tv [untitled] October 25, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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the design good afternoon, commissioners i'm ross nailer with the architect the architects for the project i'm going to give you a brief overview of the design intent and throughout this process i want to say we've been given excellent xhmdz comments from the groups on the first slide identifying the individual blocks of residents and the variations we selected 4 themes bans their orientation the bay and the shipyard and stick this diagram talks about how we broke up the blocks. >> for example, this is the terrace and the color scheme 4 that we have a color board and
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it's the first individual blocks and the earth tune colors and the boards and lazer metal cut awnings this elevation shows the plastic colors that gives identity and separates the units it is book ended with identifying the layers cuts on the left of the slide metal panel screens on the stair towers in the phase 3 with pockets in between that gives an artistic look for the buildings this is a view kind of on the hillside view of the residents and this slide is a little bit dark but how the balcony extensions and the horizontal metal and the panel and the
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vertical proportion of those how and alternative to give the unites a separate identity by using correspond and materials to insure that none of the units will be identical to my of these others the next group we're calling the bay they utility a water spider blue green house and other panels and nature metals and stoop coloring at the base elevation of those units showing how different they look the reason we broke the blocks up because as the units are similar around the project then they live from the street side it will look a lot different not the same block consistently arrest in the elevation at the lower right the balcony
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extensions are represent the flats and the townhomes i know we didn't talk about that the back up there's a mixed unit types that have the pounding types we played with that and turned two of the townhomes into flats to people want to have a single level of living unit they have those options so what you see and what the evaluation is quite nicely it is horizontal into the vertical brace kind of representing that this is a view from the streetscape side with the finishes and materials and the bay window pop outs providing again that individual definition and the ground floor is recessed 5 feet and the
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entries themselves are recessed in 12 feet for the private area those decreased areas will have landscaping between the units and at the phase we have a stone like tone providing a high-level of finish at the lower level next pallet is the shipyard pallet more entireed by the ac sentimentalities again, you see how those colors provide another definition to the building block those units actually are on the curving part here and see because of the display they start to break up the massing a little bit more than in the front
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next pallet is a stick pallet for candle stick point the candle stick park all the units all kind of wrap the hillside properties oh, the shipyard oh, sorry that was the rendering view of the shipyard looking up from the shipyard. >> so they all have wonderful views and ones facing the shipyard we have the green accents remnant of the grass fields here you can again see how the principle did that making the mark ed difference we're you're going other materials that further provide the
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differentiation between but units this is just a general building section through a typical unit showing the variations of the massing from the he sector bay window and the balconies on the west side all the united will have a generous transmittal e trellis over the rooftop decks and screen at the ground floor level for the tenants and then really quickly i'll step through the floor plans this is a typical townhome starting from the right at the grammar at the lower level the middle level and the upper bedrooms and the rooftop terrace at the left arrest this is where we combine the townhomes and put
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two of them together and turned them into flats so the garage at the lower level and unit that is a 3 bedroom flat and rooftop terrace and those will alternate one above the other the sites are narrow 16 feet 9 inches we did open the townhomes we nested them on the lower level the garage and on the living level we jogged that level into the other side and the left you'll see how it flips the bedroom side it really gave the living side a much better level and those are the displayed townhomes describing where the sites make their side and the
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right slide the garage level on i think six or seven of those units were providing what is called the next general unit it is an individual separately entered a smaller unit with a kitchen and living room and bath and from there as you go up you see the big old living space with the living and dining room with the upper deck as well okay. thank you very much if there's any questions i'll - >> thank you. >> thank you very much ross for the record. it is normally when you do design issues they will be resolved later so we have conditions of approval and the first one you've heard about block 52 that the additional
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inclusionary unit and those items are being considered we want curb kit to be consolidated where pope possibly to enhance the streetscape and improve parking and the architect to study materials for the driveway to cooperate the public part of the streetscape and we like permeable papers vs. sustainable and we want them to better emphasis the entries and treated for tropical and want them to look at using great changes inform transition between the public sidewalk that provides the plan to create a more active porch like space also want to make sure to screen any roof bound equipment that is cooperated with the architecture materials so it won't look
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different and study the dwaefrgs of the paneling to a prominent corner and study the characterizations of the design of the garage doors and bring those designs to us later and if they choose to adapt a condominium we need the cc&r and homeowner association for our approval so as you guys know the ocii the equal opportunity program those in the shipyard and candle stick point by having contracting the work and hiring goal for these for the employment contract has a 50 percent goal for hiring the local residents the first for bay area residents and the small
