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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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these businesses in being able to stay, perhaps because they own their facility. and then the last piece that we are interested in doing is furthering the analysis which was done by the legislative analyst, looking at commercial rents and putting together an inventory there that may be of informational assistance to the commission. so, those are the five projects that we worked through with the office. we are hopeful that we will have some progress on this by december 9th and you may wonder why that date is so important. it's the end of the college semester for the fall. but we are looking at knowing that there are some thing that we can actually accomplish by december 9, but other thing which will actually need to occur and continue into the spring. and because we have a family business course that is what we call the practicum where students are actually out doing
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things, we believe that, in essence, at least three of these projects will be able to continue into the spring past whatever was accomplished by december 9th. so, that concludes the information that i wanted to very quickly share with you. i'm happy to respond to any questions you might have. >> commissioner dooley. >> i just wanted to add my great thanks also for getting this going. i'm seeing in my own neighborhood every day businesses leaving because they're forced out. these are valuable neighborhood assets, successful businesses that just simply can't pay, you know, when their landlord quadruples their rent. and anything we can do in this area, i consider of great importance. >> well, we he want to thank you for the opportunity to actually work ~ with the city on this program. i just wanted to share with you
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that our students conducted a student-led study on the ordinance as it is being proposed to make sure that they understood it as a prelude to even starting these projects. one of the conclusionses of one of the students was, this is why i am here at this university because i'm actually starting to get my tuition worth by actually working on something that's real ~. so, i want to just say to you that this is a win/win from our perspective. it is in line with the university's mission, but it's also very clearly in line with the desires of our students to have a real concrete impact. so, thank you. >> great. any other questions? okay, let's go to public comment now. do we have any members of the public who would like to make a comment on item number 6? please come on up. welcome. hi, my name is martha sanchez from [speaker not understood].
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thank you for having me here. we're a five-generation family business from 1923. my grandfather came with a 20-pound iron tortilla press, determined to make a tortilla factory. so, we opened up on steiner street where we sold tortilla -- i didn't, but he sold tortillas wrapped in paper, string, and they were delivered in model-a cars. then in 1960 we moved to fillmore and pine where they opened a jazz club and it was on the same block of [speaker not understood] where they were very instrumental in the jazz scene from the fillmore -- in the fillmore. up until -- around 1970, mid 1970s we moved to 24th street and i went to st. peter's after school. i'd have to go to work and [speaker not understood] customers standing on milk cartons or i would have to put labels on the containers for our products.
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around that time there was a tortilla war and there was a tortilla cartel -- [laughter] that's another story. so, we decided to get into the salsa business. [speaker not understood] was the very first to make salsa to be sold in supermarkets in the country. now we are the highest selling salsa in california based on kneel son reports. ~ we sell 5 to 1 the next business, all private label combined and there are just numerous statistics. so, we were the first to do that, but i also want to acknowledge other businesses in the mission that were the first. most of you may know that la taqueria in the country and my father had the first burrito in the country. i was in buddha testimony and
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they were ~ budapest and they were supporting [speaker not understood]. voted the mission district as the number one neighborhood to live in. and i can safely say that san francisco is at least partially responsible for salsa replacing ketchup as the number one condiment. [laughter] that is how important we are in the city. there what another promotion you tattoo the logo, you get free lunch for life. people went bananas for t the media went crazy for it. we were in forbes magazine as the top five, cover story the top five best marketing idea of the year. i have to mention, he we had about 75 people that got the tattoo, and nearly half of them were tourists. they wanted something to remember san francisco by and they wanted something permanent. so, again, san francisco is very much a part of all the
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creativity that comes here. but we are going through growing pains and we've been looking for over a year and a half for a new location. we're over by bayshore and we just have not been able to find anything. we keep getting a bid or the place is just not big enough. so, that's why i really wanted to speak on behalf of this because we desperately, in particular desperately need a place to move into it. ~ and this would be very, very helpful to us, so, thank you. >> thank you. i love your chips and salsa. >> and guacamole. >> welcome. that's a tough act to follow. i'm [speaker not understood], san francisco merchants and neighborhood association and [speaker not understood] latino culture district. we're just here to really, you know, emphasize the importance of this legacy legislation. on 24th street we have 20
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legacy businesses in 12 blocks. we have three buildings right now that are for sale and includes 13 businesses that are at risk of being displaced. and two of though 13 business he are our legacy businesseses on 24th street ~. this is another tool to be able to help these small businesses stay, especially this businesses that have been around 50 year. we have some that are been around 60 years, even more. casa sanchez, tamale parlor. i think it is important for us to expand it even further, asking the commission to look at other ways to be able to protect small businesses from being displaced, especially around development on 16th street, development that's coming in that is going to displace three small businesses he and these are three family-type businesses. also, the 13 businesses that are at jeopardy, there are new businesses that have been established in the last two years.
