tv [untitled] October 20, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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>> that will be great, and i would like tohink that it is because they are focusing on the specific needs and making sure that the disabled employee has all of the rules, he or she needs, to perform their jobs. >> i would hope so. >> i would hope so too. >> but i just wanted to ask the question. >> okay. >> and to the chair, i might be able to share a little bit of light on that because i actually was a rule 115 placement for the building inspector after suffering a disables injury as a carpenter and i believe that it was part of the negotiations actually with the different bargaining units and the unions who had expressed the concerns that they wanted to be sure that the candidates that were coming in outside of the civil service process that they truly did have, as you said the tools to be able to perform that job. and it was not an onerous process, it was routine and it was actually always good to
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have a dialogue with your supervisor about expectation and goals for performance. but that was my understanding of the background of it. >> and now, we have questions or comments from council member wong. >> hi and, thank you for coming today. and i just guess that my question was, why is the probationary period so long? it is one year? >> and that is pretty standard for the city employees, and all of the city employees have one year probation. >> okay. >> mine is only three months. >> oh, you are lucky. actually it is a short period if you are move froming one department to the other but the new employees have a one year probationary period. >> questions and comments from
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commissioner? >> thank you for come ining and speak on behalf of the rule 115. are there, and the place that we and the people can see in the website. >> yes, it is on the dhr website. >> and can you, give us the contact information, and i mean, like a telephone number and the website? >> okay. yeah. >> and maybe they will do it slowly. >> okay. >> the website is back slash, dhr. like donna. h, like harry and r like roland. >> okay. >> got it. >> the department of human resources. >> correct. >> and then you are going to have to go to up in the right-hand corner, there is something that says highlights
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and you can see new job postings for the week but also on that page you will be able to scroll down to see all of the job postings. >> okay, great. >> and can i get your office phone number? >> yeah the office, or do you have a business card? >> i do. >> and i have my business card with all of it. >> okay, thank you. >> and ed's as well. >> okay. >> for the chair, i have a question, councilman wong were you asking specifically how could an individual with a disability know when a rule 115 position came up? >> yeah. i guess that would be a good example. >> at this point, it would be through, either through our website, which is not necessarily the ones that are posted would not be designated rule 115 at this point. >> and so, if a department
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designates a rule 115, position, and then, i think that we need to iron out the process but my thought is that we would reach out to, you know, the mayor's office of disability and the other partner to let them know that there is a rule 115 >> right and i am hoping that maybe in the future, there will be more like what you just said about the out reach. >> oh, >> and it does not seem like and because i used to work for laguna honda and it did not seem to really hire people with disabilities. and you know, i was one of the people that basically was beyond the entry level. and then it became a medical records admission and so it was beyond the entry level. >> right. >> and within a few years i was promoted. and so it is one of those up the ladder. >> yeah. >> and so i worked for the city
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for over 24 years and i am still ready for work. that is why i am also inquiring. personal. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming in today, i have a few quick questions as well. earlier you spoken to, you know, the importance of trying to hire on the public out cry for trying to hire on the city employees at faster rates and you know, thanks to and part of the solution is in the hiring of mr. wong here and you also spoke to some of his duties and i was not clear if you spoke to all of his duties that he is responsible for, if you could go over a little bit of that just briefly of the list that he has, and also if you feel that with this list, of duties that he has is that you will be able to perform these duties for the people of the facilities and successfully. >> okay, let's see. >> he has a lot of work
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unfortunately. yes, he is on probation. and basically, he is responsible for recruiting city wide. he is working, again, he does have a focus, for, there is the two, or the three areas of focus, i am sorry, there are three. which was public safety, recruitment, it hiring and employing people with disabilities. and then, in it and then, so his work is to development the recruitment plans and out reach plans for those areas specifically. and then he helps with the other for the specific hiring and recruiting needs.
