tv [untitled] October 19, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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important. >> good afternoon. i'm march i simply want to know what the decision was regarding the 577 castro street communication project. >> it was approved and thank you very much is there any additional public comment. >> i'm sore sir, you get one public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournrmeeting is e public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournede sir, you public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournedre sir, you public comment per day if there's nothing further this meeting is adjournye sir, you g if there's n
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>> welcome to the mayor's disability council, in honor of national disability, employment awareness month, our agenda will be a little unusual in order to accommodate our speaker's schedule, we will be moving general public comments to the end of our agenda, however, there will still be an opportunity to provide disability employment related comments after the speakers are finished, city hall is accessible to people using wheelchairs and other devices, on the van ness iva ramps, entrances is provided via a wheelchair lift, assistive listening devices are available and the meeting is opened captioned and interpreted.
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>> our agenda is available in large print and braille, ask the staff for any additional assistance. >> to prevent, the electronic interference with the system and everyone's ability to focus on the presentations silence all mobile phones and pdas, your cooperation is appreciated. we welcome the public's participation during the public comments and you may complete a speaker's card, available in the front of the room or call the liej at 415-554-9632, for a staff person will hand a request to speak at the appropriate time, the mayor's disability council meetings are generally held on the third friday of the month, the next meeting will be on november 21, 2014, from 1 to 4 p.m. here at san francisco city hall in room 400, call the mayor's office of disability for further information or to request
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accommodations 415-5546785. or you can dial rkts 415-554-6799 for the tty line, and a reminder to speak slowly to assist the captioners and interpreters, and also, due to a last minute illness of one of the asl interpreters this meeting will not have full interpretation, but will be captioned and transcripts will be available on the website, thank you for your understanding and thank you for joining us here today. >> next, we will have the action item two, reading and approval of the agenda. >> agenda item number one, welcome, introduction and roll call. >> number two, reading and approved of the agenda, agenda
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item three, information item, comments by supervisor eric mar district one, on the occasion of national disability employment awareness month. item four, informational item, transitional public service employment for workers with disabilities, presentation brett andrews executive director posive resources inc. agenda item number five, information item, advocacy for employment of people with disabilities in city service. presentation by jonathan lyens, president fdr democratic club of san francisco, for senior and people with disabilities. and break, the council will take a ten-minute break
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item 6, information itema review of civil service rule 115 and its' implementation for hiring people with disabilities. presentation by donna kotake, department of human resources, workforce development director, city and county of san francisco. item 7, information item, san francisco public library and its successful implementation of civil service rule 115, presentation by marti goddard, access services manager, san francisco public library. agenda item number 8, information item, comments from community-based organizations that train and place workers with a broad spectrum of disabilities. terry goodwin, director of partnerships and business development, the arc of san francisco, mark melanson, director of community services, tool works, jessy, lorenz, executive director independent living resource center of san francisco. ilrc. >> public comment is welcome.
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agenda item number 9, information item, department of children youth and families, dcyf, youth workforce development update, presentation by maria su, executive director dcyf, city and county of san francisco. agenda item number ten, public comment items not on today's adeny da but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limited to three minutes. agenda item number eleven, information item, report from co-chair supanich. >> agenda item 12, information item, report from director of the mayor's office on disability. agenda item number 1 3, information item, correspondence. >> agenda item 14, discussion item, council members comments and announcements. >> agenda item number 1 5,
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and defined as people who did not have a job or were available for work and actively looking for work. and the disability council decided to devote a series of meetings, this month to mark the occasion of national disability employment month, we will look at the city of san francisco and the effort to employ people with disabilities and we have a number of speakers today representing advocates policy makers and city departments. we ask for your patience and cooperation as we hold public comment on this issue until the end of all presentations, thank you. >> and now, on to agenda item three. information item, comments by subpoenaer eric mar district one, supervisor mar addresses the council on occasion in october as national disability employment awareness month. >> it to the chair, and all of
