tv [untitled] October 30, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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yes? ms. mendoza-mcdonnell >> dr. murase. >> more than minnesota president fewer 7 i's. >> okay. thank you now this is institutional listing ethnic studies misquote sfusd may you are a motion and second. >> second. >> thank you, colleagues that is referred to the before you get i budget committee in support of the proposition 47 the safe orientation tried by mr. haney do we have a motion and second for first action roll call vote vote. >> mr. haney ms. maufas ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton
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ms. wynns president fewer arrest 7 i's. >> okay thanks we have a reading of the resolution motions and second for formal resolution reading by commissioner mr. haney. >> in support of this the safe organization for act whereas the san francisco unified school district is fully committing to a save environment and vvlt in them the skills to thrive in the community and whereas sfusd emphasize positive spaces over accomplishment particularly for positive behavior intervention and support and recent implementation of the schools policy and whereas sfusd seeks to end the pipeline by investing in education and restore the health and wellness program
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where's whereas in the past 20 years the spending for prisoners has increased several time and in the past years the state of california build 22 prisons and higher than the san francisco state university and 5 times more people in state prisoner when state crimes were up and where was your people of color or ethnics disprospering are xhard and in 2011 african-americans were arrested 8 times the rate of whites and whereas to be smarter on crime emerging best practices must focus the law enforcement
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resources and whereas the research in the criminal justice show that the behavorial and drug treatment increases the public safety and whereas the safe neighborhood will change low level crime like petty theft to misdemeanors and reduce the prisoner costs to k 12 schools and victim services and whereas sfusd should join the countless law enforcement and george moscone including the business leaders for the safe leaders in support for proposition 47 therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district supports this safety neighborhoods act that improves
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public safety and invests in our schools. >> no public comment? any comments from the board or - superintendent?. >> commissioner maufas so scomplaen can i inquire why you have the city attorney's office name on here and no other my name is on the petition and good question he's one of the main proponents of it in the face of campaign along with the chief of san diego one of the two co-chairs of the campaign. >> so i'm historically have
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been concerned about supporting political positions as a non-partisan body in situations i appreciate you putting this forward it is important and has huge impacts on the population i mean, i'll support it is a tricky one i wanted to note that especially seeing none, no other comments oh, commissioner maufas. >> i would like the author to consider alexander commissioners, if they'd like to be at you'll have to ask. >> i think everyone ongoing groovy ready for a vote and mr. haney ms. maufass ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton
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ms. wynns president fewer 7 i's. >> now standing board member's reports may we have a report from the buildings committee. >> thank you so we had two reports one was on the expansion of the water bottle station from nick that is going well, we're going to get more in our schools and the facilities local hiring program for career paul mccartney a light discussion about the opportunities our students will be receiving through the internship program to the career patrick's and - pathway that's slowly growing and nice to see.
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>> great could you have report from the city and school elect committee i guess that's me (laughter) okay. we had a reports on the services for unaccompanied immigrant children and then we had a discussion on the cities policy for new enrollment due to increased community development we've learned that san francisco's population has been growing by 10 thousands residents a year for for o the last 10 and in 9040 we will be adopting so for the now residents this is an ongoing discussion so okay are there any other reports from board members?
