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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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83 at that love different meetings i want you to that about the power i was at a meeting and they were talking about proposition 13 and what do i remember no buses and schools everything is cut and i didn't understand why parents wanted to save our property tax today, i am a homeowner so the proportion thirteen 13 are effecting their parents children and my great, great grandchildren the actions that you take in regards to the water that think about the collaborative i see disconnects because the decisions you make franco's hits on a couple of them i heard someone saying cut
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the retailer off of retailers now i'm distend to the ground water and not have hetch hetchy you have the purest water there and outside of the state don't understand the purest of that water we want to look at it from a collaborative prospective what impacts us impacts people across the board we have the rim fire and we would have been devastated but reliability and other ability because the land was taken away from the native people and we need to go back to respect the land can give back to us but as we rob and disrespect we'll continue to have arsenic and all the other
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containments i have the luxury of experiencing in santa fe thank you >> thank you very much. >> dr. jackson did you want to add to your remarks? >> yes. and thank you very much you know tomorrow there's going to be a meeting at southeast at the committee meeting and it says the topic of discussion the effort of the southeast community facility special guests theodore miller senior officer of the mayor and the special officer from the exterior affairs tomorrow i'll be letting those folks know this young man to take it back to the mayor i'm not giving up in space that's not the mayors
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jurisdiction not our staff jurisdictions to give up anything i'm tired of them taking away things we've fought for for many years i was around i'm 81 years old why should i have to talk about the southeast college about southeast college why should i help my children need to be getting their ged and trained for jobs why don't i need to be fighting with our folks you need to go somewhere and sit down i'm not giving you i'm not going to give up my community i'm giving my community hope that no way i'm going to allow tour staff to continue doing what they doing, if i have to get a lawyer and
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file a lawsuit against you the commission accident mayors and board of supervisors as well as did city planning a land use baby i'll do it don't think i won't you don't want to be a friend of mine or friends of any community it's on you not on me. >> dr. jackson perhaps this can be discussed between some mr. kelly and you it's really not on the agenda not up for discussion. >> i don't know. i know the area i'm the one that (inaudible) so come and tell me what's supposed to be there (inaudible). >> just want to point out for the record we've given the older lease in 1999, that spelled out
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the terms and a new lease and the terms are exactly the same that's what we provided in the lease so. >> if that's true (inaudible). >> excuse me. not if they've got the same area that the other had i'm satisfied i want to say for sure they don't have (inaudible) i want you all to understand. >> okay dr. jackson do you have a copy of the letter? i have one right here to give you if you don't have one and do you have the lease? >> and then 5 thousand square feet adjacent. >> the exact same thing why
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don't we move forward we can talk about this. >> i'm sorry we can't talk about it now, it's not on the agenda. >> that's my space. >> okay. at this point do we have any another public comment before we move on? item 5 communication >> commissioners? members of the public any comment on communications? okay. is it on communications? >> yes. >> commissioners no one is going to disrespect dr. espanola jackson i've had a lot of patience i served through 3 generals 3 i
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pay attention to the communication as to the deliberations about the 5 thousand square feet and the additional 4 thousand plus the 3 thousand 4 hundred square feet was a space vacant so a gentleman could have a media center that was vested and many of your staff members were aware of it now what's happening is they're not paying attention there's one person trouble maker who is gone before the political action committee and the ethnics commission and thinks she have access to the mayor or the general manager so do we have a lot of patience lots of patience please does not disrespect dr. espanola jackson please
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she's 81 years old and she know here history well, she comes here many times on some things she'll have her own opinion that comes with age but when it comes to real estate and when it comes to other things don't try to hoodwink us 3 people spoke about it one commissioner said let's go over to thing and make it happen on one condition that the footprint remains the same if you say it is and it's not then we need to continue this matter this matter is going to come from a committee and if those two people who the commission
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has the blessing and signing tomorrow i'm going to be there even though i'm not feeling well, today, it's not going to be pretty they're not - we have astute that's why the last time i waited for everybody to speak and i said there is a dark cloud hanover our heads we want to do right but again and again the devil plays the music i unite going to distance to the tune of the devil god have mercy on this wicked wicked person. >> can i quickly comment so we can under communications if you look at the original lease it says there's a approximately 5
