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tv   [untitled]    October 20, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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night noise permits are issued by e-mail as an attachment and their stored in hardcopy format and those permits are resent with suspected conditions of approval that concludes my presentation. >> thank you. >> okay. so now is the acting director. >> good afternoon, supervisors dan deputy director acting director temporary. >> (laughter). >> mr. huey is come back; right? >> the question you're asking her this is a temporary pause to review our policy considering the issuance of those night time
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permits. >> how long. >> hopefully, a short time we're trying to get the recommendations from the brown and look at the policies. >> you say temporary how long second year or a range of approximation. >> well, you have to look at the policy it will be short term. >> we also know that all the residents are affected by the night noise are concerned we've been working with the working groups to satisfy both parties. >> i'm supportive of the department working with residents with supervisor kim, with whoever with the contractors with anyone to try to come up with the absolute best possible way of doing night time work it in a perfect world
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no night work but as dbi has indicated there's reasons why night work has to happen and one of our criteria is doing night work during the day would close a muni line or create hazards for 0 the public where the jobs are done at night the question when you say short-term of temporary it's a moratorium on issuing night permits whou how long that moratorium will last. >> it's not a moratorium we hope to activate it it soon. >> right now is the building inspection offering any permits. >> if it was an imminent hazard
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where there's a monolithic pour that needs to be finished we'll look at this thing on a case by case and look at the areas of concern which is supervisor jane kim's area there's an enormous amount of construction for both parties to move forward here. >> first of all, i'm all in favor of understanding a process to make sure that night work is the lease disrespect as possible one hundred percent in and a half i understand that supervisor kim's district this project area is absolutely a citywide concern we are ultimately one city this project area is integral to our
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future we're residents in all our districts go to the area what there's a disruption in transportation during the day or whatever it mistakes e affects everyone this is a citywide issue but i also you know i'm going to ask the question i ask to the previous speaker if there are issues in terms of needing to tweak or improve best practices around night work that's a terrific thing to think about i'll applaud the department to try to reduce disruptions to residents it's a real change to live in a construction zone at night it can be awful i'm in favor to mitigate impact why did the department do that 3 or 6 or 9
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months ago why does it take until stopping the issuance of night permits to pause as you put it i understand that's caused layoffs why did it take that instead of doing it all along why did it take a pause to do that. >> this was what i was told to do to get the temporary pause. >> do you - >> i'm working with the director he's on vacation we decided to do a temporary policy to come up with a solution it's not stopping all night time permits only a pause if there's a life safety or imminent standard. >> it's caused layoffs that's a problem who did director huey work with to get this pause i've
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heard from a number of people they were not involved in the process it was simply announced who did director huey work with. >> i'm not sure this was what was agreed upon to do. >> so mr. huey told you to do this. >> it was a confidence he told me. >> so you have any idea as a department representative who was involved to implement that pause as you call it do you know who was involved? >> the director and he discussed to me that's all i know. >> do you know the departments or offices who was involved. >> no. >> did the department consult
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with before making that decision with anyone that is doing the work. >> we've been work with the contractors and the working groups and the inspections we've been working with the working group at the metropolitan we're trying to wait for this meeting to hear our recommendations of the contractors and the residents here. >> why. >> so we could review our policy and change our policy to be more satisfactory to everyone. >> why would the department of building inspection solicited or received those recommendations before simply putting in place this pause as you call it the night permits i've asked someone mr. reardon to departmental people to the contractors i'm going to read it there's a
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changed in policy regarding the night time permits no more permits related to the night time facility will be permitted signed mr. raeshgd that sound like when i read it, it's out of the blue for some people so i'm told it resulted in layoffs why did the department not solicit the feedback before turning off the night permits. >> there's no change of policy. >> this says there's a change in policy. >> i'm referring to the night noise because of a lot of complaints from the neighborhood we're trying to work with the contractors and the residents. >> i totally agree you should be responsive to the
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neighborhoods in terms of mitigating those and working with the residents and contractors and supervisor kim and everyone but why wasn't that done as before as simply there's been a policy change there's no more permits this work 0 could have been done months and months ago that's a big deal. >> we're away aware of it's a big deal we've been working with the contractor and we're doing outreach with the people to try to get a solution for both contractors working and the neighborhood. >> you just don't know how long this pause is going to last? it's going to last short term very short we're going to get the implementations the board and get a group of us together
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to come up with some new standards and policies and procedures to help to change - >> having been involved in a lot of working groups in this city and changing policies and policies and procedures that doesn't happen quickly in san francisco we're in to seeking impact from all people so if you're telling me this is going to be super fast but in my experience that's not how this works in san francisco it will take time so is it possible this pause will last for a period of months? okay will it last as long as a month?
