tv [untitled] October 14, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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back to you saw people standing in the crowd and young people in particular do i want to not are some of the young people have opportunities that are ready for them now and so you know this is where in my time of life because you're ready you've got you've demonstrated support and demonstrated innovation and demonstrated there are on that really building that the innovation you're going to be bringing into one purpose is going to be different and see it's an opportunity that i don't think i'm prepared to not allow children many our city to have in particular in the community that i live in and the community i've been engaged if
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and feeling that it's a small enough size school that will give american people opportunity to a very large amount of ask the over the course of the years and my thinking is again push and pill but i will wish supporting one purpose tonight. >> commissioner maufas. >> thank you commissioner maufas i've been working through lots of different thoughts regarding one purpose and commissioner wynns opened up her comments i was looking at the map and thinking about little the schools in the midst where i
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live and i walk quite a bit and take transportation i think about those schools when i see parents rushing to get to schools in the morning if i see them getting on or off the metropolitan what a their designation i'm curled up the hustle and bustle in the mission being a resident there before i i lived in the bayview so i watched parents and children going to school school was where are they getting to you love seeing families getting off to school and try to envision with one purpose looks like not that i don't think that you all will
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do something interesting in sfusd as a part of our school system i don't think that's not the issue the issues we have lots of schools that are doing really interesting thing they're just getting there and first names b are going there now i think that that turn that i've seen in my time living in the mission really exists me and has excited me for several years i appreciate the growth there i so certainly don't like it to dropping a grenade it's competition for our schools that are doing amazing things i'd like to say a lee lot more
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parents to look at this the train is moving rapidly i appreciate all the commissioners comments their truly valuable and time to thank commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell for her comments but i feel a deep concern because the other schools you'll pull from them i think that will happen you'll be pulling from those schools to fill our schools i really want to see the schools continue to grow grow grow as they're doing i think that daniel and i had an opportunity early on in the discussion to think about what places in the city will benefit from one purpose school being in this neighborhood i offered my
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suggestions earlier but i think for me all that you potentially bring to san francisco i think is good but you understand you'll be direct competition for the schools that are now there and going up and i don't want to support that. >> i want those schools to thrive and continue to thrive and grow as they're doing and continue to provide the education opportunities for the families in the mission and outside of the mission to go to those schools so i want to let you know that clearly and honestly those are my feelings and again, just as mentioned here before we talked about if you didn't get approval where would you go and get approved and still be part of our family i won't be on the board at this
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point my term ends in december but i'll be a san franciscan and see you all doing what you've pledged to do in our petition and hopefully, you'll be successful in that endeavor thank you. >> okay. i guess i'm the final comment i want to say that to ms. mcgloven thank you very much for giving us cat and metro you clearly have brought united states two fine high schools cat, of course, is very i mean very popular among our san francisco students and i've actually recommended that high school to many of my friends and mr. tap i can't no doubt you're
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an excellent educator i appreciate our comments in how you added my issues around lgbt youth or difference families and appreciate about the practice i was disappointed not to see basis embeded i thought that was the core of how your school would work so, however, i can't approve this chart tonight because although your school says it will do all those things we're doing them too i know that ms. mclaunch said where are we doing all that i think most likely our charter will be approved by the
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state but as the president of the brvbs of our 57 thousand school students i feel a responsibility to work that out to play it out because we're on the cusp of innovation we're in so doing it more slower probably because it's like moving a titanic vs. one with row boats we have issues we believe we're trying to stop the cycle of poverty and not only with particular individual but we're trying to break the cycle of poverty as a movement and if you are approved by the state i hope you will join us in the movement to break the cycle of poverty because clearly our children in
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the san francisco and san francisco unified school district the majority of students we serve are in poverty but we're trying to stop the incredibly of racism and systemic racial policies in our district so we're also working towards those things we believe that poverty is one piece of it but a deeper systemic racial system is a a harder to do i know you look at our school district we could do better a than us but i know for the 57 i believe for the 57 thousand school children we're doing good we're working hard and not given up i'm going to ask you and our supporters here today to be patient with us
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because we are doing it on a shoe string and a state budget that actually is advocating in the nation as spend our hands are tied so mr. mcgloven thank you for this thought petition and mr. tap i can't swrg the questions i'm hoping it makes you think deeper also about some of the things that elements that if you do open a school in our district we would like to see for our public school children they're not our public school children they are but t in my position as a commissioner on the board of education i feel protective about what we're doing we're making gains and i'm going to ask everyone to be patient with us we're working on it we're working on it so every
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school we have can serve our students as a movement break the cycle of poverty so thank you for coming here and to your supporters and thank you once again for our fabulous high school you've give to our students you may respond. >> commissioners, any questions i want to share a couple of thoughts with you i think those are thoughts shared by the parents the children behind me this is that it's very hard for them to be patient and many particular in the mission where we plan to location all 6 improvement programs i'm not willing to wait to provide an alternated for those and the rest of the kids in southeast san francisco so i
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appreciate the conversation and i will flu when we're approved by itself state we will be our partner i'm looking forward to working with jim we'll come back and our doors will be wide that to you. >> i think we're ready for a vote. >> thank you, ms. sonata. >> mr. chin no mr. haney. >> no mroouf arrest no. >> ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase nay. >> ms. norton. >> no ms. wynns no. >> president fewer no fails president fewer can i make a request of the committee chair we bring our advocacy regarding this charter to the state board and have a decision how to advocate our position.
