tv [untitled] October 14, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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issue i'm here out of concern for the safety of our son and the children at the 7th grade class the students in his classroom hearsay been disrupt active violent behavior by another student in the classroom that roves the ability for children to lower than and establishes a climate of concern this is was brought to the attention after the 3 day in our past, present, and future the staff has been proven to be untreated and additionally children to continue the emotional and physical stress and we've spooern witnessed disruptive
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behavior the children was not moved his actions following behavior was recorded by our son repeated threatened to kill children in the classroom and placing hands around the throats of children and frequent outbursts and standing on chairs and yelling at staff and verbally imitation to the staff macro them cry and discussing this with concerned parents we've heard of the students being hit in the face and body and using various tools as weapons this as created american people emotional sate within our family we're getting to the point of
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considering potentially relocating our family out of school environment sherman school we want the child in question to get the attention of the sfusd that plan for addressing the imitation is not working on behalf of described above that must be addressed and eliminated thank you. >> you thank you very much for being patient to testify. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm steven my daughter is a second grader at sherman elementary i'll echo the concerns of steve and matthew to reiterate what has happened punching students and using a stapler as a weapon
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against another student using a gardening tool as a weapon and throwing furniture and circles in the classroom another students and threats to kill multiple students and spitting other students food at them and kicking the food off of cafeteria tables and using profanity gestures and those were recorded to the administration directly in the past since then since the report to the office of the strpt there's been no actions that have improved the action from pie child who has witnessed those attacks, in fact, since informing the office of restraint the following acts of violence have been observed continued purchasing and kicking
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off children and adults continued spitting and chasing children with skwirz and most frightenly this week a butler adult forcefully removed a naive from another students hands how did the students get the naive by wondering unattended into the teacher lounges this shouldn't be allowed by working with the staff and advisement to the office of the president restraint the children fear school and hide in the school bathroom this child maybe in the halfway they didn't building that the adults can keep them safe some of the kids don't get to eat their lunch because
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they've been kicked off the tables and they're not being educated. >> restraint i was going to request - would you. >> i'm going to ask assistant stevens and doctor to meet with you and they've been involved with this from the beginning there's action i understand they've met several times but they'll met with you so dr. steve son and dr. blanca meet with the parent any public comment on that item? and i'm sorry are you with the flex academy we're going to call your card mr. henderson; right? don't go far.
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>> mr. kelly i have you under disrespect items i'm i'm not sorry not under the general public comment but feel free to spank for two minutes. >> i had two comments one in general public comment and the other first of all, i want to apologize for my yelling when you didn't know vernon's name i'm not sorry for that out bust i want to talk about negotiationss more than likely district attorney day and a half we're going to be sent to fax finding that's not happened before i know were up told about it has not happened we've offer gotten close but never happened the important part it's another step away from face to face
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negotiations where we can accomplish something we can rely on a mediator to translate what you or the other folks said it makes it difficult last week in mediation the district responded to our proposal and union changed it's proposal and returned to the district and that's seems to be the end of it i think there's room there for the district to respond and for that to continue and now i think we're heading both a dangers phase because there's no conversation there's nothing going on between the district and union now i know you'll discuss all those tonight in closed session since i don't invite us in then
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listen to this with critical areas for teachers and parents those negotiations are not funny they're not something, something to say well, i hope you can still be my friend and giggle about it they're in no way funny those negotiations determine the ways our members and families live those negotiations are our life we take it can them seriously and the road you've chosen to go down is the wrong road we'll hope you'll send our bargaining team back to the table where we can come to a negotiated agreement thank you thank you mr. kelly seeing none, public comment is closed again this is item two which is superintendent proposals first reading may i
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have a motion and second to an one 49 dash 1950 one authorization to grant our easiest deny the renewal position for the san francisco flex academy charter school may i have a motion and second and i moved is i need a second and second and okay. thank you very much jesus i think no, i'm sorry this will be referred to the curriculum and budget and services committee we have one public speaker that's been waiting patiently steven henderson. >> so thank you. i appreciate the chance to say hello and
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introduce myself i'm steve henderson the principle of the flex academy really a teacher since 998 and taught for 12 years before moving into school leadership starting teaching in the valley community schools and did that for four or five years in the jewel hall and i met a young man named jose and jose changed my life and jose is the reason i'm here today putting me on the trajectory i was in at&t and out of jewel he come came into the community program one day we were doing an active and jumped up and got in my face so probation is there he said mr.
