tv [untitled] October 13, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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the skills needed in bridging the different interests needed in this area. thank you for your time. >> good afternoon, supervisor. must name is paula williams the founder of the mortar foundation and we have been funding crossroads for the last nine years consistently of the i am also involved in other organization, tenderloin and bay area and campus and all of those organizations work to better the community of the tenderloin. and all of those organizations, the name that always comes up when asking questions, rob's name always comes up. and i can just only speak about my love for the city and the importance of being able to be an inclusive city, where people
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of all different backgrounds, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds can be together and share in the good fortune of this city. and over the years i have been able to see rob navigate a lot of difficult situations and he is also someone who has compassion and dignity and treats his kids, our kids, i like to refer to them as "our kids," i'm a mom of three teenagers and in the event that something catastrophic would happen to a child who might happen to fall through the cracks and end up on the street, it gives me a lot of comfort to know there are people like rob and his team that unwaveringly walk the streets, five nights a week in some pretty rough streets to be able to form relationships and to gain trust with these kids. so he knows everything about the tl and where the kids are hanging out. he knows them by name, and i
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just feel really honored to speak on his behalf today. thank you very much. >> any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. i wanted to thank the public for coming out and making comments for your favorite applicants. there are two seats and six applicants and see there is only one that fits into seat no. 4, which is john. and he seems to be qualified for that particular seat. so we're really talking about seat no. 8 for the other five people. supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. you know, you learn a lot about these neighborhoods, and the city, when we go through this process and it's really incredible to see all of the amazing people that are
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committed to the tl and this neighborhood. we have mr. bogacki and it's one thing for people to talk about themselves, but it says a lot when people come out and speak on your behalf. i thought it was very powerful, mr. bogacki, you should be very proud of the impact that you have had as reflected in the comments of your friends and admirers. so i'm very grateful that you want to serve in this seat, and i think that some one of our background should be serving on this committee.
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i think everyone who speak is really incredible and really qualified and i think any one of them, hopefully if they don't get appointed would be continue to be interested. for me just objectively based on the substance of the application, the substance of the presentation, and the people who came and spoke, for me, rob gitin just stood out. so that would be my suggestion that we move forward john bogacki for seat 4 and rob gitin for seat 8. >> thank you all. was really touching to sea your friends come out in support of you and i know it can be nerve-wracking to speak here. thank you for that. as for seat 8, again we had many wonderful people who i would have been thrill to appoint to this body. i would say i was also moved by rob's work. mr. gitin's work in the
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community. starting an organization based on this passion, life-long passion. so i want to really thank him for all of your work. and of course, i know there are many others who we do hope we'll see again. but i would have to back supervisor campos' nominations. >> seems like we're in a very agreeable mood today. >> yes. [laughter ] >> so there is a motion on the floor and without objection, the motion passes. congratulations. so we have just to be clear, we have mr. bogacki for seat 4 and rob gitin for seat 8. thank you very much. so madame clerk, what i would like to do is call items no.
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6,7 and 8 together. >> item 16 a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending september 7, 2015 and two members, terms endion september 4 2017 to the assessment appalls board no. 1. there are three seat and three applicants. item no. 17 a hearing to consider appoint one member, term ending september 5 2016 and one member, term ending september 4 to 17 to the assessment appeals board no. . two seat and two applicants. item no. 18 a hearing to consider one member, term ends april -- ends september 4, 2017 to the assessment appeals board no. 3678 there is one seat and one applicant. >> good afternoon supervisor, i am here to to ask you to
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reappointme to board one, which keels with the larger and more complex properties. as a commercial real estate appraiser, i have spent my career dealing with properties like this and i think i'm a very good fit for board 1. also i have been on board 1 for ten years now and i have moved up somewhat op on the learning curve as far as the board goes. although every time it seems like there is something new that i can learn, which is why i enjoy being on the board so much. so i hope you will reinstate me or re-appoint me. thank you. >> thank you for your willingness to serve for over a decade. next up is richard lee. >> good afternoon.