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so, it's old and new. so, we have to look at different ways to really help stop this exodus of small businesses. the rents are too high. some developers are asking the particular business -- or offering them to come back, but it's not feasible, it's not realistic. it will take-two years for construction. these businesses have to go somewhere else. they're not going to be able to find another space. the rents are too high, and won't come back. so, i think it's something that we need to look at, to think about, and hopefully, you know, the commission can really engage and be active in helping stop this stem of eviction of small businesses he. so, i hope that you really support this legislation and work with all of us to be able to stop them. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, eric. next speaker, please.
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welcome. good afternoon, commissioners. [speaker not understood]. we have been on the 24th street corridor for 42 years, for those 42 years we have been on a month-to-month rent lease. given all the changes in our community, this is something that we really need to check with them, we need the support of the city. we really support this legislation and we hope to count on you. [speaker not understood] has been one of those space that has helped create and shape the view of latino art on the national and international level. we have the [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood]. we have been instrumental in shaping this corridor and this city and we are a jewel and we need your support. and it's many organizations like [speaker not understood] that are still facing that in our corridor. dance mission is in the same predicament. maybe they haven't been around for 30 years, but they're facing the small issues of small business and rent increases he. and we need to come together to
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really address this instability. every day that i drive by there, i think of marcus brooks store. if i see a sign on the door, i'm thinking, is that my 30-day notice? so, i really hope this is like a step in the right direction, that we can be at the table to provide more information, and to look at our history where we have to, you know, make it permanent. if it's not on 24th we're willing to look for somewhere else, but this has to be addressed immediately. it what devastating to he see the news last week that [speaker not understood] is closing, another sort of staple in mission. after what, 20 years they're going to shut their doors. so, i really beg you to look at this, to add the resource he to include us in the dialogue, and anything we can do to support it we're here. so, thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. welcome. thank you, good afternoon, commissioner. my name is pete [speaker not understood]. i'm one of the co-owners of green apple books on clement
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street, been there since 1967. me and two other long-time employees bought the business from the original owner. i would also like to thank the geller foundation and san francisco heritage for developing this and to supervisor campos for initiating the measure. i support this on multiple levels. first as a small business owner. obviously it gives me hope and a potential opportunity. our lease is up in 2019 and i'm stressing out about it five years early. it will be our 52nd anniversary then. as a representative of the san francisco locally owned merchants association, i also support this measure. it helps to buildedth local economy. more monday is circulated in local economy when people shop at locally owned merchants as opposed to the chains on the internet. it also keeps the diverse appeal businesses that tourists love and all the money that small businesses and locally opened businesses like mine make we respend in the local economy. finally, as a citizen, i see small and legacy business he donating to school auctions
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more than chain stores. i see them helping each other through networks like the small business network, the district merchants associations and i think this measure would keep san francisco much more interesting city instead of a solace town of chain stores. i do urge you not to take architectural significance into account. there are businesses that are in pretty mediocre looking buildings that are nonetheless integral to their communities. i think this is a great start. i would urge the city to do more still. but a a starting point, getting these businesses registered i think is a wonderful start. thank you for your time and go giants. [laughter] ~ as a >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is de ray smith and i work with san francisco heritage. i'm actually here on behalf of greg johnson. he asked if i could read some comments from him. he's the owner, co-owner of
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marcus books. and he says, dear commissioners, [speaker not understood] to voice our support of the pro poed legacy business registry legislation which will strengthen our local policies to help preserve the city's long-time business he. marcus books greatly appreciates the support we received during a period of uncertainty. we are all in this together and respect others who have tirelessly devoted their time and energy in moving this piece of legislation along. supervisor campos, mark farrell and everyone else who has worked on this legislation deserves tremendous applause. without doubt if passed the new political legislation will help a host of legacy businesses including the [speaker not understood]. as legacy business owners and native residents of san francisco, we promised the community we would fight injustice, keep our doors open at a long-term site and serve those concerned over the weakness of our current policy that govern historical designation of legacy businesses he. san francisco marcus book stores trial and tribulation to
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remain in place constitutes a strong argument that it's critical for city and county government agencies to adopt stronger legislation designed to keep legacy assets in place so that they may continue serving future generations of san francisco residents. in our case the building was foreclosed on and bought by investors who had no idea of the building and business significant history and meaning to the community. a trend is taking place in san francisco that allows investors to enrich their personal wealth by buying property and evicting residents who have worked there for years. unfortunately it's as though people acquiring -- people acquire amnesia and forget the relevant of these activities that take place within these buildings. it is disheartening to watch the demise of small local legacy business operations and the disruption of cultural heritage and community synergy. real estate speculators may take a different position, no one can deny [speaker not understood] to adequately address the problem. proposed legislation brings
