tv [untitled] October 30, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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coming chapter is schools we're one of the districts we talk about not taking over we don't want to be a charter school district we charter great schools year after year but i feel recycle there are options that we can support and options that we want to be part of and i guess maybe i shouldn't be saying the way i want to be part of that's how i view new schools yes. there's questions and challenges and i actually would support new school if we were looking at it as a k 5 and because it's being put in front of of us as a k 12 that as pa district sets precedent is a
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expression of a new opportunity and i wish that it would have come to us a a k 5 i think many of us would have given different consideration and going to do a charter process is bumper to bumper but that's not why i want you to do a longer k through 12 because of the process but stevedore having this opportunity to see your school bloom as a k 5 would have been a much better option for me so i wish we could have be able to support commissioner haneys proposal i would have like to see this proposed as a k 5 unfortunately, it's an opportunity we're missing and as a district that want to be more innovative to provide great
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experiences for our kids i unfortunately think it's a missed opportunity thank you for your hard work i talk about that oftentimes as being courageous and i think this is what you've done and thank you for that. >> commissioner racing i didn't. >> i want to thank mr. chapman and you'll see supporters that come out i'll not be supporting this i'll explain why my priorities is the success of existing schools and in my view a charter school to fill a gap i have a supported for example, the charter schools or 5 key schools in our jails clear up our district is not meeting the niece of folks in jail another
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example the life learning academy open treasure island development authority board to address some of our kids that have been most directed if our system and who find a really welcoming home in that charter school and i just don't see the same level of meeting the gap of laying out a program we're not already doing in our existing schools a speaker talked computers we have one at glal lae low and marsha new gaming academy kids learn how to make games and a maker lab thanks to the mayor who worked with commissioner mendoza and the sales force we've embraced the practices and building our schools are putting equality
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into action and my final concern about our educators we've heard loudly and clearly from our united creators that are union members that fight for living wages and benefits we're in the middle of tough negotiation but i believe in the value of our union workforce and typically we have a higher burn you out rates a level of commitment to the workforce as reflected in our union partners so i'll not be supporting the charter tonight. >> thank you commissioner haney. >> yeah. i lastly want to thank the co-off and on of the school and for everyone that come out to tonight to speak in favor i like what commissioner mendoza had a difficult times with this
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there is a lot in here that's tremendous and exciting and folks said exactly the direction we want to go as a district and reflects the vision 2025 and appreciate that you really stuck to that and thought about where we are going and how you can partner with us and all of that i want to commend you and thank you for that i think there's a couple of things i struggle with around it you know one and this was mention as well i know a lot of this sounds amazing and there's so much in here imagining the ability to be successful here in this inspection is hard to do particularly with you put on top of it is truly offering something different or planning in our schools it you know and i think those two things in light
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of the fact this is a model that is somewhat new our you all you haven't run a school with that that model and folks mentioned enumeration folks that have been at the principle level that are closely involved it is a bit of a jump for us as we do your due diligence on the decision that was a challenge to get past that and i struggled with that i think that you know, i also want to commend you for reaching out to the community if doing in a short amount of time i was doing breakfast with someone who was from magic that said i took some of the students to a program and she said she give me of the toughest students but the
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extraordinarily well in the program i'd like to see more of an opportunity for the model to be deemed in that way my minority response to that i wish they were starting a summer program or after-school program we could pardon with in that way i struggled it with a lot of reasons that were discussed around being a charter school and the responsibility of your school being skeptical successful and the impact on our schools and what we're doing all of that to say as i made the motion i want to hear it as a k 5 it is much more of a k 5 proposal for the reasons that commissioner mendoza i think i'm not going to be able to support it as a k 12 and not be
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supporting it i commend you and thank you for your effort i don't think this is the last we'll see of you in whatever capacity and hope we continue to collaborate in whatever capacity we can i know from spending time with you and getting to know the commitment to the community and wish you the best of luck. >> in comments so to the petitioners i want to say thank you for a well-thought-out petition except for the 512 thing and you've been responsive everything i didn't see in the petition and for the listening audience i didn't see anything about the
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proposal and didn't see i wanted more information about the led and the issues and felt that was a low measure of achievement for students and didn't see a measure where it was comparing really english learnings with english only students around xhuchlt i feel we'll also have a gap and in the many meetings just everything ami i've asked you for you've been quick to respond with the precise answers i think the one thing we're grasping with the the ability to present a stable k c 12 curriculum and our school is designed for k through 12 penal dynamic a fan of a k 12 model in vision 2025 we're creating