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thank you for your time. i would ask if you would consider re-appointing myself as well also on board 1. i have been fortunate to have learned from many others that have been on the board prior to my time, including miss robinson. she has been a good mentor of mine, and naturally, it's never been as busy in the last few years serving on the board. caseload is very heavy and i'm fortunate to have had the years in advance to built up the stamina to be able to tackle the large caseloads. i too am looking forward to training new members of the board and i'm a commercial real estate practitioner downtown. so i do hear large cases. at the same time, i understand the smaller cases, too. really looking forward to serving again. thank you. >> if there are any questions for any candidates, just let me
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know, colleagues. next up is yosef tahbazof. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for taking your time to consider my application. i just served on board 3 for the assessment appeals board. i was enthusiastic before my commission began and i have to be honest, i'm more enthusiastic now than ever. i would like to serve on either board 1 or board 2. this last year has been a fantastic experience that i would like to extend, if possible. and i believe that my background as an attorney and an accountant who has involvement in construction projects,, as well as dealing with property management outfits here in san francisco allows me to be quite familiar with the process. in fact, i
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have engaged in the assessment appeal process myself several times and privy to the application process as far as the applicant's side is concerned. i would like to continue, if you approve >> thank you. >> could you state your name your name for the record. >> yosef tahbazof. thank you. >> i have a question. >> supervisor campos. >> my understanding from the city attorney you can only serve on one of these boards and you have an application for a seat on board no. 1 and then the next item has an application for seat on board no. 2. so i think that you need to tell us what your preference would be, 1 or 2? >> frankly, i would like to see in either capacity. i would kind of like to leave that in your capable hands. >> let me help a little bit. i believe for the appeals board
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no. 1 it was an alternative seat. and for the appeals board no. 2 it is for a permanent seat. so the question is would you rather be on a alternate seat or a permanent seat? >> i would rather be on a permanent seat, if possible. >> that clarifies it. thank you very much. next up is edward campana. >> hi, supervisors, how are you? i'm looking to reapply for board 2. i have been an alternate for the last three years, and this time i'm applying for the permanent seat or the alternate seat, depending on what best
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suits the needs of the assessment appeals board. i liked being an alternate, because i can serve on board 1, board 2 and also as a hearing officer, but i know that don would use me as a permanent person on-board to do whatever they had needs for. my background is pretty extensive in real estate for the last 28 years. before that i was into social work and research, social science. you have seen my resume. in terms of what can be done for the board in the future? one of the things that has been clear to me today is that if we had a little horn, like you have, that would be great. when your time is up, it goes off and that would be really nice at the assessment appeals board. my anticipation of what is going on in the next three years, the cases are diminishing. there are fewer cases coming forward, because we're improving in and our economy is looking better, but there is an expectation on the part of the taxpayer that they get the same treatment they have gotten for
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the last five years. so they are going to be back and they are going to be disappointed and i think that the load on the board side is going to be heavier because they are not going to be happy hearing hearings officers saying no and they will go to the board. i would like to be there to handle some of them. >> any questions? none. thank you very much. any public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisors, your thoughts. supervisor tang? >> item 8? >> oh, thank you, supervisor campos. anne ferrel. sorry about missing you. >> good afternoon. my name is anne ferrel and let
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me say i'm so humbled by the comments from people that i heard today from people that are to so dedicated for serving our people and neighborhoods. i see 1-4 unit residentials properties. i see single-family residences, condos, 2-4. and i hope to share with them my appraisal background. and it's a way to give back. i love what i do, and the pro bono aspect of the job allows me not to give up my daytime job, but i would feel that i would be contributing in some
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way. thank you very much. i'm applying for board 3, too. >> correct. thank you. >> thank you. >> any public comments on these three items? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor tang. >> thank you. thank you everyone for coming and i think we took all three assessment appeals boards together, so we can figure out where the best individuals can be placed, and so again, i want to note there are a lot of you up for re-appointment and thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to volunteer to do this work, which is really incredibly important. so for assessment appeals board no. 1, i would like to recommend that diane robinson and richard lee be able to continue in that role. as for mr. yosef tahbazof, if you could be appointed to asset
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appeals board no. 2 as a permanent member with there, along with mr. edward campana and for assessment appeals board no. 3, miss anne ferrel. >> i would say that mr. tahbazof be in seat 4 and mr. campana in seat 8. okay. any objection? seeing none, then this motion carries. congratulations. >> thank you. >> madame clerk, item no. 9. >> item no. 9, a hearing to consider appointing two members, terms ending april 27, 2015 for the sunshine ordinance task force. there are two seats and six applicants. >> pixie chopra cannot attend,
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but was nominated. fiona hinze, are you here? yes? . >> thank you. good afternoon supervisors and task force members. thank you for considering my application.a native san franciscan, i am acquainted with the diversification that makes san francisco such a unique place to live and work and as a dedicated advocate for people with disabilities i have dedicated my life that citizens have access to community services and local government. currently, as the system change
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coordinator, community organizer for the independent living resource center for san francisco i'm taking an active role for promoting the agenda for people with disabilities. previously in my experience as a legislator internal for legislator pierma and i learned the experience of knowing that government operations are transparent and in full view of the public. if appointed i look forward to helping the task force furthering its mission in successfully enforcing the sunshine ordinance, as well as addressing citizens's concerns.