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>> knowing that he needs to speak and do you think that it will be beneficial and i know that you have spoken at the june hearing that supervisor mar had called together and we thank you for that as well. that did they mention that maybe even more today, that it will be better to hire on a person specific live tasked with hiring for the people with disabilities because it is not just trying to develop a plan, you also have to develop not just a plan to talking about rule 115, you also have to work with partners and the other agencies and finding that you educate the city departments on the basics of a person with disability, and the people with disability and the culture tf and what they are capable of doing. and the process, and going through rule 115, and how to identify a proper job for the right applicant and the proper questioning and so forth and that is just within a glance. >> right. >> and so in trying to make this a successful venture, do you feel like it would be possible to hire a specific
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person for that role. knowing what you have said about the different responsibilities for mr. wong. >> that would be great if we could. it really would. this is the first year that we have actually been able to hire a recruiter, in general. and so, you know, i think that it is hopefully just the beginning and yeah, i would lobby myself to hire another *f an additional person, because there are a lot of recruitments >> and very enthusiastic as well. >> i don't deny that. >> second, we had spoken about the image, and a new committee and an advisory commity being set up next month and where can we find more information about this as far as people who are eligible participate on this committee? >> i will send a note to the mayor's office on disability.
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and perhaps, they can do, out reach, to everyone and let them know about it. >> thank you, any more questions >> council member wong. >> can you clarify about the rule change and the severity of the disabled? >> we had heard, the feedback from the different sectors of the community to want to change the wording because it had some what of a negative connotation and with maybe, perhaps, even the departments or other, you know, yeah, the departments from wanting or amending the language but would like to have more discussion with this and the community advocates on that.
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and any questions for the staff? >> thank you, donna so much for coming and facing the council, and giving us more information. and it has been really great working with your department and we appreciate the openness and have the opportunity to speak with your staff, and it is one of the things that carla and i spoke about this past week was stream lining the city's reasonable accommodation and application process. and so, it does not just have to be rule 115, hires it does not, and that rule 115 is only, it is only, one tool in the tool box. and what needs to happen within the hr department, and within the city family culture, is to really open up the gates so to speak, and create the more friendly, user friendly
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application process, that the people with disabilities can actually participate in those exams. and can compete in the level of playing field. >> because one of the things that i think gets to create some of the negative feelings, around rules 115, is when we talk about bypassing the city's merit system, there is a connotation that the people with disbelieves are not good enough for the exam, and what they sure is that, maybe they (inaudible) to be adapted and maybe we need to think about the reasonable accommodations in the application process and you know, much more cohesive, structured way and maybe we need to do a job analysis and actually have the job postings that are in main english
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and to work with the folks on is the portal of how do the people even know where the rule 115, or the preference for the people with disabilities jobs would be, if it is only through connections with the community agencies? how could someone who is not connected or a client of the arc going to find out about these positions? >> just a general comment, thank you. >> thank you for those, definitely we will take those into consideration and by the way, a number of people across the board talk about how we need to change our job titles, and things like that. so, thank you. >> >> thank you, again for coming today and we look forward to working with you, and still in the future around rule 115 as well as continuing a conversation when you had
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earlier today about the possibility of collecting the statistics and we will talk about that moving forward as well. >> thank you very much. >> moving on to our next agenda item, information item i am sorry, 8, information item, comments and xhun based organizations that train and place workers with a broad spectrum of disabilities. we will be having three speakers and just notified that there is a variety of speakers and there is a time limit and so we appreciate the people staying in that. we have terry goodwin, director of partnership and business development and arc, of san francisco. >> thank you for letting me speak today. and i first would like to say that i have been in the field for many, many years and i am not going to say how many. and my job is always been in my career, to place people with disabilities with the
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developmental disabilities for the arc of san francisco. and we have made a big difference. and i have seen a lot of success. but, regardless we are very lucky in the city right now, because we have had the people calling us and so in my career i have worked for that and i feel so great that finally, the word has gotten out and we placed the people successfully and we have the people recently at facebook and twitter, and fitbit, and sales force employs 20 of our clients and we have a niche in the office services support area and we continue to get calls, and so we are very, very happy and but for most of my career it has been really hard and it is really many years that we have not made that many placements and it is a tough, it is a tough thing. and so, i think that one of the key things that we talked about today is education, and it is about the fear people have, and the unknown, that the people have not worked with our clients before. or the people with disabilities in general and i think that one of the big things that can
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change things, and i encourage staoet to do this, is an internship program. we four years ago, took me two years, to develop an internal program, with pg&e and they were now in the fourth year and it is a small internship program but it is changing the culture of that company, and they of the, and we have the 94 percent job placement rate, out of the four years of the people that have gone through that program. and it is really outstanding, and we really want the city to do that. i really want to speak to a few of the issues related to the rule 115. and i want to thank supervisor mar and jonathan for getting the dialogue going and react vaiting the rule and thanks for getting the position and we know that it is a start and we got a long way to go and i hope that we can designate a position that will be solely around the rule, 115 because it is a huge job and it is a huge job and the city has a long way to go. and i think that one
