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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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group and he is fantastic. >> >> and especially in dealing with any crimes that occur against our asian community, and he has been up front and ready at the go as soon as i call him, he answers and we have so many other people here that are that i have seen and got to know, in the past two and a half months that have been here and thank you all for coming and supporting me and helping me help the community get better with whatever issues we have, which we have several, dave hooper will always call me if i ever need anything and if i don't any anything, he will call me. and he is an old family friend, actually, my mother and his mother are both mothers that is terrible. they are both old friends from way back, and so hooper is one of my favorite people, his mother. and recent, or retired police commissioner jim solinas is here and he lives in my district and the mayor lives in the district and i can't say enough about the interaction with everybody that i have had
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so far, so far it is positive and i am waiting for the quaoe teen to come and slash my head off on the other side. what i want to acknowledge is my command staff and my captain staff and there are four individuals here that put this altogether, and roxi market provided the food, rob right here, rob? >> and in the back, herb? and jessy brandt, back there? and amalia varsena back there who is trying to hide. actually got hurt today and she is here any way, stiff legs and arms and everything else and she recovered and she is here and everyone needs a great secretary and i have the best.
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, helen (inaudible) and i have a presentation that is quick and it is kind of an overview of the district and what we have here and some of the problems that we face. and so, 6.5 square miles with the population of 140,000 people and, so it is a very dense district. but it is divided up into six different car sectors. and you can see where these are, our lower mission, our mission geneva area and we have the four cars and six cars down, lower here in the visitation valley that is where i had my foot beats and when i was a young officer here and it was my home station back then and it is quite a return to me. and i, that is our car sectors that we currently have. and our foot beats and so we have four of them in the one car and the last, and the last number in each, 41, 42, 45, and 46, correspond with the car sectors that we have. and so we have one in the one car, two car, and five car and six car sector and so i am looking at these and some of my community members have reached out to ask me to expand some of
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them and as i get more officers and new recruits and we get more officers and i am planning on having those staffed a little bit more, and to expand them a little bit. and so that they get to know the community as much as possible, especially my merchant community along geneva and mission and we have a lot of clubs here that we will get into later and so the schools. and we have several schools here as you can see, both public and private and so we have, 18 of them, for the public, schools, and 18 public schools in the district, and 12 private schools, all of them are requiring some attention and the biggest problem that we have, of course, is traffic in the morning at the peak hours and drop off and pick ups and some of the things that we have, we have been good about not having a lot of pedestrian accidents or deaths so i want to keep it that way and i want to add to it, and i will get into further as far as we are enforcement of some of those traffic operations. and our parks and playgrounds, we have 17 of it and it sets at large area of san francisco and
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here you can see my botchy ball brothers that play and i was invited to a lunch and i didn't have the opportunity to go to, but i plan to go out and play with the ball with my friends and maybe, commissioner mazzucco can join us. and at our botchy ball request, and here is the break down of the if hers and so i have five, lieutenants at ingle side alone and the fifth is something that we started with the investigation's team and i am heavy on the investigations here and i come from a background of about 20 years of investigations. we have some of the best investigators here in this district. and they are top notch and the lieutenant that runs them is a former homicide inspector that worked for me that i requested from the chief, and who he gave him to me and so john, burke who is an accident lieutenant with us and i can guarantee you, anything that you come across, they are going to the
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most to get at their pit bulls. and we have, bi lingual officers here in spanish and others and they are split across my day swings at midnight and i have a lot of spanish speakers on days but that is their choice by seniority now, but we have other officers that respond from neighboring district and if there is a language problem in the district we have the ability to make sure that the translation is done and done correctly. and also with my investigation follow up and i do have the officers there with my investigation's team so that they can conduct the interview in the native to think of the victim and here is something that i want to highlight and this is a new order put out by chief, greg suhr and this shows, about, what radio code, 423 is, and it just came out on the 14th of october. and it is basically a push that you can see that chief suhr has always, emphasized is dealing
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with our community, and so the new radio code that we now have is called radio code, 423 and i will just read the first paragraph of it and as part of the department's outgoing and ongoing commitment to community and policing and out reach, all members of the department are engaged to seek out and engage, and positive, interactions with the citizens in the community whenever possible and these interactions can take form of both, planned events and visits and spontaneous interactions. and this is what we are talking about in my out reach and anybody who has been to any of the community meetings it is all about the community and interacting with them and the elderly and the children. so you could ask me of my officers and the first order of business when i came to the station is that i want to see everybody have these and they are for the kids and the adults will have to hold off, but these are for the kids in the district and every officer that i requested have these in their pocket and they are holding them up and that is a huge push
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by our chief and it is about the children and i am very big on that, and that is one of my emphasises and points is to reach out to the children you you know, we as officers, always see the fireman that get all of the accolades and we want be the cops that are good ones and the friendly ones and not just the fire trucks that come by and wave, the police are good too. and we want to interact to get that trust built and so the chief has emphasized that in the new general order and the bulletin that has been put out and this way an officer goes out and if he is interacting or going to a meeting or anything, spontaneous where they stop and might be sent to a run that is a low priority run and they can put this out on raet to say that i am meeting with a citizen about a complaint or an issue they might have so the chief is shown that he has emphasis on this and that he wants it done by all of the officers. i am going to go through some of the statistics, in the homicide we had 3 so far this year. so the one in june, one in july
