tv [untitled] October 30, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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and headed to anlogically bathroom the tenant paid the money and went through the cu p processes they've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and paid almost a year rent during the process they then invested a million dollars both the space that's a beautiful space the end product didn't matter this tenant is telling me everyone not to come to san francisco they'll never do enough sales to recoup the costs i'm just afraid we're going to drive our customers our consumers and those tenants to another city i don't think there goes to come to san francisco and i'm worried about the city i'm going to leave some pictures of before and after. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is hahn the
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president of the real estate company we special in small and did not firms and born and raised in the sunset district now old enough when there was 5 grocery stores between 28 avenue things are changed i represent several buildings in the tar bell areas that be vacated for two or three years and represent tenants that are existed about potentially going there only told that the timeframe taxes five to six most it is the cost that takes to build a retail store some of the issues are the add costs relate to the regulatory issues ada compliance if you take a 4 e 32 square feet
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store it is 60 and $100,000 per square feet if i add that on to a 6 to 9 months period of time you have a landlord noted getting rent having you have a problem where no one wants to take the risk and the foot traffic on tar bell it is will like union street interests no traffic if you don't have traffic you don't have customers what drives this is the formula retail when starbuck's went into an oil 21 it created excitement in the neighborhood and therefore, helped all the others formula retails the 11 stores make no sense the reality is in order for the retail to make it for customers you have to have
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volume bugging it didn't work i'm totally against formula retail restrictions and let free market handle the decision. >> thank you very much before i call the next cards i dialog if i missed our name and you've testified (calling names) are any of those people here and not testified okay. so i'll call the final batch of cards (calling names) and those are all the cards i have we have one more card oh, okay, sir. >> good morning, everyone.
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supervisors henry with the business of san francisco council district associations most of areas fillmore and has a valley and number of other ones that do want to keep the formula retail in place as supervisor wiener said before i think what is broken is the ccii i think the cu is not that bad it's the time element that come into it to get a sign it takes 4 to 6 months just to take get a plan signed however, when it exams came to housing there's a plan and sign to that they get this through 4 weeks that's how fast they do it i've heard that. >> when you look at the process
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this needs to be tightened up and set aside the time to do the krudz we need to go ahead and support our local formula retails like phil's coffee and books inc. and the sf soup company those people know what they're doing and providing he employment so we need to help them to move into another area it is critical we do that we should support the small businesses they're our kids the ones that are making up the community and we need to look at it it let's do something about the cu particularly those companies that are born and raised here thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm janet crane i am with crane
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architect we have the goals of the city formula retail but any regulation that treats the same units as starbuck's has drawbacks we work with tenants over the edge of 12 between 11 and 20 they their local people they're a national company wants to come to san francisco and to the west coast names that most people have not heard of the process for those tenants is e crushing and bumper to bumper the cruz take bumps after that if all goes perfectly and most of the tenants have to pay the represented for this pedestrian and processing the cruz outside of all the build out is many many thousands and thousands of dollars so tenant in those skargz contribute to the variety
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of the shopping they're not a disease or plaque so i disagree with the change of the formula retail regulations and if the interior that drove the last round it's especially to do something to separate them from the starbuck's that started all of this i support the motion of the streamline process for the tenants to 20 or something like that is it so really, really important thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. good afternoon my name is frederick robert in district 5 i'm in support of national retail stores in my community because i think they create jobs and i'm a senior and
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i'm on a fixed income it lob difficult to get around to get any food and other necessities i need so i'm in support avenue national chance they support others in employment especially district 5 on fillmore if it wasn't for championships it would be hard for people of color in the fillmore district i'm in support of national chain in this area thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon mr. supervisor i'm douglas in support of the walgreens and the sprbz i'm a senior on a fixed
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income and it's if it weren't for them i wouldn't be able to get my medication so i support the retail to stay in the community for jobs and expert witness i don't have any family around that much so sometimes, i can't get to the store to get any medications so i have a lot of medical problems so i'm in support of the chains and the retails to stay in the community i like to be independent with them being in the community i can help myself and go and take care of myself looked like i'm in support of the retails staying in the community future for listening.
