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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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they're to have to compete with our organization we will raise the bar in the neighborhood. >> thank you thank you. >> commissioner richards that i i guess if mr. jacobs if you can stay i want to say you have the customers that come they're not really caring about the neighborhood they trash and put the pot on the marijuana if those customers came in our place would would you do. >> if the customers create a negative impact on the neighborhood we band them from the dispresence but we have on site medicating the reason people are rolling joint in coffee shops. >> one of the fears would be the market i'm limited we do
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have enough assess so your place with the other 3 and possibly 3 more that it is just going doifl the other it will go out of business he everybody is happen you're a model organization it is this is probable one of the harder decisions i'm a neighborhood activist we have the patients in the neighborhood and you want to come into the neighborhood it is hard thing to do and you know there's no question in my mind we should take dr and talk about that i'll see what the commissioners have to say. >> i'm going to try to i have questions for your i'm going to try a compassionate let me explain my point of view
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i've vociferated for every single mcd this particular area and this particular region has been hit with a number of different shops in the area i recognize some of the faces i'm not bendz over to them but i think we have a situation with the clustering has become a problem and sparks seems like a great outfit maybe the best i love the organization and the services so has nothing to do with with that but back three or four years ago we our main concern was the cluster if there were 3 dell lists or 7-eleven's that is one the reasons it was
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brought into san francisco i am at moment recently fully going to be opposed to this again has nothing to do with not the spark or operators but i think this is too many do i think the green zone needs to be expand absolutely that's not necessarily i'd like to be part of that conversation it's been the board of supervisors and the mayor to discuss you know what the next steps is i track what was going on with washington and colorado but it's unfair to put the burden on one neighborhood if it was on our block we would feel the same thing my respect to spark commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i've been on the
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commission a long time and had many mcds come before me i've voted for some and against others i've never been for on site smoking you know many of those people driving and leaving the mcds causing traffic problems are going to be impaired like any another drugs many are beneficial and marijuana causes you to be impaired and most have something on the label that says don't drive having people smoke or otherwise ingest or inhale the drug on site your gee them they're there and also your gee them not driving i'm totally against a project that as on site consumption actually our
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speakers talked the delivery servicing service if you have a delivery service why h have people smoking on site you run a clean organization but as other speakers have said the outer mission is being over saturated because the zoning is not listening and neighbors are not wanting the clustering and technically 5 hundred feet away one is 870 and other 866 theirs close to where they need a second additional use and possibly a 5th one with the lucky dragon has nothing to do with to do with this complication i h have other concerns we've heard if the
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caption of eagle side station and we've heard about consumption in routines and heard about people blocking sidewalks and heard about those behaviors i don't know if you can necessarily guarantee your exercises are not going to be that way particle 72 hundred customers in a relatively small area of san francisco we know that marijuana is not recreationally approved for recreational use although many times anyone can get a car or go to a doctor there is a lot of abuse going on we've heard about secondary markets outside of dispensaries i think that enough t is enough i wish we could get rid of the other two people say
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are not doing well, it would be fine to have this one here and unfortunately it is not helping the neighborhood and so i'm going to have to be no support of decide approval i have a a couple of other things to say i'm not sure that most of the speakers against this project were from the neighborhood almost all of them were in close approximate a few of the speakers were supportive in the neighborhood many are not it looks like of those speaking we have a higher preponderate of people that were not favorable to live nearby i'm going to make a motion to take dr and disapproval. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much so you know, i have a couple of
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things to say i'll start off by saying if i have to go against to i can it he you can is to the issue at hand unfortunately, the other two dispensaries are not at issue how i took a tour of the original proposed area i was supposed to go on a tour of the currently operating location on 8th emission and made a mistake and ended up in the state of of the xrooer i know the area pretty well but paid attention to the medical cannabis i got to building there is no way that those dispensaries are operating within the conditions of the original approvals they first of all, they don't even meet the design guidelines their windows are covered with posters one has a sudden quarrel that
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looks at kind of bored i even looking at from the outside we have a potential enforcement action on our hands with the other two dispensaries i disagree with the xrishgsz they're not there and there's nothing we can do we can do something about locations that are not operating properly and not doing good things for the community i don't believe are there's there and we can't go anything about it turning back to spark they've set a high bar someone mention the consolidati
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competitions and spark will make operators not on the up and up go out of business again, i'm paying attention i see that there's people going in and out of sparks there's people coming in and out they're doing a risk service to the community and half a blackwell block down you know with the posters looking not like it's the most reputable place and nobody in there that's the pattern that repeats itself in the excelsior when i measure and look at it whether or not we should allow spark to have a ccii is it better for the community than having a vacant outpost on a block that hadn't a lot on it to me, yes is it better to have controlled a controlled use of marijuana within the envelope that have that building rather than having
