tv [untitled] October 18, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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>> welcome to our rules committee for thursday, october 16, 2014. i'm supervisor norman yee. i will be chairing the meeting today and joining by katie tang and david campos. the committee would like to acknowledge the staff sf govtv mark smith who records our meetings and makes the transcripts available to the public online. madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> yes, please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. copies submitted to the file should be submitted to the clerk. items will be appear on the
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supervisors board agenda. >>supervisor norman yee: item no. 1. city clerk: item 1: 140975 confirming reappointment, public utilities commission - anson moran]sponsor: mayormotion confirming the mayor's reappointment of anson moran to the public utilities commission, term ending august 1, 2018.sf 11234 >> mr. moran? >> thank you. i have been appointed to seat no. 4 on the public utilities commission and that's the seat that requires somebody with basic utility management experience. my experience in that is i worked 27 years for the city. the last 17 years i was in executive positions with the public utilities commission first as the head of finances for the puc and as general manager for hetch hetchy and then the
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public utilities commission. i have been with the public utilities commission for about five 5 years. it's been an interesting five 5 years and probably the single greatest challenge to us is maintaining the oversight of the water system improvement program and making sure that is done not only on time and in budget, but also that there are the appropriate management and project controls in place to make sure the money is being spent properly and what i'm really pleased with is the puc has the most robust agency anywhere and paying off with the city. the other issues i have dealt with during this time is we have been working to try to figure out handout you -- how to deal with hetch hetchy power supply. that continues
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to be an area that we wrestle with and i continue to go forward. as i look forward to the next 4 years, we have a lot of things coming up during this period which is one of the reasons i'm pleased to be reappointed to this position. first, we need to complete we sip and we will not get it done by the end of the year but we are close and we'll make sure it's done properly. we also have a series of long-term water supply questions to answer our wholesale customers, two -thirds of our customers that live south of the county line. that is very much within the term and frankly those questions are such that they need to be worked on now in order to be ready then. we are working on trying to structure a
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business plan for hetch hetchy that deals with several dominant facts. the first is the energy market is very different than it was 25 years ago. the last time we negotiated contracts that control our business. second is that we have significant infrastructure needs that we need to make sure we produce enough money to fund and the city and county has policy directives towards greenhouse and production and clean energy production to do as well. we also have expiring contracts with pg & e, motion desto and you are the lock in the next year and finally the biggest dollar ticket item on the list is the sewer system improvement program is really taking shape and beginning to take off an that's a program that is going to require everything that we have
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learned in the water system improvement program to make sure that that program goes well. that's a brief overview. i would be graduate to answer any questions that you have and would enjoy that discussion. >> thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you very much for the service that you have provided the city and i have always had a lot of respect and admiration for you and i know that you take this assignment very seriously. i have supported your appointment before and i think it's good to maintain that continuity. i wanted to just get a couple of thoughts from you about where we are with community choice aggregation and then you know there have been
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some differences between the board of supervisors and the mayor's office and i see by the way, we have our current general manager and former jillion -- general manager. a special committee. i want to know if you remain committed to the cleanpowersf program and how you see that proceeding going forward? >> before this committee four 4 years ago we had discussion about it as well. my interest and position at the time is unchanged. that is that whatever this city decides to do by way ofcca, i want to make sure that it works. i want to make sure that we deliver on the promises we make and i want to make sure to the extent that there is financial risk that that risk is understood, that it's
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disclosed and mitigated and we don't put the funds unnecessarily at risk. those are the concerns that i had four 4 years ago when the committee set the rate not to exceed rate and the proposals as he that had come forward to the commission had changed enough over time and they met those requirements and because of that i went on to see it. and that is something that those interest are the same and i would expect my consideration to be the same. i think there were challenges to figure out handout you to make it work and we still haven't figured that out with what measures properly with the measures and what they are and i think that is a challenge. what is constant is the objective. the objective is we want to
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provide clean pour to city of san francisco and hetch hetchy and those are all the same and there is no change in my thinking about those. >> i appreciate that and that your views remain the same. that is very important and greatly appreciated. as you know the puc staff stopped working on cca and lafco has picked up the ball if you will by hiring intern x and we know they are working on a report that's going to come out shortly and our hope is that once that report comes out and of course the puc staff reviews the report that there be a joint meeting of lafco and the sf puc and simply ask you that
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you remain committed that happens and move forward once that work is completed. whoo! -- when that report comes forward we'll discuss it fully. i'm still unclear whether that remains a challenge with hetch hetchy. as we look at the contract that expired this past june, the power industry has changed tremendously over the last five 5 years and we need to position ourselves to prosper in that new regulatory environment. we also need to make sure that we have as many high revenue opportunities for the power as we can. i think that the objective behind the cca and program itself will require some thinking. i'm clear about what my
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objectives are and you know what they are. what the ends are i don't know. >> thank you and again i appreciate the commitment to continue to work together with lafco. and just the last question related to that as you know the puc and lafco have a memorandum of understanding that will be expiring at the end of the fiscal year june 2015. it's hard to imagine how quickly time has flown. but would you be open to extending the memorandum of understanding and your thoughts on it? >> i'm not opposed to it. i don't mean to be cute about that. june of 2015 is also when our contract with pg & e and you are the lock expire. how that table is is it in june and the resource requirements are i can't predict at this point. but i think that we have done
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extensions in the past and i think that basic underlying thought process and interest of the commission won't change. >> great, thank you very much, commissioner and again thank you for your service and for wanting to continue to serve. it greatly appreciated. >> thank you. any other questions, seeing none. thank you commissioner. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. i have a few cards for public testimony here, and nicole sank uther. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm the chief executive officer for the bay area water supply energy and i'm here to recommended.
