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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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here about three years ago, and it seems to me that there is some organized effort to destroy me okay? and i think that i am talking about including the (inaudible) police department in for the (inaudible) also. and they finally, (inaudible) when i was heading to work at 4:00 a.m., you know, on the highway, and i survived. and i mean, i know that the $3,000 in america (inaudible) because i think that this was prearranged. my car was hit, and like three times, you know, and three different incidents. and people that have a questionable. you know? and in two chps came to the
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highway, and like they,... (inaudible) trying to find the help with the people on the phone and (inaudible) how to help me. and (inaudible) they say that i am not qualified. and i am going to have to tell you that... you know, whenever the police, sees my previous arrests you know, and my convictions that i find that i have a got a copy of their reports and to supplement the incidents where i find that is a lie, okay? and the police lie, one of them, in california, and accused me of... (inaudible) (inaudible) >> thank you, sir. >> i need help, please?
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i am going to make a report. >> there is an investigator that you can speak to from the occ right here m the front row. >> director hicks thank you. >> we can get the process started tonight, sir, thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen, commissioners, good evening. for the record my name is amelia law ens and i have been a resident for the city and county of san francisco for 45 years. i have read the papers for 45 years. and i have seen a number of or read about a number of killings in the city over a period of 4 and a half decades. i am not here today to talk or
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to talk about alex and as well as the police commissioner reports i would like to congratulate mcfadden he did a good, and i think that we should be thankful that we have a police officer of this background monitoring the events and tonight i wish to speak about one item, we have the killing of alex and we also have the problem of city college student and i have been there for eleven years now and i am one of the older students. i one of the ones that still read the newspaper from the old school. the sf pd, should play a role in terms of supporting the school to make sure that the police officers there do not have guns and i don't think that we need another student to be blown away. thank you. the issue at large is not so much that, this is a tragedy, and there is no doubt about it.
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the problem is that they need to be fully trained and owned and use a weapon and the pd, at city college, i do not believe that they are there yet. and they may not be there for decades. and when you get a student, that is shot, multiple times, that did not even have a weapon on them. and you have a problem, across america because some dysfunctional person walks up to another policeman in another state and reads the article and decides that you are going to put three slugs in him and you don't like that to happen on any level and don't like that and if you look at it is that my heart goes out to the neto family and also to any officer that gets shot on the job. we can start by stopping any police. >> thank you for your comments, sir. >> i thank you for your time on
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this matter. >> you can give them to the secretary. >> thank you. >> much going on in here tonight. my name is gladice mariba and personally i have had a really bad experience with ingleside, south of a different police report and domestic violence. and two weeks ago i called 911, three men broke into my house and i know that they were sent by my ex-boyfriend to hurt me, and the officers did not arrest them because they said that i could notify the three men and i have been respectful of the police up until a year and a half ago when i found out that
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i am hiv positive because my e boyfriend knowingly infected me and the police have told me that is not a crime in california. for someone to knowingly infect someone with hiv. and i feel like instead of you guys focusing on attacking innocence people, you need to focus on my ex-boyfriend and who is a registered sex offend and her did 17 years in jail for raping a 14-year-old boy and i have come to you for help several times and you don't want to help me, i don't want to be the next homicide statistic and that is where it is leading he has told me that i will kill you if you keep this up he has filed restrainingorders and everything, and but i am not going to stop because i need justice. >> thank you. deputy chief, and captain, someone, please follow up, and immediately about it. >> and i also have filed a
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complaint with the occ. >> thank you. >> thanks, make sure that you talk to... [ applause ] >> hi, my name is patricia and (inaudible) and i am with the neighborhood watch and we have 130 members and we are based right at the beginning of the eexcelcior near the freeway and i took a bunch of allergy pills before i came here and i am a little off. sorry. we did a petition for foot patrol officers and we got, 600 signature and we blew up your e-mail account but it was important to us, and i know that there are problems with staffing and i really appreciate the captain's measure of having, the officers get out of their cars, and introduce themselves to the community. and to actually not just hide in the cars but out among us and i think that it is a good plan b, we need plan a and we
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need plan a, specifically because we are the biggest part of the green zone in san francisco, even if we had all of the clubs, that acted above board and were wonderful which we don't, have them, and most of the clubs that we have are terrible and don't police their own environments and we have everybody coming up from, and we need the police to watch the people coming in who don't need to live here. tensions are running highs was at a meeting and (inaudible) it is also in the problems around it. where he live we have the (inaudible) and it is making the residents uncomfort, and they are the parking and traffic and security guards who are dressed as cleaners and so
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we have a mini, security force in our neighborhood and they are all really nice. but we really would rather have cops. and we are very worried we are going to get another pop club and here we go. with nothing but problems. and when went already, the police presents on the groubd to help us. and i also want more cops for the sfpd will know us, and i learn a lot and i go to a lot of meeting but i have never been to a meeting like this. i am so deeply sad, i see, i have always had so much respect for the police and i have a different experience, you guys have to come and know us. we are a deeply angry community and a lot of the people look like me, and mostly the people that look like me are angry and would yell at you. and other people that don't look like me are twice as angry and will not yell at you and are afraid of you. >> we need your help. >> thank you.