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henderson can i talk with you so we're talking privately he said i can't read it was there i looked in the face it's better to be bad than dump and then i realized although i didn't have the words i was standing in the middle of what we now understand a pipeline from school to prison that goes for children that don't get the services because they didn't get the services jose changed my life what can i do to help personalize education to jose doesn't slip through the cracks so i can be a reimagination of kids to give jose what he needs and how can we use the technology and data to get better i was the guy that
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who knew how to work the computers so i went through there got a special education credential he wanted to say that is actually what we have in common is that in working on our el cap i was looking at the work you've done and the vision 2025 documents the board has a good document saying how can we create voibld documents for education and personalize education and more importantly to close the gap that's in a 2025 statement that's what we have in common i believe in that and san francisco flex academy
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understand beliefs now we're going to talk about in the next few weeks i know in the past san francisco choose not to offer flex cap but i hope we, truly join the familiar of sfusd that we can make a partnership and that san francisco flex can cab can work together toward 2025 in reenvisioning education and indicate to make our system better to reach the students like jose together i look forward to the next month working with you all and hope we can be part of the sfusd family. >> thank you, mr. henderson. >> okay. on to the next item
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item f parents consent items one public speaker card signed up. >> pardon me president fewer. >> ready whether when you are. >> i'm sorry. i'm confused president keeling. >> two weeks ago we talked about the qualification of '83 teachers who were being put before the board you pulled that and brought them back we're curious has anyone looked at that situation i want you to look at i think this is an
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unusual pot on page 35 thas has to do with summer school you're setting aside 90 slots gee for middle school for summer school and doing it now that's a good thing and you're doing something good, i wanted to point out and say congratulations our doing something good it's go to have that certainly certainty about the summer for those the guys and look at k-28 an page 65 this time we're struggling with money in the district you want to spend $20,000 to make a movie i don't know about that i'm not sure about that how much with soft puppets or hand shadows you know if you're telling us you don't have money you don't have
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money for other people on pages 6 and 7 on you're special order you have a report that tells us you're up and ready to go in skiefsz in high schools one of the things that report didn't deal with the the facility it says you have books and borrow the materials doesn't talk about the elements we have teachers teaching in rooms without sings they can't teach science i need to look at that we wanted to point out that existed and solomon pointed out our joy in having i change the policy you had about employees children tonight we're pleased to hear that and we are looking forward to seeing every single middle school coming down asking which
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high school as a guaranteed area for their children. >> thank you mr. kelly seeing none, public comment is closed. consent calendar motion and second on the consent calendar please. so moved. >> second. >> thank you any items corrected by the restraint. >> we have one withdrawal and two corrections on pages 80 and 81 from the consent calendar the correction are to 149 k-26 days were 9, 1014 and corrected on 10, 14 through - the second correction 149 dash 23 k the last sentences of the description through
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december 2015 through december 14th is the correction. >> thank you very much mr. steel any items removed for first reading by the board none any items severed for vote. >> commissioner maufas president fewer i don't necessarily want to have this item pulled today but i'd like to request is that incriminacure brought forward. >> i'm not sure this is what we pulled off in first reading i don't think if we vote on that as part of the consent calendar i have a question about it so
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it's not part of the consent calendar okay. okay got it. >> okay. so that's good roll call vote will take place under the general matters we're done that that and okay any committee appointment to be announced to board members yes commissioner maufas yes commissioner maufas yes, thank you president fewer i have an appointment to the q gpa ms. linda madam chair from the u commissioner norton. >> i'd like to donor one member. >> do you have the correct spelling. >> w r i g h ta item l special
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order of business the next two go together i begin by calling the sufficient of text books for 2014-2015 at the education code may i hear a motion and second on the resolution regarding the sufficiency of text books and educational material. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you mr. superintendent. >> yes. thank you i'd like to ask our director of humanity to please present on this item. >> good evening commissioners and superintendent carranza i'm the director of library media and humanities and we are here to ask you that you
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approve the resolution regarding the sufficiency of text boxes and materials as required by the code 60119 and that is on pages three and four of the agenda and the report is on pages 5 through 8 of the agenda and that report gives the background for the resolution so we're here to report that all students have structural materials in the core the languages arts and history and social studies and sciences if you have in questions i'll read the resolution. >> yes. you have a question? yeah. ms. santos would you mind reading the resolution and commissioner norton has a question and one public speakers >> therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of
