interesting, 11th, we originally had just a regular bulb planned for that and now we're doing a transit island after we talked with our livable streets colleagues. it will allow the bike lane to be more protected and go between the island and the curb and will provide extra protection for bikes. on bayshore at oakdale the original stop design was to go far side at oakdale. right in front of the clam house, talking through issues with the clam house we decided to relook at that and we think the end result is actually even a better project for transit. we're moving it down near side of flower, which is essentially kind of mid-block. it will allow us to put a transit island there because we still get transit single priority because it's far enough in the intersection. we'll still see those benefits. down at bayshore at cortland, we are putting the stop far side, moving it from near side to far side and putting a bulb
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in. are proposing to put a bulb in. that would take the green zone for a small shop right at the corner. we originally talked with them about replacing that green zone. they would lose on cortland ~. their feedback was that wouldn't help them because most of their customers are on bayshore. they need the green on bayshore. so, we're going to -- proposing to put the green zone where we're removing the stop near side so people will be able to park there right on bayshore, walk across the cortland and access the stop there -- the rest of the store there. that's pretty much the quick -- quick synopsis on the 9. on the 5 and 71, we are continuing outreach on there and the 71 would then -- quite a lot of outreach, we're working in concert with city planning and public round process. we have had four or five meetings in concert with them as well as holding several of our own meetings.
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we've done mailings to 8500 residents along haight along the haight corridor. we've worked really close with the supervisors office. supervisor breed has been wonderful getting the word out. same thing on the 5, we've held several community meetings, working with neighborhood groups and had a public meeting for both those projects. implementation wise we are hoping to come to you to the board on november 18th and [speaker not understood] meeting to discuss 71 haight. the 5 we are still working through concerns with the community and talking with them. we he don't have a set date yet, but it will probably be in the january time frame. and i did also want to point out that we are continuing outreach on the next three corridors. we are going to be working on starting in november the 28th or 19th avenue, the 30 stockton in the downtown section and then the 8x on geneva and visitacion valley and it will
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probably be may time frame before we come back to the board on those projects. >> ~ so, with that i'll take questions. >> we want to hear from the public. members of the public? >> yes, [speaker not understood]. those are the only two people who turned in speaker slips. >> okay. good afternoon, sir. hi, john nolan, mta board members, director reiskin. my name is jeff learner. i represent one of the owners [speaker not understood] on bayshore boulevard. the proposed 9 san bruno move from where it is currently directly in front of our parking lot floor craft to directly in front of our neighbor, the liquor store and smoke shop next to our garden center, is going to be a negative impact to both our neighbor and our garden center
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business, taking away needed parking spots. where it is located now is out of the way. they can have multiple buses queue. i see that often. where it's going now is going to cause a huge logjam, plus buses coming down cortland, turning onto bayshore boulevard, electrified buses, their lines come off constantly. so, this is a huge safety concern. i mean, i understand that the goals of the mta, of speeding things up are important, but they don't always consider the goals and challenges that small businesseses have here in san francisco and making it more difficult for our customers, our vendors ~, our neighbors's customers and vendor to reach our business he. it makes it all that much more challenging and it's already challenging enough to compete and work in the business community as a small business.
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so, i ask you to re-look at this proposed move because it will negatively impact both our business at flower craft and our neighboring business, the liquor store smoke shop and it will cause a tremendous logjam and remove needed parking spots for our customers. where it is existing it is not a problem. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> barry [speaker not understood]. >> i think [speaker not understood]. good afternoon, sir. good afternoon. barry [speaker not understood] from dna lounge, dna on 11th street. i'd like to thank the board for your time. i'd like to thank mr. kennedy for all of your hard work. they've really been communicative. it's been fantastic to feel like we're having our voice heard, have some input. as a business that attracts a lot of people to a already congested area, muni access, bike access is really important
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to us and i'm happy to see this move forward. as a bicyclist and somebody who employs many bicyclists, i'm kind of a one-trick pony where all i ask is if i could have the overhead for a moment. really trying to get some soft-hit posts ~ or [speaker not understood] to separate that bike lane. there's a lot of times where people -- cars think that because of the park-let isn't blocking parking they can kind of pull over and it causes a big safety concern for bicyclists. if i could, you can see the last pictures, including here where this is done, and i'd like to do our best to incorporate that if possible to make it safe for me as i ride to and from work sometimes late
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at night. and with all those 8,000 uber out there who are all looking for a place to park and get their customers, let's make it so that they can't just take up the bike lane. thank you again. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> last speaker, herbert wiener. >> mr. wiener. herbert wiener. the questions i have about this aspect of the transit effectiveness project is what is the impact on seniors and the disabled? were they consulted about this? did they have input in it? how do they feel about it? the other question i have is are these changes reversible? because i don't want to see this cut in stone where it ha an adverse impact and the changes are made and there won't be enough money to offset
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changes that are negative. this is very important. a general statement about the transit effectiveness project. the transportation at fifth as it existed in san francisco 40 years ago was very comprehensive. it reflected the density of the city. sean kennedy has noted san francisco has a density second to new york. when you have bus runs that do not reflect the density of locations, this is very serious. 40 years ago the transportation network did represent this, but when you take buses away from the neighborhoods, when you alter bus stop and bus routes, you are not congruent with the density of the particular neighborhood, and this has a negative impact. i realize there are limited resources -- i realize there is an argument to very negative resource he. but whatever you do, these
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plans must be congruent with the density of the city. and this has notable impact on seniors and the disabled who may have to walk long distances to the bus stop. so, this is a factor that the transit effectiveness project has not addressed and it should be addressed. thank you. >> okay. mr. kennedy, could you respond to these points that were made here? >> so, regarding the outreach, we take outreach -- everybody is consulted on outreach efforts. we listened to with open ears for everybody, seniors and non-seniors. we've talked to thousands of people on our overall project. listen to those
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