tv [untitled] October 18, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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hoping those sorts of information are for mine. i have submitted my application and letters fl health officials and i have one more letter of recommendation if i can turn that in. i hope that will make an appropriate application. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. thank you. any questions? seeing none, thank you very much. >> mr. demetri is not here and i believe someone is here to speak on his behalf. patrick finger. >> my name is patrick finger, i work with dmeet tri. i'm going to read his letter.
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i regret for not being able to attend my application. today i am applying for the public health seat of the entertainment commitment. i hope that you will vote this favor of my application today. i bring a distinctive set of skills for which the entertainment commission could benefit. in my position as a director of events. i have worked extensively with the san francisco visitors bureau as well as many governmental agencies including sf dph and many others. knowing how residents and business owners and react to policy is a strength of mine and i would like nothing else tools to manage that to propose policy. i have worked
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in public health and direct issues of hiv and aids and mental health and substance abuse. as such, barbara garcia sf director of health has endorsed my nomination. in my daily work i tackle such issues. our venues are situated uniquely to take the reduction in strategies and reach opportunities. folsom street events avail themselves and such venues can benefit from sharing best practices including developing emergency protocols and recruiting large staff events among other things. this is a track record that we would be willing to demonstrate. in the importance that the city places on cultural events including
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outdoor festivals, i believe that my nomination to the entertainment commission is vital by way of support of the office of campos and wiener for events and outdoor festivals. we completed 250 is surveys and the folsom fair we completed 700 is surveys in order to help assess the economic impact of these events on our city. your vote for my nomination will signal to the community that you value the non-profit sector as a partner with government. not only is the folsom street events a charitable organization but benefits national charities working with public health and union services and public health. my application is for
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supporting the local industries. thank you for your time and consideration. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. >> i'm happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability. >>supervisor norman yee: i see no questions. i wanted to acknowledge that supervisor wiener has joined us in this meeting. i have one speaker card for this item. terrence allen. you have two minutes.2 minutes. >> good afternoon, mr. chairman, supervisor, my name is terrence allen. i'm going to speak with two hats as a member of the california music and culture association which entertains venues throughout the city. the board of directors has taken up the issue of recommendation for dmeet ri and wholeheartedly support his
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nomination. he brings his unique and combination of skill set of hands on the ground with successful execution and interface with department bureaucracy in the county and also a heavy and strong public health background. something that i learned about only through this process. i was quite surprised. so with this endorsement i will put on my hat and say that when this entertainment commission was being formed we spent a lot of time thinking about how we could envision forward, 10 now 11 years so that the seats on the commission would continue to represent the staekdz stakeholders and after the original public
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health seat whos at the time, has been at that seat. i think he's a great choice. thank you and i ask for your endorsement of dmeet ri for this position. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. anyone else? c'mon up. >> good afternoon, i'm mike leon of the san francisco eager and we 100 percent endorse dmeet ri for this position. we know him and feel he's completely qualified for this position. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. anybody else with a public comment on this item? c'mon up. can you make sure you speak on this item. >> this morning i discover one formula which is usually in focus of
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expression >>supervisor norman yee: excuse me. you have to speak on the agenda item. >> call focus for business. about internal bearing we would not be able to reflect. >> i will give you five 5 seconds on this item. >> you don't have the core element like state limitation. >> i'm sorry. you can wait for the next item if you like. thank you very much.
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is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i noticed that this seat is related to public health and i wasn't too sure what that definition is. so city attorney, can you help us out in defining what is meant by this. >> deputy city attorney john gibner. this seat represents the interest of the public health community. that's pretty much broad language not specifically defined in the charter itself. and so largely it's going to be a policy call for the board. both of the applicants here have experience with public health
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initiatives either paid or unpaid in their community service. so either of the candidates are qualified under the charter and it's really a determination for you which of the candidates you believe is better to hold the seat. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. supervisor campos. >>supervisor david campos: thank you mr. chairman, i want to thank body of the candidates. anytime there are more candies than there are seats, it's never easy to do and whoever doesn't get appointed it's my hope they will continue to pursue their interest in serving. for me, it's been very clear from the very beginning having seen the application of dmeet ri before that this is an individual that
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needs to be and should be appointed to the entertainment commission. this is a candidate that i think not only meets the requirement of help and work in that area but in terms of how and what he has done in the entertainment community. i think it's really hard to imagine a more stellar appointment. so i will be supporting dmeet ri today. i know he is not here, but usually you want to hear from each candidate. this committee has heard from him before. he had applied previously and i said at that point i think he should be on the entertainment commission and i'm proud to support him today. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor wiener? >>supervisor scott weiner:
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thank you, mr. chairman. i'm happy to come back to the meeting to support dmeet ri for the seat. i was disappointed when the committee was not able to forward his appointment to the board last time but i understand there was an in incumbent in the position and had a lot of attributes for strength and i'm glad that dmeet ri did apply and i'm in support of him. dmeet ri i have known for many years in roles running events and he really is a complete package for the commission. a long history for entertainment and nightlife.