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attention to the issue and will help to eliminate distwirp disparity, setting new law in motion works tone sure that the community has access to long-term businesses that serve and help build better communities. sincerely greg johnson. thank you. >> thank you. any other member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, i really, really like this piece of legislation. and i want to thank supervisor campos's office for this. i want to thank the geller foundation, the great work that you do. i know several small businesses that have participated in forums at geller and it's really helped multi-generational families in san francisco pass on their businesses. and san francisco heritage, what you've done, as we started
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last year at our forum down on mission and sixth, i was really pleased with the turnout. great synergy came out of that and i feel like this is what actually came out of that. so, this legislation has my total support. commissioner dooley. >> yes, i want to echo what president adams says. and also just to bring up once again, this is a huge crisis right now in san francisco. as a small business commissioner, i cannot think of anything more important than preserving our local businesses that have given our neighborhoods character and support the neighborhoods. it's extremely important. i'd also like to add this is a great first step and maybe we can start looking at the idea of figuring out a program that will allow some of these legacy businesses to buy their buildings or at least the part of the building they are in. that is the ultimate solution.
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and i think that's something we need to start working on along with this. that way we will be assured that these businesses will be there in perpetuity. >> do we have any motions to go forward with this? >> i move that we support this legislation. >> we have a second? >> i second. [multiple voices] >> commissioner yee riley? >> yes. >> all right. commissioner adams? >> aye. >> commissioner dooley? >> aye. >> commissioner dwight? >> aye. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena? >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian? >> yes. >> commissioner white? >> yes. >> commissioner yee riley? >> aye. >> that motion passes 7-0. >> great. thank you very much. and i want to stop the agenda, if we can, if we can do the picture. >> all right. we will take a three-minute
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break to take some photos. >>pl >> are we he waiting for commissioner dwight? [pause]
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[multiple voices] >> all right, commissioner, item number 7, letter requesting the city communicate with and include neighborhood merchants in the emergency planning and city activation coordination that are traditionally impacted by large events. so, this is primarily coming from several merchant areas that a couple years ago were impacted by the giants, you know, large groups of people in the streets, you know, windows damaged, graffitied. and, so, were contacted by our office. i did forward you one e-mail
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from one merchant group, what's going on, what's the plan. and, so, i thought it might be appropriate for the commission to send a letter stating that in these types of events, once there is not a lot of opportunity to really plan the event, you know, the super bowl we have time to plan the event. but around events like the world sear i and things like that, they come up rather quickly. ~ series so, to ensure that there is communication both on emergency procedures, contingency plans to avoid any kind of riots and at one point they suggested to the merchants along delancy street to kind of do a lock-down to close their businesses, you know, as well. but they're not sure of what the plans are, what the city is preparing for. so, i think it's important that
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they be included in, in the emergency planning and procedures. if there is graffiti on their buildings, you know, some of them were very upset that they got graffitied and then were noticed by dpw that they had three days to remove that graffiti off their building or they would be fined. and then also there was interest on their part, is there a way to -- for them to be able to take advantage, if they could plan something pretty quickly to take advantage of the situation. a lot of the bars are really full. i know on saturday i was out and a couple businesses that i was in, the business owner actually told me they had to let one or two people go because business what just so slow. and these were, you know, retail organizations -- retail businesses. so, anyway, so, i just wanted
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to put it before you. it was kind of last minute, to see if there is interest to sort of draft a letter to really -- especially really having good communication with the merchant areas around any contingency plan that the city is doing. >> my first question is i know at mission station, the police he there, when captain [speaker not understood] was there or when even when chief suhr what there, there was communication with the neighborhood merchant groups. i know like what may happen here tomorrow night, have we checked to see -- are there any plans out there for what happens if we win the world series tomorrow or wednesday night? >> there are, there are some plans that they do have and -- but again, i think it's kind of coming at sort of the late
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hour. and i'm not sure what the merchants have been fully communicated with. so -- >> this is a tough one especially like with world series. you don't know. >> right. and, so, i think it's just really a message to make sure that early -- as early as we know, the city needs to start its contingency planning and its kind of emergency response planning to also bring in the merchant areas. where we know, i think the concern for the merchants in the mission area is that it is -- in addition to having a lot of excitement and activity, but it is also -- there is some plausible tension in that area as well which, you know, some individuals could take the opportunity to take advantage of that. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian? >> i personally believe it is appropriate for the commission to send such a letter.