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citizens that are confident enough to go out into the world when you go from an emergency room to a middle school in our district you go from a smaller you know cancel school to a larger school and once you've done that user you have this confidence to go on to high school that is larger and sometimes there are 2 thousand students and have that under our belt and ucla with 50 thousand people and, hold our own like any children go to erecting beyond the scope and china because you have in our confidence you've been in. >> variety with a variety of people if different cultures. >> you see everyone as a peer and feel confident you can conquer that word that's the scene of vision 2025 so not a k
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through 12 fan but also want to say i'm a fan of a lot of the things you put into our petition and he think that it is difficult for us to translation from a k through 12 but to renew when we looked at renewals we're looking to renew the same so kip middle school we're not looking to renew something new we haven't seen this is the stretch i'd like to say i thought that would be changing for you to meet a population that is reflective of our own conversation but i had a deep discussion with you all right what we have before us is a
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really exciting petition what our schools could be like but also i've told you very transparently i feel a huge responsibility for our children we have to have a extraordinarily and k through 12 i just don't see it where our petitions supports that we give your sale of approval we're telling all the students and school age children that this is a school that we put our sale of approval on we say that it will be successful and i can't is that k through 12 i really can't i don't know if i verify if you would like to submit again, this process is really daunting and i think with those comments ms. costco we're ready for a
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roll call vote. >> mr. haney no improving ms. maufas no arrest ms. mendoza-mcdonnell no president fewer arrest nay ms. norton. >> no ms. wynns. >> no oar president fewer no that is the petition is denied. >> thank you very much so, now we're on to our second oh, yes - you president fewer. >> the board has just the voted no to deny the petition. >> that requires a finding of the fact as to the reasons therefore i've given president fewer the statutory language that findings, in fact, go i ask she read it and we have boards consensus that is, in fact, finding. >> general council the petitioners are demonstrative
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unlikely to successfully implement the program successful in the petition by agreement thank you now we're on to the next item and thank you for waiting san francisco flex amendment this is petition 449 s p one authorization to grants or deny the renewal for flex academy charter school it was moved e moved and seconded. >> may i have a report from the budget committee. >> yes. >> a report from the budget committee we also heard the sf flex renewal on 2014 to get to my notes the staff concerns were around two things one that the
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enrollment projections inclined in the enrollment and their who the threshold that is required for a sfusd facility you have 58 students from san francisco currently combroltd isn't that correct. >> that's correct. >> and the threshold is 80, and, secondly, staff raised a flag about the budget credits issued by k 12 the company that sells the curriculum that is used by the flexion academy every year via mia k 12 issues a credit back if there's an operating deficit so every year this revenue does not meet the revenue cost their issued for the cost of the kroirm.
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>> cumulative credit valued at $5.7 million under june 20, 2015, we recommend denial of this reauthorization. >> if i may through the chair the committee review committee heard this and september it to the full board with no recommendation the committee members wanted to have an opportunity if at all possible to visit the school before we came to the board so no recommendation. >> thank you very much may we have a reading of the resolution mr. davis. >> authorization to grant are in the alternative ever deny the
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renewal petition for the flexion academy charter school the action was that the board of eduction shall grant or deny the 0 requirement subject to law. >> thank you mr. davis with you very have public speakers signed up this evening (calling names) sorry i'm going to sorry (calling names) hope he said that right two minutes each please press the light and identify yourselves come on up thanks. >> madam president and superintendent i'm restrict a social studies teacher at the academies please excuse my voice
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i want to thank you for your listening to our petition and communicate how amazing it is to be a teacher such an innovative school we've had an opportunity to listen to the i have a word that's missing in my mind to the benefits of having technology available to our students the availability of wifi and internet capacity this is a situation we don't have problems with the san francisco flex academy more than one computerized or computer phone number for every students and with the works that have a down load for students we have an opportunity to care for students
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in a way that gives them a sense of inclusion and otherwise hostile situation they might have experienced in previous schools i personally journal with all my students i here time and time again how for whatever reason this is the place they feel at home, i thinks that working with the public education system we can be a part of the situation and hope how continue to grow with the relationship with the school district to understand how to best serve you to be a technology caught facility we hope for the small population we continue to grow as considered for our financially stringency being on 5 polk street and not be hinder by that. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm sam july a senior at the san francisco flex academy i feel you have passenger door and years of experience and we don't have those fy i. >> that's even better (laughter). >> feel comfortable. >> (laughter). >> just a little bit scary i'm more or less here to defend the connection i'm a senior i wouldn't be here there so this doesn't apply to me but the memories i've build up and the things i've had from the school make me a part of what i am the school has it's flaws but in my case a benefit that matches what