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and, one in august. and the one in august, was very important that commissioner wong brought up was a domestic violence, and that i did ten years of investigation of domestic violence and i have worked heavily with a lot of our domestic violence community so that was my first homicide as a captain here. and then it was investigated and it is still going on, however, that is something that hopefully we can stop in the future. >> one in march? >> not a homicide. >> so. >> our next thing is robberies, we are going to go to robberies and to our robberies are down, so far as of date this year. so, and a lot of that depends, and it has been because of our investigation heavy unit and so the investigation's unit heavy, members of the community are going out and they are stopping some of these robberies right as they happen, especially heinous ones and the ones that we have and the series and they
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look at all of the robbery report and we try to find the people that are culprit and we have been good about arresting these individuals and that is why it has gone down, especially recently. >> and the next part is the aggravated assaults are down also. our burglaries, also, down, so we are getting in the property crimes. and our property crimes are down except for two areas where we have the auto theft and our auto booths and it is up around the city and we do have the decoy and it is like a needle in the hay stack and a lot of them are getting out and we are working with the district attorney office to keep some of these offenders that we catch in jail. >> so, in our directed enforcement we do have muni operation and some of our things that happen on the muni bus and we run a lot of these different, different times and in fact, in october, our traffic safety month and especially with halloween being
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present and it getting darker earlier out. and during our peak hours and our drop offs for school and in the afternoons. and so, we have our traffic enforcement plan and we have an op order for this month and that we have been running for traffic and the patrolee operations and i want to highlight something that the under cover do, there are fliers that go out, and there was a child molester that was put out yesterday, about 5:00, and i looked at it and i was going to bring it down to the 35 car when i came down from the office, the person was on the bulletin was sitting in my jail, within six minutes, they had gone out and saw this and grabbed this guy and he was in and so these are our parolee operations that we run and we take them seriously and we send the under covers out immediately after these offenders and grab them as soon as we can. and our auto booth operation as i talked about we had a highlight across the district and it is city wide, actually and we do run the decoy operations with the under cover
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units and we are trying to get more to that as the holidays pick up and that is when the safe shoppers things and that is when the robberies go on an uptick in the christmas holidays because the people are carrying cash and have gifts and leave stuff in their cars and we also have the decoy operations and the robbery abatement team and that is run by my 35 car. so, in our resources i talk about some of the people that we have, so our crisis intervention, trained officers, we currently have 65 of those officers at ingle side out of 100 and we are doing good and i would like to see more of them as we get the officers in and it is important to have that at a station and that is the huge amount for the district station and we have a lot of great officers, and plain clothed unit we have six officers, and we have 7 housing unit officers, and seven foot beat officers and two traffic motorcycle officers that tend to all of the different problem areas around the schools and some of these thorough fairs
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and san jose, and mission and geneva, and these are just some of the spots where i send my traffic units and they are great. and our homeless out reach team we have two very diligent officers that are how assigned to our homeless out reach team and they are working with the hot teams and going to some of the hot spots, and down in the lower mission and underneath the freeway and places like that, that we have, all right. community partnerships here is a big one 16 different groups and i am going home every night, and there is a meeting with these different groups and they all need attention and they are great and but joelle who ones the cpad group is almost, she is unbelievable and she keeps me in line more than anybody about what is going on in the district and what group needs some attention and sarah, rogers next to her in her pretty blue is always helping out with the gun buy back and
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one things that we are work og that we have going forward and that we have a gun buy back program that is on november first from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and it is run up at glen eagle golf course in sunmy dale and so we are going to pay for the guns to company back and because it ising an effective way right before the holidays to get the dangerous guns off of the street and last time, we had 188 and we are trying to try to break that record and so that is if anybody is interested, and i want to get the word out to the community and we have posters and pamphlets and literatures, and the gun buy back, november first, glen eagle golf course, between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and so i am trying to advertise that and these community groups are very diverse and all of their areas but you can see that there are so many groups in this district. that everyone has different problems, but we have been able to come together, and try to address some, if not one by one, then all at once and we are doing very well. and here is some of staoet
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agency and resources that we are using, and i have constantly in contact with these and the board of supervisors most of the time and the dph that governors the pot clubs that we have out here and some of another ones, we have the cpad group is the strongest of any district in the city and this is where some of the agencies we use. and, i have any questions from you. >> please? >> the community board? >> yes. >> so, we have, how many members are currently on the board right now? they change. >> 13. >> so we currently have 13. and we take those from each different district, from each different area of the district. you know, whether it is glen park area, or lower mission or outer mission, and visitation valley and the such. >> how are they chosen? >> well, captain. >> i don't mean to interrupt.