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and i think i do believe that the -- due to the shortage of time to authorize the president, vice president to approve the letter. so, i think it is, it is part of our duty to help small business and provide for these contingency plans. so, i move for this letter to be prepared and sent. >> second. >> we should take public comment first. >> public comment first. >> so, do we have any members of -- first up, any other commissioner comments before we take public comment? okay, do we have public comment on item number 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> so, my recommendation is that this letter be prepared immediately with the authorization of the president and the vice president and/or the vice president and sent
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forthwith due to the shortage of time. >> and the gist of this letter is? just a recommendation? >> yes, a recommendation. >> second. >> okay. roll call. >> commissioner adams? >> aye. >> commissioner dooley? >> aye. >> commissioner dwight? >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena? >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian? >> yes he. >> commissioner white is absent. ~ and commissioner yee riley. >> yes. >> so, we can get that out today. let me know. >> yes. >> okay, great. thank you. next item, please. >> item number 8 is director's report. so, commissioners, before i start my director's report, i do want to introduce you to two interns. so, we have in the office, and they are from usf, usf is prove tog provide us with a lot of intern support. first i want to introduce you to -- come up -- monique
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martinez, and monique is a b.s. in the business administration entrepreneurship and innovation. she's class of 2015. so, monique has been continuing on the work around the pos and has spent an enormous amount of time logging what each county's program or lack of registry program that they have, been talking to the counties in terms of how they regulate that the pos system so that we have a comprehensive log of what each county is doing in the state of california. and i want to give them just a quick moment of opportunity to introduce themselves. so, monique? >> good afternoon, commissioner. so, a she said, i'm a student at usf majoring entrepreneurship, minoring in [speaker not understood] study. one of my classes is an internship here, so, i'm helping here with the pos
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systems and everything. so, the first thing i did was get a list of primary counties, mainly the larger ones, los angeles, san francisco, san diego, sacramento, riverside, and then i conducted like a list of how much it costs per system and a couple other notes as well. and then after that i went on to the smaller counties. so, i believe 40 counties, i believe. even the smaller ones, i've had to call and make sure they are complete based or so forth. so, the work so far and hopefully goes on to me writing a white paper expressing our desire to change regulation to compliant based here in san francisco. >> great, thank you. >> and then next we have
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stephanie nichols who just started and, so, stephanie ha done a couple things for the office. ~ has the new tax and treasurer's legislation has a new list of categories that you can tick off, muni registry business. so, the business councils do not -- wanted to provide them with a definition of what each of those items are. so, that was actually something that stephanie was studying. stephanie is a usf school of law, j.d. candidate, class of 2016. so, and was introduced to the office via [speaker not understood] who did the pos presentation to you. and then stephanie did do, worked on further legacy the presentation for you the initial sorting of just going through the s.f. data, database and taking a look at the different categories and dog the initial sorting.
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and then we'll be working on some additional projects, so. >> hi, commissioners. my name is stephanie. i am currently a usf law student. i did get my undergrad in business, so, i want to combine those. that's why after talking to wyatt, i really wanted to work in the office of small business just because it really interested me and i enjoy my study. >> she said, i hope to create more definitions for the additional terms that the taxing treasurer's office added to their list ~ just to kind of help get a definition of maybe why they were added and what type of business [speaker not understood] that you would check that box instead of another box. and then i also helped compile the list, preliminary list of potential business he for the legacy rebate program. i basically just went on to the data