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the commissioners sweshlly harriot who taught me a lot about the richmond district and the needs of people with disabilities it is an honor to be here as an allie for people with disability and community based organizations that have educated me, and i think that johnson and susan that have helped me understand from the lens of a disabled person the perspective of civil rights and equity and justice for people, the 83 percent that are unemployed and many more, issues to be treated with dignity and empowerment as well in our city and i want to say that on this national disability employment awareness month, my hope is that we don't just look at it today or this month, that is becomes integrated in the culture and institutions that allow equal opportunity and equal for people with disabilities. >> i think that for me, as an allie, i want to support the community based organizations
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and so i am proud that there are so many great ones here in san francisco and throughout the region as well and that we work with as partners in the city to advance our agenda for civil rights for the people. and i want to emphasize that setting goals is critical and i think that the co-chairs for sitting with me and the community based groups as well to help me see how i can help to advance and push forward with my ten other colleagues on the board of supervisor and with the mayor and other city officials as well, and as the chair mentioned, 25 years, since the passage of the ada, is several decades that we shoulding proud of the progress made but there is a lot more work to be done and i want to focus on employment because i know that is where a lot of the community baitioned groups have put their efforts, i want to thank jonathan and the club not just for the advocacy but city wide for raising the issues for
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people with disabilities to my office and working with my staff and the others in the disability rights community and the disabled advocates themselves to try to craft good policy, motions and the hearing that we held on june 5th, i think was a first step, and i really thank tremendously the mayor's office on disability and the commissioners and all of the community-based groups to help to build toward that hearing but there is much more work to be done. and i also wanted to say to that employment with the people with disability ss a key area, where so much more work needs to be done and i think that the department of labor, as of september, states that the people with disabilities are one-third less likely to be employed as people who don't have disabilities. besides the unemployment statistics and this, it shows that we as a city could be doing much more, and i think working together to draft some goals but data gathering and i
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know that was an issue that came with the department of human resources and my hope is that we can get around the privacy concerns and survey and other methods and we can gather the data and not just the federal state data but also what is going on in our city and i think that the human stories told that that hearing is the best and most eye opening experience that the people with disabilities and the struggles that they face with training and employment it is not only enough to become employed perhaps through rule 115, or other tools, but also the support systems built into every single department in our city with the clear goals of support so that the people can be successful and i wanted to also, emphasize that one of my friends, john hamond was able to get support from the arc and he is a richmond district resident and a young man with so much to give to the neighborhood and in this community. and he was hired by the academy of sciences and i was proud to be with the jobs alliance and
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so many others that are here today to acknowledge that it is not about charity, it is about solidary and equal opportunity for people and john will become a mentor to others as the academy of sciences moves from 4 people that they have hired to expanding doubling that and making better efforts too, but my hope is that other private and public sector employees and employers look at models like that also what came up is the number of best practices and my hope that we are looking at see at sxl across the bay that we as a city, of course, we know and we are proud of a lot of the innovations that we do and i think that we should be humble and look at other best practices in other cities as well. but i think for me, as an activist and as a legislator, it is really thinking about the broader civil rights movement that people with disabilities speaking in their own voices,
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building their own alliances with other organization and that really drives a lot of the work that we are doing, i think, today. and i just wanted to add a couple more points and i think that the city and county of san francisco has one way of stream lining individuals with disabilities into city employment, through the civil service rule 115. that has not been widely used and known recently, but it allows the qualified employees with disabilities to enter the city employment without a civil service exam and my hope is that we can raise awareness through the new hire in the department of resources mr. wo ng and also clarify the percentage of time that he will dedicate, because right now in the position it might look at the job description, it is it and law enforcement and safety and there is not a clear role for support of people with disabilities and i know that a man that came in the community and the grassroots groups was at a full time position where the clear point of contact was daoet manned and we are far off
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from that and i am appreciative of the progress in dhr as well and i would like to ask not just the department of human resources but all city departments and my colleagues in the city government leadership to be receptive and it is one tool and there are many other tools that we can use and by putting our heads together we can advance it as a tremendous leader but i thank the council for all of your work and thank you for inviting me here today. thank you. >> thank you, have youer much for coming here today. >> information item number four, pilot program, transitional public service, employment for workers with disabilities, recently enacted section 503 guidelines and we are seeking to develop a pie late project, for workers with disabilities and presentation by brett andrews executive director of positive resources inc.