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the 70 unified school district has determined the hearing held on september 23, 2014, each pupil in the san francisco unified school district has the textbooks and materials for the science and associate studies and english including the adapted program for the english and be it resolved further that each pulling pupil has the instructional equipment available related to the science core classes as indicated on the science survey. >> thank you commissioner norton. >> oh, mr. kelly i think you
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signed up as a public speaker on this section would you like to speak? thank you really i don't know if we're in agreement thanks so much commissioner norton >> are you had your mr. kelly i wouldn't want to interrupt you (laughter) too late. >> so my question is i'm i have a question about a couple of things i've been trying to get an we are to one question is there or is there not a common core alliance textbook for 7th grade? >> all of our instructional materials are adapted have been adopted by the state not a science adaptation by the state
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of instructional materials so the state stopped the cycle of daungsz when the known core came around for the publishers to be able to create those materials probation officer so the state deems as appropriate those materials that we have right now that are on they're adopted list. >> they have not been adapted since the state adapted the common core. >> could you repeat that. >> i could go ahead so the known core states standards only apply to english arts and mathematics the next generation standards were adapted less than a year ago by the state of
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california so there are no materials for the nor or the segments we're going to give our students aligned to the next generation standards just like it took us a couple of years to roll in a curriculum for the new standards for the law and math it is going to take that bit of time to get things in place to support the generation science standards the materials currently in the science materials currently in schools are aligned to the standards and fully compliant to what we're teaching. >> because the source of the my question is one of the middle schools parents heard on back to school invite is the in classrooms there's no science tests in english or spanish for
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this classroom because there's nothing aligned with the common core our saying yeah, that's right but there should be a test in the classroom it's not common core aligned. >> exactly. >> all right. that answers one of my questions one of the issues is about math i appreciate the memo i think my concern i'm getting a lot of complaints about families i go to my kids class their on getting one or two units at a time their prospective or some teachers prospective is they're not being given adequate materials in order to plan theier and tyler communicating to parents that's hurting the classroom instruction so my concern is that is not being
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inadequately communicated and also that they're not being given the support in using the materials that are available because as you've explained they're available open school for the year it seems like a lot of the teachers don't know that and telling the parents they're not getting the materials it seems like we have a disconnect here at least in communication i don't like hearing from parents thinking there are no math materials. >> so commissioner norton thank you for raising the question i want the public to speak and i'll let our the director mr. ryan respond i actually attended the back to school night with my daughter i
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was extremely thrilled at the message the math teacher at the moot daughters school give to the parent doing a good job good job brought up the website and shows the parent where we got his materials and said this textbook is out-of-date in lots of areas not covered so we're going to be dip into this book for certain areas and going to the website for other materials he did a fabulous job so part of what wire trying to do is make sure that all your teachers understand that same kind of understanding around the materials as well and we know that compunction is often a game of telephone tag and some folks have not guilty or innocent the
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same phone number. >> and were you wearing a fake glass and nose in that. >> i didn't have any tie on let's say that. >> i couldn't have said that better we're working diligently at getting the messages anti teachers are getting daily condominium conversion from my team you know there are pocket where it hadn't researched we're hearing from you and as soon as you give us the information we follow-up with that school anticipate principles and teachers, etc. >> dr. murase. >> thank you very much for this report i was a little bit troubled but the fang that june and jordan and marshal there wasn't sufficient materials i want more details and by what dates certain will they get tir
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materials. >> i believe you're referring to the science we'll get that information to you eric losing it the person in favor of the meeting with the science department chairs and will have more information exactly what june jordan a structured we had conversations so he'll be able to give you more information. >> we received that information open the science team today as well so my - the scientific team working with eric lewis are rounding up the google and the iphones for those. >> we'll adequate the eye goggles yes commissioner nn
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