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>> next speaker. >> hi supervisors my name is andy blue i live near the intersection of 16th and lewis in supervisor wiener's district i'm here to 130r9 supervisor mar's amendment as a resident of the neighborhood and chairs most of the things that makes san francisco a unique and beautiful city and building that 70 is historically able to play a leadership roll for the sustainable community i become involved with a high profile 80 position to stop jack spade i work with the merchant and community activists and know how important 70 formula retail is to san francisco many folks who live in san francisco know that
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few things can erode and the loss of our small businesses to the influx of chain stores i think the 11 store threshold is good and i believe it should remain part of the controls i also want to point out in the case of jake spade important popular the count was for ownership i kwoo don't know anyone was fooled by jack spade was a formula retail it was only a kate spied with more than one hundred stores internationally sthfs no a.m. guilty whether or not jack spade was needing to face a formula retail process
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and it created a fight therefore i want to finish by saying of the working group on this issue to address the corporate ownership is important and love to help with that the store count threshold is meaningless in at the, ignore a store name change thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. good afternoon. i'm wendy a small business owner and co-own a business in district 8 in the time i've been there 3 years i've actually seen all of those things unfold been involved that the starbucks fight and involved in the c and c coming in so where i sit the cu process is not broken we have an opportunity to have
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our voices heard we have an opportunity to have our voices in our process and the brakes have been on long enough there are things to be cleaned up but in terms of how it effects me as a small business owner i'll say it works the proposals i've watched it go through the process and the compromises seem reasonable you've done great work in pulling together the questions and sending out the 3 big questions the economic impact study that's the size for this in san francisco we have a unique economy big money but small footprint the size of the city means big companies can create an imbalance within the community if you come in with big dollars with a lot of stores
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behind you it necessarily makes it an unfair connection head to head i'll be interested in seeing how if goes to the process and the subsidies yes, so thank you very much for your work and i do hope you'll approve it in pits current state. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm a long time resident and work in the commercial real estate agency like my successors opens the retail i want to point out a couple of facts the first is that the office the controller did their study that found further restrictions on formula retail is not going good on san francisco's committee and effect the low income residents and minorities i'll point out
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there's been talk about how this was a major community process that community process was not quite as broad as it should have been i think a lot of residents are not aware of the lack of choice and the restrictions on their ability to shop where they want to shop i think the small business owners don't want to have competition from others people that are selling their products i think we need to remember that san francisco already has roughly 50 percent to a one hundred percent less than other large cities we've got 12 percent formula retail as opposed to 20 percent and lastly the economic interact study for
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20 feet is problematic we have an approval process the large spaces that tend to be drivers for neighborhoods the longer their blight is a bigger issue and a limited amount of rafrlts that will work with that and we need to integrate into this so thank you and for no further restrictions to the formula retail retail code. >> thank you. >> inspires kirsten san francisco beautiful san francisco's market because of its unique character will be instituted. >> put in place to guide the plaintiff and how better to protect the character of our neighborhood thanks to the
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supervisor mar and we're happy to see the signage and toifgs for ground floor retail when i here people talk about again and again how difficult and on and on reduce it is for small businesses to get their conditional use we added planning staff to see to the enforcement and expediting the permits so if it takes 4 months we look to the city in helping them ousted and thanks yourself work and i support the amendments to the regulation and thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors eileen i'm actively representing the building owners and sf my client is behind me i want to pick up but i want to start with you was brought into this process to participate in first, the study that was funded and
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instigated by the plaintiff and thanks again for taking on a topic you don't see this regulation for but the plaintiff was looking at the proposals by the members of the board to let's identify the problem and gets an economic picture and do what we can i think participating in the focus groups for me it laid out the problems from the merchant and the real estate side where too much regulation puts pressure and didn't allow certain activities so at the same time i wanted to t off on supervisor wiener our acknowledgment to other folks the sheer backlog to the planning staff and as much good well as director ram
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invests you can't move projects forward we take the working group model that supervisor wiener suggested and looked at it a way to streamline the process in terms of the retail that's a good use of you know the community resources ranging if the chamber to acid and work on that and work with the commission in particular i don't mean e mean to put more workload but to reach a balance so we don't end up in a situation we have formula retail controls that don't get us where we want at the end of the day thank you. >> thank you, mr. cleveland. >> thank you, supervisors ken cleveland i've followed this process in depth working with the chamber of commerce and i appreciate the fact i've pulled together two very difference
