tv [untitled] October 14, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> i believe so. this would not be a rec's based program. recs are the common courtesy of the market. because sb 43 they are by definition what we call a bucket 1 bundle resource. >> so this cost of 12.2 is this going to be constant or will it fluctuate? >> pg & e is proposing that when you sign up for this program that you make a one 1 year commitment and after that one 1 year you roll to month to month. as long as you stay on the program you won't see the renewable energy portion of your rate go up. so one of the things that they are proposing is you can hedge your energy cost, fix it long-term.
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other parts of the rate will go up, you know, the cost to administer the business will increase over time other regulatory cost might go up. the ratepayers will pay that, but the renewable portion will be fixed. if they leave the program and go back, they will be on the new addition, the new vintage of the rate for the generation. >> for all of he is the them, they have to pay the transmission and distribution cost. that may go up for the year but the generation if you choose the green tariff will be fixed for a year, right? and then it's month to month. if you choose not to and the program goes away, you go back to the old program and no matter, you have to pay what that current rate would be. >> you are right, kind of like a power purchase agreement, right?
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when you set a price? >> yes. they are treating this like a portfolio. so what pg & e is proposing actually is that as they add new projects, if the cost of the renewable portion energy goes down, that the first participants can benefit from that decrease and that makes sense to the extent we are seeing solar power prices drop so the first customers may see slightly higher prices but in a year maybe the price will drop to $70 just for the energy portion and that will bring the overall cost of the program down. it's an incentive to stay in, really. >> and it sounds like it's going to be harder to launch the enhanced program right away because that's really theoretically the projects located near where i live and if
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there aren't any, they are going to need to procure or set something up and there is going to be lead time for that, right? >> you got it. right. in fact do that point the california puc has decided they are going to rule on the first part of the program in their upcoming decision and they are going to defer a decision on the community renewables piece. there is some competing models out there that stakeholders have presented to the california puc, so they wanted to provide a little bit more time to vet that through their proceeding. >> okay. great. i would love to take a little bit more time off line to understand this. it seems like a big deal but it doesn't seem like there is a great urgency because puc has some housekeeping to take care of. >> yes. i'm happy to answer any questions any of you have. yeah. go giants. >> thank you. >> that concludes my report.
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>> thank you. >> public comment on that item. >> thank you. >> thank you again for this opportunity. i didn't speak earlier but i wanted to thank president courtney for what he's done. i want to say president caen, you are very dapperer. she has you beat on the dressing. on the drought condition we have contamination. this impacts not just san francisco. so i wanted to just look at a couple things we look at pro actively. when we have severe flooding and things that are happening that doesn't mean things are going to be concentrated and when we look at ground water as a
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resource. it's i mperative that we have storage and make sure it's getting to the people at the point of use and not contaminated and that's what i'm looking for trying to identify solutions for how we address contaminants that are going to be in our ground water and we have a lot of information and statistics that demonstrate some of the carcinogens that are causing a lot of health problems for our community. what are we going to do in case of an emergency room when the system is down and we have to go to ground water, what's the period of filtration to protect the residents. we talked about the rim fire, but what happens if the water was contaminated, that would have affected more than just san francisco. we need to look at how we are going to address concentrated contaminants as it enters our homes for bathing, cooking and drinking, thank you. >> thank you.
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mr. cost a? >> often times when presentations are made about power we fail to address the empirical data. we know now that we get a certain amount of power to the jefferson market line. it's never ever addressed. we get over 400 mega watts from the pittsburg potrero. it comes under the bay. it's never mentioned. so whatever gives any type of presentation when we talk about wind, solar, any type of power and the rates, we need to know in
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today's world using empirical data, realtime stats, what is our consumption. it's buffoonery to talk about pg & e. pg & e is in this game for over 120 years or maybe 115 years. sf puc, do you know. they are going to take our hetch hetchy power and use it at a shipyard. have you ever had a discussion. there is the rit ger act. i mentioned it generally that at one point public housing got free energy from hetch hetchy and so did the military and so did the municipalities.