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yes commissioner haney i'm not sure i have a report and this is from personnel and labor >> oh, yeah. forgot that. >> (inaudible). >> is that okay and it's not agenda dis. >> standing committees right okay commissioner haney you're on. >> give me 5 votes (laughter) can i resubmit that (laughter) is it okay. >> yeah. >> okay. all right. we had a. >> i'm sorry, i waiting want a motion you need 5 votes (laughter) no do you want to read this okay so we had a meeting of the ad hoc labor committee that was our
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first meeting of the year i'm the chair of the committee and the meeting it feels like a long time ago but it was last time i've not left since then and the one item that was on the agenda was the 2014-2015 hiring report actually, the majority of board was interest i won't say too much but i recommend you get a copy there's a lot of information some of the highlights were some certificate areas of focus and concern we did p have an increased number of resignations over this year more spots to fill and a lot of late resignations and some of the concerns and some of the drain over or on our hiring process obviously folks who
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might we might go after in the process obviously those are picked up jobs if we're hiring in september we started the year with less vacancies but had concerns around the vacancies that exist as of today that was like 19 vacancies that exists have teachers we excused at length some of our efforts around attracting candidates and how we recruit eastern exists candidates there are 3 focuses of our h.r. department highlighted as priorities one was to shift to year round krout and diversely our sdraejz
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we're in the process of setting another meeting i think a lot of what we explored we'll continue to go deeper and the second thing we've talked about the intermits so as i'm sure you're aware there's a huge challenge to fill the substitutes spots and schools have been reaching out we've heard about the streams that have been used and explored and also some in particular concerns around the proposal development and things that are taking teachers out of the classroom and doing a better job cooperating that and other strategies corporal so the foul wore to have h.r. through the
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superintendant come back with a proposal and plan for the board to how we're going to address that and really make sure we don't have the intermit crisis on an ongoing basis members i saw commissioner maufas you have something to add you if i may commissioner haney the packet you have before you probably with the other commissioners that were not present they've received this but i really want to stress that information in there was just a small snip even though of all the information that i know the h.r. department has housed and has been presented before us so i would encourage the confirmations were not there to look forward to the mexico bring your
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attention in the h.r. depth we really asked for the full compliment and complex breathed of information that house and that should be the babies where we start the conversation which was based on older meetings and again dr. murase was the first person on the committee i think we need a solid baseline of where the conversation begins and looked to higher he level questions it's imperfect for the commissioners that were not present and the h.r. department to be aware of thank you >> okay superintendent. >> yes. thank you to commissioners so i had a
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briefing of last times meeting i'm working with the staffer of 3 pages that came you're not going to get 3 pages but a plan. >> you couldn't ask for a ball park plan. >> that's not going to happen there's a plan for the staffing of substitutes which i will bring to the board didn't need board approval but i'll least you know in the final process and want to remind the browns board two years ago when we have the steven report we hired a partner to work all year on bringing information from the system the antiquated system we don't have that kind of american people fte so restructuring and pulling people off tasks like staffing our staff to pull that data so we'll be able to i'll
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able to bring forward a recommendation how to address that as we go forward. >> commissioner maufas. >> i want to emphasize the crisis we're facing and i wanted to echo the story that the commissioner norton and president fewer relied in committee of a fifth grader assigned to a kindergarten classroom because there was a teacher shortage that is not acceptable it really, really not acceptable. >> i'm going to make a plea we're about to approach veterans day and thanksgiving please ask tour educators to come to work before those holidays we see historically a significant spike in absenteeism on those days so i'm going to ask you to keep kids fifth graders from being in
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kindergartener classes please come to work. >> through the chair superintendant of president be to specific about the information is information they actually have which is so we have that - i wasn't going to reintensity the wheel if we have the information it was created for a reason didn't appear after the person left it's in our house and that should be the baseline of where we start. >> i want to make sure we're not assuming what we have and don't have i'll come back to the board. >> i appreciate that. >> interest so that was a long report on that committee okay so, now the board will now go
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in part as a resident i live here my family is here i work here but also in particularly as the transportation director we have a mayor that understands the infrastructure understands transportation and design understands how these things are important to the quality of life we have here in the city and to the economy of the city he understands us number one in part because of is the public works sdooshg which is a great pedigree my own bias i was one, too i was the city administrator amongst among the architect of the capital plan that is institutionalized in the city a process we combifrpt and investing in the city critical assets that's a successful program and it was really does
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mayors sense then city administers of the importance of the infrastructure the bones of the city and the design of the city that has gotten the plan in place and successful as it's been and further as that was not enough last year mayor ed lee accountant a task force to look at the infrastructure out of the process they've recommended $3 billion of new local revenues to invest in the transportation system not only to accommodate all the growth the cranes in theization i sky but to invest in our core system $3 billion of new revenues i can imagine it being the transportation director in a city and the mayor comes and brings together with
