tv [untitled] October 17, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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services exempt? why in ? >> usually because they are under $100,000. we are still tracking whether we award those contracts to lbe primaries and whether or not they partner with lbe consultants. but they are exempt from the consulting goal if the amount of the contract is under $100,000 and if there are federal or state funds included for the sources for the contract. >> okay. thank you. commissioner? >> thank you, elaine for this report. commissioner is not here but this report is the heart and soul of what she loves to hear. i'm not go egg to speak for her but to commend the group.
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it demonstrates when you put focus on the goal we get results. thank you. >> commissioner adams? >> i will speak for commissioner brandon, but i will speak for myself. >> anyway i think you ever date -- done a great job. i think it would help more people in the minority community because as you know the numbers for the african american and hispanics are very low. women and asian communities are doing well. but also i think we have to continue to raise the the bar. we are to do more outreach. i would like to commend you because i think that what we are doing is we are challenging people to reach out and to put on their best and to step
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up and i have always said that i don't expect anyone to get a contract because of their race or sex, i just expect them to be good. but i inspected -- expect people to know and a lot of times people don't get the information. what i'm saying, there should be an equal playing field no matter who they are to have an opportunity to put up and show what they can do and a lot of companies need to build relationship and reach out and maybe come in and learn the business a little bit better. as you and i talked about this before, when these bids go out, people don't know handout you to answer the question because it's based on the point system. if you are not part of the game and you are on the outside and you don't know what to do as part of the process, you have to get out
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there. i tell everyone, come to the port commission and find out. people say we didn't know about it. people don't forget to eat. come out here and learn about it and participate. thanks. >> i just want to echo comments of my colleagues and really thank you elaine and staff and monitoring division for really stepping up. i know this has been an issue particularly commissioner brandon has raised the point and we as a commission have pushed to see some results here. it really is heartening to see that by taking this outreach seriously we really have seen such positive and strong results and some departments will take he'd and i know as referenced with the various different community chambers of commerce, one of the minority chambers of
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commerce that other representative of the city were pleased with that and i think the results really do speak for themselves that with focused attention and dedication on the part of commissioners and staff that we have seen such good results. i want to thank you all very much for this and this you for your presentation. >> next item. city clerk: item 12a information and presentation on proposed relocation of eat the truax -- eat eat eat is
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process the theater had to move. we moved to lot 24 which is the parking lot triangular in shape at the corner of embarcadero and broadway where they would have their shows and pair it with a number of temporary buildings and use about half of that parking lot and for a lease term of 10-15 years and we had a number of presentations in front of the port commission regarding the design and economic terms of that project moving forward and the port commission also directed the theater zinzanni and designers to rules commission, but it is also part of this city's northeast embarcadero district so there is another overlay that are not
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on of properties which is an extra challenge. at this teatro was a challenge on the design and how they fit into historic district and especially in the course of 2012 on the port commission and the neighborhoods found this was a particular challenge. so after some time to reflect and i believe runnels where in california was successful and came back to the port staff and started the discussion essentially saying perhaps the project was with temporary buildings was not going to suffice from an economic perspective. at the teatro came to us forb another project and this has been a conceptual discussion to pair the
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historic and normal teatro operations with a hotel lot 24 specifically doing some open space at lot 23 which is at the corner right in front of the kgo building in front of vallejo street and most of 4 a hotel that shows the conceptual designs in a moment. i think the port staff recognized that the particular challenges of having a permanent building which will be a lot easier to work with design to accommodate the needs of the historic district and our neighbors as well as providing an additional economic revenue source to allow the additional construction in the architectural quality. so this is a concept that i think port staff was interested in and