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other schools can't i have to catch a train but appreciate you guys are is a nice day. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm courtney the enrollment cooperated since moving to the site we have made numerous connections and relationships with community organizations throughout the bay area community and partnered with the local community b magic and college track and boys and girls club and okay middle school over the past few weeks i've gone down to martin luther king jr. middle school to speak to the eight grade advisors before
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potentially coming to san francisco flex academy the options are the great thing about the unified school district and we are a great option for the students we've made serious efforts to make sure that the local communities know we're a viable option for the education of their young it citizens like posters throughout the bayer in the most of july and agree we're the talk of the bayview thank you so much for your time (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good evening i am service as a academic coach at san francisco flex academy part of our job is to provide the
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students with the enrichment time this time for the students to get involved and step away from the curriculum and build relationships with a lot of folks and build the relationships outside of the classroom environment i think it's a times for that people to build some of the skills like teamwork and commitment it has become one of the highlights of our week something that students look forward to participating in being able to have this new space as pretty much provide us and the students the opportunity to enjoy clubs and athletic promenades we provided them with an alternative academic experience but with a high school experience and help them because
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of the location in the bayview this year so thank you for allowing us to rent this place it is truly beneficial for the students to enjoy apart from the school curriculum so thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi good evening. i'm a parent of a child at sf flex and when we looked for a high school 4 years for our daughter we knew nothing she shouldn't attend a public high school we didn't think she would make it in that environment too many students we choose a par california school thinking she'd get a quality education we made it through heart arc when we looked for a
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new high school we found the sf flex we felt welcomed from the teaching staff at this charter school the school works with her with arrest or her ada and they help her he loves the teachers and has friends and getting the education and time she needs to do the job our daughter has is a thrived so much that she recently became the student body president she would have been here tonight to tell you herself but she was condominium to a school camp trip of which she doesn't want to go (laughter) our family is a chapter school
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shareholder i've listened to the board how i feel we are glad it sf is around for us we don't know if she had to go to lincoln. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello my name is alex i've been a student at flex for 4 years i'm a senior one of the first imaginations things i want to say our school a unique because it uses an online kroirm so our able to do our course work 24/7 and that's traditional brick and mortar schools can't do another thing our school as a strong, strong community because is what happens is the staff is able to develop a stronger relationship and connect with
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them on a personal level you know and another thing i want to say that type of relationship it carries onto the academic side that makes the teacher more of a mentor another thing our school is there's no clicks or groups a lot of the citizenry comfortable in it and that's what a lot of schools are not able to achieve i think that the school is in the course in itself because it's able to do that and i think with because we moved to our new location we are also able to have athletics and other opportunities and programs that our olds school was not able to do this is great it's a beautiful thing because i never seen a school that many of the students can sit it's a great
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thing thank you very much. >> thank you alex (clapping.) courtney speak she did so sorry public comment is closed commissioner norton. >> i want to say i'm unfortunately i'm not going to support the reauthorization of this petition i talked to mr. henderson and talked about this primarily because of the financial relationship with k 12 i find two troubling to be able to support the petition i mean as i explained to you what happens given the support if k 12 what happens if you decide there's other curriculum
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you'll rather use where are you going to get the financial support i think you understand you'll be able to grow the size of the student body in a placed to city in the facility but roadway if you make a request it is not our size you're not entitled so a district facility because of the number of students we're in the catch-22 situation basically and i feel sad about that i love hearing from the students and love seeing our students clearly i know there there's a subset of students that benefit and superintendent i'd love to find a way to offer a similar option to students within sfusd maybe through independents i don't know how that works but the blended learning model is a good thing for a group of stoplights
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i'm sad i'm going to vote no against the reauthorization i see from the people you've brought here your accomplishing good things but as i said it's my responsibility as a governing board member to not support in arrangement that seems two funky for me, i apologize in advance and thank you for coming and bringing our group to talk to us. >> dr. murase. >> yes. i will be supporting this charter of renewal milestone my appropriate is the existing schools and those are sfusd scott taylor's students had a fantastic visit with the school last week it's clear that havingov
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