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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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bonds we've done probably well, probably 2/3rd's of our issuance in the last five or six years that's been taxable it's housing because we're subject to those uncle restrictions that the irs impose. >> i second that. >> so there's been a motion from commissioner bolstering and second by commissioner singh so administering please do the roll. >> commissioners commissioner singh sxhoovrt ma'am, interim chair commissioner mondejar. >> please call chair madam chair rosales back to the room
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>> thank you thank you very mu much. >> i'm glad i have all the background to - >> thank you okay. next item i believe. yes next item >> okay thank you, madam chair the next order of business public comment. >> do we have speaker cards. >> yes. i have one speaker card oscar james. >> mr. james. >> thank you very much commissioners i'm oscar james again with the boichtd i want to
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bring up one it is important i'm a certificate holder okay. and he received a letter of new affordable housing opportunities at 2175 market street and you know they ask for a count reference but on this particular operation they say a criminal background okay. i'm totally against criminal backgrounds on any affordable housing or any housing that the agency or the government agency doesn't doss bylaw that holds back a lot of people when i was growing up in the 50s they laid out a lot of people in the hunters point shipyard and the fathers and the mothers had to go on welfare they were denied the opportunities because their
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husbands were in the housing because they didn't allow the males to be there so a lot of the kids luckily i wasn't one of them the fathers were not allowed to be in the housing projects because before that our community was prosperous a lot of people but the males were alcoholics from the top of 3 to market street a lot of which of them was an item like a light pole because the males didn't center the opportunity to be in the housing so i'm asking the commissioners to look at that and another thing i want to bring up the certificate of preference i was on a committee with junior the chairperson on
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joint housing in 1968 when we wrote the certificate of preference guidelines and during the years you know, i wasn't secretary so i didn't know how to file stuff i was going through my papers and ran across a certificate of preference from 968 that was the first certificate of preference throughout the whole city and county so that's the certificate of preference if you had a child that was born a month that was on the lease they got a certificate of perch but the key thing think on that i worked for the agency for 40 years prior to that for years the commission
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the directors were trying to change different things but on like is for example, the grant kids clause what have they have a thing i want to give it to supervisor london breed first and bring a copy to you guys but it says a director or the joint housing committee or at that time the impact could have made addendums to bring the - i'm saying for years the commissioners try to get if done and what have they is bring it back in the redevelopment staff will say we haven't did it or what have you when governor jerry brown discontinued that
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none of that transpired i want to bring that so the certificate of preference the grandkids you can put that clause in there some folks don't understand for for example, they had a lot of houses in the center that was torn down those people's are entitled to the certificate of preference those people are entitled to the certificate of preference i want this the staff to look at this and i'll bring the paper and try to give it to supervisor london breed before the next meeting but i'll bring you a copy so you know amusement throwing out a bunch of hot air. >> thank you, ms. vincent and.
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>> the grandchildren are eligible london breed made that happen that's a done deal i'll research and find that is now a part of the certificates of holders all the grandchildren. >> thank you. okay no other cards. >> no cards. >> so public comment is closed next item please and the next order of business item 7 the report of the chair. >> i have no report. >> the next. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> the next is the report of the executive director informing the commission of the proposed disposition of the moscone
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conference to the project lease and enforceable outstanding bonds as required by the 1988 yerba buena project area, ma'am director and commissioners an informational packet i'm sure you're aware of the total he can't be center area including moscone north and south were finsdz by the issuance of bonds bonds from moscone north are now paid off they're under the terms of bonds with the city this is all in effective to create a conference space for the city for the city nerve paid for by paying off the bonds if 1988 southern deferred rental
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payments that went into the gardeners account for maintenance and other capital pursuant to the hud agreements that cover all the yerba buena properties because of the city for the construction work overall moscone the city wants sole control of the site they've agreed to make the financial payment by the off and on fall give the city control of the moscone north side of howard and where the children's are on the south side of howard this is simply an informational action for the commission and the city is honoring it's responsibilities we've identified this process as part of property management plan unfortunately, the complete building and parks and cultural
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facilities we can't keep them forever we have to transfer them either to the city or another third party this is what we're doing now the oversight board the dissolution law says it is to be transferred with the state department of finance likes to take a second and third look this will be an action item to the oversight board that concludes my report. and i want to acknowledge director heinecke necessary is here to answer any questions on any relied item. >> before i entertain comments from the commission on the executive director report counselor bryan any public comment on those items. >> you guys have 3 different
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meetings so i came it this public comment okay. so anyway, i wanted to say you know welcome back man, i really appreciate this is really a nucleus important point you may or may not know there first of all, i want to give a tribute to ms. reldz she gave me relieve on information and very cooperative and came out to the community and stated she'll be willing to come back i don't know if you know this is called an edition but i'm happy about that ladies and gentlemen, i'm here to say i'll be part of the team they'll be breaking and entering here as well as the community team package but i want to request as
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i did before i see christina is the previous president i've requested and hopefully, this president she's history her father is has a history in the western edition i respectfully request you bring that meeting to the western edition of it's a special meeting that will be a relief to talk about the properties that are there of it's a special meeting with a special request you all come to the western edition and let us know what's going with the barber shop and marcus book store it will reassure our community if you all come there and talk about what's happening now and in the future you say
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there's nothing going on there's a lot of he work that has to do with construction we've got major construction along the corridor and gary crossroad so there's a lot of construction going on right now and - offering special announcement i've september the position at fillmore corridor ambassador has a rhyme but i'm going to put my community together in a way that has not been done like the cb d and cac and try to bring a relationship with all the developers over the last 25 years if i can make a change with the support of everybody i'm meeting are supervisor london breed so i'll get her support and move on i wanted to make that announcement you all are doing a wonderful job and