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recommendation that no one has brought forth is that we should definitely create the incentives for the departments to show the results, to get a bigger result for the rule. and so some kind of incentive and of course we need the goals for the departments as well and i would really like to see a action from the mayor, and we really need a high level call to action. and i am so happy that supervisor mar is taken it out and we just need more support and getting more visibility. and again, a plan to promote and educate the managers, which again, is a big job, and i would like as a community agency, to be able to meet with the managers, and so, that is the other part of it, is implementing a plan for the community agency to meet with the department managers because there is a real gap in terms of understanding what we do and the people that we represent, and also, you know, the referral and so we can refer our candidates. and, also one other point,
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would be really that just looking at other city agencies city government and successes has occurred and i know that i have mentioned it previously, that there is a wonderful program in seattle, where they can put over 80 people in support of the employment and it is an excellent program and i actually sent donna and ed the video on the program. and so, there are wonderful programs out there and so i hope that we can move toward that and i feel light and we can keep it moving for ward and i hope that we don't get bogged down with the task force and i want us to keep moving and hopefully we can get the placements and thank you to the library for really coming up to the plate. and i am happy about that. thank you so much. >> any questions from the council members? >> i just have one quick question and that was the actual name of the seattle
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based organization, if you didn't know of it, that would be great to know. >> actually it is through the city and so what they did is they, they hired a person who is in their hr department, who is the point person, who deals with all of the agencies, she works with all of the local non-profits and she is the one that helps screen and is the go-between with the non-profits and all of the city departments. so she is actually is from san francisco and, maybe we could get her to come and speak. that would be great. >> any questions, thank you. >> any questions for the staff? >> okay. and thank you very much. >> next we have mark melanson director of community services at tool works. >> thank you for the time to be here to present for you today. >> i brought the people that
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want to speak to you today. we are appreciative to be talking about the expansion of the 115 rule and raising awareness and we thank supervisor mar and we were a part of the original hearing and so we are thrilled to be back to be talking again about the rule. a lot of the comments that have been made today, and definitely, we would like to see a process in that these folks are joining in on those hr department meetings, and so, that is fantastic, if you are ever need a wing man, you know, invite one of us to come and give the same presentation. tool works has been around from 1975 and our visionary and founder, was had a friend that worked at paccal and they were throwing away the broken tools and he said that i have folks that could fix those tools. and you could use them the money that you were spending to
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by the new tools to pay the folks to fix the tools and so tool works is how we got our name many, many years ago, and a quick story about that. tool works provides an array of services to a wide array of folks with disabilities. and so, really have, and sort of the diverse population, and we have community integration day program focusing on folks, and volunteering at the local non-profit and we have a community living department to help the folks live independently in the community and we have employment services where we have the group employment sites and some individual placements and we have been at the marriott against the 1998 earthquake or 1989. >> and that was the day that we start and so it was everybody remembers that and we have 14 people working in about five or six different departments in
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the hotel. and, some other small groups have the family service agencies doing the janitorial and at the flag ship store old navy doing the stock and floor work. and we also have the healthy partnerships throughout the bay area and training programs and we have our own commercial janitorial business and tool works has 750 clients and 250 employees and 100 of those employees are people with disabilities and so we are proud of the statistics that we have as an agency on our workforce. and i just opened a bakery and check that out and it is a training program for homeless and the folks who have disables. >> we talked a lot about the statistics and the folks that brought up the strats ticks and the folks in the disability have over an 80 percent unemployment rate and so it is
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huge and, a staggering number and again, all of the things that you heard about the folks wanting to work, and the folks ready to work and i have brought the folks, from the agency, and from the different programs that we talk about how we prepare folks for the workforce. and so you will get to hear a little bit about those, and about those programs, that we have. and we know that california did have passed a employment first policy recently, which is fantastic. and but not a lot of dollars to back it up but we are still looking to the state to be able to provide the funding to support the employment for the folks with developmental disabilities and it is still an ongoing struggle. and with that, i will turn it over to my team, and promise to stay within our time. i would like to introduce, tina from the employment services department and talk about placement in the individual placement. >> i promise to keep it brief,
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only ten minutes for me, just kidding. thank you for the opportunity, of being able to present to you. i am the job developer with tool works. and i have been doing that for over 28 years. and i am still doing it. and my program has been serving adults with disabilities through on you the bay area and with the special emphasis on serving the people who are deaf and hard of hearing. we assess and prepare those refer by the state department that we have, for job readiness and skills and then partner with the job seeker to assist in the job search process with the role of finding a position that they are qualified for, and with a variety of supports/accommodations as-needed. and including, even sign language classes. at the work site. and our job seekers reflect the larger community in which we all live and work.