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represents water suppliers in alameda county to purchase the water produced by the san francisco water system. in turn those agencies deliver that water to 1.7 million people and businesses and countless organizations and three counties who pay two-thirds of the cost as well. i have worked with andy moran. on items critical to our agencies most recently as members of our agency have actively supported the $4.7 billion water improvement program. this and other experience are the bays for my strong support for his recommendation. specifically for this critical responsibility, andy moran has exhibited a sharp mind
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and intellectual honesty and integrity and leadership experience at the management and policy level. andy and i share the same goal of reliable of high quality water and he has worked diligently and wisely for the continued protect of the public health and safety and san francisco and our neighboring communities and his loyalty to the county and commitment to the puc and personal integrity make him an excellent choice for the committee again. >> good afternoon. my name is ed harrington.
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if you recall back in 2008 as we looked at the charter we were looking to have a difference in opinion and we wanted to make sure there were people there to appreciate diversity and that knew about water and power and environmentalist and ratepayer advocate and regular city, just a person and having someone that could understand and relate to that was part of it. when we did that, it wasn't that andy moran was a good person to fit that role, but he's exactly that person that i had in mind to fit that role because he had all the qualifications for it and for the management of hetch hetchy and san francisco and you heard how he works with our wholesale customers and others at the
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irrigation district who are part of our customer as close working base and also working with senator feinstein and he knows the entire world he works with. he is somebody who listens and bases his decisions or facts and i wholeheartedly recommend him to you. >> thank you. nice seeing you again. >> after this it will be harlin kelly and then courtney. >> my name is rebecca earning ton. we are here to support mr. moran for this important role. he is uniquely qualified and i think mr. harrington went through his qualities so
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i won't repeat them, but as someone who is monitoring the program in the puc and i have served in the water advisory committee in the puc and someone who is clearly interested in the city's water and as a ratepayer, i think it's important to have someone who has a strong opinion about the clean energy of the city. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, my name is harlin kelly and the general manager of the public utilities commission. i'm here definitely in support of andy moran. he's been very valuable to me. as you know i came with a previous loss from the regional manager and taking this role and responsibility was great that anson embraced
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me and help me especially with challenging issues especially relating to the water system and we are focused on the water supply issues and he's been very very helpful and also on the power side is something that he's really rolled up his sleeves to help us maneuver. as you know this has been the worst drought in recent history and he is and courtney have been leaders in helping us through that. we had a two 2-year budget which we were successfully implementing and just his knowledge, being with the puc for so many years has been so helpful to me and the rest of the puc team. i just urge you to continue his efforts and continue helping me as general manager, but also the organization and the city.
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so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is vicinity cornell with the labor union with 40,000 plus northern california. i'm standing before you to give you our ringing endorsement of the confirmation. anson moran. i have gotten to know him for the past five 5 years and not only do i have great respect and leadership for his knowledge and the way he's engaged in the fiscal component of the public utilities commission but he also makes himself available to me and my colleagues to sit down with us after hours and help us under and get around some of the pressing issues. everybody has their own expertise, their own areas of concern. andy seems to get it all. he understand every single
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aspect. but that being said, on behalf of the laborers, the great work that we are doing not just in the community, for the community workforce but the great work that we are doing throughout the entire region, andy is a supporter of the opportunities we want to create, bring jobs to the community through the infrastructure whether it's through the water system improvement program where ed harrington and now with the service sewer program and kelly, i know that i can count on andy to prioritize the community workforce and the construction business workers and i'm excited to be able to support him. >>supervisor norman yee: one other person. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is jessica acker man with the san francisco sierra club.
