tv [untitled] October 28, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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sound on any public street or sidewalk within 50 feet of the property line of a reproductive health facility. and if an individual violates any of these prohibitions after a written warning, a police officer may require that individual to disperse and remain 25 feet from the health facility for eight hours or until the close of business of that facility. again, i want to thank the city attorney's office. i want to thank especially deputy city attorney aaron burnstein who has done an amazing job in drafting this amended legislation. i especially want to thank the workers at planned parenthood and the women who have had to deal and put up with this harassment for so many years. as i have said before and i will continue to say, if we cannot protect a woman's right to choose in san francisco then where in this country can that
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right actually be protected? (applause) >> i ask for your support. and i want to thank supervisor wiener for his co-sponsorship of this legislation. thank you. >> colleague, any further discussion? let's take a roll call vote on item 28. >> on item 28, supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? >> aye. >> farrell aye. supervisor kim? >> aye. >> kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. supervisor wiener? >> aye. >> wiener aye. supervisor yee? >> aye. >> yee aye. supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> supervisor avalos? supervisor breed? aye. campos aye. chiu aye. there are 11 ayes. >> ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> and with that, colleague, we have a number of 3 o'clock and 3:30 special orders. what i would like to suggest is because we have many people in the audience here for our 3:30 special commendation is that we take the filipino-american
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heritage month commendations first. but as soon as we finish them, we will go back to our two 3:00 p.m. special orders. so, with that, colleague, because we often start either at the beginning or the end of district numbers or the alphabet, what i would like to suggest is that we start in the middle of our numerical districts with district 5 and then head to district 6 and then go in order up the chain and then to district 1, finishing with district 4. so, with that, that means supervisor london breed goes first today. supervisor breed. >> yea. >> excuse me, actually, supervisor chiu or president chiu, i actually was going to introduce the whole thing then we can go to that order that you mentioned. >> i'm sorry, i didn't realize that you were going to do that. i'm happy to -- >> i apologize that had not been communicated to you. and that's my fault. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. >> sorry, supervisor breed. so, colleagues, thank you for joining supervisor jane kim and myself in commemorating october
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filipino-american history month by bringing together such a great slate of individuals and organizations who have done so much to represent well our diverse filipino community in san francisco. we have also been coordinating with the mayor's office who will also hold their filipino-american history month celebration this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. at the rotunda. it will probably be a quick ceremony unfortunately because the giants are up. [speaker not understood]. so, for all the honorees and their family and friends, i hope you can also stay to join the program later in the reception. as you know, the theme for our commemoration is legacy, celebrating the contributions of the filipino community in san francisco. this event theme draws upon the deep history and rich legacy of filipinos and their contribution to a tradition of education, service, community organizing, to up lift all communities in san francisco.
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filipinos are known for their people power and here in the u.s. they have brought this tradition, organizing towards building multi-racial solidarity with many communities. from the united farm workers organizing starting in the 1930s towards the historic boycott to the third world strike of the 1960s, the hotel struggle of the 1970s, the martial law protests of the 1980s, and the justice for [speaker not understood] campaign starting in 2000, a rich legacy of filipinos working with other communities to address injustice and inequities in housing rights, in the workplace, and in our education institutions. i want to thank supervisor jane kim for co-sponsoring this event and she was going to start us off next, but i think we'll go in the order that -- should we go with you? we should go with you next. supervisor kim, just start us off to be followed by the order
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that supervisor -- president chiu has put forward. supervisor kim. do your commendation. >> okay, all right. i'm really proud to co-sponsor filipino heritage month this october. supervisor avalos and i do represent the largest filipino-american communities here in san francisco in district 6 and district 11. and what is so amazing about our community is how active this community is and the strength of the leadership over the decades in the excelsior, in the south of market, and also in the tenderloin where we have new growing leadership and activism in this neighborhood over the last four years. supervisor avalos already went through the deep contributionses that the filipino-american community have made here in san francisco. they have been a part of building the city, both the infrastructure and our actual