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enterprise there is a 50 percent goal for contracting for first consideration of bay area on this vertical project it is moving well they've achieved 50 percent of which 32 percent from minority owned businesses and the total cost is $50 million which we think translated into 8 hundred jobs and the participation thus far is 83 percent it is high and 57 percent to women owned businesses and 73 to san francisco based businesses, of course, more opportunities for part of the construction phase before i conclude i want to give you a quick update with the phase as you can see we have
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over 5 hundred units with over one hundred of them being affordable approximately 2 hundred and 50 are under construction represented by the green shading and number one affordable units those will be complete by the end of the year and substantial outreach lamar has received 44 applications for the lottery and that will dovetail the outreach process with the 16 affordable housing on blocks 53 and 54 those are under construction and will be complete at the end of next year and the next design stages for block 55 are the design development to be submitted to the building inspection and they'll have to execute a construction and that will
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happen with the 1u7b9 design phases and this construction will begin in frill e april of 2018 i want to recognize some of the staff when i call our name, please stand up under yeah from ocii ms. maria from ocii and two folks from lamar they all work on the affordable housing that concludes my presentation. we're here if you have questions >> thank you duo do we have any speaker cards. >> i have 4 speaker cards dr. espanola jackson, ace washington and two others. >> dr. jackson. >> i think mrs. jackson left
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good afternoon first madam chair rosales fellow commissioners attorney and staff director bohe and welcome back mr. booster to see i know you never left and the comments you made earlier were very warming a recipe of hunters point shipyard someone that's attended thousands and thousands of meetings for the last 20 something years someone that's read the development plan i can assure you that you to the rest of the city and us we're looking up to you to help us in the critical stage of the presentation of the project to move this project forward the reason you're not seeing a lot of the residents of bayview hunters point to be honest some of the people have retired because they day and day out
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even when we're not here there's ongoing meetings in the community on the cac the pack was banned a few years ago we've spent that 20 years putting alice griffith and all those other plans i know where we are seeing you all here we don't need to be coming here maybe a little bit of time to give you the act ladies but the representation on this commission representing the legal and people that really have this city's by itself interest at heart block 52 the environmental finding and block 55 and the amendments i think you guys are looking at we've talked about it is time to ask you to approve that i think it is irresponsible on just on
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everybody's side to get to this point right now and it so happened you guys are sitting here in advance we trust you'll will you do the right thing and want to get something across no other developer in the history of san francisco has generated so many documents and materials not even mission bay in terms of the contracting and progress you have it you have it and so not asking you to take the - but we need to you allude to the process that is made so the people in san francisco that are not acknowledgeable you're not just sitting here but progress is being made i think everyone in the community preshtd appreciate that and lastly to understand the economy is still
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very poor we need for you to go beyond the call of duty to move this project forward thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> i had my is when i was at the podium. >> ms. vincent waves her comments mr. washington. >> as i said before i've been around this commission many, many years documented and as she is it ain't no mystery you guys got the history i'm here supporting this you don't hear me observing but i'm here as an individual for the people that are not here the residents of the public housing,
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african-american and everyone in the community i don't want you guys to think i'm only all black african-american i'm a historian and the city is responsible for us being here in the next 10 years so that's my job to make sure i have kids that have kids and their kids have kids so that makes me a great great grandpa so i have more obligation to make sure we're participants in the next 10 years i'm sure you're aware of the history don't look like it is going to be here and god is on our side i'm depending on him, i haven't gotten here on my own i'm 60s years old i look like i'm 40 i appreciate that i'm ace and willing to work with everybody
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lamar and the city and county to document this you know because i understand being in politics and city hall you know we as individuals can't stop the train you all wasn't here when the train started in the 48 when the redevelopment was created there's no more redevelopment but yourself you guys are the group and it continues on we have people that are more how can you say more - you guys are more on the level of the community now back in the day when the commissioners was appointed by mayors they had no type of feelings for the community you seen faces come up here you all have more of a grip to what we're going to struggle through and more of future so all the
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actors are most of them gone and complainant but the zeal e deal is now a new generation and new and/or i have no time for eras that's why i'm here supporting the project but i'll be in a position to document when you say you going to do i hope you do. >> thank you, mr. washington. >> ms. james. >> sorry. >> good afternoon first of all, commissioners booster to see good to see you back i know that the commissioners are in good hands with darcy and all the other commissioners i've been coming before and seeing your commitment to the community again, i'm oscar james a native of hunters point shipyard i was born in navy roll address 3 that