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so they keep changing these rules in a convoluted way bringing pg & e in. pg & e dominates the energy and when we, meaning the sf puc had to take a strong stand on power, we screwed up the people in the southeast. our sole arrests that -- solars that are reflected are people in the avenues. we need to know a realtime consumption and we need to take a holistic approach and have those that are need it. thank you very much. >> president ann moller caen: thank you. any other comments on the general manager's report, seeing none, next
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time no. 9 consent calendar. city clerk: 9 a-9 e will act upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless the commission or the public request and it will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item. >> president ann moller caen: to the general public, dr. jackson, would you like the 9 e removed from the consent calendar? >> yes. >> okay. we'll do that and discuss it later. so we are going to be voting on -- may identify a motion. >> i will move everything except for 9 e. >> second. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? the motion carries. let's take item 9 e
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separately. city clerk: 9 e approve the terms and conditions and authorize the jillion with wu yee children's services for use of approximately 3450 square feet space within the southeast community facility plus the use of the approximately 5,000 square foot adjacent and fenced children's play yard as a head start child care program. >> dr. jackson. i received notice over the weekend about this meeting today and i called the dean bynum to see what did he know about this proposed action.
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i even contacted members of the southeast commission to see what they know about this action no one seems to know anything. and it bothers me that you are leasing for five years5 years 3450 square feet of space. i'm asking what space are they talking about in ? we have made plans in that community dealing with that college and it seems to me as though your staff keep trying to knowing the fact that this college has the responsibility for the programs there and that building, 1800 oak dale. they keep not wanting to
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understand the first thing that occurred because of the expansion of the sewage plant. i am the one that requested that we have a college there, a city college because when the people that lived in the southeast sector will learn about -- when they find out about it, the classes are closed. that's yes -- why we got a college. i demanded a college. what happens is the programs that i had worked with the college before were setting up a program and it's over there on ever street campus. one of the best programs that got started in the united states of america because i knew my people didn't know how to read, they didn't know it was a stop sign to stop. but they came and stole the wheels off my car and that's how the
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program got started. i said we needed a ged so these young people can learn to read and be trained. that's how that program got started. and here we in the community have made plans for what we want to see especially in that area that 3450 square feet of space we have been talking about for over a year, but i don't know how you are all making a decision for something that you have no business making a decision over. that college don't belong to you. that college belongs to the community. that's what the mitigation was about for the community. not puc. ever since willie brown became mayor in 96 and you are established. every program that i hear you talk about, work fork, city built, the
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houses of bayview hunters point. you have taken those away and they became citywide programs. we have received nothing in bayview hunters point. i have asked the commission, the board of supervisors to have an audit on these programs, these monies that are coming in. they owe us that money. some people need to go to jail because nothing is happening in my community, but nothing for us. and here you want to give somebody a group, i don't know nothing about, never heard of them. because the last i knew, the state college was running the day care center. a black man, named david parson. what happened to him? no one seems to know before this wu yee children's services started. there was a meeting going on with the city and i asked them to
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please get that information. whereas to say you all decided that you did not want to be responsible for the day care centers that belong to the community, and here you made the commission give up those day care centers and give them to the city. but now this is not a city project and you are talking about annually $32, 775. you should be ashamed of yourself. the programs that we want to establish in our college. don't vote on this. this is not right. thank you very much. >> okay, let's have ms. russel. >> first of all this information was in the commission package, the southeast commission package and we
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can definitely give you that. >> they didn't vote on it. >> well the other thing the head start program was voted on two 2 years ago. it was there and just changing the operator because it is subsidized child care which i know the community had voiced. that's why we are trying to facilitate that. you may have not heard who the operator is. the program is still the same as it was. >> you have to add 3450 square feet of space to them. that was never there and i requested that they leave it out. that was whatever they are called to leave out because they had no business of being there either. >> hsa was put there by who? >> hanukkah. >> by who?