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thousand square feet of adjacent space and if you look at the bottom of the old one it says approximately 3 thousand 4 hundred and 50 square feet of rental space in the old document in the new document in reverse order it is 3 hundred and 50 thousand square feet and it says approximately 5 thousand square feet adjacent in childcare so it says the same thing in opposite order i don't know what to say it's the same it is a fact though the other thing i want to point out i'm not trying to cause disrespect i feel i have total confidence in my staff and the real estate is the are person who is in charge of 56
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the leases and that's the person i have confidence in determining that the space is identical. >> well, i'd like to say this we'll get together and work it out this is not insunday nightable both leases there is a play yard of 5 thousand sheet e square feet and the indoor area is 3 thousand plus that's in the old lease and the very same thing is in the new lease i don't know if you've reviewed both leases but clearly it states that. >> can i add real quick. >> sure. >> my understanding because it was raised is this we've taken action on the item but it was contingent on making sure the facts are what they say they are
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and there's no change my hope we'll get advise from staff if that at an appropriate time our action is upheld. >> okay. then moving on to other commission business commissioners any business? >> i have some nouchlts to make in the agenda item 13 will be heard at our next meeting and under the regular calendar we're going to hear item 16 first because i believe there are people who want to speak and so to make our life easier we'll move i to the first spot. >> item 16 we want it removed. >> oh, removed okay. thank you
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and i guess the only other thing in commission business is go giants already item 7. >> item 7 is recommendation the deputy general manager for the rim fire. >> so i have the great pleasure of attending the 90 anniversary of compassionate where the friends of camp margret i accepted the award and ann claishg the friends of camp mather wanted to be here. >> will michael come up maybe he says well, we all love michael carping listen from friends of camp mather he's been wonderful
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it's my great pleasure to give to michael two presentations you get two pregnancy for all the work he did last year in cooperating everything that had to be done during the yosemite fire it was extraordinary and he did it for us for san francisco for our land and water and power and all of us who love camp mather so from michael i'm not to read our plaque if friends of camp mather with our thanks and deep appreciation to michael carlene sf puc for his heroic effort to save yosemite presented by friends of camp mather
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(clapping.) now i have other presentation for michael it didn't come of us but the board of supervisors so this is a certificate of honor from the board from the board of supervisors for michael and it is signed by all the board of supervisors honoring his work cooperating all that had to be done for the rim fire so this is from the board of supervisors as i said we all love camp mather thank a you to harlan. >> thank you for helping us with our party and in supporting us and helping us to do the things to honor the people had worked hard in the yosemite fire
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and camp mather wants to thank you for our cup we used this during our party we love those cups their hetch hetchy cups so thank you firing support (clapping.) >> well, i thank you for this award but it is a real teem effort i hope everybody understand did people up 59 ms. johnson son steve richie and his crew and the hundreds of people that responded you know just wonderfully and it also the fire department tom and bryan and rec and park and others were up there at kathy remember talking to the general manager mr. kelly trying to convince him this is serious so i thank him for you
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know letting the marines loss to respond to the fire on behalf of those people i really do accept this award thank you (clapping). >> and ms. clark it's nice to see you thank you for coming today on behalf of michael. >> it is a pleasure to come to our incompletes meetings i really learn a lot i know it's not always easy but your diligent and i appreciate our backgrounds and expertise thank you. >> thank you very much. >> now the report of the general manager would you like any public comment on that item. >> thank you any public comment now the report with the general manager. >> so as the couple's to give
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an update on the drought i want to point out that vince cornea and i had an opportunity to celebrate the sort of recycle project at sharp park that was something we've been working on foreclose to 20 years on but we finally shlths a deal with folks to have water at the park it was a joint effort at the pacifica and rec and park and ourselves it is was a great event that actually turned on the recycle water as we were hitting golf balls yo talk about how high i hit it but it was a successful event. >> actually, the partnership with the west coast water was
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one of the key partners that was a great thing. >> i'm here to give an update on the drought if i could have the slides please. some of those are familiar again if so the reservoir that shows hetch hetchy the water bank it 34 percent of capacity that's a good thing and the storage is 57 percent which is a bit low but you expect that the specific numbers we've lowered hetch hetchy 84 hundred feet since the first of july it is not as much as we normally do we have a 10 percent reduction by people and that's a good thing we've added to the water banks and done a good job and the storage is down but we want to make sure we