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buildings, but also our -- a deep part of the history of our activism that makes san francisco what it is today, whether it's the fight for more affordable housing, the fight against gentrification, the fight for equality both economically and in our civil rights, filipino americans have a really central role in the leadership here in san francisco to make this a more equitable city for everyone. and, so, today i have the honor of commending dr. mario a.borja, our honoree for the first filipino history month at the board of supervisors. i wanted to ask dr. borja to please come up if he is here. and the [speaker not understood] center community. as i had mentioned, by the 1940s, the south of market had
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unquestionably become the home of as well as the center of work, recreation, and worship for san francisco's filipino-american community. by the 1970s, filipino families began to move to the south of market and the filipino education center became the newcomer center for new arrivals and the south of market has proudly had the highest concentration of filipino americans in san francisco in this time. dr. borja who is our honoree today immigrated to the u.s. in 1957 after graduating from medical school. he opened the practice in the mission with his wife, dr. escobar and his dream was to open a community center for all filipinos to learn about their rich american history, 67c.103ing culture and lasting traditions. in 1976 dr. borja purchased the delta hotel on sixth and mission to begin the realization of this dream and vision that he had. in march 1997, borja created
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the nonprofit filipino-american development foundation to assist with the establishing of a permanent community center in the first floor of the delta hotel. a couple of months later the fire severely damaged this hotel and nearly ended his dreams for the community. but after a successful deal working with the tenants and owner development corporation, better known as todco our nonprofit housing manager in the south of market, they were able to save this dream. dr. borja sold the delta hotel to todd co in 199 and the delta hotel would remain permanent as low-income housing for everyone, especially world war ii veterans displaced by the fire. ~ 1999 and that the hotel would be renamed to [speaker not understood] directly translating into community's house, more specifically describing the mutual support and a caring a community provides to one another. once the sale was complete and the future [speaker not
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understood] house was going through the repairs, dr. borja's daughter who is here today began to realize the other aspect of her father's dream for the filipino community and san francisco and work with our many district 6 including veterans equity center, south of market community action network and oasis [speaker not understood] to make this a reality ~. once the repairs are completed and the hotel was reopened, the [speaker not understood] community center opened in 2005. ten years ago dr. borja died in the philippines one year before seeing the vision [speaker not understood]. but his memory lives on in the tenants of fadf -- fadf. and the [speaker not understood] center has held countless community meetings and strategy sessions including -- many including our office [speaker not understood] we
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stabilize the south of market community and continue to support our organizations whether it be [speaker not understood] the only filipino performance venue in the country. his daughter burnadette sy [speaker not understood] is here to accept the [speaker not understood]. i also want to take a moment to recognize you, burnadette, who i personally got to know during my years in office. your tireless leadership, countless unpaid hours on behalf of our community is so appreciated. you're at every meeting talking about even the tiniest developments whether they're five units, hundreds of units to see how we can make sure we are building a south of market that remains affordable for all and diverse to all of our communities. so, if just want to thank you for your continuing leadership in honoring your father's vision here in the south of
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rather than going from 5, 6 on, down, down to district 5 and then down to district 4 and we'll proceed in that order. supervisor breed. >> thank you. today district 5 is honoring chris [speaker not understood]. i hope i pronounced your last name right. chris is the executive director of the asian law caucus. i'm sure many of you are familiar with him and his work, but he is a district 5 resident that we're very proud of. i'm honoring him for his social justice work. he has been active in the asian american community for over a decade. i know he looks a lot younger than a decade, but he has been extremely active. he's been involved in grassroots activism in the asian american immigrant worker and lgbt communities on both coasts of the country and his vision for social justice is grounded in the realities of those communities. after graduating from brown
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university and ucla law school, chris worked as a ford foundation new voices fellow where filipino advocates for justice in oakland before joining the positive resource center in san francisco as a staff attorney representing clients living with hiv. he is currently the executive director of the asian law caucus which works on housing rights, immigration, labor, and employment issues in the asian community and ha been very active in effecting positive social change on the policy level here in san francisco and right here in our own board of supervisors. thank you, chris. i know you're here today with your partner ed and thank you for your dedication and service. and on behalf of the board of supervisors and the city and county of san francisco, we want to thank you for your commitment and let you know that we are paying very close attention and we appreciate all that you've done to make the community better. (applause)