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>> hi, i am born and raised in the mission and i look kind of like her and i have never got hassled by the cops at all. and so it makes sense that she is asking for more cops to me. but any way, so i am here in solidary with the families of people who have been killed by the police. and a lot of people today we had to sit through this really revolting thing at the beginning of this meeting where all of the cops were congratulating each other and one of the things that the people kept saying was about how great it is when the police will talk to the community, and they will really engage. you know they will really community. well, you know, it is, really useful for them to communicate with the community, when they don't do anything else. so they can have good pr people who can talk well, that is really good for them. so, congratulationss for that,
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but like what about actually action? i mean, i think that a lot of people throughout history have suggested that we get rid of the police altogether and that we develop the ways of dealing with the problems in our community, together and it is called community control. but black panthers came up with it and the young lawyers came up with it, and women and queer whose need to protect themselves like the women who came up before and they came up with it too. but, you know, maybe, an action plan one like concrete thing that could happen, before we totally disban the police would be getting rid of the guns, having the police not carry guns any more. you can keep hiring people that are good at talking, good at like, being a good face and like making people happy. and giving you a little applause at these meetings, but, most people get it, and most people are not swayed by that. that is all that i wanted to say. >> thank you. [ applause ]
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>> welcome. >> my name is alehandr, and i am a community organizer. >> and my name is (inaudible) and i am also a organizer at chalk. >> i am really nervous, so we are here to stand in solidary with alex's family and the recent murder of (inaudible) i forgot your name. and yeah, her son, and we just need change, like it is not fair, like, when is this going to stop? and you guys are killing our black and brown youth, like that is not fair, i am really nervous. >> you can keep talking. >> yeah, i am just asking for change, because this is really not fair, and they are really needs to be a change in the community and some of the police officers, need to really, be trained better, and maybe not carry guns, we just need change like this is not fair, and it is time to stand up and fight for our rights,
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because this can't be and cannot continue. >> that is all that i have to say. >> >> i was also raised in the mission, and born and raised in the mission, and yeah, this needs to change. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> my name is barbara gross, very (inaudible) piece of property and i would like to have an investigation against the probate department that passes itself off as a legal entity. i had a simple request, to have a step in bathtub paid for and that was blocked each though i had money in my inheritance account so long as i had money in the account i was a nut case and i am not supposed to know that the money went to my ex-husband and it does not cost to buy into the dirty system.
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but once you are brought in it is worth it because they got my entire inheritance and my third share of a house here in san francisco. i also had a request to pay off the san francisco fireman's credit union and the money was in my account, denied. >> and just did not act on it. and the san francisco fireman, union is not..., and a viable, agency and, i hope that the judge does not live in san francisco. but, any way, the idea is you get taken to the cleaner by an adulterer, and it is an adulterer court, the dumb little wife, miss stupid here did not have a clue what was going on that my husband was playing footsy all over the place, such is life, he is remarried and i have got aun on a first date, who wants another
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one, enough is enough. the idea is that i would like to have an investigation of probate and i think that all of the judges and all of the lawyers are in on it and they do something for you the first time and nothing the rest of the time. except vacuum out my inheritance with nothing to show for it. thank you. >> thank you. >> a little thing about domestic violence. excuse me an aad o i was walking pass my husband, and he was an employee with the police department and no comments and insults and i came to and i didn't know that i was going to get knocked out, i lifted my head and listened there was no sound he was not around. trained jail guard, yeah i stood a chance, not much, thank you. >> thank you. >> and if you could,..., thank you ma'am. >> if there is a... >> thank you for your comments.