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preserve the supplies overall our picture going 0 into next year is relatively good on the precipitation front we're at the beginning of the year if you look at this closely you'll see a bump from last saturday from the men's show it was not anything to speak about and prpgs later this week and the good news is the peak about 3 weeks ago we hit a hot spell we're staying below the level to achieve the 10 percent demand for the year in looking at our custom water savings we calculated and need to save 8 thousand gallons to achieve a reduction and we did that it is
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below but the grass is full the water is needed this year and it's a tribute to our customers both inside and outside of san francisco but looking at next year our customers did really well, this year but the 10 percent conservatism needs to continue into 2015 we will be in april before we know what next year about turnout i've mentioned another or above per television station we'll be above it and if we say a year similar to 2007 we have to keep going forward but if we have a bad year we'll start talking about this to how to plan going forward but 20 percent given the amount of savings we've achieved in the
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last 15 years it's going to be a challenge but if we will have to we have to i'm available to answer questions thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> okay. >> with that, that ends my report. >> okay item 9. >> item 9 is a barn oversight annual report and audit finding. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm kevin the current chair of the revenue bond oversight committee today is the presentation that covers fiscal year 2013-2014 while i like to give you highlights of our activities in our finding
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for the chair in 2013-2014 our w consulting firmer looked at it telephone call to be on time and on budget and some of the key findings is it would not be finished on time and on budget that is due to the scheduling impacts for the unforeseen things at at dam that was confirmed by a firmer the conclusion is sf puc couldn't take additional measures for the cost overruns we've done we took the finding and recommended the corrective action as a consequence of the finding of that report the result of those
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corrective action will be evaluated in 2013-2014 but we want to say that or buck worked with the directors julie and current director to agree upon an assessment what or book has done is to evaluate the cost measures and operation and management costs as it relates to projects to insure that further budget revisions will not be needed that's for 2014-2015 in the past 9 months or buck they've helped or buck tharbok
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current report is in the final stages we can talk about the highlights but wait fill that report has been vested and the feedback from the stakeholders have been takes into account and release the report i anticipate we'll present to this body those lessons learned to help us help the commission and help the committee guide our program with the evaluations and oversight for the next few years as the woody allen accept is winding down and we'll try to take the lessons learned and apply them to everyone that participants that we have what we like to do as part of the end report acknowledge and
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express our appreciation to sf puc staff for the task of the committee and take some time off to acknowledge that todd the general manager we waited to have an out going member of arresting buck who served as vice chair he gave many years of our service in san francisco ethics commission but to the systems of the wholesale customers and give recognition to his service and express tour appreciation to the members of the public who came to the committee hearings with that, that wraps up my presentation for this year's annual report
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fizzing. >> thank you, mr. chang. >> any public comment on that report? seeing none, the next item, please. >> item 10 a bosco update. >> good afternoon chair and kvpt and members of the commission it is interesting to be on this side i'm the chair of bosco and i've been on that board since 2003 and i've been on the council since 19 years oh, my goodness it's different to be on this side. >> i'll add for the identification for everyone you've been on the city council since 1995 if that's correct and
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on the san bruno council during the san bruno embarrass line explosion and i'm certain you're still quite involved. >> yes. as you know. >> you've been chair of boo could since january of 2013 and served the boards members inception of 2003. >> yes. thank you very much and it is very good to be here i'm sorry it took long and january is my last month as chair of bosco i want to thank you for the opportunity to say hello and introduce myself thank you for having me and boo could is proud of the major results
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we've achieved in our first 10 years including the public utilities commission commissioner courtney you you've mentioned the importance of treating bosco and our water yourselves of customers that is part of the foundation of a strong relationship other achievements are the new water supply agreement and process with the water program and the elective fight for the huge program and close cooperation with the water conservation you've seen from the report from steve richie the current draft and bosco is proud to initiate a $50 million bond sale to pay off the capital depth to san francisco that bends the puc and all commits the bosco board appreciates the
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active participation of mr. kelly and mr. carolyn and assistant manager steve richie and other senior members of the puc staff all our bosco meetings we look forward to additional areas of bosco participation and one is the water program in 2016 if we can management it on time and on budget and another area that is moving to identify the condition of the tunnels near the hetch hetchy reservoir and from a ca if i we should focus