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last time he applied, i think one of the holes in the commission or a hole was that there is no one who really represented the street fair and festival community. our street fares and festivals have significant challenges just is surviving in san francisco. our city departments do not make it easy for street fairs and festival. the sisters of perpetual indulgence just got a bill dramatically higher than it was supposed to be. that happens all the time. i want the entertainment commission to be much more involved. i know the commission is moving in that direction and being a commission er will help in that momentum. dmeet ri also is a complete package
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because with his experience in the nightlife, he also does have a long track record around public health particularly around hiv issues and when you are running a street festival as massive as folsom street and somewhat smaller in terms of up your alley, public health has to be front and center. there are a lot of opportunity if the street festival is not well run for people to experience a lot of different health issues. so dmeet ri also has that aspect of public health covered. he's a stellar candidate and he has my support is. i would like to say to mr. ste phanski, you sound like a
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great candidate. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor tang in >>supervisor katy tang: thank you for your comments. i too had an opportunity to meet with mr. yosh moesh yannis, i think he's been respected in the community and traveling all around san francisco and i'm happy to support the motion to forward mr. moesh yanis to the board. >>supervisor norman yee: i was i mpressed with mr. dmet ri the first time and given the relationship to public health and he qualifies and i'm more than happy to support the motion.
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without any objection, the motion passes. thank you very much. >>supervisor norman yee: madam clerk can you call item 4. city clerk: 4. 141052 [appointments, immigrant rights commission] hearing to consider appointing five members, terms ending june 6, 2016, to the immigrant rights commission. clerk of the boardd vacant seat 1, succeeding vera haile, deceased, must have a demonstrated knowledge of, and interest in, the health, human service, educational, or employment issues that affect immigrants residing in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending june 6, 2016. vacant seat 2, succeeding haregu gaime, term expired, must have a demonstrated knowledge of, and interest in, the health, human service, educational, or employment issues that affect immigrants residing in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending june 6, 2016. vacant seat 3, succeeding bill hing, term expired, must have a demonstrated knowledge of, and interest in, the health, human service, educational, or employment issues that affect immigrants residing in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending june 6, 2016. vacant seat 5, succeeding teresa chee, resigned, must have a demonstrated knowledge of, and interest in, the health, human service, educational, or
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employment issues that affect immigrants residing in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of t seat 9, succeedin elahe enssani, term expired, must be an immigrant to the united states who is appointed in accordance with charter, section 4.101, and have a demonstrated knowledge of, and interest in, the health, human service, educational, or employment issues that affect immigrants residing in san francisco, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending june city clerk: sf 41234 there are five seats and seven applicants. >>supervisor norman yee: would you like to make any comments before i call up the applicants? >> good afternoon, chair yee and supervisors campos and tang, executive office in immigrant affairs. i'm so pleased that so many qualified individuals are interested in joining our immigrant rights commission. we have so much work to do and we can use the help and expertise. regardless of whether or not any reform or order happens this year, we as a city still have to maintain our commitment to more than 300,000 i am grants that are a success and whose english is not their primarily language. staff have loved working with commissioners. i hope you will reappoint them to the commission. they started a number of projects for us and i would hate to lose the momentum that we gained. all the candidates this year are very impressive and i have met some of them. i just want to note that ms. leeah price and -- we have completed
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nine workshops and completed over 3,000 residents application assistance and over 1200 volunteers, city, employees and residents have worked 12 -hour days for applicants for citizenship feeling in 400 applications and as all of you know those application forms are really difficult with 21 pages. if you don't spoo elk the language, it's difficult. our helpers have also helped with undocumented youth. i hope you can continue to appoint individuals who care about and respect the people we serve and will roll up their sleeve and stretch their thinking and help ensure that san francisco is a safe place for all. i will be happy to answer any questions if you have any. >>supervisor norman yee: you were very clear. thank you very much.
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i'm going to call up the applicants in the order in the agenda. mr. romanenko? >> good afternoon supervisor. andre romanenko, i graduated from san francisco state university studied six languages. russian, spanish, english, japanese and studying portuguese and i understand ukranian. i graduated and am a licensed attorney and work as an immigration attorney which is also a consulate in san francisco and some family immigration and some business immigration. i arrived to the united states in 2001 from bella roost.
