tv [untitled] October 22, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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♪right now its yours to claim ♪come on sing along now. ♪take that space it has got your name on ♪it has got your name on it ♪it has got your name on it ♪go on and take that space ♪its got your name on it ♪right now, its yours to claim ♪ >> thank you, and i sing something that is more familiar with everybody. ♪ain't going to let nobody turn me around ♪turn me around ♪turn me around ♪ain't going to let nobody turn
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me around ♪i am going to keep on walking, keep on talking, going to let the freedom... ♪ turned me around ♪ain't going to let no violence turn me around ♪ i am going to keep on walking, keep on talking, marching up the freedom land >> come on you all know it. ♪ ♪ ain't going to let nobody turn me around, turn me around ♪turn me around. ♪ain't going to let nobody turn me around ♪i am going to keep on walking
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♪keep on talking ♪marching up to the freedom land ♪ thank you. >> >> another round of applause for emma jean. >> in closing, i just wanted to thank the mayor's office in particular, deputy chief of staff paul henderson and arocha, and now this domestic violence beverly and her crew. and my amazing staff and especially policy director kandel and policy fellow, ifton for the tireless efforts to make tonight's events happen and please admire our city hall and it is purple.
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mayor, i hope some day you'll visit me at city hall well, today is a special day i want to come down to support you because i am very thankful that all of you tonight are going to book and talk to our parents because this is the close to the 25th anniversary of the loma linda earthquake a big architecture in 1906 before upper born the one is caused our city to think about disasters 0 how we save lives fair families and parents and brothers and sisters we want to make sure? safe that's why i've been joined with our state office of the emergency services he's here our
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department of the management is here the police department here with me and the fire department we've got everyone this is a going to have an important role to play to be a big earthquake plan but you have a goal today and tonight you've got to make sure you when you see those broichz we're going handing out go through the clerk list with our families tonight will be go through it and make sure you have supplies e supplies and flashlight and a battery powder radio if a earthquake hit yourself be able to reach that and be safe between the first 72 hours when you're ready you're
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not afraid hunters view how many people are afraid of an earthquake we don't want to you be afraid its natural to have building shaking by the way, i was right here at the school in the last day of the earthquake in 1989 a lot of the damages was in the neighborhood i was working as at mayor and he said get out there and get services to the people in the areas so we camped out and had a service center right here for most to help occupying all the residents if you do the things we ask you to do you're going to be less scared houch how many of you want to be more ready very good it's important and if i tarnishing talk to each other you came back can help yours and your neighbors that's what i
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want the entire city to be just like you, your joining guess was it thousand other students get ready for disaster if a possible earthquake did i know that today there's probably about 10 million students across the state of california that are doing to the same thing preparing their family kits to make sure they're thinking about this and ready so if you want to be part of being ready and less about being scared follow our reductions and i see many of you and thank you, thank you yourself thinking you're planning our creating pictures of what things you might want to do to put if a kit that's ready for our family thank you you are is very grateful mayor that loves our million dollar grade
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students thank you. (clapping.) and she's the director of our emergency management in our city. >> thank you, mr. mayor i also have a grandson in so i get grade right here in san francisco so i talked to him about this and all his friends emergency management can we we do we're making sure that everyone is going to be safe and the differentiate about happen maybe our you'll be older but as mayor ed lee said we need to be prepared please go home tonight and make sure you have oath water for the ferries 72 hours your first reading please and firefighters are going to be helping people that be scombrurd so everyone what we call well body to make sure you're safe
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and that you know what to do in my office we not only prepared for emergencies but answered people's call that have an emergency so, yes. >> 9-1-1. >> we call 9-1-1 that's right the 9-1-1 in my office where we do is tell people everyday we took a million calls awe a year if you're house is on fire or your mom or dad falls detain they're not brooebt you call 9-1-1 i call 9 with an if you want to know go about the giants don't call 9-1-1 call 311 on anniversary emergency call 311
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we're going to practice this morning so duck cover and hold that's what you do in with an emergency don't stand underneath a doorway way get down and cover your head things fall from shelves get under a sturdy desk i know that each of you are going to talk to our parents today; right? there's no reason to be afraid especially, if you know what to do so thank you very much. (clapping.) i was teaching a classroom and teaching and marina middle school i i know how important it is to have a plan one of the things we're discussing how important to have two escape frouts your house i want you to
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people if you have a know the answer why is it important to have two escape routes. >> because one is (inaudible) for . >> exactly right when you say. >> it's something if one is blocked off i actively have 3. >> 3 is better than one. >> i have one blocked offer then i have another one and during the destruction why is it so important how big on the list is water why is it important 3 gallons per person. >> because i get dehydrated.
