tv [untitled] October 22, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> mr. wong. >> howard wong with save muni the bond i guess the public doesn't realize that the mta issued so many revenue bonds i wasn't aware the bonds were issued in 2011 and 2013 if you add those up their approaching the prop a bond of $500 million in 2011 when prop a gave sfmta revenue bond authority it was a trust an assurance we hoped that muni would improve now with continuing the decline of muni in neighborhoods thought the city and looking at prop as language of what it implements is more the transmitted effect
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you've seen the fights over every bus line and route and shortening of routes and the continuing loss of people for the buses if and when prop a passes like the 3 jake we find the revenue bonds are more specific then the prop a language and most of the revenue bonds money goes to muni which is interesting but prop a so much of the money it does not go to muni and prop a it is not destined and we don't know where the money is going the central subways legal definition now the pmc reports shows a higher liefkd of cost overruns we need
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to see mta get it's houses in order we need to see you manage the money. >> thank you, mr. wong anything else wish to address the board commissioners questions or comments a motion to >> we have a motion and a second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? thank you next item and item 12 and discussion regarding the customer satisfaction survey. >> good afternoon chairman noel and the members of the public i'm the communications director at sfmta we're pleased to bring the muni customer survey a survey we used to conduct and engage gunmen customer satisfaction with sfmta service
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on a periodic base it provides trend information back to 2001 rae give us a valuable understanding of what we need to do to improve over time and balances some of the things we hear on a regular basis in this board room and one of many surveys we conduct anothers sfmta because it's been going on for many, many years it's help to gauge the trend we asked about sfmta generally that gives uss a starting point of the level of waurnsz as an agency in our brabd p.o. box as well as our public reputation and this 2014 survey was conducted by corey research they've been conducting the survey since 2006 a marketing
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research firm and an l.b. a in san francisco the firm has worked with the sfmta also the on board demographics the neflg survey they've conducted research for bart and sfo and other regional agencies they're very versed in the area i'm going to ask john to come up and present the survey and take you through the presentation we'll take questions afterward thank you. >> thank you candice. >> thank you members of the board i'm going to present key finding is from study as candice mentioned
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before we do that i want to can i talk to this one. >> can he switch mike's or need to use this one. >> okay are you able to view the slides? their coming up >> oh, there you go. >> give us a little bit of background this study was a telephone interview conducted in february of 2014 we conducted 6 hundred and 20 telephone interviews among current adult residents in san francisco that used muni in the last 6 months okay. so this is the way the study is done it's a trend
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that's been done conducted among the riders the study used cell phone numbers as well as listed numbers to make our calls margin of error on the study plus or minus 3.9 percent and the irons are rounded to the nearest phone number some of the primary objectives of the study was to track customer satisfaction over time on muni okay. so that's the core of what the study do to look it over the years and additionally wanted to get a better understanding of the attribute where they drive satisfaction additionally on this particular study we wanted to identify specific questions
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or ask specific quizzing questions about the sfmta in general and how people viewed the perception of the sfmta so that's part of the questions is new in the study one of the questions we asked it on the study is the usage of muni on the slide a variety of reasons but it gives an idea of what are some of the key reasons personal appointments and son so we got a variety of users for muni for many reasons okay one of the questions we asked it on the study what whether riders would consider walking a longer distance to the bus stop if it truce reduced they're overall
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travel time 60 percent said, yes and if you look at the frequent riders it is a higher percentage about 2/3rd's among our more frequent riders but even among the infrequent riders the percentage is over 50 percent as mentioned before the core of this study are satisfaction questions okay. so one of the key satisfaction questions overall satisfaction with muni okay. what this slide shows the trending of the satisfaction rating over time so the study was initiated in 2001 and has been conducted nearly enabling there's a couple of breaks between (2) 007-2010 in what i see looking at this chart is there's an up ward trending in overall satisfaction the 4 times this has been conducted in
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201052 percent overall satisfaction rating people saying that's good or excellent and there's a 12 percent increase in the upper trend. >> on this slide explain the meetings notes it move forward from a 5 to 4 percent scale is that driving the satisfaction rate down. >> it would, in fact, that was changed okay. and this was changed in 2005 in terms of changing it we've not been conducting at the beginning but my understanding in terms of the reason for changing the scale because typically from a research standpoint don't change the scale the reason for changing that particular scale was in earlieriers of the study the scale that was used was
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accelerant, good, poor and very poor in the current years the scale being used is accelerant good and poor there was a strong feeling prior to them chang that by using the noticeable scale there are 3 ratings that tend to be negative and so it was not considered a balanced scale that was the rational for changing but it is my understanding that's the reason it was changed. >> thank you okay. looking at that same question but focusing on the 2014 finding so in this chart you see the rating scale overall satisfaction is the same number in the previous scale and the fair and poor ratings there as well a couple of things to take
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away 64 percent is a good rating there's a trending upped wards but the other thing when our looking at satisfaction we do a lot of satisfaction rating for m t c and bart and others you want to push those numbers into the top level category you see the 50 percent being good and 4 percent excellent push folks into the excellent i'll say the 14 percent it's tougher to move the poor ratings up those ratings in the middle you can move to get a higher rating okay again looking at that same overall satisfaction rating we're going to look at the data when we looked at it by how often people use muni you see
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councilmember krekorian people that use muni less often rate it higher than our regular users i'll say this as well is something that we've seen on other satisfaction studies we've conducted open the mta and the golden gate you see the folks that see your service the most notice it trip purpose i see there people that use the service for things other than work or school rate overall satisfaction for highly and time sensitivity goes into this and the other one you don't see the clipper and cash options we were not seeing a difference between the groups in addition to the overall satisfaction we asked about a number of specific attributes we