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piece of legislation into one, however, i them there are concerns majorly i'd like to bring up number one as you mentioned earlier as supervisor cohen mentioned earlier every neighborhood is unique that 20 percent rule for upper market should be extended the planning department needs to have the flexibility and supervisors and the community needs to have the flexibility to determine what is need in their own neighborhoods i also think that you know we need to look at flexibility the problem is you know those kinds of recreations we've had with the planning department came up with a great study you see how well, this current set of recreations is working why do we need to make them more
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restrictive going worldwide is a problem our big concern representing downtown property owners is the creek we see making those interim controls on mid-market is a stimuli i didn't to the development of that area do we want it extended for another 12 months we have a a great fear downtown as more and more residents and more and more residential development in the downtown area we're going to see more and more restrictions on formula retail i'm concerned about that thank you. >> thank you, mr. cowen. >> good afternoon, supervisors peter cowen speaking as a citizen of upper market castro i was involved in the 10 year
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anniversary mark you think it's appropriate some peaks and strelgz because of the formula retails it's incredibly successful with the critiques it is working it's done exactly when it is opportunity to do i also wanted to point out some data we've found back there i think it is a unique concern in san francisco that's you roughly about 90 percent of our retailers have 5 stores or less 5 stores are less and 80 percent of our rail yards are single store locations which means the real really fine fabric of san francisco is the retail experience in our neighborhoods that's what the folks want to remain so going forward it is not about planning san francisco as though we were an international market we're in
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a san francisco unique aquarius or character of retailing i'll be careful to think that someone is determiningizing formula retail it's about being careful of a balanced mr. mayor field with the localized businesses so the scrutiny is quite successful that said the mid sized chains is a good idea i'll suggest seeing how that work outs and if we get an employment analysis study i think it's important we'll find out what kind of employment so again good job to supervisor mar and the supervisors and the oewd you've got a good compromise. >> thank you, sir. >> supervisors i'm richard i'm a resident of chinatown
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i support chain store going into chinatown i really know the workers in chinatown on stomping stockton and grand avenue and jackson street they're not getting the minimum pay they pop only getting half of what they supposed to be earned what the law says and the employer does not honor over time and do give sick pay and vacationed this is why i urge you to let the chain store and big store comes in so that the workers will get the pay and the city do have a enforcement agency they
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call it the labor standards but they understaffed and overworked now most of workers i do interact with them i drink coffee and i sleep in the park with them and they don't feel reluctant they want to be the screeners and do want to put themselves out to give evidence against the workers so i urge you to make all those corrections and considerations thank you (clapping.) thank you very much. is there any additional public comment on those items 3 and 4? seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor mar >> yeah. thank you everyone for the testimony and the real thoughtful comments i wanted to say that i think this is a
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balanced approach as as opposed to people that are supportive of this and put dices and meeting and years into the process this is one of the pyritic protections that took many people giving and taking as possible to come up with within puzzle there is one piece we'll be following this leveling the playing field for the balance in the neighborhood that people talked about is critical i think that some like chain stores and formula retail stores in neighborhoods that are food deserts for example a critical need for more types of stores especially food retail and we take into account for the other neighborhoods like north beach there's a strong sentiment of the unique character the small business owners and others who have testified today, i think it
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is clear that they're not saying we don't want chain stores but a balance and the neighborhood voice in the process i think the suggestions from the plaintiff and the planning commission i think they've made this a stronger pyritic legislation it strikes a balance for the need for economic drivers but also preserving what makes san francisco so unique character of the small businesses are at the core and the data that peter cowen raised at the last minute how large in many ways the smaller sector chain stores and the critical nature they play in the community is critical and i want to knowledge from my offices work we came from a different position than renew
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from the the mayor's office and the department of workforce development and the chamber moving towards this this is striking that kind of balance not the last words on the chain formula retail but a good place where the balance of preserving neighborhood character and a look at how chain stores and smaller businesses can both co-exist in the city and also is that the amendments i've mentioned earlier i want to add two the first one in the all the time packets and again as supervisor wiener said those will be made available it's up to the last minute we've been working on those we'll do our best to have those cleaned up on
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page 8 lines three to four an important amendment i'll read into the record we're striking the one phrase it strikes the words analysis of whether or not the proposed result in the there or driver's license decreased area so pay attention to that and another amendment deleting sections 303.1 d in the last draft that was sent so it's deleting the economic impact feud and rises 30.1 e-7 in the language and it renumbers the subsection of the 303391 e will become d and it continues and ms. wong those are the main
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clean up language anything else from our city attorney victor wong. >> victor wong city attorney. >> so those are the amendments and i know that commissioner lee has a couple. >> before we get there my understanding is supervisor mar it's our intent to make the amendments into items number 3 which was the planning department recommendation or the planning department version all make those as described and roman numeral the planning department with user as sponsor and table item 4. >> that's correct. >> so why don't we do that now supervisor mar has described
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