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building 28 section c where lamar is getting ready to develop this was 68 years ago when lamar was talking in our community i was totally against them totally today, it's a different day i support them their commitment to the community is beyond what the community can you couldn't ask for the contractors when i grew up some of this their father's and they're hiring people in the community and we're making sure that african-americans and other native residents we were not all black in hunters point shipyard when i was born that there one part of the hill was chinese and filipinos on the hill and latinos everyone but the smolgz
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we want to make sure that all people in the hunters point shipyard get jobs and business opportunities what have you this is a proud moment a lot of people talk about the toxins i went 80 up to portland and looking for this everybody talking about the asbestos the rock you can go all the way up to oregon it's a rock you can't get rid of and many brunner no heights go to the job streets anytime they get ready to work on the rocks you can't get rid of it once you don't sdaush it was clem 10 rocks may girls used
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to make the hopscotch that was college tin rock and it was asbestos we've been around it all our lives i'm 68 years old my mom had double breast cancer from priorities on hunters point shipyard 15 or 4 hall two blocks from hunters point shipyard and there's a lot of people that has breast cancer if our community and other types of cancers but someone is going to live in the community i'm not moving we fall and got the companies and all this and he everybody is moving in and forcing african-americans out and other folks raised in the community out we want to make sure we stay in the community to benefit what our
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parents have done i urge you to pass this to make sure the community gets the job opportunities and business opportunities this is very important for us to have the businesses where we employ and hire and fire who peep who are good or bad trying to get some of the brothers and sisters off the corner and stay focused to make this city and my community a much better place. >> thank you, mr. james. >> any other speaker cards. >> no other speaker cards. >> any other comments by members of the public public comment is closed to the commission commissioners. >> i like this project there is a color combinations i have some questions from you i want to concerned about the dr. espanola jackson, you know,
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it is still are there any toxic. >> for the record commissioners you know it was transferred to the former redevelopment agency it was deemed clean through a findings the suitability from a document that determined that to be clean and safe for developing consistent precise what you're seeing each one of the shipyards parcels will have an suspect have not just want but this project is being consistent with all the documents. >> okay. thank you i think it is a good project good color combination and each unit has a two garage i like that and small business you know proper shares and m b e and
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w b e you know, i like this i move that - >> okay. before we take a second commissioner booster these. >> i want to ask the designer the architect when we make sure when we talked about this we wanted at that make sure you can distinguish between a market rate vs. an affordable rate because your low income didn't mean you don't deserve the quality of the type you know sort of of the amenities the paints and fixtures so i'm assuming that you guys headed that advise and making sure you can't distinguish between the difference. >> there's no difference whatsoever. >> okay. great you guys i'm glad because this is really important because people have to
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have dignity and everything that everybody else can have the certificate of preferences you talked about that earlier regarding the affordable units are those the folks we're going to be looking to that lived in the western edition that will be allowed to come back is that sort of the grouping you're talking about. >> yes. commissioner bolstering the vertical dba the form has preferences for hunters point shipyard that was developed the certificate holders in that and the western edition and there are other preferences the ellis act and rent burdened and the san franciscans but those certificate of preference holders are the first two. >> i i know that the ellis act issue has been a recent issue we're filming it in the mission
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but love for the old families from western edition to help make the city to have i been rabbit they deserve an opportunity to cocky hope we do our best to try to find them and i know i mentioned to tiffany and supervisor london breed when she was involved expanding the certificate of preference to the grandkids because some of the original holders passed away they waited 40 years for us to finally do something and their kids in the east bay you know many don't want to move out but their grandkids who have history here would like to come back so that's something we may want to take a look at it and the last comment before i second this is the numbers that you have shared
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with us regarding the workforce development and the business that's phenomenal your exceeding what we hoped for and you know it's for me mart part of what we're doing right by the community giving them an opportunity to work in their community and build their businesses and small businesses have suffered a grateful because of the construction making sure they have an opportunity and benefit from this really makes my heart sing it's part of the process so thank you very much for your work i'd like to second the item. >> okay. i want to be clear we have two items 5 d and e we've heard it separately but we're going to be voting on this separately i'll accept the motion and second for 5 d and
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repeat it again for 5 e commissioner mondejar do you have any comment or questions. >> i have a comment about the conditions of approval you're going to come back to us and report back on this your list of conditions of approval for block 55 and commissioner mondejar typically we don't report back on the progress so long as the process is consistent the commissions applications those conditions are being met through the staff approval with the executive director so, yeah usually the fruittion of the groundbreaking you can take a picture and look at the design and say yes, that's how we precede with the project. >> okay thanks. >> i missed the
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