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>> good afternoon, council, and i am brett andrews, and i am proud to be the executive director of positive resource center. and i feel the need to throw some disclosures out there first, council person wong daughter is a supervisor i am and familiar with this and i am a ethic's commissioner and so thank you for making the time for me to come and talk to you about the local and state wide efforts that we have and supervisor mar said that so much of what i wanted to say. 25 years, in to it, and it is still a challenge, and i will say for positive resource center who has the employment services program, the oldest hiv employment services program in the nation. i was proud to represent san
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francisco when the new hiv policy director douglas brooks had a convening from the white house and wanted to hear all that they are doing in the terms of efforts of hiring people with disability and it was clear that i was gland that around the table there was not a lot of substance that was there and so it was a quick reminder that we have a lot of work to do. but representing positive resource center in san francisco, and i was very pleased and not surprise that had san francisco leads the way in so many efforts. and as you are aware, in september, of 2013, federal government, enacted section two, 503 regulation and then in february, of 2014, the council state workforce envoftment board put out a calling for proposals through the fund to look at innovative ways to create job opportunities for
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people with disabilities specifically calling out folks with disabilities and high barriers to employment. and myself, along with some key folks across the community, michael and the former edddirector and the institute and a along with the folks in fresno came together and wrote a proposal. for that, we were funded and we are seeking to use multiple efforts and ways, not only through rule 115, but through this pilot program that i am going to talk to you about in the next couple of minutes to see how we can increase the efforts on a local level to have more folks employed particularly in civil service jobs. the project focuses specifically on workers with developmental disabilities who have been unemployed for at least a year. and it places them into positions in the public sector at minimum wage to perform useful public work that would not be performed and the
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participants gain the work experience for up to nine months with the goal of transitioning them into the unsubsidized employment in the public and the private sector. and over the past few months, we have a series of meetings and i am very pleased to say, that the city has been receptive and carla took a meeting and we had a reading with mixky to talk about rule 115 and ways that we can add more strength and enforcement to that. it was great to hear supervisor mar and i really appreciate supervisor mar and i believe that chiu co-authored the hearing in june and it is timely for all of us and i am so excited for so long we taught the 4.7, and 4.8 rate that we have in san francisco and will not drill down on geographic areas and key individuals and dem graphic and so it is really nice and timely that we are having this conversation. we seek to have about 15
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participants to participate in this pilot program which will be transitional where they will receive, some subsidy. and really working with 115 and possibly within the structure of the job style program with hsa and i have a call out to talk about ways in which we can enhance and augment that program where the clients will be with jobs now and ultimately transition into that transition into that program. and we are also looking to work with other organizations in the community, tool works, and rams in order to identify other individuals who are interested in employment, and have faced barriers to that employment. i say this was a point of information it is still in the developmental stage, we are looking for your support. we you are looking for your encouragement, and we will be moving forward and meeting with the key other boards of supervisors, and with the mayor's office, and meeting
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with kate howard and it is really seeking to find a way in which we can put resources to it in ways that we haven't, in the past. and i do believe that sometimes we do have to identify, resources and have them dedicated to key populations that have not been paid to historically. we have seen that often in the hiv population, where we needed to pay attention to the key areas of the community and i think that this is one such effort that we could do that. i share with you that we are going to continue to meet with the department heads and the board of supervisor and the mayor and move forward and 15 people have employment by the end of 2015 and, with that, i
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leave the space for questions, or clarification, on our efforts as we move forward? >> questions from council members? >> i would like to thank you for coming today mr. andrews and it is wonderful work done at your agency. and but i was wondering, and you say that it speaking in hopeful terms, do you have some sort of time line, when you think? >> well, we are going to take, and we are going to hopefully use, october as the disability employment awareness month. to engage in these conversations with the city, and seek to have the funding by january of 2015, so that we can have nine solid months of training, and subsidized employment with there being some out comes at the end of 2015. and the other thing that i will say to you, is that this is the
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first round of funding for the grant and they are paying close attention to what we do as local municipalities in response to that, and i think that it is an innovative program that we have written and we are looking for that kind of support and if indeed we are successful in getting that type of support, there is a second round of funding that comes from the state that will find wait into san francisco and so we are working hard in a short amount of time in order to achieve the out comes. >> what types of jobs will these folks be? >> since, there were, and specifically focusing in the public sector, we are looking to talk to each city department and we were meeting with nicky and we wanted to hear what you were looking for in so many ways we wanted to match the job to the skills and the abilities of our workers. and so, there is still an internal assessment that being done across the city departments and i think that we will be getting some information to hear but we want