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continue on i'll be here to do what i can. >> thank you, mr. washington you can put our comments under public comments i know with the executive director gave a report on the moscone center anyone have a comment on the executive director's report seeing none, commissioners have a question for the executive director. >> yeah. that's the next one we have two items by the only quick question i have so what you're saying this matter of moscone is not going to come back to us. >> the moscone north matter no, but a permit for certain improvements that is where the gentleman will be helpful to
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describe the scope of the improvements i mean the planning commission took a variety of action with the moscone project for improvements but the scope of improvements that will actually be done on our property we expel it to transfer the yerba buena gardens and the facilities unfortunately, the time now has come to transfer them to the city with the proposal of the department of finance but there's a limited consortiums we're proposing it will have improvements to moscone south will come before you before the end of the year. >> it's actually everything but the moscone center it is everything that our ocii now owns outside of the premises of moscone north and south so in this case, the case of the permit to enter it involves the
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children's gardener and there's going to be a new potluck create by the moscone team as part of the project that will be happening that will involve ocii improvements and so they're to demolish some improvements and bring back new improvements as well as we own the property we need to get our okay. and that's one of them i got back from two weeks vacation i'm sorry but the next one is related to the children's garden as well. >> okay. please call the next item. >> the next order of business commissioners questions or comments ass. >> commissioners questions or matters that the commission wants to raise no. >> the next order of business closed session there's no closed session the next is adjournment.
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>> yes. we've adjourned motion by commissioner singh and unanimously endorsed by everyone approximately
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[gavel]mately >> good afternoon. welcome to the tuesday, october 21st meeting of the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco, home to the 2014 national league champions, the san francisco giants. [cheering and applauding] >> and with that, madam clerk, could you plea call the roll?
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>> yes, mr. president. supervisor avalos? >> present. >> avalos present. supervisor breed? >> here. >> breed present. supervisor campos? campos present. president chiu? >> present. >> chiu present. supervisor co-en? cohen present. supervisor farrell? >> present. >> farrell present. supervisor kim? >> here. >> kim present. supervisor mar? >> here. >> mar present. supervisor tang? >> present. >> tang present. supervisor wiener? wiener present. supervisor yee? >> present. >> yee present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> colleagues, we have board meeting minutes from september 9th and september 16th. could i have a motion to approve those minutes?
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motion by supervisor mar, seconded by supervisor campos. without objection, those board meeting minutes are approved. [gavel] >> madam clerk, are there any communications? >> there are none today, mr. president. >> and could you read our 2:00 p.m. special order? >> yes, the first item of business is the policy discussion between the honorable mayor edwin lee he and the board of supervisors. the mayor may provide initial remarks for up to five minutes. the president will recognize supervisor breed of district 5 who will have five minutes to present her question to the mayor. follow-up questions are in order as long as the entire discussion does not exceed five minutes per supervisor. >> mr. mayor, i want to welcome you back to our question time during this month of orange october. welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon, president chiu, members of the board, and of course to our public. as you know the month of october is an important month for many reasons. the last few weeks in san francisco we've had plenty of opportunity to reflect and certainly to celebrate. we welcome back fleet week and we not only celebrated and
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honored our armed force he, but we're able to practice our own humanitarian assistance and disaster training. and we have a strong emergency response system in place to rapidly respond to crises. last week i met with our city agency to ensure that the city stands ready to respond to a communicable disease outbreak. i am confident that we have the emergency response and public health infrastructure to do just that because we have our response plans and we've been practicing them and we've trained and we just did so last week. and apart of the celebration, san francisco is honored to help commission the u.s. s. america. because san francisco will has and always will be welcoming and honoring of our uniformed women and men, we also unveiled a long awaited veterans memorial p/e at the war memorial. ~ at the we also commemorated the 25th anniversary of the loma-prieta earthquake. as many of us remember, 25
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years ago this month the city came together like never before and we've remembered and we will always remember those 63 lives that were lost and we're also thankful for the live that were sed. not only that terrible destruction, came an opportunity to rebuild and improve our great city and we seized that opportunity. ~ we've invested millions of dollars through our earthquake safety and emergency response bondses. we're making sure story buildings get the upgrades they need as well as the private schools. i want to thank you all for working with me on these important initiatives. and need i even say it, if it's october and if it's an even year, giants must be in the world series. [laughter] >> this week our city is awash in orange for giants pride week and i know we'll all join together to root our hometown heroes. so, now on to supervisor breed's question. >> thank you, mr. mayor. like to acknowledge our district 5 colleague, supervisor breed, for the one question during today's session. >> thank you, president chiu,
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and welcome, mr. mayor. as we have all now seen in the news and some san franciscans have unfortunately experienced personally, we have a crises in our fire department ambulance system. the department is out of compliance with the service level it is obligated to provide under its exclusive operating agreement with the state. it is also failing to meet its own standard for ambulance response times. the city aims to have ambulances on the scene of emergencies within 10 minutes 90% of the time. in july and august the fire department's actual response time was almost 50% longer than that. there were 3 74 occasion when it took more than 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive in august alone. [speaker not understood] the fire department literally did you not have an ambulance available to send to someone in need have increased over 500% since 2008, averaging 8 times
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per day in 2013 and spiking dramatically since. meanwhile, the board of supervisors has approved funding for 16 new ambulances in the last several years and the fire department has still not completed the purchase or put a single one into service. i know you have convened a working group to develop short, medium and long-term measures to address the crises and i thank you for inviting me to join the process. but i and every employee group in the fire department have lost faith in the current leadership of the department. we saw this crisis coming. i held my first hearing on it in january of this year. why was this allow today get so bad and what are you doing to hold the leadership of the fire department accountable? >> thank you, supervisor, for your question. and as you know and many others, i've been discussing this very issue with the fire chief, with the fire commission, and the many staff for months.