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>> she was the dean. she took away all of our programs and gave them to someplace else. when we didn't have a ged program and nursing program and she started representing the spaceout. i asked for her removal and she was removed from there because she wasn't there for the community. that's why we have a dean now, the young man because i requested. i want to see a young brother to go on the corners and talk to the young men on them corners and talk to them and get their ged and get trained for jobs. go ahead. >> mr. kelly? is there a new area? >> i want to go up and
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explain. >> good afternoon commissioners, this is replacing an existing day care provider. the day care provider was selected through a competitive bid process. these are separate tennants. they don't have anything to do with each other. >> what about that 3450 square feet of space. it wasn't part of the center. >> yes it watt. >> no way. >> i think that can be proved. >> it surely can and i don't want nobody rewriting stuff to make it seem like because that area is empty. we already made plans for that area . it's empty. >> this is a replacement for an existing tenant, if you have any other questions, i'm happy to answer. >> let me ask you, the actual
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foot print of the day care that was there before that they are replacing the exact foot print or not in >> correct. replacement of the exact foot print. >> well it's easy to find that out, right? >> yes. >> -- commissioners courtney? >> mine is related to the southeast commission and if they have this item in their packet, under what agenda item was it how would they get this item? >> it's my understanding that the commission approved the program quite a while ago. >> yul i julia ellis. the commission received a memo september 23rd saying the federal head start program
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selected wu yee as the existing operator for the head start program. it wasn't selecting wu yee. there is a federal head start program that selected the program operator and when that decision was made it went to the south commission which our staff have talked to those commissioners and the folks responding to that memo. there is no action the commission was making. it was the replacement of the operator and the existing foot print. who years ago we talked about all of these tennants at the community's southeast commission. the head start program was always clearly going to remain as a program out of the southeast community center. so we talked about the tennants and the pace that city college has asked for it's always been baseline the head start program was going to be there and all the information we
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got from the community requested that subsidized child care is happening in the center. >> from my understanding from dr. jackson is she's only concerned about the expansion of from what it was and the expansion of the additional 3450 square feet. >> yes. >> but all the other questions you are talking about wu yee is a head start program that what the community wants. i just want to clarify because you made it seem we are doing other stuff. all right. got it. dully noted. >> i'm talking about the space, the foot print. thanks very much. i don't want to see that change. >> it's the existing foot print. >> okay. i will make sure to go there and verify it.
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>> who was the previous operator of that state? >> it was san francisco state. >> san francisco state provided the subsidized child care services in the exact 3450 square feet. when did they vacate? >> it was some time ago. i don't know how long it was vacant. >> we'll come back with facts instead of just guessing. do we have to -- >> i have another speaker to call out as well. >> can that information be gotten before the end of the meeting? >> well for me to verify, i can leave and come back. by the way, it's 4-4. >> president ann moller caen: may i
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call robert woods, please. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is robert woods of human rights leadership council. i'm going to take you back some years ago as a freshman in college. it's an old civil rights trick that we all had to learn if you ever want to change or redefine a person or police, you change the name. you redefine that person or redefine that space and i look at this when i see southeast community facility and don't see southeast community college facility. you that take me back to my
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freshman year in college where you are redefining something that was not there at first. now you redefined it where if you mention it enough times it becomes acceptable. so, i want to go back and say a couple things. the mou, wr -- we are in the process, the community have not put their portion of the mou together in terms of how that facility is going to be used. mou is not a one way street for the powerful. mou is something where everybody gets a chance to participate in and put their input in and then they
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negotiate. the other thing is in mitigation, at -- tit for at at -- i see we are not getting a fair shake in that building because we were given this building under mitigation and it was a tit for at . i think it needs to be clarified and we need to stop whatever we are doing out there in terms of what we are putting in demands in and big daddy knows what's best for us out there, no. it doesn't work like that. we will have a say so in our community and we are not getting that,
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and is this what you all want us to do? you want us to lay down tell-tale to whatever you put on us? please, don't do that to us. we come down here and ask for a fair shake on whatever this city wants to do out there. we say we want to be a part of it and by dictating to us what you are going to do is not a fair shake. that is not in contrast with the mou which is there are exchanges in the mitigation. so i say to you, let's be up front and let's work together. if we can't do that, if we have to fight,
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then let's put on our boxing gloves and let's fight then while we are talking, let's talk while we are talking. thank you. >> i'm unclear about what's going on here. my understanding was this was a calendar item that head start was a program that two 2 years ago was approved by the southeast commission, by the community to continue their services and that they had an operator that provide child care to community members who needed it and there has been a change of operator from what i understand and this item is only to approve that change in operator that is head start selected and an existing provision of services with a different operator. >> that is what my
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>> they did not have that. >> can we continue this meeting? we have to go back and say what the space is before. >> i'm representing if it's the same square footage and if it makes dr. jackson and members of the community more comfortable. i'm more happy to give the comparison of the two leases. this is a replacement operator for an existing space. >> can i make a recommendation so that we can move forward on this item is that why don't the commission approve this item and make sure that it is the same foot print as the previous with the condition that the foot print of this new lease is the same as the old one. >> so moved. >> you have to say it.
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>> i would like to move that this item be approved under the condition that it is the same foot print as the previous lease and this is just simply a change in operator as selected by head start. >> so i have a point of clarification. because i'm prepared to second that motion. necessity -- in the event that we find any discrepancy at all times, can we look forward to seeing this come before us again? in addition to that, is there any way we can communicate to the southeast commission, well, whatever, let's communicate to them that this conversation took place, that we made this motion and probably passed it and we'll get to the bottom of this either right here right now or in our next meeting. >> second.
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