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>> we can't record the questions from the audience, when they do that, they can come up and ask the questions in the public comment. >> thank you, i am sorry. >> thank you. >> we do have officer biard is it? from the patrol specialists here, thank you for coming and welcome. [ applause ] >> okay, inspector, sergeant call the next line item? >> line item 3, public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda. but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of
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commission, and the speakers should address the remarks as a whole is not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. >> under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither the police or the occ personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public. but, may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel, should refrain, however, from entering into debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. due to the large turn out this evening and a desire to hear everyone's important comments, please limit your comments to two minutes. >> welcome to engleside, i am a native san francisco and i have been living in the mayalona
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park and it is nice to see you in the community and it is a nice turn out given the fact that there is a thing called the world series going on somewhere. and i know that i have two minutes, i just wanted to actually came here to welcome the newest member of your, (inaudible) melara and she knew that i was come and didn't show up. and i am here because i have dealt with the last three, commanding officers at, ingleside and i understand pretty well what the department has to deal with and we have the greatest police chief that you could ever want, i know that he does not want me saying that. but that is a fact. and i dealt with him, and i watched him both in the black and the brown community and i know how much respect he has given us and i have asked the things that i thought that nobody is going to respond to something like that and he has always responded in a positive way and i want to say that first of all.
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and so again, i have a decent grasp of what this department, and the rank and file officers have to deal with, and so i am kind of hesitant to say this, but i have to. so the last three of your predecessors i don't know where the captain mcfadden is, but they have had to had calls from me regarding the situation up in the park given the fact that people think that (inaudible) boulevard is a thorough fair, or a freeway and they travel at speeds up towards of 45 to 60 miles an hour and i have had three near misses as i crossed the corners. and the people for some reason, thaifrng they have got to get home, despite who is walking in the crosswalk. and i know that there are radio cars up there from time-to-time. and it is slowed down, whenever there are a couple of citations and you can actually put a couple of solo motors there and
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get a dozen citations inside of 45 minutes, and the reason for bringing this up, is that i have always felt that i am aguile and i am young and if i see a car coming in i can get out of the way, but we have a lot of seniors, and a lot of elderly people up there commissioners. and they are not so aguile and so they have to go down the (inaudible) because unlike myself i have a couple of cars, i can get in the car and hop down. but, the elderly do not. and so what i am going to ask is, i know that this chief is doing a great job and i know that you are on top of it, but we are under staffed in the city and we have got to do everything, possible. >> thank you. >> to put officers on in the department. >> so, thank you very much. >> for being here. >> commissioners. >> thank you. >> and folks, can form a line, too. feel free to do that. right over there. >> and if you have the difficulty standing or need to take a seat, you can just sort of let the person know, and
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hold your spot in line. one person at a time. >> my name is (inaudible) and i am accompanied by (inaudible), the parents of (inaudible). and yesterday, was alex's 7 month anniversary of homicide by officers and, we are here because we believe that it is important to address this police commission on the implications of the autopsy report released by the medical examiner last month. we have created a diagram of the shots that you are welcome to review here or on the website supporters website, justice for alex, and the forward trajectory wounds and correspond to the shots fired uphill at alex it indicates that he had his hands raised, surrendering or raising for recovery and not pointing downward at officers as stated
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by chief suhr there is also a shot to his right leg, this wound would expand a count that he fell to the ground after the initial shots fire. >> alive, but wounded and on the ground, officers subsequently fired a series of 11 down word shots, 7 in a direct, head to toe trajectory and these to his back, chest and head and, they can only be explained by alex being shot from behind and once on his back, continuing to receive shots from behind. alex is shot while overnys knees and either way, he was in a vulnerable, and non-threatening position when he was killed. and all downward shots, and i should say that he was also shot straight into the mouth. and all downward shots, when alex is on the ground can imply, criminal intent and murder and we believe that a
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crime was committed. alex's story puts into question, the legitimacy of the city government that the defends, and lethal and unwarranted violence from the police force, and in the spirit of the full transparency and serious accountability, we demand that this police, commission release the names of the officers involved and where they are working. >> these report and the original 911 call. >> unedited. >> thank you. >> we demand justice for alex (inaudible). >> thank you. [ applause ] >> good evening, commissioner, chief. so, first off, to recap on what mcfadden said, about the station being the best station in the city, why are the officers not properly trained on when to engage in a
