tv [untitled] October 26, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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goes. >> are you selling wine there. >> no unless we have a permit we get a local permits nonprofits want to run a poetry event otherwise no. >> all right. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> would someone from the police like to come on up? >> hello commissioners steve from the central station we presented for the last 2 months and so when the emerson's has the event we've had a list of conditions for agreement they've utilized an abc one day permit that's unusual for a charity that wants to go in and raise funds for their nonprofit as far
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as the cameras i brought some pictures of the alley way i don't know if everyone knows does that work? >> yes. it works. >> yeah. the emeralds tablet is up this way we have another picture of it but it's fresno alley a small area the alley way is small and not a lot of traffic only mr. makras to get into broadway street this is a thoroughfare we can get and take a right on kearny we use that quite a bit that's one of the conditions keeping that radio way clear of pedestrians on the other side the last place i
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showed you was the rear i don't know if they use the door much there but this is the same block on van how street past the red area it's a residential area as far as the cameras fresno we have a lot of issues of people drinking in the alleyway and drug use a few days ago that was a knife attack as the a high crime area one of the things it's not only an art gallery i have no problems with the ladies place it is a nice place for something a little bit different bringing things to broadway not having the same old same old i support that and the captain supports that what we're looking at is to make it safer if we have a high crime area for the
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people to go in there and art to be stolen every day i get enter departmental e-mails whether violence or theftd or whatever we're able to find and lock on the suspects based on the camera coverage it is very close to grand area within steps it is still a change of what the original intent you know it used to be a house they gutted the inside i think this is something that can work our comfortable level a as far as minimizing the exposure we feel the cameras will be helpful. >> i have a question other businesses around there do they not have businesses. >> some do and some don't.
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>> any cameras face down that alley. >> i don't know. >> did the applicant discuss the cameras. >> no. >> you have no idea she has one year left on her lease. >> do we have more. >> knowing only one year left on the lease does that change our mind you if you put it that way yes is it rolling the dies because i was thinking about this after meeting with her associates earlier today we were talking about that and i was thinking based on the clientele you it's not just the clientele bus the people in the area that are or the there on grant we can roll the dies but i was thinking
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about that what if something happens i'll feel stupid saying we don't want this changes are maybe nothing will happen we kind of look at our perspective of minute missing the conquer. >> i know there was a community meeting or a police commission meeting at central station do you know twla the major complaint was at that time, meeting. >> i believe it was broadway we've had a lot of attention on broadway with the hotel we've got the bid on broadway so much energy and time. >> and the surrounding areas or - >> yeah. i mean this area you
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got if someone is on broadway it's a thirty second sprint things are enter connected if there's officers on broadway very quickly they go to grant it's an entertainment area not just broadway like lower kearny with the hustler club. >> thank you. do we have any more questions all right. thanks do we have public comment on this matter? all right. seeing none, the matter is with the commission >> commissioner joseph. >> so normally i feel we need to be consistent and the rules that we apply to anyone that comes for a permit, however, and
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i'm a little bit disappointed that the applicant didn't try to find out how much a security system like how much is a costco camera to our computer how much does that cost maybe a hundred or two hundred bucks i'm sdroiptd, however, the circumstances of having a year left on the lease also plays into it i'm a little bit confused. >> commissioner joseph for consistency sake we normally provide usually we take the condition this is american people llp which we don't typically. >> i'm sorry, i take that back thank you. >> do you have a motion for us? this can be open for decision as
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well. >> are those the conditions for this limited live? okay. so can i go over the plant should have a manager on site for any use of permit the applicant should install or maintain a security system and the planted should not allow 4 the person or more inside the establishment and keep a running tally for the guests to be able to tell what the count is the applicant shall sure that the 0 guests are not over served >> excuse me. they're the same ones applied to fresno on fresno street saw this is fresno street. >> how did that end up back there. >> i want to strike the one the
