tv [untitled] October 24, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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>> i would like to -- part of the looking at undergrounding and trying to figure out how we expand the undergrounding to low income communities, part of what the costs are in that stuff. part of it is figuring out where do we have it and what does it cost. how do we get the basic fiber out to the neighborhood but once connecting it out to the basic homes and what the costs are, that was not something i was intending to do. more the basic undergrounding, what they call off the street to those things and how do we connect to the house would be something done separately later. my current game plan but feel free to add that in if you so desire, i will add it into my work plan. >> thank you, commissioner lindo >> i think i like your plan and if we can focus on what you provided us today and if there is enough report,
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this report 2.0, if you will, can really hammer in on those issues if we so choose. >> okay, thank you. there are no other comments from the commissioners at this time so i am going to open this item up to public comment. are there any member s of the public who's like to speak on this item at this time, please step forward. >> bruce wolf on behalf of my myself. i'm a little -- more than a little, i'm very concerned about the discussion that just happened. lafco had spent considerable amount of time on community broad band after the earth link debacle it spent money on very expensive moneys that proved to be very factual, presented ample project plans, a three-phase plan to bring fiber to the premises but
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starting with just the hub, okay, and then so you go from a hub out to the neighborhoods and then into the homes. and it was a three-phase plan, they priced it all out. it's there in your data base. you have it. we had quite a lot of discussion with a lot of people about that. there are a number of technologists and community members that are very now reactivated on this issue. i would say also i would check for a report with department of technology as to how many low income people and facilities and housing are already getting high speed -- city high speed access either through fiber to those premises like valencia gardens or through some sort of wireless point to point where fiber can be
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brought. there's a lot more to talk about on this, but i would say i would not limit it and the idea is to focus on not just fiber but also electric and anything else that needs to come with it. there's a lot of information around in the eminent domain of conduit that is not being used that the city can commander and also dark fiber that many of us have been stone walled on this, especially by the board who now decides --. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> hi, eric brooks again with san francisco green party and local grass roots organization our city. bruce and i are both also members of the public net coalition which helped avoid the earth link google did he debacle with the help of lafco
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avoiding that potential monopoly problem that wouldn't have been good for service. i just want to expand on the last point bruce made, which is that we don't want to low ball this because it could impact electricity service and community choice segregation. a lot of this could be (inaudible) so this could affect the ability to lay conduit for those type of things and then what i would ask the commissioners to do is look not at kansas city , which was privatized and clearly nonsense, look at chattanooga, look at the gig, look that up. chattanooga is getting a gigabyte or higher speeds to customers in their city for very low prices because they created a
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city-wide public owned, city owned broad band network over the entire city. so what mr. wolf was talking about was that we need what we need people like jason to do and studies like this to do is look at a way to use the undergrounding opportunities to build out an entire public network of conduit and fiber so that -- and dovetail that with the ammiano study that was done that's on your records because it was done for lafco and figure out how best to do a public city-wide network for broad band communications that is accessible to all citizens in the city and can include --. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, jed holtman, speaking as a san francisco resident just to quickly speak to commissioner lindo's
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point which mr. brooks basically just touched on. the foremost way to make sure that you can set, the board of supervisors or that a policy board of san francisco could set policy over how those lines are being used is of course if they are managed and controlled by the public instead of by private corporation x with private corporation x you basically have to get that into the franchise agreement or the lease agreement and we know that those are not necessarily the most public processes ever and then once that's in there, that's in there for 20 years, 50 years, a hundred years, whatever they signed away your rights for. the san francisco resident who has lived here for 15 years and thought we definitely were going to have public broad band by now, i would support the goal of this sdudy but also support the eventual looking into the issues that you raised and how we can try to ensure that low income communities do
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have access to these resources. thanks. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> i'm randell brubaker part of the steering committee of the san francisco commission on underground utilities which jason mentioned earlier. i'm pleased lafco is looking at this subject and where we're coming from. our coalition exists essentially because we, in looking at the subject of undergrounding starting back about two years ago, understood that in order to broaden the cost both over time and over geographically, that actually can be done by a city government taking charge of the whole process and san diego is a prime example of that. the other thing that is constantly on our mind is half of san