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if apointed i will dedicate my time to the sunshine ordinance task force. thank you for your time. >> any questions? seeing none, thank you, fiona. up next is samuel mccormick. not here. next up is bruce wolfe. >> thank you chair yee and commissioners, board members. thank you. my name is bruce wolfe. once again i'm here seeking re-appoint and thank you for your consideration on the appointment to the sunshine ordinance task force. i am an active member of disability and lgbt community and i have a flexible schedule. it's early on the afternoon on a regular work day and i'm able
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to get up from my desk and leave my office in san rafael and be with you here today. i have equal flexibility for other meetings as the task force begins at 4:00 p.m. and runs through the evening. i work for a watchdog advocacy organization that relies on government public information and open meetingsing and has a long time interest in good government. i'm familiar with the sunshine ordinance task force and the sunshine ordinance and state laws and have attended a lot of their meetings. i have served on it before for many years and reviewed many of its past recordings more recently. i keep abreast of all the new wrong act and cpa organizations and there were some that came do you this year that weren't very significant, but it's very significant and i would appreciate your consideration for appointment. thank you. >> any questions?
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none. thank you very much. any public comments on this item? >> good afternoon, chair yee and supervisors tang and campos. i am currently hold seat no. 5, the league of women's voters appointee to the task force and i have served on the task force for over six years and i'm currently the chair. i am here today to strongly ask you to re-appoint bruce wolfe. bruce and i served together for several years on the task force. he is extremely knowledgeable about the ordinance. he brings institutional history
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back on the task force -- we have a fair number of new members. and importantly he brings particular expertise and information technology. and the ordinance we very often run into issues that require us to work with city agencies about how to best provide public records in various formats. the ordinance itself really needs updating and respect to information technology. so bruce would certainly fill a gap that we currently have. i would also like to strongly urge you to appoint the new american media nominee. we need to have that other seat filled and look forward to working with our new
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colleague. thank you. >> i probably should announce bruce oka on the agenda had withdrawn his nomination. public comment? >> thank you, chair yee. i, too, am speaking in support of bruce wolfe. back in may of 2012, i think supervisor wiener unfairly accused bruce wolfe of having led the change in the task force's voting rules. i would like to remind you that section 4.104 of the charter says explicitly that it applies section 4.104 applies to appointed board commissions or
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other units of government of the executive branch, the task force is not part of the executive branch. and to that extent, the voting rules that apply to charter-appointed boards under 4.104 does not apply to the task force. and, in fact, deputy city attorney john givner indicated in june of this year, that the task force is not part of the executive branch. bruce wolfe has excellent technology skills that could help the task force streamline its procedures and assist city departments with complying with the ordinance. so i would hope that this committee would advance bruce's name with recommendation that he be
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re-appointed to the task force. he has several things in his favor in addition to meeting the requirement of being a disabled member, he is very bright with technology, and he has a full command of the sunshine ordinance. and his experience -- >> thank you very much. [ inaudible ] >> thank you. any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor campos? >> thank you. thank you, mr. chairman and again, thank you to all of the applicants. i know that a number of them, at least one of them could not be here today. you know, this is a very important task force, because it really is the task force
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whose charge is to ensure transparency in everything that we do and not do in city government. and i also know that it's a very time-intensive commitment and a lot of work goes into this. so i'm very grateful to all of the people that want to serve on it. i do believe it's important and i don't know where my colleagues are, so i will just share my couple of thoughts. normally i want to hear directly from an applicant, but i do believe that moving the new california media applicant forward is really important, given sort of where the task force is. so i will be open to that, even though pixie chopra is not here. i think the two applicants that we heard from for seat 11 are
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both outstanding and i certainly was impressed with the comments from fiona hinze. but i believe that just based on experience, and the importance of continuity, that bruce wolfe would be a great choice for seat 11. so that is where i would be prepared to move pixie, chopra and bruce wolfe. >> supervisor tang? >> thank you, supervisor campos for your comments. i had the opportunity to meet with mr., chopra during our last batch of sunshine appointees and i know he couldn't make it here and there was a question if he was qualified for seat 4 and so i reviewed his materials and had the chance to speak with him and i am comfortable with moving him forward for seat 4.
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as for seat 11, thank you to all the applicants and mr. bruce wolfe with his experience with the sunshine ordinance task force and the miss hinze brought a really great perspective, given the seat she is applying for and the person who she is potentially succeeding. so i would be very comfortable moving miss hinze forward for seat 11. she brought up several things regarding the sunshine ordinance task force and thought she was very studious and looked up as much information as possible and did her best to learn about the task force for applying for. our first difference of the day, but i would like to move those two recommendations forward. >> thank you very much,
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colleagues. i'm in agreement with pixie, chopra. so we're in agree with this one. this is a tough up with, obviously. there are several people that doesn't show up that also applied. so i had the opportunity to hear bruce several times now and have known him in the past. fiona hinze i met recently and i have to say that she is one that i could really say in sincerity she is a breath of fresh air. she comes in with no issues
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about the ethics commission. she seems to be very dedicated to the things that she is doing right now and wanting to bring those issues of transparency into her community as well. and so i'm going to go with fiona hinze and nominating her. so we could -- let's see, let's go with the first seat, seat 4 first and just get that over with. pixie, chopra has been -- there is a motion to move him for seat 4, but he is going to need a residential waiver requirement. so somebody would want to make a motion? >> so moved. >> no objections. so then that motion passes
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