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it all the way from office to jobs and park and rec and gardeners and it is very clear that people who are disabled are not limited in their job abilities. and so we will want to give them the broadest away of the job opportunities that there are, and we are looking to hear from the city, and i think that the evaluation and the assessment and the activation and the reconstitution of 115, will inform a great deal of that as they do an internal assessment. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, i had a quick question. >> i really happy to hear that making sure that the people and the city departments and the public are aware of just the extent to which the people just can work but usually there is a generalized stereotype if you will that the people with disabilities should or should not work. >> do you believe that there should be a type of public
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educational output to these internal departments before the internal reviews so that they are aware of the actual abilities of people with the disabilities before the review. >> yeah, and it is just as much a question for me as it is for the human resources department because we had this discussion and, so what needs to come first? what are the next natural steps and if indeed there is information shared with the city departments, here is 115 and, it has been here and there is modest movement on it and we are seeking to take it to the next level and here are three or four out comes that we are looking for and give the guidance on what we are seeking to do and the out comes for us and the individuals with disabilities employed in the city government to report back on some of the jobs that are opened and we were opening to have a portal to just have the jobs up and ready to look at in real time and so the
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organizations could go right into it and see what is there. because, that is generally what we do, from craig's list and so many other portals when our clients are meeting with us and i think that city could play an instrumental role in that and i think that there is assessment that needs to happen within each city department than figure out and i am sure that there are may more rules that are and regulations that needed to be abided by in order to do that. but there are ways to get those job opportunities to organizations like prc and ramand two works so that we can be competitive in a timely fashion, because often we don't get to those in times and they need to be fair in terms of access to our clients. >> thank you very much. >> yeah, sure.
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>> sorry. >> we do have one last question come up. failed to see the screen. >> councilman? >> hi, mr. andrews thank you for coming today. >> sure. >> i am interested in what type of applicants would they be looking for so can applicant, is the applicant supposed to be an independent person that can travel alone and do things by themselves? or is it someone that well, like my daughter has problem of entirety of a 2-year-old, but she is do things and she does a lot of things at home. but in order for her to work, there will always have to be someone with her. >> that is right. well in this particular initiative that we are moving forward and so these are public sector jobs, and it is going to and we are going to need the
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guidance of the city to tell us what they are looking for first, before we will reach out to these 15 individuals, to see if there is an opportunity for them. and i think that there are massive opportunities across the public, private sectors in order to find opportunities for your daughter. specific to her skills and her abilities. and the accommodations that she may need. and i think we are going to learn a lot as we delve into what it looks like to create a pipeline for the people in the public sector and we may find that there are more barriers than we thought and i have a feeling or just a hint, that there probably will be. and i appreciate that 115, is there, and but it is not the silver bullet, there will still be hurtles that are needed and i think that in many ways there will need to be an assessment to see is that really what is required for that job? is there a way in which that
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job can be done by a few different individuals who may experience a different types of disabilities and so it really, it is an opportunity for the city to take a look at its own hiring practices and its own job description and recognize thating there is a population of people who may be very skilled and able to do those jobs. >> questions for the staff. >> thank you for coming here today and telling us more, it was such a pleasure to meet with you this year on this topic. there is an emerging theme about the performance goals and how best to measure the ability to reach those goals and i believe that i heard you mention that under the 503 program that the federal government has the performance goals of 7 percent from the workforce to be people with disabilities. >> okay. >> we have heard some concern from our city side about how best to gather these statistics to see how well we might be
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reaching those goals and i wonder if you have suggestions for the city on how to gather that kind of information. >> yeah, you know, positive resource center started off as a hiv and we expanded to mental health and hipa comes up a lot and how do you get the information to address the need that is in the community? and a lot has to do with self-reporting, educating the individual on what they are reporting on to make sure that you get the signed consent from them and then to reach out to them and get as good of information as you can and it is not unlike another effort that is happening in the disabled community where a lot of people are on the long term disability policies and who are just aging off and since they are on the policy and the city wants to do that and way to create a possibly a financial step down for them so it was not as precipitus, how do you
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