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francisco is already underground. does it make sense that the city would do half and then stop? >> thank you, are there any other members of the public who would like to give public testimony at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. are there any final comments from the commissioners or mr. fried? okay -- oh, there you go, commissioner crews. >> thank you. i really appreciate the comments from the member s of the public. i think that, you know, i wonder if there was some miscommunication just in my comments. i just want to be clear that the undergrounding that we're discussing and the work plan that we're discussing actually has to do with undergrounding of utilities but it was with
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closing the digital divide in mind. so the work plan as it stands i don't think -- and mr. fried, you can just clarify for us today, does not include a broad band plan for san francisco and so, you know, certainly if we were to look at a later time on a report of that nature then that would be the time to really delve into it. i guess what i worry is that we're stepping into something that we may want to limit scope initially and then expand later in the future. and so that would just be my final comments based on those from the public and i appreciate you all coming
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out to speak on that today. thank you. >> to address your question to me, commissioner, i think i agree with you. i think the impression i had gotten was that we were looking at undergrounding and while we were looking at how do we underground all of our utilities, str a way to look at how to expand the fiber network within the city. that was my understanding of what i was given last month, where step 1 would end and then if that was done we could look at step 2, as a member of the public mentioned already, there are those studies that are out there already, they probably need to have their numbers outdated because they are now a few years old and you would need to update the business side of it, but that's a completely different issue of what we were looking at of just how much does it cost to expand the system and while we're looking at how much does it cost to expand our utilities and how much does it cost to expand the dark fiber from the city at the same time. that's where to me step 1 was going to end and we could come
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back and have a discussion if so desired at looking at step 2 on the utility side as well as the fiber side which at that point i think really does veer into two different directions but as far as getting stuff underground where it needs to be at some future point, that was what i was going to look at for now. >> before we make a motion i just wanted to make a few comments. i definitely appreciate just the general overview of what our plan is. this is a very complicated thing and i know that there has been efforts in the past, i think we talked about it in our last lafco meeting about undergrounding and how we had moved forward and the funding source and how funding was not sufficient to support the demand of course and money ran out and now we are trying to revisit this situation and try to figure out what the appropriate direction, what are the appropriate
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tools for funding, what are the appropriate places to look at, you know, in our neighborhoods and where should we start. i mean how -- there's so many questions we could ask to put together a comprehensive report that would allow us the proprait direction on how we move forward but i do think it is important to take this first step in the right direction towards developing, you know, just a basic plan of action and then if there are things that we believe should be added or should be expanded upon at a later date we should do that. i do agree with member s of the public who feel that we should look at things that already exist and add those appropriately so towards -- if they are useful, if the data is useful, using that data to somehow help us get to a comprehensive plan but i don't think this road map is going to be
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sufficient for what we are proposing to do and so i definitely think there will be additional steps in the future, especially, and i appreciate the article that commissioner crews has provided us with because ultimately, yes, we want our neighborhoods beautiful, yes, we want to underground utilities, but we don't want to limit access to those neighborhoods who need access to what we plan to underground. and i want to make sure that that divide does not take place as a result of our efforts. so, with that, are there any other comments or is there commissioner mar. >> yeah, i just wanted to add i'd like the studies that eric brooks and bruce wolf referenced, if you could make sure that we have access to them. and i'm supportive of moving forward with the scope as you have outlined as a first step and i really appreciate
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commissioners lindo and crews participation in this. >> thank you. so is there a motion to move this item forward with positive recommendation? okay, by miss crews. commissioner crews. >> madam chair, there's no action on this item. >> it says for clarity of discussion and possible action so i want to, i think that it's appropriate for us to take action to agree to allow mr. fried to work on developing this and implementing the existing timeline proposed. so that's the motion on the floor. okay, that motion is moved by commissioner crews without objection. the motion passes and we move forward with the development of the plan. thank you. okay, madam -- do i need a second without objection? >> no, you needed a second for that motion. >> okay, thank you. i didn't realize that, sorry. >> second.