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use the excellent good or important poor among the attributes is there a rank order so accessibility with persons with disability 79 percent said mta is doing a good job and helpfulness 67 percent and frequency of service 59 percent reliability and half saying it's no good all the way to the bottom 31 percent say that crowding and managing on vehicles that rates at the bottom that is a new one most of those others year to year this is one of the ways to look at the attributes that were rated by riders but we're talking about an overall satisfaction study you need to look at it and see how those relatively relate to
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satisfaction we do that on the next slide showing the same attributes that talks about on the previous package they're not just ranks on this particular slide we looked at did troiblt and we take a look at them and saw which ones co-related the most to overall satisfaction to read the chapter up think the chart the troiblts are the higher ones on the chart going down they're not related to satisfaction and looking at the chart from left to right the attributes that rates the lowest are on the left side of the chart so that's all the way to the left as it rates lowest now this chart is saying frequency of service and on time performs are the 2 attributes that drive
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the overall satisfaction it's clear they're not a little bit above the rest just right around the average they're far and away above so if you make a change and things get worse on either of the attributes you'll invariable see a drop in overall satisfaction because they're so hive up in relationship to the customer satisfaction it didn't mean none of other ones were important but we're only talking about satisfaction a what's going to make a difference to the customer and the management and crowding is an accelerant add and rates parolee it's about average it will make a differences but not the type of differences the first two make okay
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okay. we also asked some questions about the sfmta as a whole remember we're talking to users of muni the sample the question was san francisco mta is a city agency that oversees muni and bike and parking and traffic in the city in general how familiar are you with the sfmta and it's responsibilities you have about half that say they're somewhat familiar and half that say they're not at all familiar this matters because it is important i think for the sfmta as a whole to understand how people perceive the agency or what they know about the agency having done this for another agrees there's a spice up when they see this type of chart what do you mean people don't know about us the ways
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this can be used if you're going into a neighborhood and changing bikes parking half of the folks may know. >> and half you're going in fresh that can be used as a positive or negative in terms of educating people and knowing there's no perception it's an important question to value to knowing how you stand following up that question we asked the question about effective management do you agree or disagree with the following statement the sfmta effectively manages the transportation program and 62 percent agree that's a higher percentage of the people's perception that includes the groups that are familiar with you as well as those not familiar with the sfmta
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okay and with that, i want to thank you and we'll take any questions. >> this is a discussion item only we have no action i'd like to hear the directors thoughts and then public comment. >> go ahead. >> i just had a quick question before the bars you've been relating speaking relate to what and especially in comparison to some of the other transit agencies we are familiar with and the most successful transit agencies that you might be familiar with i know to know if it's higher. >> i think the nice thing about the study it's a tracking survey so the value is you're asking satisfaction questions you want to see are we seeing that
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trending up overall and so that's the way we typically council folks to use the survey the difficulty of comparison is in a capital corridor they're a different system and a the questions are asked slightly different but more importantly the bar is different for that type of a system a capital corridor as the an easy example everybody is sitting do you think that's satisfaction level is not going to be an apples to apples now other agencies we've done satisfaction and golden gate whether or not those questions are asked the same i'm not sure we could get back to you with what is asked by in terms of the utilization look at
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how tprove that which you've done in the last four instances. >> i appreciate that perspective i'm wondering about what compatible cities like boston or seattle i appreciate it we're not been able to check it out or whatever else they do serve wine but it's interesting to see what are the highest ratings that the agencies that are compatible have done what are they doing right. >> let me follow-up on that there's public information on other cities and agencies and any other yes are decorator. >> i was happy to see the satisfaction i want to give a shout out what making and the
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cooperating committee i want to give a shout out to other agencies they're here so we achieve that satisfaction is good thank you arrest. >> i think this course is better than i thought it would be i was really pleased to see this i think the reason why you and i have those reaction those are questions addressed to people using the system we're gotten used to the criticism about our service from people that don't use it to hear from the regular riders it is working well, for them that's when you have a robust kind of view of the system and again to our points people that use it less frequently when they look at
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this this gets me where i'm going i'm actively thrilled to see the numbers i, of course, especially because we have taken so much heat consider walking longer distances to bus stops 60 percent of the people that rides the bus realize how important it is we need to keep in mind we've been strong and we approach that with sensitivity with bus stop but this is an important number to keep in mind i'm pleased to see the numbers it's going to be fascinating they've trebtd upwards we've made improvements and it's fascinating to see what they're be to doing thank you. i really appreciate the report and i'll give the chair if he
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has questions. >> you made a good point walking a long distance question hitting it's important to note that it is in the same survey while it is a picky survey this agency has done a lot of good work in being sensitive so i want to point out that. >> do we have public comment. >> no madam chair no one has said there was an interest. >> i thought everybody was here to see me. >> so directors closed session. >> is there a motion to conduct closed session and all in favor, say i. opposed? thank you very much. we'll be . >> all right item 14 the mta
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shocking just trying to create something new and original were >> one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. the most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think he's a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think we're not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. i thought it would be interesting because they have e
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he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are great stories for on opera. i was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. a friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. why isn't it are that i have the support now we can do that. i realized that was something that wasn't being done in san francisc
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