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>> why else. >> you can survive longer with water and food. >> i want to show i want have our mayor how many of you have spoken to our parents will the escape route at home oh, (clapping) how many of you have made a list of contacted numbers both inside of san francisco and out of the bay area raise our hands (clapping.) how many of you have gone over the list of the things you need in your earthquake supplies how many (clapping.) how many of you have not done it do it i know from experience you want to know where your family members are this is really great we're making posters and putting them around the schools to everyone sees this we thank the
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people coming out and educating us who is naomi. >> naomi i'm looking at our plan you've done really, really well and even got the toilet right this is fantastic this is exactly what all of you have been able to do your drawing madam's of where a where to do you're very is smart i want to congratulate all of you you're going to help your families thank you very much (clapping.) duo can anyone explain that evacuate that building explain what that word means. >> it means you have to take some stuff with.
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>> your evacuating take our cell phone and maybe your evacuating take our energy supplies and things like that anyone else want to add something about evacuate. >> when you leave a building. >> yeah. for some kind of energy and naomi. >> when the area after the emergency. >> i have a question actually i've asked it is a great question why if i evacuate why don't you need money? like as opposed to an a.m. or why actual cash. >> because atm if it breaks. >> or the electricity goes out. >> if you have cash you can go
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to the nearest store and buy stuff. >> very good, very good and anyone else have a question do you guys know how to use computers. >> yes. >> have you seep our website 70 w-2 it will help you get connected with our neighborhood as well and i want to show you some easy steps to be prepared it looks like the mayor was pulling up our escape route but checkout sf i think he'll really like it okay. does anyone else want to share about how to stay safe that in an earthquake bobby. >> you have a house and get under a table so i won't hurt
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yourself. >> exactly right what can be done with injuries you want to put someone over your head to be safe. >> also like put our pack somewhere where you can get it. >> okay. >> if you hide under the table like you are prepared for action. >> so you're hiding underneath the timetable it's a stopped shaking before you get out what do you do and look around aftershocks things are still falling and pay attention. >> of staff and students when
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you hear the 3 bells that is the instrumental of the beginning of california shake down and the beginning of duck and cover. >> next step. >> earthquake early warning system they've per effected it. >> remember you want to not face the windows and why not face the windows yes. >> because if the glass breaks it will hit you. >> you don't want to - you want your face away from the windows. >> hang on (bell ringing)
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california shakeout 2, 3, 4 california the fact is now start to prepare so you can protect user this is earthquake drill right now drop cover and hold this is an earthquake drill this is not a real earthquake until you're driving drop immediately and take cover and hold subordinate our structure until the shaking stopped in your indoors stay indoors in our anti doors stay outside minimal what will go helping happy it can
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last from a few seconds up to a minute up to 6 feet per second the floor can jerk sideways that is what you drop cover and hold on you could fall or become airborne and sustain serious injury look around what will be around you this is an earthquake drill drop over and hold on do not use elevators if you're outside stay away from things that can hurt you drop cover and hold on otherwise look around until the shaking is over drop cover and hold on so protect our arms don't move
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until the shaking is over if you're indoors stay indoors during an earthquake stop and set the parking rate and stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over after 2 minutes when the staking shaking a over there will be aftershocks so with you, reduce the losses and recover as quickly as possible on the protection learn more you can share stories with others (inaudible) thank you for participating in the great california shackle out the largest earthquake drill in california history
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that long bell will instrumental the evacuation. >> (bell ringing) good morning marina benefit begins shall i is marina pan dozen i'm mayor ed lee the mayor of the san francisco i'm down here with you on the great shack out to practice our safety in case there's a big earthquake and students if i may say this you have a whiff principle and great teachers here but i think the most important part i say
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that the students of marina middle school are the greatest students of san francisco i saw that i saw that directly i was in one of our classrooms today you are getting ready you are joining over 52 thousand students in the entire san francisco unified school district get ready for disaster and earthquake and our also joining some 10 million students across the state of california on t this great shakeout thank you yourself learning to do in your classroom what our learning to get ready for the first 72 hours our california strategist emergency services and pillow and fire they're here to support the fact you'll take the megs message back home to our parents
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and family and is let's get ready let's not be afraid of the earthquake let's get ready for the earthquake that's what we need to see i want to say a great, thank you on behalf of the me the mayor and all the wonderful departments the more people that are ready the more people who understand that you have got to put some resources away whether it's food or cash or whether it's water or a battery powder radio whether it is any of those things that my certify you during the first 72 hours this 12:00 will not only be restraining but recover faster i think about you all the time particularly our middle school students you should know that because we have all those
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other things to support our middle schools and our city hall students. >> i want to make sure our safe we remember what happened in the past earthquake like nothing 989 we've learned we can do better ambassador bay h by the way, i have was right here in 1989 working at the marina school district i joined some of our teachers we're getting ready he we're not going to let fear rule us but lead with our experience this is what we're doing with the departments our staff this is was we're doing with the state of california all over the state of california state this is happening this is not a question of if it will hoop to therefore we have to be ready
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we'll also train you have a wonderful fire department and wonderful police department they're also practicing and they'll all be out there when the giants win tonight how exciting (clapping.) okay first of all, i want to thank you for doing a fabulous job with duck and cover students thank you for doing a wonderful job with the duck and cover a great evacuation and counselors start to dismiss the students the unindication table t is believable put together and thank you for celebrating this and thank you to mayor ed lee
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