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>> okay, seconded by commissioner mar without objection the item moves forward with a positive recommendation. better? thank you. all right, so let's go to the next item. >> item no. 5, executive officer's report. >> jason fried, lafco staff, i know many of you want at some point to go see a giant's game so i'll make this quick. next month we are approving a potential schedule for the 2015 calendar. we have the traditional dates we've met on for the past few years and i'm looking at having that same calendar be moved again. if for some reason anyone wishes to try to change this, let me know within the next week or two so i can check around with everybody else and see if there's a better time that can work. otherwise i will present a similar calendar to this year's calendar for the 2015 calendar for meeting and that's all i
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have to report at this time. >> okay, commissioners, any comment? okay, i'm going to open this up for public comment, are there any member s of the public who would like to make public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. okay, can you please call the next item? >> item 6, public comment. >> okay, now is the time for general public comment. are there any member s of the public who have general public comment at this time, please step forward. >> good afternoon, one more time, commissioners, eric brooks, just wanted to touch on two things. i think you have another item i could say this at, too, which is future agenda items. once the internex report does come forward in december or january, i think it's really crucial, kind of dovetailing with what mr. holtzman said earlier that one of the important things i saw in the internex
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report is that it recommends, it says now we should do a plan for how to build out reknewables and efficiency in the city. i don't think that we can wait for the sf puc even if they become more helpful to do that plan. so i would hope that right away that the lafco would have lafco staff have executive officer fried put out a very soon so that right after the internex report is done we are then next year getting the plan ready for the local build out and for clean power sf so that when we finally get the sf puc on board we are ready to move forward with the program immediately. we want to see this program go forward next year or 2016 at the latest. so that's one aspect, that's what we want on that is to make sure that lafco is continuing
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to take the lead. we don't want to give the lead back to the sf puc even if they start saying good things. one little note on what will be the future report from staff on undergrounding is that we're not talking about planning out a broad band network, we're talking about when executive officer fried does this study work that it's taking into account these other things so how he lays out how we should do undergrounding takes into account chattanooga and the ammiano study, et cetera. >> thank you. any other members like to make public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk, can you please call the next item? >> item no. 7, future agenda items. >> okay, any commissioners with any suggestions of any future agenda items? seeing none, we will open it
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today is dedication marks the culmination of nearly 5 years of effort and 82 years of waiting with completion of that memorial we have kept the promise to out-of-towner our innovations mill veterans made to some many, many years ago i thank charles kendrick is smiling down on us today charles was a world war i veteran a hero that led the efforts to build this memorial complex with the developers building and this memorial court there was never enough money to
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build a veteran's memorial charles had a son charles junior he was a ace a marine ace in world war ii on gaffe a channel shot bun 5 japanese airplanes but he himself was shot down charles junior had two sisters barbara 1915 (k) community first option direct calendar and katherine mcnaturally both of whom are with us mrs. calendaring and miss mcneill we welcome you today (clapping.) this memorial is entitled a package of delivers surveyors is
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here today susan i'd like to recognize a few people first mayor ed lee we welcome you here so much (clapping) former secretary state george schultz welcome, sir (clapping) and united states seminary dianne feinstein (clapping) members of the board of supervisors here if they're here will you stand please yeah. david members of the war memorial board of trustees welcome to you. (clapping.) city administrator naomi kelly
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welcome. (clapping.) other elected officials department of public works director mohammed nuru welcome, sir san francisco arts director tom decan go necessary tom (clapping) and the san francisco public utilities deputy general manager michael and because in the fleet week i could i'll recognize everyone i do have the commander the third fleet he's here (clapping) admiral ray from the coast guard he's here (clapping) and lieutenant general miles
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commander is here (clapping) and jorp general colorado nays he's here (clapping) and former mayor willie brown we're going to recognize him he's here (clapping) i tell you i'd like to thank more than 2 hundred donors it the san francisco memorial that made this project possible the san francisco veterans memorial was funded entirely by private dpoomgsz and i'd like to recognize the leaders for this effort steven beck natural fund, the big one made this charlotte and george schultz and susan i didn't bechtel and her husband
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robert a day (clapping) charles and ann johnson foundation (clapping) the san francisco public utilities commission (clapping) and deedee wellscy (clapping) i am pleased and honored to welcome one of the co-chairs of our veterans steering committee and the honory chair of fleet week the honorable george p schultz (clapping.) first of all, mike read off a lot of people to get recognized but, you know who the driving force is michael so
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