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teatro had an opportunity to talk to northeast water front advisory group and people think generally this idea is promising. so, that is that was where we are. in a normal business where we are, we are very clear to follow those ports and supervisors policy for solicitation. there is a number of instances, the recent history of the port where we have entertained projects where there was not a real opportunity forbidding and in this case we sought board approval before getting with the developer to come up with a private partnership which is what this would be. teatro is here to tell the
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port commission about their concept of pairing a hotel with their operations, the lot 24 and then going to the board to get that full source waiver for the board's world and come back to the port and take it's normal steps that we would take with the private partner to develop a negotiating agreement, develop a design in concert with community input and develop a term sheet. with that i would like to introduce a number of the people in the teatro team. linkal, the founder of teatro and mike who has done good work for the port before and an, the associate producer and i'm coming up. >> good afternoon, president
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katz and fellow commissioners, i'm nolan land field. i'm here with a team to bring teatro design back to the water front where it was born and thrived for 11 years, our team includes dars anderson, jay wallace, architect mark corn berger and my producing partner andy jameson. also i would like to note in the room there are many performers who are with teatro zinzanni. during the 11 years we were on the water front we created 34 unique shows
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utilizing the talents of hundreds of san francisco international artist including musicians, singers, clowns and comedians. it's not news that the real estate pressure in san francisco art scene is a real issue for the arts and cultural in san francisco and our partnership in the arts will create many solutions for this amazing city. the relocation site we've been working on since 2011 is seawall 324. i would like to note i think it's especially suitable because it was the site of a very first -- wafr? san francisco. the barbary coast in san
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francisco was three 3 blocks up the street. it was the circus where they come bind shakespeare with juggling and the national theatre and then they called yankee stories combined. this is where and when the san francisco's theatrical tradition that is wide lie unique and progressively original and wacky. a tradition that inspires eat teatro zinzanni every night. the port offers zinzanni to negotiate a lease in exchange for terminating our lease and recognition of status with good standing with the
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port as well as any contribution to the vitality of the water front. that was three 3 years ago. at the starting point of the negotiation, we met with a neighborhood group, port staff and historic preservation commission to get their input on the building design and use. out of those meetings the four fundamental suggestions to become the bedrock was the plan for the zoning limit on the height to build a beautiful circus to serve as a gateway to north beach and chinatown and comply with the planning policies of all the various reports on the northeast water front historic district which all encouraged a theatre, hotel, retail shopping and green space as appropriate uses of the water front. we took all those
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requirements and suggestions and revamped our plan in order to come up with the right planning process so it could is survive into the future. we approached several business leaders and developers about financing, the temporary site and we were all turned down for basically two reasons. the first issue was the length of the lease versus the high cost of the project and second was the risk involved. the only business on the site and an unusual cultural business at that. the concern was our possible default in a bad year, something that many of the arts organizations experienced in 2008 and 2009 as you might remember. we realized if we were going to bring teatro zinzanni back was to be creative and develop a plan
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to support the cost of construction and the lease. that multiuse concept has been successfully used in other arts institutions by them and other cities in chicago and australia as a way of combining the arts and business so they can both is survive and prosper. at that time i asked anderson, the long time supporter of teatro zinzanni to partner with us to develop a financially feasible multiuse plan to work with the neighborhood and the lease terms of the port and support teatro zinzanni's mission. boutique hotel was the natural greet agreed i -- ingredient because the port could provide housing.
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what we call broadway llc and now coming to you port and the city with a play and negotiated lease for hotel permanent theatre and public park on seawall 324 and continue a one one-of-a-kind theatre and visitor experience. i would like to bring up mark wind berger who will outline what the designs will be and give you an idea of what we are talking about. >> norm, thank you very much. for the record my name is mark horn berger. i'm going to share with you this afternoon, a few, of our ideas for the planning and concept.