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no - >> less than a month and this pause will be over. >> i'm hoping we'll review our policy and a lot of the policies have not been stopped we're issuing for life safety and if there's a crane erection we're going to do a temporary pause to look at the responses. >> thank you, supervisor wiener i think it's a little bit on fair to put all of those on you because our director mr. huey is not here but without consulting with anyone you wanted to make sure there was not issuance that wyoming were not given in the neighborhood and while mistakes are made that residents will he'll be accountable for so
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that's my understanding with director huey he didn't need to community with anyone but while he was gone any decisions he'll be held accountable he wants to be sure that permits were issued so we'll work this out i think the reset bottom has been helpful it is getting people to table we've got frustration from our residents that it has taken real solutions to occur for your neighborhoods and by the way, no one else on the board has been listening to the complaints i represent this district and when i hear from pregnant moms and
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kids that can't sleep we have to be sure we support development and growth it has to happen in a balanced way whether or not we like it we put those people in the neighborhoods before the construction and we have a neighborhood that's liveable we hear does that have to start or 6 in the morning can work happen between 4 and 6:00 p.m. before 8:00 p.m. so the consistency we're seeing and i'll just read some of the numbers in 14 out of 21 work days 26 work permits and optimistic on the we understand it is the cherry on top of all
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of that you can't even sleep on the weekends that's just some of what we've heard that being said our residents know this is going to continue but want an explicit policy put in place and we want to create the process in a short period we wanted dbi to talk about their process for the receipts be to anywhere we want to push on when it is a life safety treat to pedestrians what does it have to be twenty-four hours but we want to make sure those are the only instances in which we're giving night 7, 8, 9 construction records we're not convinced that all the permits like i said 60 percent of the night time work is in the all necessary we want to flush all
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out in that time period. >> thank you thank you so actually that completes our presentation at this point, i know we have a lot of people to speak for public comment colleagues i don't know if you have comments. >> i think i'll say i was directed to the department of building inspection when something as significant when this happens and respectfully i know you get thrown into the frying pan because director huey is not in town but when everyone comes down and say i can't say explain what was process was why this donation was made this is very changing but we have a responsibility to get out the information when i have an e-mail saying no more permits from the dounlt area will be
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approved by dbi and stating a policy change and the department is unable to explain how this policy change happened and who was and not involved in it i think it's a real problem we all have the same goal we want to minimize disruption n in the people's lives that people have to deal with this night noise we have the same goals there's a real concern when you have a department that could have been doing this all along for all the many, many months this night noise has been gone on could have been resolved 6 to 8 months ago we see no more permits and maybe some life safest situations their being issues this is conflicting it
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shouldn't take that change in order for the department to institute new guidelines so i'm going to express my frustration that dbi wasn't able to talk about that opening it up for public comment it will be 2 minutes. >> wait, sir, sir step back i haven't called any public comments yet i'm going to call the cards i have (calling names) these are all the cards i have if you want to fill out a card. >> good afternoon, supervisors jim lass reduce the chamber of
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commerce this is a different issue for supervisors and receipts and contractor and hair employees we urge you to request the department to convene the real parties of interests the neighbors the contractors the project developers and bring them together that's not been done to my knowledge and should have been done since last wednesday this is caused promotions to come to a halt and continue to cause projects to be detailed when it comes to life safety or major construction concrete pours that were mentioned a list in that presentation from the department of building inspection of the need for night time work so the work should be done pursuant to best practices we that the department with dbi and the mayor's office and
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others can develop a check list that contractors will live by in other words, to get the projects on time and on budget so we urge you to focus on that and ask the department to reconsider the current apparent out right band on the issuance of those important permits to keep those projects going thank you very mu much. >> good afternoon chair and supervisor kim and supervisor cohen my name is charley with the operating engineers union the denial of the night work permits has negative impacts to our members train operators and pump operators and material operators and mixes will sit at home, i came from our concrete producers they have five or six engineers
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running the plants those operators will be sitting at home if the denial of the work permits continues night permits are scheduled for safety reaps including traffic and safety two months ago a senior was killed by a concrete truck by the producer those push the trucks into the city streets during daytime hours that is hazardous to the pedestrians the protocols in place for the permitting premiers has - the labor and community also with safety and minimum listing disruption as the main goal i think any action that come out of this should be an action not
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a reaction and that i'll be happy to participate in the process thank you. >> may i ask a question. >> thank you chair we're. >> you mentioned a concrete truck that killed a senior in chinatown isn't there other education so trucks are not hitting seniors is the only way to prevent killing seniors by trucks. >> i think it - >> i hope there are a lot of trucks on our road during the day that trucks wouldn't be hitting my of our residents. >> it's it increases the probability of hitting more pedestrians. >> we all right. have a lot of trucks in the downtown area during the day by the fact you're not stating that is why
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people are getting hit on our streets and our drivers are being educated to drive safely. >> absolutely that's an issue that could be addressed. >> and point that layoffs have been made i'm stunned i've not heard that suspension only happens i assume not for the permits so what layoffs. >> meantime is construction project is stopped. >> but they're not stopped. >> yet we work out of hiring goals there's no work for your today your laid off at that point. >> that happens on any given day. >> it can. >> so there are people not hired for additional work even though the most activity in construction since the 1906 san francisco earthquake.