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offer serving the applicant can't charge more than $5 a drink we don't control that the applicant shall insure that the alleyway is not blocked by the guests that's covered by the good neighbor policy. >> the good neighbor policy. >> number 2 due to the fact this is a amplified musical past 10:00 p.m. it says sunday and saturday it's a limited live so it ceases at 10:00 p.m. anyway; right? >> and then you're asking for a motion. >> yeah. >> let me just tell the applicant never mind i move to approve striking they're not
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numbered but police condition two this is 3, 4, 5 and 6 ; is that right. >> so i'm sorry so - >> move to approve striking police conditions 2, 4, 5 and 6. >> do we have a second on that motion? >> we're working on it. >> it's the police conditions. >> no one can find the police conditions 4, 5 and 6 and i'll second it can i do that? >> i'll second it i want to open it up for discussion so you want to strike number 2, number 4, number 5 number 6
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i also think there is language i'd like to work on this part that says keeping a running tally of the running guest and immediately be able to tell the count i think if they keep a running tally on the number of guests and males entertaining they will what the number is and limited live to 8 o'clock so i think we should in number 7 leave it at 10 o'clock i personally don't believe in this situation that this gallery is going to be you know an issue or whatever i don't building they're going to be going till 10 o'clock so i feel like it goes to 10 and you've shown judgment so i'd
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like to say in number 7 due to the fact this venue in is an residential area music will access at 10:00 p.m. actually, i want to strike 7 part of the permit to go to 10 if you would accept those. >> is that our amendment. >> yes. >> i accept. >> i have a comment yeah. >> so limited live obviously follows under the good neighbor policy so of we strike number 6. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> they still have to maintain their outside because it is a thoroughfare i cut through lee there a lot and there's a lot of people hanging in the alley i think symptoms entertainment draws extra people it's a good crowd really cool crowd but when
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you have entertainment it will draw more so the good neighbor policy are to maintain our outside even though we cut it out ours i'm good with the conditions and the camera i'm kind of on the fence in the sense i still think be consistently there should be security it is a broadway and north beach and it is for business liability i think this is something good for you but i can't thrill to do it or not that's my comment. >> that's it we can't it probably didn't behove us to tell people how to run their businesses if someone happens and someone runs in and takes their art under you have it that will cost as much to replace the art as the cameras but that's not our decision to make and i
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don't think that cameras should be a mandatory thing people should choose to do them balls their helpful but don't like making people do that is telling them what to do with their business, and, secondly, as far as more people on the sidewalks one of the things by bringing them under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission we'll have an extra set of ice working with this business now because they're now a regulated business under our jurisdiction so i think if there are issues we will work with the police to make sure those issues go away and be an extra set of eye on that street. >> i want to echo commissioner lee and say because you have an
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insurance policy insurance policies can say did you do everything to mitigate this theft of this item and may determine you explicit so i think we need to look into the cameras for our own benefit and they're not as expensive as you think they are. >> yeah. >> on getting rid of the 7 one here so you're saying it's okay for them to have amplified music after 9:00 p.m. on the weekends. >> the limited permit is a 10 o'clock permit and i think the reason that was chosen after a long debate that was going to go into a limited live permit that's the cut off it's up to them to behave so
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they don't disrupt the neighbors and if we do we limit the sound saying everybody else gets a 10 o'clock permit by those people can't get the same permit is once they on behalf of badly we're going to limit their time. >> i have a question. >> yeah. >> so can we have a motion. >> a motion to approve with the conditions the applicant will have a manager on site for the permit and the applicant shall not allow more than 49 persons on the premise and those are the two conditions commissioner frost no commissioner lee commissioner joseph
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commissioner perez commissioner hyde motion passes okay. so moving to our next item on the regular agenda michael doing business as as closed for a place of entertainment michael came before you to get a limited live performance because at that time, zoning made it enforceable to get a permit he's gone through the discretionary review process and is allowed a permit and he's here to talk about that going to the cu process he had to dpo do a lot of community outreach you'll find a lot of letters in our packet. >> hello. >> hi.