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i will move forward. i think you will be able to see this on your screen. our project is planned in concert and conformance with the land use guidelines laid out in the north east water front plan. so open space, hospitality use and most important entertainment use and of course we are planning in conformance with the height guideline within 40 feet. the existing site as you all know is currently is surface parking lot utilized but with public access we are right on the embarcadero south side of the street and bounded here in this plan by the embarcadero on the upper side broadway on the right. davis street below and as jonathan
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said the kg building on the left side. the area is a combination of eclectic buildingses. yes we are in the historic water front district but when you look in the immediate vicinity of the site, prevailing uses range from office to residential, to retail to restaurant and a variety of architectural expressions and ages. the precome dominant building is 50 feet or less. in this area of embarcadero, as you remember we have very interesting potential site for public park and through your own water front land use diagrams, you've analyzed and created over a series of years this open space
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necklace of parks and in our specific location there is a gap in that necklace and we are proposing to include as part of this program with the project a public park and you will see as we get into plan, a park that is privately developed and financed but available and open to the public. so this site itself is a long site along embarcadero and easily accessible by transportation and pedestrian access and as you can see in this diagram it shows you the access to the f line along embarcadero and shows multiple points to public access to the site and our proposed development of the site. starting with the public park
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on the left hand side and then at the center of the composition our entertainment use, the historic spooegel tent and the hospitality uses which includes for approximately 175 hotel rooms. but you can see on all three sides, there is really no back side to this project. we have significant public access and high occupancy vehicle drop off and parking along embarcadero and within the public park area and historic walk, interpretive walk clashgs clark's landing and
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the proposed area and between broadway and embarcadero with interpretive displays with our entertainment building and within the a sidewalk and landscape area. the building itself as i mentioned three components, the park to the left, the entertainment in the center and the hospitality use on the right hand side. i would like to point out that our goal here is to try and animate the embarcadero on the south side so this building will have a high degree of transparency, you will be able to look in and see the eat teatro zinzanni's activities and visitors activities within the hospitality use but most importantly the
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spooegel tenant which is in seattle now and be brought back in an enclosed gazebo that you will be able to see from embarcadero and davis looking down from the hill above on the vallejo street corridor and it sets so as you know the spooegel tent is about 250 people, very beautiful materiality and coloration and all the activity happens inside the tent. actors and actresses dressing and moving back and forth getting ready to be served. one of our concepts that norm feels very strongly about it and you will hear more in a few moments is to be able to have our public see that activity and that will help animate this very key location at the
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intersection point between the public park and the entertainment and hotel use. very interesting way we think to use the animated nature around the activities of that tent. on the upper portion of the hotel, we are planning ought of this to stay within the 40-foot height. our three levels of guest rooms, we have 175 guest rooms that combine a combination of hotel guest rooms and teatro zinzanni actor and employees serving residential units. really guest rooms that allow out of town performers to stay for an
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extended period of time and be able to have coenient housing near the teatro zinzanni operation. this building defines the street edges on embarcadero, broadway and davis as a light court in the center and plan b all within the 40 -foot height limit. this project is very interested in long-term sustainability and economic sustainability and environmental sustainability and while the combination of hotel and entertainment use is very important to the economic sustain ability, we are planning green roofs, green walls and capturing storm run off which is important to the port quality and the port and meeting san francisco's green building code and enhancing the views from the service around us by having
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green roofs on top of this structure. there are some views here just very simple early conceptual massing views of this building. i think the key takeaways from seeing these views are that we are going to be able to frame in a very nice and symmetrical way in a high standpoint through broadway to complete that and frame it at the corner of broadway and embarcadero with our fourth story and 40 -foot high. we are creating an out door stage and public performance area in the park so that can be used not only for relaxing and sunning but also outdoor activities and events that are supported by the entertainment use directly adjacent to it with teatro
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zinzanni. we are as norm mentioned in the historic northeast water front district and article 10 puts forth our approach to dealing with historic sources and districts. our building will be designed according to the secretary of standards for addition to historic district and will be looking at the attributes of the surrounding historic districts when we think about designing the new building. when you look at the predominant stock of history k buildings in this area, they are strong and sensible but thv -- they have a craft to them when you look at buildings there is a
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craftsman work to them and is in combination with theatrical and combination use. being in neighbors and in a good historic area for the port and being a good neighbor and asset for the city, very important and something that we are looking forward to bringing more detail proposals forward with. so i would like to turn the presentation over to annie jameson to talk a little bit about our favorite project, thank you. >> i'm annie jameson, the chief
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operating officer for teatro zinzanni, i would like to thank the port and san francisco for allowing us to have a home and beautiful artwork was done in your trust and vision. we hope to build relationships with neighbors and artist. an we became part of the fabric of san francisco artistic community. during our stay we entertained over 800,000 guest. with 285 guest and we have waiters, chefs, costume makers, technical staff, artist, sales people and administrators who all added to our
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vibrant life on the water front. we entertained 2,000 corporate customers. since we closed in 2011 it has been unbelievable the vast message we have received from the public asking us when will we return to san francisco. phone calls and including one message from the fan who wrote i am counting the minutes to when our beloved teatro zinzanni in san francisco. one night without you is one too many. our goal is to keep in touch with our audience and this community. this unique partnership between ken wood investment and teatro nz
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