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>> if the job is suspended for any reason those individuals are not working. >> but we have way anymore workers working in the san francisco in the trading and construction in the history. >> so you hope we're talking about a small amount of people that are may not be working as many hours i assume that. >> that's correct. >> thank you. >> i will say i assume mr. terry will address this one when i taught the construction unions this is not the case that every union worker is smou somehow fulfill pled and terry will address that issue thank you. >> thank you. >> >> next speaker. >> so supervisor jane kim and
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i did not i don't think you've called our name you can fill out a blue card if you don't want to you can speak after the blue cards. >> terry with the building construction i appreciate supervisor kim's support and the reiteration of that this afternoon that is the case that our folks are immediately effected by the categorical pause, if you will, in the issue of night time permits there is a lot of work but if you're working a swing or graveyard and coming out of the ground where it's not drywall work but concrete or rigging work you'll be immediately effected by this and we've heard what charley didn't tell you people are being
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laid off so people 0 who are gradually crawling out of the hole of 4 years of recession are now having to go to the halls and wait for more work and wait for a phone call that delay you hear and their work is not linear it can be geometric for example if you have a concrete pump for a pour on a particular day the contractor obtained that from the intaushgs that concrete pump has other spaegsz and can be booked for weeks and it could be detailed by a couple i have weeks that has ripple effects on the employment of our members if this is, in fact, a temporary pause we ask it to be as temporary as possible and that
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you come to a quick solution or a quick process by which we can quickly return to work. >> we understand from the deniable department of building inspection they will be convening stakeholders goes up to come up with best practices or improvements to minimize night work we agree that this is a good goal. >> we value our sleep as the residents. >> it's important for everyone so before this and i read this e-mail about this quote change in policy no. more permits from the downtown area for construction will be approved by dbi at this time whew were you aware of the change before this conversation was issued. >> i heard about it on friday.
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>> okay. on friday was under any effort by dbi to convene a working group i so you believed a broken record like 3 or 6 or 9 months of the year we have those changes let's talk about how to do it as opposed to just all of a sudden announce the permits are being suspended. >> not that i'm aware of of such efforts. >> okay. thank you so long as isle i've called our name you can come up. >> hi, i'm the vice president of the metropolitan association thank supervisor kim for her support and above you first of all, most of us are in favor of the development
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navigate i've moved into the metropolitan that was the blue building surround by the red construction one of the reasons i moved in was the construction of the area we're pro development and want it to happen as quickly as possible and we don't want it extended if we don't have as much night work going on it will be longer projects that might affect people i'm a business consultant that works in my unit i'm perfectly willing to sacrifice the noise during the day i want to submit to the jane has a copy of some testimonials from the residents including the issue from the peg woman and people losing sleep we have issues like
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that we've also got situations we definitely don't want people to be laid off i appreciate our comments supervisor kim i personally work construction to go through college so i know that you know the importance of deadlines of doing concrete pours but i would say that it's probably very rare that jobs have been eliminated of it's night time work working around the clock you mentioned before that one of the developers i think mentioned most people don't want to work nights and evenings the same work has to be done only detailed while we appreciate the dbi's support one of the reasons it escalated to this point we appreciate they're sitting down. >> i'll ask you to continue since the time went off i want
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to hear the rest. >> in a meeting that there was one pour that saturday early in the morning that could have been contained in the allowable hours but the night permit was requested because of a giant escape that could have been planned around the dispensaries are professional building planners and been working in 3 to have to 9 months in advance we want them to plan according. >> can you ask you similar to what i asked mr. terry we're hearing from dbi they want a pause to come up with what they'll call best practices and improvements on the other hand, we all want to reduce the disruption to you and your neighbors because it can be kreshl awful to