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them walk around on the street yes. >> and does the martin luther king care about being integrated into the neighborhood yes on this front i have to say unfortunately, i have to separate the discussion of spark from the other dispensaries on the merits of spark as an organization i have to say i like the project that being said i definitely agree with president fong expanding the green zone it was created well meaning trying to control you know this new type of uses but clearly we've seen unintended consequences we have good organizations that are not as operating in a good of fashion you bumping up against each other but again, i have to keep
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my decision making to this organization northeast and this project works for that location. >> commissioner richards. >> i've asked this commission i've been on the side of you folks sitting out there many, many times and we've had no mcds and we were scared to dedicate we were emotional and didn't thinks what was going on we had a good operate that's where i sit and isolation no other mcds i would approve that hands down no question but we have to submit the enforcement on them i've talked about to the sdcers in the chambers and i think the necessarily desirable and impartial is the standard i
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support of the access 72 hundred in the immediate zip code is huge and sdrieshl our great operators and have a great operations i raised the comparable are you going to have a flood with the clustering i'm having an issue i'm torn with the neighborhood and the patients aced staff there's 3 cannabis dispensaries too much that's in my question and commissioner antonini. >> another point if nephews a starbuck's and another cooperations there's a third one within a mile to support i mean everyone would be saying this vacant space we need other
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things in the neighborhood all the different things there are two many marijuana disperps that might keep other businesses out they see people wandering around but in general from the reports we've heard from the neighboring neighbors it discourages other neighborhood businesses from coming in so i like what this particular group does but unfortunately i'm going to have to vote against this time around i might feel definitely if we get rid of the other ones but with they're on site smoking that guarantees impaired pope people walking around it's a no. >> commissioner hillis. >> so i think the issue for me, i don't like the clustering by i building that sparks a better
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all over the or operator than the mcds that killer operate onion mission street so my question i'm grandpa living are we shooting ourselves in the foot by have something not allow a better operator to come in but i also think the people that know that better if we went to view your site and then i kind of lean to side with you know what the neighbors know the situation at hand and they know presumably they know what happens at spark i'll be open what's our rule we have on 5 commissioners here how does that work if there's 3 votes against this - does that carry the day
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or we need 4 votes and in order to approve that we need to take discretionary review in order to approve that so we need 4 votes to approve that otherwise the discretionary review would fail they wouldn't get even though entitlement or the authority to proceed with building permit applications there are 5 of you present so clearly they need 4 votes affirmatively to be approved unless there's a motion to continue the matter to allow all 7 commissioners to weigh ♪ that case you need only 3 votes to continue the matter >> my hope i can predict the future spark goes in and one or
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two of the operations go out of business i'm not convinced this is going to happen i'll support a continuance but under you know i need to see more neighborhood support of this when it comes back to us if i ask meow now to vote on it i'd vote no, i think the clustering problem we need addressed at board of supervisors taking action or the folks the businesses and the residents around more of them as a we think ultimately this will help the situation and perhaps put some of the other actors out of business i'll move to tun continue. >> there's a motion to take dr and disapprove the project but
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continuance supercedes that i'll need to vote on 9 continuance and if it fails take on the order of disapproval. >> are you prepared to take a vote. >> can we have no more comments. >> commissioner johnson i'm in support of a continuances and we also need to have a date certain on the continuance i'll also add as a condition of staff want to have the sdcers talk to us about the potential for the enforcement action basically looking at whether or not they're in compliance with their oriental approvals they didn't need a cu but i'm sure there was a list of things they're not doing autopsying autograph them and have the staff look at that
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if we vote to continue it. >> commissioner richards are xhorl or normally i like the zoning administrator to tell us what the other dispensaries have the folks come back and talk about the clustering and staff within our purview to ask him to come back. >> we scotland he return i think the staff planner can reach out to the precinct to the local person to come back my guess he'll oblige. >> i'm not going to vote for the continuance i'm going to vote no, i think we're kicking the can down the road no with the call to action with the public health maybe the mcd community come together to take
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a look at the gen zoning was about 10 or 12 years ago we have evolved to another stage i'm not opposed to the use of medical marijuana but stage two of looking at expanding it and controls perhaps to our concerns and commissioner antonini and i feel the same thing continuance is really not getting anything unless we are insured u insured in the next few weeks there isn't an ability to close some the other operations in the area or that the green zone is being changed those things will not happen easily the neighbors don't want it we didn't listen then the police say it's clustering and they allow smoking on site i'm a no either
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way. >> commissioner hillis. >> just to if this runs and be continued it will be good to hear from the police caption where the existing sparks to come to get an indication of how that is run and the impact to the neighborhood there. >> squall the question, please. >> commissioners a motion to continue i'll yet to hear a specific date to help out with the notification there's a lot our requesting the project sponsor to do so a minimum of one month given that and your advantage calendar is seems like december 4th or 11th will be the earliest dates.