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>> thank you, supervisor breed, and thank you, board of supervisors, for this recognition. i'm really humbled and very excited that the board is recognizing filipino-american heritage month this year as you do every year. i've been a d-5 resident for ten years, but the last six years my other life has been with the asian law caucus and we've been part of building up and supporting the filipino-american community since the 1970s as supervisor avalos noted, standing beside filipino [speaker not understood] who are one of the first folks in our community fighting gentrification in our city. it's a legacy that we carry on today and we continue to serve many low-income [speaker not understood], immigrant workers and i'm really proud to be able and privileged to be able to serve the community in this way. just want to acknowledge all of the filipino americans who have come before me and we shoulder them being able to continue on this work today. of course i want to close by
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thanking my partner in crime [speaker not understood] photographer at the [speaker not understood] center. thank you. (applause) >> thank you, supervisor breed. now coming down from district 5 to district 4, supervisor tang. >> thank you, president chiu. today it is my great honor to recognize someone who truly embodies the theme of this year's [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood]. unfortunately he passed away earlier this year, but i think it's never too late to honor someone who has contributed so much to our community and i wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge his family who is here with us today. you can clap. (applause)
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>> he was dedicated and tireless civil servant. in addition to his job as an electrical engineer, he served as a member of the filipino-american contractors and engineers association. he served as a member of the filipino-american -- sorry, i apologize. and was an active member of the filipino-american democratic club in which high quality public education was one important goal of the group. mr. [speaker not understood] was the first filipino-american to be elected to the san francisco board of education serving in the 1980s. as a staunch advocate of bilingual education and the chairman of a citizens bilingual task force he was instrumental in institutionalizing the bilingual education program in the san francisco unified school district. he was also the founding member of the filipino-american development foundation [speaker not understood] community center. it was through the community development work of the foundation and the community senterra long with parents and community bilingual supporters that the advocacy around
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filipino bilingual education continues at betsy carmichael school, where the [speaker not understood] after school program [speaker not understood] is still run 40 years after mr. [speaker not understood] served on the citizens bilingual task force. today it is really wonderful to honor [speaker not understood] given that san francisco recently certified tagalog as a language covered under our city's language access ordinance. with mr. [speaker not understood]'s family here today, i wanted to share with them that our office has been working to build upon his legacy by improving language access for all through strengthening the language access ordinance to something that was spearheaded by supervisor chiu here. mr. [speaker not understood]'s legacy will continue to impact our communities. he was a gem in our district and has impacted so many through his service to our city. and i don't know if this is up and running now, but we recently, mr. [speaker not understood] was actually honored by asian, inc., so, we do have a video that they played there as a tribute to
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and right before he passed away, we were so proud to [speaker not understood] that the filipino language was added as a certified language in the city and county of san francisco and even after had i passing he still continues the legacy [speaker not understood]. ♪ >> thank you very much, and i apologize for the sound quality there, but i really just wanted to show you a glimpse of mr. servantes and his work. with that i want to invite the family up to accept the commendation on his behalf. again, thank you very much. (applause)
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presentation, and i first just want to thank and congratulate all of the amazing filipino-american leaders that we have in our community. san francisco has a proud heritage of filipino-american leadership. i certainly know that as someone who represents the former manila town and the former international hotel and i want to thank and congratulate all of you for that. my honoree is someone who is part of the amazing leadership of nonprofit organizations that we have in san francisco. amor santiago received a master in public health at san jose state. he has been teaching health care organization and administration for 14 years, has served as the senior fellow of the american leadership forum, and he has served in critical health leadership roles throughout his career. as the founding executive director of [speaker not understood] of santa clara county, ceo for asian with community involvement, the executive director of the india
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community center, the director of the healthy living initiative, and director of healthy silicon valley. but many of us we know amor not just as a great guy and an amazing mentor, father and friend, but as the current executive director of apa family support services. this is an organization that promotes healthy children and families by providing services to prevent child abuse, domestic violence and ensuring that our families are safe. and i can certainly tell you, colleagues, and i think many of you know amor's work. he has been able to impact hundreds of families and children in ensuring that the city of st. francis really takes care of her own. with that in celebration of filipino history month i want to thank amor and i see that supervisor cohen would like to add a few words. amor on behalf of our constituents in district 3 and many districts around the city i want to thank you for everything you're doing. supervisor cohen. >> thank you for allowing me a
