tv [untitled] October 19, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> hearing for october 16, 2014, i'd like to remind members of the audience the that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind please silence all electronic devices. that may sound off procedures and and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. for those 0 of you people standing in front of the doorway and along that wall find a seat or move to the other side of the room i see some scombi seats
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can't have people blocking the exits commissioners i'd like to take roll at this point. >> commissioner president wu commissioner fong commissioner antonini commissioner johnson and commissioner richards. >> we do expect commissioner hillis, however, commissioner moore will be absent first on our agenda consideration for items proposed for continuance stem one planning code to consolidating dings we make other substantive items planning code to continuance october 23rd, 2014, i have no other items proposed for continuance commissioners. >> is there any public comment on items proposed for continuance?
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seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini >> move to approve item one. >> continue item one i'm sorry to october 23rdrd. >> on that motion to continue commissioner antonini commissioner hillis excuse me. commissioner johnson commissioner richards commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you under our consent calendar to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 2 case no. 20141.09-c to the 577 castro street request
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for conditional use authorization and item 3 at 1245 alabama street request for conditional use authorization i have no speaker cards is there any public comment on the consent calendar seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner fong move to approve items two and three. >> second. >> second. >> commissioner johnson i have a quick question can we pull that off of consent calendar i have a question. >> then once in a while we'll take it off cds and hear it at the regular calendar. >> yes. >> okay then the motion. >> approve item number 3. >> thank you, commissioners a we have a motion and a second commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner richards
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commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you under commissioner matters for the draft minutes for a october texted second a joint and regular hearing minutes. >> is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on the draft minutes seeing none, public comment is closed. >> move to adapt. >> second. >> on that motion to adapt the draft minutes for october 2nd regular and joint hearing commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on item 5 commission questions or comments. >> i would ask to adjourn the
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meeting in honor ever ted alison a long time tenant advocate and the director of the san francisco tenants union he passed away earlier this week. >> commissioner antonini and yeah. most importantly go giants (laughter). >> but i voluntary another article i want to talk about city on the edge one of the most interesting one was eviction crisis reality check basically brooerl the aorta points out out a number of evictions is approximately, one percent for any reason the question i have for staff just for in my edification he talks about the number of evictions by the rent board and the number in court
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and ellis act i obviously understand the ellis act there were 2 hundred and 16 of the total but i don't understand the difference my assumption if with the rent board are a rent eviction if i prove it you can evict them but giving me a better idea because he listed vario numbers. >> commissioner richards. >> a couple of things that commissioner antonini said it's hard to not put a face on the numbers they may seem small ethics commission to the number but each eviction has a face and it's another piece of the city that is a rotor and goes away it
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is one percent it still several thousands of people a year getting displaced my friend called me up and she's been evicted now she's thinking of leaving the city it hits home and hurts second question i have on the commissions process question an is interim control question that gets communicated how does this commission habitual that there was a i think a piece this week on a moratorium on second street in supervisor kim is there a comment on - >> commissioners interim legislation happened in a quick turn around the board can impose the legislation for a period of time 18 months maximum and it can be effective in a short he
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are period of time something in the order of 7 or 8 days and typically doesn't require our review but not the time to review it given the nature of the legislation there have been as you say three or four piece of legislation in the last few months. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we'll move on to department matters item 6 announcements. >> announcements i don't have any but go giants. >> in the past event of the preservation commission no board of supervisors report. >> the board of appeals he met last time and last week it was the first hearing for bobbie
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wilson who filled the seat of one who had another business interests and the questioning we had 3 hearings at final of the hearings no action by the board so the project was approved as a matter of default and i think this was bus the commission struggled with the right balance of changes to the project and i think that last week the board of appeals struggled kind of with the project and what changes, if any, were necessary and they had a split vote of 2 so by default it was finally approved and last time the board had on appeal for at academy of property on tailor the camera of art withdrew their and the
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penalties will accrue we pursued that because it can't be misdemeanor but it is approval under the north beach commercial district we'll treat it as the other enforcement projects for the statute of eir and they had their annual report and it was to the commissioners note a thirty percent increase in the number of appeals and the board hears a lot of appeals a number of appeals from planning and it could decrease slightly by a decrease in the dpw of the boxes and the public right of ways and that's all. >> good afternoon, commissioners tim frye here to share with you briefly a couple of items from