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>> 11th. >> very good commissioners so is there a second motion to that. >> yes and on that motion to continue to detective 11th you. >> continuing. snow >> commissioner johnson commissioner hillis commissioner richards and commissioner president wu no. >> that motion passes 3 to 2 >> okay that's it folks we'll see you again in december. >> commissions that places you on general public comment i have two speaker cards if - those of you leaving the chambers can do so quietly we have business to attend to we'd appreciate if you'd continue the conversations outside of the
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chambers thank you we'll open this up for public comment general public comment. >> can you give everyone a moment to leave. >> can we give them and yeah. mr. lange. >> we're going to clear the room hello, i'm harvey langford i work for san francisco housing i've been there 24 years and a
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lot of the concern is fraud in new development and old development and the thing is - in hunters point my partner was killed and we didn't have any kind of protection and the only reason we didn't have protection is because a lot of the crime and stuff went on because so people could get the property cheap this is the problem we're having and again like rosa parks two is a lot of that stuff is full of afraid and corruption and this is the problem we're having and the problem no one is doing anything about it and see this is you know
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personally what i have to say not only that but i went out in '06 and 07 shoots in sunnydale where people were getting killed i had to go out i was fearing for my life i'm not a part of it only a grounds man cleaning up but the problem when i went out the housing authority explicit pay into my retirement only medical leave but never paid into my retirement i'm missing my retirement all i have is two more years to go i don't have enough time to retire so you know a lot of this is a problem for me it's basically when i wanted to say thank you
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kate herman and stacey the deputy attorney she heard a lot of our concerns last time when we came here by asking to see the da we've not been addressed it that problem we want to see the da we have a ton of evidence stating all the corruption and everything that's all i want to say thank you at the time. >> good afternoon. i'm ms. macintosh in regards i agree with harvey enlarges f in regards to protection we're going to need protection because we have powerful evidence like shoddy work this was any apartment ladies and gentlemen, just some of the work i dealt
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with as benefits this is about new and olds construction and believe it or not this is new and old construction with jon stewart so those things are some of the things i've told you about what was in my file when i won a lawsuit against jon stewart there was a lot of discrimination i'm being targeted because i help my neighborhoods in regards to their properties this is about civil rights as a matter of fact we were given this card by kate and stacey this was last week, we received the card during recess she wanted to know our purpose for being here we
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stipulated about evidence and wanting to see the da those people need to be accountable there's a myriad of files this came out of nothing from cheap labor this was the rehabilitation papers and documents here's a serious statement that was made a monthly news calendar that we would get at the scompleks dated september 2011 i've submitted that work order check list in the what they're saying to show cause about shoddy work many of you have implemented the check list that was designed to identify unit where maintenance repairs are still needed after the rehabilitation their writing this now we thank all of you to
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give us this information although we've not been work to collecting complete those deficiency a person specially in maintenance repairs will be hired to help the one site maintenance trust me shoddy work in a 2 hundred plus unit the on-site maintenance in completing all the work order question and lastly we apologize for the logic time in getting the actual work completed you'll be notified in writing and by phone when the work is to begin if our unit this is evidence. >> thank you, ma'am your time is up. >> we want to know what is going to be done possibly this
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dvd dated october 29 very important. >> good afternoon. i'm march i simply want to know what the decision was regarding the 577 castro street communication project. >> it was approved and thank you very much is there any additional public comment. >> i'm sore sir, you get one public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournrmeeting is e public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournede sir, you public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournedre sir, you public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournye sir, you g if there's n