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situation like alex situation? over 15 rounds were fired into his body. from the top from the front, he was already on the ground, why shoot they made him suffer, right? and so, also, a captain, you also mentioned that you have stickers in your pocket and the children, and when i was a kid i loved that, you know, that is why, all of my life i was training to be a cop but after what happened with alex there is no way, no way in hell i could be a cop now. i also with that, (inaudible) to the kids and why are you killing our youth? why are you killing our black, and brown brothers... (inaudible) day by day, that is not fair and also, you just talk about right now about rape and domestic violence, and i also said, why isn't there anything for march about
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homicides? alex murder was a homicide. why not talk about murder of cops and why not talk about better training? why not talk about things that actually give a damn about and not this stupid lies about all that you know he is a cookie and some, chips, i don't care about that. i care about justice for alex (inaudible). my brother. my friend, my mentor. and no white person in this room knows how it feels to be brown, but you know what? i am proud to be brown, this is my in, i come from (inaudible), and we will take back our land. [ applause ] >> good evening, i was thinking maybe it was a good commission meeting item, if you guys have the courage to mention every meeting any police involved incident. just to put yourself out there, if there is a police complaint, when you show statistics, i think that it is important to
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show the police-involved shootings. and i know that maybe it is hard because you don't want to ignite the audience, alex was my friend too. and i mean, it is hard to come to these things, i think that it is important that you put that up there. you know, there is police involved shootings too, so it is not just about you guys are protecting us but you are not. so, i think that is a good item, to put on for the meetings, i hope that you guys can do that. and secondly, i want to say that i am really appalled by the way the flow of information happened after alex died. i don't know if there is this automatic gut reaction in the entire structure of the police force to protect itself, so you don't lose your positions or whatever. i am trying to think about how alex would approach this. and he was a lot warmer than i was. so i think that if it is possible, you know, you guys reviewed the case. and so makes me really question, you know, with some of the factses that are coming out, what in the heck are you
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guys doing? like, really? some of the facts are kind of incredible. and i don't know if it is just, just information, and if the police chief gets something that he has to respond immediately and then is just spirals out of control? that spiral is just hurting and it hurts a lot for us to jump out and saying that he had some kind of a mental issue or something and a 51/50 there was no point of mentioning that in the meeting and we know that for sure and that is just a manipulation and i am not saying that it was on purpose and if feels like a complete manipulation of the events and i used to struggle with learning so alex encouraged me not to get manipulated by information or the lack of information and so i want to know how did you come to this conclusion that no one was at fault at all? >> so i just want to clarify, thank you for your comments. and we can provide a brief response, there are three ongoing investigations into this shooting of alex neto and there is one that is conducted
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by the office of citizen complaints which we did hear a number of statistics about how we track complaints about police from director hicks, and there is that investigation and the district attorney office is doing an independent investigation and the police department. not us, want me to make sure to say that, there are three separate investigations that are ongoing and so i think to assume that conclusions have been made, i think that is premature, the investigations continue. >> good evening, commissioners, (inaudible) from the (inaudible), and i am here out of respect for the alex family. and who has been waiting for answers, and questions that need to be answered since march 21st, and i am here out of respect for the mother of mr.
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polanco. and who has beaten by the police, and they broke his neck and he was... (inaudible) attended the funeral last week and was from (inaudible) in his cell two weeks ago and there were defensive wounds on him and it was a suspicious death and it looks like he might have been hung postmortem and i am here of course because i just came from the funeral of (inaudible) evans more than 100 people (inaudible) came to the funeral in oakland crying out for answers as well. as he did not have a rap sheet or a past and he was described as a very loving, gentle soul who (inaudible). again, (inaudible) foundation is not against the police. okay? they are people that we respect in the department who have a productive and relationship with the officers for justice.
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but we want transparency and accountability? okay? stop lying, and manipulating the public and stop insulting and adding insult to injury for those grieving families. answers, please. yeah, thank you. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> mr. miller? >> good evening, commission. i want to echo what my partner (inaudible) said and we stand here in solidary and memory of those lost to police violence to alex nato and we stand in solidary with evans. and killed by san francisco police on october 7th, with... and i received information just
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on the way over to this meeting from a new victim, so with antonio we will find out who his name was, he was beaten and kicked in the head by the san francisco police and so just when you don't see us, we are constantly working because the sfpd is constantly beating people and most of all i am here with the mother of (inaudible) who was on tonight's agenda, for possible closed session meeting, who was found mysteriously dead in his cell on october 4th, of this year in sfsheriff's department custody and this was after being beaten on february 19, page number 800, 651, 1002, and number, 2396 who beat him so badly they broke his right shoulder and a existing