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the october 1st and the october 15th preservation hearing that two items to share the h pc renewed their delegation for preservation entitlements we think the h pc further tra trust in the department thirty percent of the entitlements can be approved at the staff level rather than a fuel commission hearing that delegation is for two years and significantly reduced our backlog and the loose item to mention the h pc unanimously recommend approval of 3 miles contract to the board of supervisors all 3 contracts are located within the park district and they involve single and multiple family retains and the maintenance projects they've agreed to the restoration for
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the seismic retrofit they'll hear that this year. >> commissioners commissioners, if there's nothing further we move on opium needing 15 minutes move on opium needing 15 minutes members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes there are several speaker cards. >> thank you roberta 0 hernandez and (calling names). >> i'm roberto with the mission to answer our question interests been over 4 thousand households
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in the last 18 months that have been evicted from san francisco seniors, disabled, artists, families and students i'd be more than glad to bring a map and all the documentation that will document the evictions going on beyond the evictions we have next door to me the house get rented out for 5 thousand dollars a year in the mission district i was born and raised here across the street from me a two-bedroom apartment was rented out for $11,000 we ask this commission begin to address evictions begin to address affordable housing, begin to address how are we're going to preserve and a half people of san francisco who have worked so hard to build
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it city and worked hard to contribute to the heart and soul and the spirit of the city african-americans are appearing if this city the latino community is disappearing from the city and the asian-american community is disappearing from this city we need to put a stop this this and you as planning commissioners need to address that now we have been saying this for over a year our mission of no eviction had a march over a though people came out marching down the street today 5 hundred people out here because children got kicked out of admission playground by tech who are played to play if you haven't seen the video you'll learn about the impact of those
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evictions happening in san francisco it's your responsibility to plan to preserve the beauty of san francisco if you don't plan and study and analysis what's going on there will boo be no heart and soul of san francisco only tech people that came here looking for the love and looking for the soul and the spirit and the art of san francisco we will all disappear so, please i ask you to create an agenda item where we can all come back and make presentations to you in the mission we don't need more, more month are development and luxury condos there's currently 4 developers from lamar who want to build nor luxury condos at minimum the rent is 35 how does
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and the condo sold for a moinld. >> thank you thank you. next speaker. >> i'm andy blue can i turn on the computer here can you turn that on the screen? roberto hernandez and as he said several hundred other people >> sir you're going to have to speak into the microphone. >> does this one work i'm here with several other people that witnessed the video i hope you'll all seen they see the connection between what's happening in the video and a what's happening in rec and park and the chambers and in this room development the out of control reckless market development in the mission district is not making the neighborhood a better
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place that video is a perfect demonstration i heard a commissioner on this panel say recently he felt the mission was a better neighborhood that a than in the past base it occasionally thinks it is participate less crime folks that are familiar don't believe it's a better neighborhood that's a step in the right direction on october 4th a thoughts people marched by mission street and stopped at the plaza demanding no monster in the mission not build 3 hundred and 50 units in the mission district i'm telling you the neighborhood everyday businesses and contingent organizations, cultural organizations, regular folks are saying no monster in the mission
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no more market rate development in the mission district until affordable is met we're losing a neighborhood cultural if you could have seen the folks that were in support of the kids that are forced on the mreeld i'm sharia real economy instead of because you have more money and pushing off the youth of the neighborhood i've brought you a late flier we had one thousand people on the fourth i wish i could have been there thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm a little bit behind so was working on getting ahead like we're all trying to go ahead and and brought a couple of maps but a decision that went
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by in august the f t m a converted mcallister street and developing other plans for the hate street and several streets in the tenderloin and this decision reflects a lot of others so long as the worker in the word is germany that means making streets pedestrian friendly as outlines in a study in 1994 are we ahead as a municipality in this department of we're ahead of several other american cities this city has an opportunity to use it's street as a means to reduce carbon output and reduce the inequality while improving the open space