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$3 billion to invest in the transportation city it doesn't get much better than that fortunately i don't think he's on the market we're happy he's our mayor please join me in welcoming the mayor of the city and county of san francisco mayor ed lee (clapping) >> thank you for that kind introduction everyone good morning. welcome to san francisco. >> good morning. >> actually, the last couple of weeks ago people have being coming up to me and saying are you i say yes, sir. i'm travis to i'm mayor travis for a few weeks anyway, i want to say thank you, ed very much fewer leadership not only as our
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director of transportation by certainly the president of nah 0 could i'm thrilled you're here in the city i know you're about to see if not a lot of the things happening in our city we want to make sure that the themes that you have for the conference about cities and innovations and mobility can be sdeementd so while you're here please make sure you do all you can too walk and bike and take ride sharing obeying be careful on the upper deckerers but i think you've already and if you haven't i encourage to go down 0 or to our transbay center this is under construction and he'll hear it and feel it as we do our
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central subway we'll been working hard to get those promotions those are historic projects for our city and the transbay scienter you've read we tinder to have electrical caltrain from our high speed rail from the state of california we believe that is important to our entire region to get it done and glad to be working with governor jerry brown to make sure we're investing properly i'm excited for this conference because we have got to brightest mind in transportation and say thank you. i also want to make sure i give a shout out to the mayors from the cities our from any get a chance to work with all of them they either point you or hire you i want to thank the
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other mayors when we get together we have an important committee of transportation we're also sharing the best practices and ideas things that cause us to work together on a national level it is great to have chooment the transportation concert all of us go through the experience of learning everything to run a great city when our working they national level you don't forget the potholes but where all the challenges are in the city i think this is going to bevery, very helpful and san francisco is very proud to be one of the 40 cities certainly in california that has officially endorsed the national good morning, supervisors and give a shout out you're making a great
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impact (clapping) and i want to take a moment and thank our supervisor in my district supervisor scott wiener it was him that supported the legislation to make sure we enforced the mat could guidelines i want to relocate edward reiskin who is serving as the president of the nah could we've had a chance to work with our leadership and former leadership give a shout out to janet for her leadership as the past nah could president and underful in new york in mayor michael blossoming burger my daughters are in new york you've got to take care of them we know that streets make up 80 percent of our picking up pun realm we have to take care of that and
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we've got important propositions but as you go around the city not only is it a transbay center and central subway work we're doing take a look at what utilized to be fridays before the loma prieta earthquake and we had them in chinatown along broadway if you take a look at it and ride through them you'll see popular projects that includes housing and multimodes of transportation along omaha and the we had all freeway rams making all those crossroads exciting and wonderful especially important because literally this month is the 25 mini of the loma prieta earthquake and we've become a stronger city since that time
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we're also trying to make sure our cities are saving this is a huge responsibility of all mayors and all the transportation experts in this room safety on our streets you don't know how it hurts to hear news reports of seniors crossing streets and getting hit by motors or a bicyclist turning a corner and getting hurt or pedestrians not looking both ways we're educating peep in various los angeles's no matter what color the light is you could be dead right we're here to educate our traffic to slow down and people to be much more aware but ultimately within this room your street designs are going to be of great help we have the very big investment in
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our city and proposition this november that summits it part of that $3 billion that ed was mentioning the first $500 million in a appropriations of $300 million will be focused on making sure our streets are designed and signal listed and signage to get to zero death our vision zero is a serious goal we're united about preventing the death and fatalities along our streets so thank you (clapping) so i can talk on and on all morning you have wonderful panelists this morning i hear that the form staff are heading up agencies in los angeles and you've got people from all over the country here to share a talk
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to i'm excited i want to know what your talking about and what i think is the best approaches i'm a mayor that want to make sure our cities are successful we can't do that without successful transportation to me transportation is the great equal legislators the mayor and i have talked about the income and equality and all the challenges we have about economics when you get to transportation and certainly for our city you'll ride a muni bus or trolley or the bart and standing right next to a ceo of a billion dollar corporation because people need to get things done and we have transportation that units them all throughout the city this equal legislators gets people to work and families and gets them to giant games particularly the
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world series you'll see a little bit more orange because we're early celebrate rants of halloween i hope you'll take in the celebrations we expect to villaraigosa a lot of fun but please know which you have a mayor that cares about the work you do thank you for having our conference here in san franciscr conference here in san francisco
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