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>> you guys have questions you can ask me. >> you want to reacquaint us. >> i took over pops 24th and york about a month ago and in the initial process i was told you have to go through the discretionary review because the 24th street added a clause you couldn't have other entertainment so we did a limited live permit that goes to technology p.m. and the discretionary review use process and canvas the neighborhood and wrote things in english and spanish and met a lot of the neighborhood i want the 10:00 p.m. if anyone knows that neighborhood it is quiet and that neighborhood needs night time to keep people in the area
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i've been doing business i've had the business for seven years it has a good reputation for refrigerated my current business i have a philosophy i keep it open to the neighborhood i don't want to mandate what i want to hear first and foremost it's a neighborhood bar i like to be able to have federal court with that said, some will be limited live to 10:00 p.m. to have the ability to do live music we don't know if we will only if the giant win i'll have a brass band to play go giants i'm kind of going to what works i said you have to be a good neighbor i get it that's my philosophy as i
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look through the conditions i have a couple of comments i don't have any problems with any of the police department i have a 16 camera system if you want to night pick it when you get 16 cameras i don't have a blind spot it's a thirty day whatever bite whatever it cuts off at 24 days i've worked the police on the south side and the accidents and hit-and-runs it's protected me in situations where someone has accused my staff and you can point out i like cameras i have no problem i don't although, my employees to access it other than that, i have one comment
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with one the be building requirements it goes to when we built and did did permit we put basically, i put sound leak goes through the ceiling we did it two dry calls i want to put what's called acoustic california sound it was mandated for the permit i'm going to do it anyway it makes the room sound better it doesn't stop the sound from going up so just to put that out there but i think it makes sense for me as a owner i want a good sounding place do you want to spend 10 to $15,000 off the bat i was hoping to it had it in
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increments that's it. >> do you have any questions for the applicant. >> are you going to get a sound check anyway. >> yeah. it's not even our part but it is whether or not it requires tiles >> they make p them a fire treated and the is that you with the draperies the bottom line you're going to have to do someone else in you don't pass sound. >> what kind of entertainment are you planning on doing and how often. >> i'll have entertainment every night and would like to do djs during happy hour maybe somebody a guy on a record player at night i might want to
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have a latino dj it could be a mar which he or two people playing awe enthusiastic guitar and light if the giants win it could be a brass band i like a wide variety of stuff. >> go ahead and you mentioned on our application you met with 24 can you talk about that did you do a presentation. >> we went they have a mostly meeting we went 5 months ago and did a presentation and met guy 24 it's a combination of residents and merchants and it's basically, the main one there i met with them and talked with them about what we want we
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agreed with them to they are creating a latino cultural district and with the planning department they'll not mandate that but ask if we have that minute 21st century latino significant music which i think makes sense so we agreed it do that it's we agreed it's our agreement if the night doesn't work we're not behorizontally to do it if two people come to the music it didn't makes sense to do it. >> real quick commissioner lee. >> the sounds like our bands how are you planning to do the sounds everything through the board. >> we used the voluntary california to set up a sound system we have a mixing board 3 small speakers if we do live we
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have two speakers that are isolated on springs and go to the board and put limiters we divide it into part of the room and put limiters so it can only go so much. >> this is your own equipment. >> just everything else yes. >> just to be clear so the system is yourselves. >> yes. >> i have it divided into two quadrants each with their own limiter. >> yes. >> sorry i was waiting any other questions all right. you, have a seat we're going to call up the police. >> good evening officer from the mission station i admit that michael cus shortly after he purchased pops bar it
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was to say the least a run down old neighborhood bar they did a suburb job of renovating the space they took a dive bar with a neighborhood feel and good respiration at ma drom and the mission has no objections to the permit and welcomes them to the neighborhood. >> can i just ask you i wanted to talk to you about a couple of things so i understand why you want security to enjoy the the police if an incident happens within the vicinity of the bar and that should complaint noise arises from the neighborhood that pops shall contact the mission station i buildings why i want them to work with you that's number 5 and 8 and number
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9 and i appreciate that you would like to work more with the organizations but i'm wondering like are those things should be put on conditions of the permit or should they be things - and those 3 conditions have passed in the permitting process prior every permit has passed on the permits there are more cooperative approach vs. we're going to come and have to be knocking on your doors are my doors open and your doors open let's mitigate any situations and i wanted to know how they're working and . >> great. >> and how you're putting them on - does anyone else have any questions. >> that's a good idea. >> i have is sense i've been
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the permit officer over 3 years now at mission i have have an exceptional relationship we're working cooperatively if i go personally to the bar maybe i can take the speaker off the bar or pad it some way or get a sound guy in less work together to mitigate the issues so the neighbors shop claiming that's been really effective. >> are there any other okay. thank you - is there any public comment on pops house seeing none, public comment is closed the matter is with the
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commission. >> all right so i move to approve and the only wording in the police conditions i want to change is item number 3 the word employees should be changed to manager that's my motion. >> do we have a second. >> i'll second. >> all right. so on the motion to approve. >> hold on i do want to say i did want to have that conversation about the permit i'll say we have said that employees are responsible inform assess and operate the surveillance video and the reason t is if the police medical cannabis come and the manager is not there so we're going to make them have those the employee should be able. >> our good neighbor policy
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says if someone in charge a manager with the cell phone has to be on site at all times when the permit is being used correct me am i right or wrong. >> you're right. >> there's got to be one responsible person there the employees are not rhine around not being supervised. >> also the applicant said he didn't let his employees assess the surveillance system only the manager. >> fair enough. >> how about the thirty day duration are you comfortable with the thirty days the applicant his system doesn't hold thirty days. >> yes.
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