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and mobility before we arrive the immediate theory it deprovided from speck from jeff speck and pier 27 newsom speck runs a design firm that advised people on walkability and several books on youtube as well as books on youtube and books it's fun inform walk through a city and map it out and the design i forwarded the most interesting things to the commission secretary as well as a link to the federal study and in front of us is a map of the planning department in 1948 it plans to take two-way streets and turn them into one way streets as outlined in green are the previous one way streets idle in
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red is a street that we took from two-way and turned them gov. into one way streets on line on google be checkout that. >> and next to that on our computer those maps trans pier over each other this is the injury corridor that was outlined and available online the study that we see in the vision zero policy the high crossroad studies the red ones one hundred and 20 to two hundred and 34 people injured i'd like to close with a quote and art is doing well, that needs to be done grafbz. >> thank you (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners
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i'm with the latino cultural district were a merchant association i want to highlight what's happening in our neighborhood in the mission we have seen you know a lot of small businesses being pushed out the rents they can't afford and the development is always push ousted businesses on 12 blocks we have 3 buildings for sale that's putting 13 of our small businesses in jeopardy and those on behalf of the commercial spaces we have 3 lots that are looking to develop and for that a laundromat a restaurant and another that restaurant a that's been there over hocking years it's out of control if people don't think this is real you know it is something that's human and people are being affected in small businesses are being be affected are they're losing
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their businesses and family you need to really, really look at the human aspect and the bigger picture we're here to talk o those people and come down and talk to the people don't look at development as one piece but the birthday eligible picture the 16th plaza is the beginning of a domino affect that's going to displace people we saw it on 24th street we're looking at the development you need to look at not what benefits did developer or from the outside we welcome everyone but want to stay in our neighborhood we need you guys do really, really look close and a lot into our hearts at the human development. >> is there any additional public comment okay. seeing
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none - >> may i pass it over i'm anastasia i came over to ask you i will have very soon after the election i think a significant natural area plan a program in san francisco for your approval and i think i want to ask you to invite san francisco alliance to do a preservation because it is really an awful and damaging problem this is a vision in this city the parks near the parks but i've been go forward i
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passed over the letter comment to for d i r r for significant symptom for - from the council and it is not only the dr i certification of dr i but the line it's a neighborhood had a presentation for forest designs and the road is not a road it will probable be an extension but unanimous road to oppose national area program it is highly unnatural like creating molds that costs a lot of money and disadvantage the environment
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and creates - to replace the forest area - this and a half grass inhabitant and the herbicides is a concern they use the most toxic and more toxic one and two herbicides more in the department and the use is growing and the habitant and wildlife i want to a meeting when not improving the tree - the tree - in this city because we need the forest grasslands and trees so you only need to
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look around and see the grasslands in san francisco and without cutting additional trees so, please consider to invite san francisco first alliance for a presentation when you are considering adaptation of the natural areas and management plan thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner that will place you under our regular calendar item 2 was pulled off of sxhoent we'll take that up now at 577 castro street request for you confusion. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm with the planning staff the item is a request to allow the development of is making restraining order existence facility at 577 castro street briefing the project involves 9 roof panel antenna attached to
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the elevators penthouse on the roof of the building and support electronic equipment in the parking lot parking lot it is a 4 story 15 unit dwelling along the castro commercial district and the rooftop misrepresents will be screened by the - staff has received 4 comments based on the health concerns search warrants the radio frequencies and we had a community meeting to better understand the project the project was dual noticed and the staff recommends approval. >> thank you project sponsor. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm teddy director of exterior affairs for at&t
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we're seeking our approval on a conditional use permit the cu p will allow at&t to place up to 9 antennas with the anular except necessary to run the equipment on the roof and in the first floor parking area to develop the lease intrusive means and to close the 0 gpa gap it's important to review the application based the applications and the city code and state and local lay it is incumbent to talk about the service coverage and will close the gap it is a two prong test in our application at&t has shown it
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has a significant service coverage in the city on 660 castro street we engineered the inexperience of the coverage grasping gap at&t has a gap and 4 l g t services and the proposed facility will close the gap the city processes requires an independent engineer selected from a list provided by the city to see a gap in the coverage at&t selected hemet and edison to conduct the analysis and on july 14th of this year they confirmed that at&t has a significant gap in the coverage open castro street and at&t proposal will indeed close the gap hemet representative is here to address questions as it relates
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