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a growing city, a growing demand coupled with year after year budget deficits have challenged our fire department on this response time issue from medic to follow calls. and the high priority for the fire department and the entire city fixed. yes, we have discussed this at length and you have been included, supervisor, in several in-depth briefings through our working group. first, let's use your question as an opportunity to share some progress that we are making. and i'd like to also correct some serious misinformation that ha been widely shared by the public, but out of context. most importantly, when you call 911 for an emergency medical call, a paramedic will be by your side within minutes providing high-quality medical care. unfortunately, a few inaccurate and irresponsible comments by some official have led people
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to believe that the fire department cannot provide medical help to 911 callers. let's be very clear. that is not the case. the question that you have asked is about medic to follow or in plain english, how long did you it take after the first paramedic arrive on scene and have already begun lifesaving treatment, how long would it take for an ambulance to arrive to transport a patient to the hospital. supervisor, as you are a former fire commission, you know that the city's arrival goal for code 3, which is life-threatening emergencies, is 10 minutes 90% of the time. the city's goal for code 2 which is nonlife-threatening emergencies is 20 minutes. we are not meeting those goals and i have been seriously concerned about this issue for sometime. and more than a year ago chief hayes white sounded that alarm with more paramedic
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and ambulances that were needed. that's why i if you hadveded in my budget 35 new emergency management system hires, 16 of which are meant new personnel. this investment which chief hayes white advocated for many months ago has already lowered the average wait for a code 3 emergency medical transport by some 11%, getting us two minutes closer to our 10-minute goal. 19 new ambulances have been purchased and a new hiring plan is underway. we are also implementing changes that come from the working group, changes such as calling on private ambulance fleet to dedicate more resources for emergency calls, to deal with those times that we have low staffing availability. and speaking of staffing availability, we are putting safety restrictions in place so that we prevent what happened last august 30th. on that date the fire
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department had to deal with 300% increase in paid sick leave utilization as compared to a normal given day. so, supervisor, we're making progress. we have more to do. in the coming weeks we'll increase efforts to reduce unnecessary use of 911 system by stationing medical personnel at the next door shelter on polk street which generated the single highest 911 call volume in 2013. the fire department -- health department will also be reinstating the home team model, which is the homeless outreach medical evaluation model to lessen the impact of repeat users on our ems system. this keep working together to assure we achieve our code 3 response time goals. san francisco is counting on us and we owe it to our residents and anyone who visits our city. and together we'll make sure that the fire department has the resource he they need to continue saving live. thank you, supervisor. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. mayor.
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that concludes today's question time. and with that, madam clerk, why don't we go to our consent agenda, item 2 through 8. >> items 2 through 8 the consent calendar are considered routine. if a member objects, an item may be rehe moved and considered separately. >> colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these item? let's take a roll call vote. >> on items 2 through 8, supervisor dado? chiu aye ~. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. there are 11 ayes. >> thank you. the item is passed -- these items are passed. [gavel] >> madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item 9 is an ordinance to
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amend the administrative code to provide an exception for permanent residents to the prohibition on short-term residential rental under certain condition to establish procedures and an application fee for a short-term residential rental registry for tracking in compliance and to amend the planning code to clarify that short-term residential rentals shall not change a unit's type as re deckv and making the requisite finding. >> thank you. president chiu. >> thank you, mr. chair. colleagues, i know we he had a very lengthy discussion on this topic two weeks that go so let me very briefly say thank you. i want to thank you for your consideration of our legislation to regulate short-term rentals. and i very much appreciate all the work that all of you have done to tackle a very complicated and complex policy issue and to find a balanced solution to both allow people to afford to live in their homes and to stop hotel conversions. after two years of process that ha included multiple planning and land use hearings on top of countless stakeholder meeting, we are ready to take action and w