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we are here to support mr. moran to the puc for the last two 2 years. we have seen him be a representative of the people and would like to continue seeing him do so. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any other comments c'mon up. >> i saw these people's face. i intention for job or business. because fovr everyone, inform -- for the money they earn, the business -- working schedule, they want a way of destiny of job or business. not because being famous, so wealthy, it's because of good determination and aim objective in life. and i see people to have a
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joint academy, organization that can create san francisco everywhere, cover professional individual, anybody but in order to have that happen, must have a complete, well a way of law. the earth way of law that can jab a human soul everybody. 10,000 everybody everybody san francisco and being part of the non-profit organization, that means in touch or without touch. >> any other public comment? >> good afternoon
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supervisors, eric brooks representing san francisco green party, the local grass organizations of our city and also the coalition called san francisco clean energy advocates which includes our city green party local sf and neighborhood council. just to reiterate the important chorus that you just heard from which is the commissioner moran's reappointment is very important. those of you that were here many years ago might remember that when i came up on this appointment the very first time i had some deep concerns based on the fact that the previous mayor had made appointments that were not conducive to cleanpowersf at all and we were worried that this next appointment would not be either. and as the most concerned
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opponent of that appointment back then, i can say that now my concerns are completely resolved as commissioner moran stated, he has been in clear and clear support of clean power and that's what i found commissioner moran's mo to be on all policy and don't always agree with every policy but on cleanpowersf he's been excellent. for clean energy advocates, every appointee from now on to the san francisco public utilities commission must be someone who will launch cleanpowersf in the year 2015 and any appointee who comes before you who will not do that, should not be reappointed and be rejected by the board of supervisors. i'm happy to say anson moran is one of those people and we strongly
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recommend him to this position. >>supervisor norman yee: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. let me say a few words about commissioner moran. he's one of these people that i can say, what's not to like about him. you are very knowledgeable and when i had a chance to meet with you, your passion comes out and you care about the organization as well as the people who you are serving. i'm very happy to know that you are fully committed to the community choice aggregation program. i will be supporting your renomination. okay? supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you very much, mr. chair and i want to thank everyone who came out. thank our general manager and our former general manager ed
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harng rington for being herement i think it hard to imagine any other commissioner getting the support across from the political spectrum. my experience is there are a lot of people who get on commissions and don't really do much, but there are people like mr. moran who really work hard and take this very seriously. so with that in mind. it is my pleasure to make a motion to move this item forward with the positive recommendation and do so as a committee report so the board can hear it at the october 1st hearing. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor tang? tang tang >>supervisor katy tang: i'm very happy to make that motion. it's incredible that we run
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this water and power system and we are very thankful that you decided to come back. thank you former general manager ed harrington and general manager kelly right now. thank you for your service and really happy to have you reappointed on this commission. >>supervisor norman yee: well, any objection? the motion is passed. thank you. [ applause ] >>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk can you please call item no. 2. excuse me, we are still having a meeting here. >> city clerk: item 2: 2014.2.141050[appointment, park, recreation and open space advisory committee]hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending february 1, 2017, to the park, recreation and open space advisory committee. clerk of the boarddvacant seat 5, succeeding jeremy goldberg, term expired, must be nominated by the district 2 supervisor from the organizations listed in resolution no. 391-13, for a two-year term
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ending february city clerk: sf 21234 there is one seat and one applicant. >> c'mon up. would you like to make a statement. >> good afternoon, i know there is an open seat. my background, i'm an engineer currently working for an architecture and design field. i come from alaska but i love coming to san francisco where we have a great urban community but also recreation community and this is a great space for long-term residents and people visiting the city. i'm applying because i like to see this place cultivated and developed and i don't consider myself representing any specific demographic. i just love being there as this public space becomes more in demand as we are all aware and i think it's
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important for people who are interested and farewell among the community. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? thank you very much. >> thank you. any public comments? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i just want you to know that supervisors farrell is supporting this nomination. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: sure, i know there is a lot going on in san francisco right now trying to -- serve the young and i want to nominate supervisor farrell's position for a positive recommendation. >>supervisor norman yee: motion passes.
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congratulations. madam clerk, item no. 3. city clerk: [appointment, entertainment commission] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending july 1, 2017, to the entertainment commission. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 3, succeeding naomi akers, resigned, must represent the interests of the public health community, for the unexpired portion of a four-year term ending july 1, clerk: [appointment, entertainment commission] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending july 1, 2017, to the entertainment commission. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 3, succeeding naomi akers, resigned, must represent the interests of the public health community, for the unexpired portion of a four-year term ending july 1, 2017. city clerk: [appointment, entertainment commission] hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending july 1, 2017, to the entertainment commission. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 3, succeeding naomi akers, resigned, must represent the interests of the public health community, for the unexpired portion of a four-year term ending july 1, 2017. there is one seat and two applicants. >>supervisor norman yee: charles stephanski. >> my name is charles, i have been working as a nurse in uc sf and have worked nightclub security setting up events for friends and family and being supportive in the public aspect of making sure things are safe. also spent some time doing cooking for a while. so my experience in the health care field and entertainment venue i believe is very extensive.
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hoping those sorts of information are for mine. i have submitted my application and letters fl health officials and i have one more letter of recommendation if i can turn that in. i hope that will make an appropriate application. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. thank you. any questions? seeing none, thank you very much. >> mr. demetri is not here and i believe someone is here to speak on his behalf. patrick finger. >> my name is patrick finger, i work with dmeet tri.
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