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i became a legal help to attorneys now i do my best to provide legal help to immigrants at a reasonable cost. now, a few words about my knowledge and immigration issues. immigrants come with all kinds of reasons from employment to housing to education. i refer my clients to the office of affairs. when it comes to children, i volunteer once a month providing for representation and at least twice a month i work as a pro bono attorney at the immigration court for those who come to court unrepresented. the reason why i wanted to join the commission is because i do have a lot
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of knowledge on immigration issues and i want to work on policies that will remedy those issues. any questions? >>supervisor norman yee: i have a real quick question. not that any of the current applicants who are reapplying had any issues with missing meetings, in certain commissions and advisor groups many people that get appointed miss a lot of meetings. do you have the time to make all the meetings? >> i'm sorry, i didn't get the question? >> i know you are not up for reappointment, but if you were reappointed, would you have time to make the meetings? >> yes, absolutely. i will find time to make the meetings every month. >>supervisor norman yee: okay, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next up is almudena
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bernabeu. >> it's a tough name. good afternoon. okay, i will talk about myself. i am originally from spain. i came to the united states 15 years ago. i'm an attorney. i started as an immigration attorney, lucky me, but i was able and after two 2 years to teach into doing something that seemed at the time more compelling as human rights litigation. very much with the same communities i considered myself lucky from getting to know the latin america through the process i was able to seek remedy in u.s. courts with civil actions and spanish courts through civil
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actions for those abuses that were committed in the civil wars and the times of oppression. so it was, i guess, you know always the story about that i will go back to immigration and i guess every single time off that i had which hasn't been a lot in the last 5 years, but it haeb coming down quite a bit i was able to do volunteer work with the immigrant community in san francisco. and very strong with that and finding people who from different platforms from the catholic church, different nominations and with the mission district been able to work for immigration. for years being an immigrants
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it's i understand the language and able to catch up with american lawyers. getting involved in a more civic way, understanding the processes and understanding the services for this commission took a while. it is for the first time that i through friends and colleagues that i understand that platforms like commission and others are great places and great groups to help the community which has been my constant desire since i started my professional career. it's also the international work allow me i believe and perhaps that is why i think that i could be a good addition to the commission in this particular time in my life. the international work allow me to go back to the country in central america, guatemala, mexico, columbia. they had a strong tie with
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immigration and criminality and violence unfortunately with the united states and has been allowing me to put two things together which is to understand the life of the immigrant here and lucky and close to them and understand the cost of that immigration and how important it is for us to work and i believe for the commission to have a perspective in understanding what's happening there and why that's printing -- precipitate ---ing the very important decision of allowing money for the children from central america. i happen to be talking about this, we need to understand what is costing for these kids to leave. without that i don't think we are going to be as helpful others we could be. this is my passion and work
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and san francisco is my city. my mom is super happy about that. this opportunity seems to be learning and learning experience for me. thank you very much. any questions? thank you very much. leeah price. >> greetings supervisors. my name is leah chen price, a san francisco native. for the past four years 4 years i have been an immigration attorney. my practice is on civil defense and i have learned from our local immigrant population. i regularly work from immigrants from all over the world as they seek protection from
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abroad as they come here to san francisco for a better life. i have been organizing and fighting for immigrant rights. i have cochaired the national guild for immigration committee and we take pro bono cases and continue legal education training to ensure that they are properly trained to take all different types of immigration matters and as a committee we serve as an expertise and support net work for our members. the committee was active for all ordinance to protect basic due process proebsz for -- protections for immigrant committee and pursuing quality representation for all the central american chirp across our borders who made it to the bay area. i regularly attend meetings accord by
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the children round table for legal immigrant centers for children and we've met regularly to strategize the pro bono bar and i'm a volunteer attorney for the asian pacific islander clinic. the advocacy network and legal services and the catholic legal immigration network clinic . my pro bono experience has given me incredible exposure. i come directly from my clients and advocates where we can address these issues. my family also knows immigrant struggle. my mother's family left communist china under president kennedy 's refugee program. i know what it's like
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to leave everything, safety, security and home for a promise of a better tomorrow. i hold immigration community very dear. i know i have a great deal of energy and expertise to the commission and i hope and look forward to serving this great community. identified the opportunity to attend the committee meeting and should i be appointed the areas of focus and i would encourage to work on the following. unan accompanied children from central america. i believe in effective legal representation to ensure that though child is expected to answer to immigration charges without an attorney. san francisco serves as a model inform other cities. in addition to services there are wrap around services that these children should need
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and we should be mindful of the incredible atrocities these children have experienced. the second is the particular issues involving victims of crimes. next month i will begin the roll of human trafficking and on the ground working with immigrants almost 40 years, victims of crimes suffer from a double victimization. i believe our city has taken strides in progressive steps to ensure that all victims of crime feel secure to report crimes and cooperate with law enforcement and hope the irs continues to reach out and that services are readily available and done in a culturally language competent manner that is sensitive to the particular needs of victims of crime.
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thank you for your consideration. i'm happy to answer any questions. >>supervisor norman yee: any questions? seeing none, do you spend more time volunteering than working? >> we find the time for both. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. i'm sorry i skipped over somebody. fill asgendom? phil? are you? next up is
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