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moment just to also lift up and honor amor sanity whition owe. ~ santiago. you've been incredible to the valley since you stepped n. i think your leadership transcends any kind of ethnic boundaries, any kind of class boundaries. you have a good heart. you have a wonderful nature about you that really connects with many people. so, on behalf of the visitacion valley community i want to say thank you and also acknowledge your outstanding leadership. thank you. (applause) >> thank you very much, supervisor chiu, and those kind words, supervisor cohen, and all the supervisors. i actually got my start here in san francisco as a college of podiatric medicine when dianne feinstein was mayor. i came back in the '90s to serve on the filipino task force on aids when aids was disparately affecting gay filipinos. blat five years i've been here and it's been a privilege to be part of the community and to serve. thank you for honoring me this
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way and i'm just, yeah, very honored when i see those that are honored including my fraternity brother al perez from san jose state. so, again, it's been a great privilege. i hope to continue to honor the community and your trust in us and our work in nonprofit in serving the broader community. thank you so much. (applause) (applause)
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>> now up in the batting order, supervisor farrell. >> thank you, president chiu. i believe my honoree is still running in the building, if you will. if we could skip over. >> sure, thanks. slide to district 1, supervisor mar. >> thank you. to all the honorees, we're really lucky to have such an amazing array of different types of leaders from the filipino community. the choice for the richmond district today is i think one of the most inspiring and creative people that helps to build our movements with his messages of hope and struggle. i wanted to say the legacy theme, i'd say that tony robles, if tony can come forward. [cheering and applauding] >> understand why i'm saying this. there is a mural at san francisco state that the league
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of filipino students and filipino activists created and artists. it shows the struggle in the philippines and the connection to the u.s., people struggles and it says, we stand on their shoulders. i know when generations look back they'll think of tony as a person that they're standing on his shoulders, very, very nurturing person for young people. i have this book that tony wrote, message to my daughter. it's one of tony's two books but he's got another one coming out soon. it's called [speaker not understood] hotel. but i know his work with young people, seniors and so many others in our communities, is not just your normal type of organizer. he's a real empowerer of the people. and i'll just create that word, empowerer of the people because i think it's a belief that the people should speak for they have selves and he's giving them inspiration, courage and skills to lead struggles and we need them to lead our future
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struggles. ~ themselves so, our 2014 filipino-american history month honoree from district 1 is tony robles. he's a long-time richmond district resident, though he no longer lives in the richmond. tony was born and raised in san francisco. he went to peabody, george peabody school [speaker not understood] in the richmond, roosevelt and washington high in the richmond and city college as well. he's a poet and eviction fighter, a nephew, a son, an organizer and former richmond district resident. he's also -- after he finished his education he went on to become the board president of our manila town heritage foundation that's in the spot, the former hole in the ground aye hotel, manila town [speaker not understood]. he's the editor of poor magazine. and i see how he inspires a multi-racial group of young people to be revolutionaries and fighters for their communities and for self-determination everywhere. and he's the author of two
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children's books, walk us [speaker not understood] fish and [speaker not understood] hotel, and be on the look out for his upcoming book of poems and essays, cool don't live here no more, and it's going to be released in the spring of 2015. tony's blog, tony robles word has a number of poems that he's written. from the challenge from alejandro [speaker not understood] poet laureate we should bring poets into this dome every board meeting, i wanted to readth one of had i, one of my favorite poems from tony's list of poetry ~ and this one is benito's drum for eviction fighter and [speaker not understood] who ha had a lot of the antieviction struggles and is such a great inspiration to many of us. tony's poem beknit owe's drum, do you hear that sound, the sound of skin from benito's drum is the sound of resistance
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to eviction. the skin of beknit owe's drum is the skin of [speaker not understood] fillmore black elders, filipino [speaker not understood], and lolos and lolas [speaker not understood]. the skin of manila town, the skin of [speaker not understood] filipino struggle, the skin of aye hotel, the skin of poets who wrote on the walls of their minds. hell no we won't go. benito's drum is the beat of struggle from the heart of struggle from the mind, of struggle. the drum bone beat of his hands carry the dirt poems of the aye hotel rising out of the ground. benito's drum skin drum beat life a wakes the city from its sleep. it wakes the elders, the children, the workers, the forgotten. benito's drum
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