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representing a wide variety of skills and talents, and entry level to professional. and we strongly focus on helping the individual learn as best as they can the tools that they need and can use, to look for a job and land a job, and keep it. and we have developed the strong partnerships with the employers over the years who look to us and i am happy to say, and unless as a staffing service, referring them candidates who are prepared, and motivated and supported. and these partnerships are valuable and as it allows the door to be opened to consideration. and often times, a job offers the result. and in the past, we looked to government, for these partnerships, and or this leadership. federal state and local agencies. but not so much these days, as you all know. the private sector has been more affirmative, and accessible to our community and
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hopefully this will change and it really needs to change. many times even very large employers will tell me very sincerely that we don't have any employees with disabilities here. and my reaction which i don't always voice, is oh, yes you do. but you just are not aware of that due to fear of disclosure and possible discrimination. and the reaction is well why don't you? and there are hundreds of persons working who have benefited from tool works, and employment services program. and i am happy to say that tool works walk the walk and actively recruits, and employees and persons with disabilities, and i am very pleased to introduce you to one person now who will tell you her story, and her name is nelly hoff and here is lily.
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>> hi, thank you for having me here today. i graduated from a college called rit, in 2008. i moved here to san francisco in 2009, to look for a job in the bay area. i looked for two years, no luck. oh, one thing that i wanted to mention is that i graduated with two degrees. a bs in psychology, i am sorry. bs in criminal justice and a ba in psychology. and i looked for a job for two years with no luck. i was looking for a job in my field. there was no entry level opportunities. they all required a lot of
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experience or advanced degrees. i had experienced a lot of different internships. and during my search i decided to volunteer to get more experience still no luck. vr referred me to tool works, to work with tina. tina set me up with an interview at tool works, and they hired me as an on-call staff for the community integration program to work out in the community with adults with developmental disabilities. after two months, i transferred to work with the community living department, where i worked with clients in their homes. i was promoted to facilitater after some time. last year, i became the lead facilitater and i just recently, applied for another position.
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i applied for another job and i hope to be promoted next month. and tool works has really provided me with a lot of training and a lot of support. and they have been and i have had the opportunity to learn a lot. there have been access to interpreters, video phones, so i can make connections, and resources in the community, to my clients. and so, tool works has offered me that training to move up. thank you. >> so, goit i got two minutes, we are almost to the end of
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mark's, and my name is sarah and i work at tool works and i do many things here obviously, but one of the things that i do is i am a ticket to work specialist and a dei department. and so, i work out of one of the neighborhood access points, the comprehensive access point at mission and eleventh. and i provide ticket to work services to clients who come in to the center, specifically what or who we serve as people, looking for benefits counseling and so we talk with folks about what it would look like to go back to work and what that would look like with the benefits. and so, we provide a lot of support in that way. and what we are finding is that the primary goal of our program is to place individuals in to job opportunities, but, with
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the support of ticket to work program, where we are able to do that with them. and so the education that we have we can give to our clients. >> next, i want vira to come up and talk about our internship program really quick. >> my name is vira and i will keep it to 30 seconds, she mentioned that the internships would be a great step, i manage the programs in partnership with ucsf medical center and the public utility commission and we started off small, but you know we started off with three interns four years ago and now we have 19 intern and four sites and we placed people in ucsf making an average of $25 an hour. and so we are really proud about how, you know, we opened up this dialogue with ucsf and the california public utilities commission and the departments talked about
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