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>> yes. and again - thank you, mr. mcglover we will now have general public comment i have one more item i was going to address by i see that people have been waiting partially so item j right now with the request to speak regarding general matters i have many speakers signed up i'm going to let my vice president dr. murase read off the names you have two minutes each thanks. >> (calling names) if you could please come down to the microphone i'll be reading 3 to 5 speakers at a time.
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>> okay. if those folks are not here i'm going to continue with the next few (calling names). >> good evening thank you board of education for having me here tonight i come here tonight for my sisters and brothers you may not know but my nephew right away shawn williams was murdered 3 weeks ago tonight it is still a serious issue in the district
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before we could talk about i think first of all, we need to start off and provide our children with a safe environmentalist our children cannot learn if they don't feel safe okay so i don't know if you know or not but i come here doughnut e tonight because i fear for my 0 noise and envelopes there were two suspects only one was coming out u caught they know what schools my noise and envelopes go i want to make sure that the school district it aware of it this tragedy can happen again to anyone many parent or child okay it's really scary knowing they know where that the kids go to school at so i want to ask you to make sure that our children are safe i come before you today, the dismay that my sister
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went to her school and asked for help don't fail us and the mural of the suspect is still at the school it's a combatant reminder to our children of wasn't happened and can happen i ask you to take it seriously to protect our children and to also make sure that the people with very have in favor of the schools the principles they know and they take this seriously i don't know what - i want to make sure their culturally aware of what's going on of the history aware of what is going on 15 blocks up and down and be sensitive when our children ask for help they need help
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that's all thank you (clapping.) thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening we're thankful and with gratitude to speak here and speak up for rashaun u shawn williams and for our children my son wants to say something i like i hope kids are safe no bullying in my school i don't like people in my school hurting the community and hurting our school year (clapping.) and i'd like to say on behalf of my son and right away shawn williams he was a 4.0 student with a scholarship i'm looking forward to the future of many sons in our community what's in
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store more our young ones my son was at school he was bullied so i want to people to come and school the little ones on bullying and the effects and the long term devastation so if he could have a lot of education on bullying and i want to thank you for allowing me to speak thank you (clapping.) thank you very much. >> (calling names). >> if there are not here we're going to cail the next group (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm maria
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i'm actually, the twin of my sister which just you know lost her son basically i'm sorry i'm not used to talking about in front of people basically, i come here to ballet you guys know our hearts are breaking our kids are scared we need something to be done this young man was so full of love touched so many people everywhere i want 0 let you know please emphasis on all schools throughout the school district kids that don't know him have been touched by him and hurting we need help and please let our kids be safe it breaks my heart that my nephew is afraid for his life he's 6 years old i have 5
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kids one of my younger sons is scared it breaks my heart to know that he's scared how can he learn love and peace please talk to the teachers faculty this shouldn't be tlorntd bullying needs to stop please it really needs to stop thank you (clapping) and you believe this has been - >> that's correct we'll update the board with more details. >> thank you (calling names). >> hi. >> they don't call the people in
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the order they am came. >> we're grouping them by tufkz so all the people speaking on the same topic. >> duo how do you know what topic you are. >> it's on the cards subject matter. >> what's the matter for the people that spoke before me came after me. >> were i here to speak about - beyond the scope i don't have one more middle school. >> i'm mating i didn't i submitted the card. >> okay. we're going to look for this you can start thanks i understand i'm sorry we can call you next we're looking for your card right now.
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>> hi, i'm mary ami i've been a resident of san francisco since 1989 before the earthquake my children went to aloha middle school and then gateway and lowell high school i'm here to encourage you to settle with the teachers union and the united educators of san francisco and to increase the salary scale i fell in love with san francisco in 89 and quickly learned i could drive 20 minutes south and earn $20,000 more i will or want to pass out a copy of your salary scale and yourselves and have you see that you can easily see there's a couple of things to fix frail you go up to 6 units my district
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we go up to 75 units and secondly, i want to encourage the idea when our spending school fund your spending closely to the classroom and that's the school teacher great positive teachers will take care of the students like you said you rejected this charter because i think things are happening they or are when teachers feel respected and well paid this is an expensive city to live in to be able to do that i have to drive thirty minutes away i'm saddened this year i have a new physics teacher she's a 14 year veteran from washington high school she said it was the reason she left was
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the school district sadly she makes more money at the school district i ask you to settle and take a look at the salary schedule. >> ma'am, if you want to speak go to the podium you have to minutes. >> i'm going to do my best. >> to president fewer and the commissioner of the body of education i'm here i'm very upset i've been upset but done my best to maintain? any granddaughter arena who is not enrolled in school because you have sent me a denial letter for
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every middle school there say, i can't understand how can this be not only that we have been to the charter schools to creativity arts we've tried there from 2013 we didn't just start she graduate from elementary in may therefore we started in 2013 applying for middle schools and we've gotten september 23, 2014, letter after denial letter after denial letter out of $8 million she doesn't apply or qualify for missouri any of them you say the chapters are under the unified school district and i'm sore that the person from gateway and the lady they've denied us i've left preliminary
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hearings to superintendent carranza this is a native san franciscan she went to mckinley that's where she graduated from any was understanding the woman that we're talking about bumming she was bullied at the mckennel we promised her, she won't have to go to the middle schools so we started in 2013 applying for mifldz how can she be denied from every middle school how could that be and then get a letter telling her she can be accepted in visitacion valley which is no where in our district some children mature faster than than others mentally ariana is not like that she's a child and
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thinks as a child i'm not going to let her go through the city of san francisco over an hour that was on a street i don't know where this is and so many parents from sdidz 94110 and 117 and 118 was given the same letter to go to visitacion valley why i understand this commission to say those schools are our choice i guess dr. ackerman said that should have been changed because that's wrong a child is not able to go to a school in their own strict e district so the child in the district is pushed out and can't go to 1, 2, 3 hours away that's ridiculous
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i couldn't understand why superintendent carranza doesn't answer any many, many messages i left with his secretary as of september 17th my granddaughter has been out of the school one month i talked to the defks they said have the truant officers come to get my granddaughter i said not yet i wonder why she didn't have a school to go to. >> okay. thank you it up for coming and advocating for your granddaughter mr. steel is he in the room he'll he'll return i'm going to have him take down our information. >> no disrespect president
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fewer do you know how many times we've been down here and over 7 times. >> i know your federal regulation and no disrespect but darlene who is the head of of our placement center is going to have a conversation with you. >> thank you very much i believe that two names have been also we've called our two names i'm sorry merriam and don please come forward you 20 have two minutes. >> aim marian i started an initiative with my colleagues called engagement for public schools we want to tell you about what we're doing but a particular activity engaged ♪ the engrossment fair for those of you who don't know we've interviewed a lot of people in the room and spoken that about
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public engagement for public schools is a process not a new organization that is designed to build public support for public schools among a board basis in the san francisco population we're not a reform effort and not a new organization kind of a dialog it's leading to aforementioned we right started with one hundred interviews and did those informal and we left hand to what people said when we said what did you think we could do a a city as a population to better support our school system people said that's a green great question go out and talk to the people we can't talk to the people that don't show up at our doorstep we interviewed abo
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