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>> violence, paying the address, please? >> so that you can can't keep coming back, for stupid reports. >> thank you. >> that should be a supervisor all of the time. thank you. >> next? >> >> (inaudible) my place of work at balboa high school. my name is (inaudible) and i teach english here and i have been in the district for 7 years and born and raised here and so i have been teaching for 7 years. i want to acknowledge a lot of tension in the room and i also want to say so my solidary with the two families. of pending cases, and with the woman who also shared her own many pending cases. i also want to first say and i am not putting this on the police department, but the only reason there are not more balboa parents and teachers and students, is because we are not given adequate warning and i am going to have a long talk with my co-workers and admin as to
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why we are not given time, the reason that is important because inspired by the case of grant in oakland, the students studied the general order, where the radio code, and also, the idea of police officers, getting out of their car and positively engaging with the taouts is from. so four sections of my tenth grade students studied this document, and analyzed this document and would have loved to have been here if they would have known. and so i am going to have a conversation with the principal, what i want to reiterate is that my students don't trust the police and i don't think that it is novel news to anyone here that working class, black and brown people have a long understandable distress with the police department and with the state in many ways that is not new, but what i do want to reiterate is that when my students come with stories of hearing about alex's case, and of the young man, who face was
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pressed into the gutter by a police officer, these are the kinds of things that they come with and again, i understand the system, while i am greatly distressing of the notion of the policing as we do, have it in this country, i do also, understand that many of the students have had the positive interactions with the police and my ask is that we, i want to see the police, commission, really push for public use, distribution, and put in the newspaper, and all of these things of this actual general order because so much of the work that the people who are speaking to here has been done and layed out by the numerous folks and many of you and yet this is the first time that any of the students and my families have read about it last year and so, it is on me, suddenly as a public schoolteacher to bring this kind of knowledge of their... >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> and just a suggestion, that
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you might consider inviting the chief or the member of the command staff or the commissioner to come and speak to the students since we missed the opportunity to do that, often times at elementary, fifth grade classes will be there and invite us back. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is yai son (inaudible) and i am an artist and educator in san francisco. and i just want to echo a lot of the sentiments that the teacher just shared. i actively work with the young people across san francisco and i am understanding the community, and policing general order and there is some really actual great ten ents that are in the general order, and specifically around the mutual respect and shared responsibilities and it is really hard to be teaching that though, when it does not feel mutual and it does not feel shared. and one of the tactics that i have had to take is figure out how to have these conversations with the young people and with the different community members in order to make the meaning out of it for ourselves so that we can have a better
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understanding of what the general order means to ourselves so that we can have the bet every conversations across the shared responsibility and mutual respect. and but when, information is leaked out of our said, and off of the cuff that is irrelevant to cases, and when the things are when i hear daily stories from the young people, mostly black and brown youth, about the different microaggressions and way that the officers do approach them or if it is a little bit accuse torrey and it is and feels that, and it is hard to say yes, let's interact with the police. and it is really really difficult. and this is a white guy, talking about it, with black and brown communities, because i don't have the answers to that. and i am never going to have the answers to that and i think that there needs to be a lot more work done internally in the department, about how to understand, what is mutual respect? what does it look like to you all? what are the behaviors of mutual respect? that is the first thing that i ask when i work with the young
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people? what does respect look like sound like, feel like? what are the interactions? what are the conversations that we have to have? how does it happen? do we look at each other in the eyes or not look at each other in the eyes, shake hands or not, all of these small behaviors matter. and we need to be able to understand that these are the behaviors that we all need to come to some understanding on and that is not happening. thank you. >> thank you. >> good night, first of all, i am sorry if you guys don't understand something that i say, i have a accent, i am sorry. and i only have questions. and there are my questions are, you guys wants to get, totally understand on the committee and how do we feel like according to the work that you are doing for us? but have you guys thought of putting in the truth of being actually part of that community? and getting on the field and not putting that uniform and
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just the jeans and (inaudible) shirt, and see how other people or how even, your co-worker cops could treat you? honestly, i am the... and i am really scared and one day, that i will be stopped by a cop. these things that i have seen make me worried about my life. >> this is for you guys. >> what is on the next news, you see joyer grandchild or your kid, being abused by a police officer. what would you do? how would you feel? i bet that you guys would feel exactly like us.
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and will feel, undescribable, and you will have all of this anger on you, thank you. >> [ applause ] >> sorry, i am short. so, good evening, community, and commission, my name is nina parks and i have been working on the issue of community policing, for quite some time. to kind of give the background i used to work at the community center here on mission and in 2009, there was a program that was rolled out called perf and it was, all of a sudden we had like a officers on the streets, where we did not have that before and we came to a lot of conflict. which, led to us, reaching out
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to david campos, and to john avalos, and chief suhr and we started to revamp the community policing general order. and where we started to develop, quite a bit of new language in order to build different relationships between the community and the police. unfortunately that document has not really done anything. it is kind of sat there for the past three years. and with no action plan. right? so, as far as being a citizen here, it is, and also, advocate, and activist and organizer and like kind of disheartening because i am like what in the heck am i spending all of this time doing? why am i organizing in the community if there is no action? if there is no change? , you know? and so, i feel like we are in a very unique time right now. and the police accountability is a national conversation and i feel that because of a lot of groundwork that we have already done here that we actually have
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lead that conversation. [ applause ] >> that we can set an example, and also, really address, what has happened, with alex, and use that as a way to set an example for the rest of this country, on how we can deal with this. some of this stuff that i do want to chime in, or agree with, is with christian and the teacher that was here and i worked with her on getting that into her curriculum because i talked to very long time ago, at a community meeting and we asked, how, people are going to know about this general order and there was no answer, so we started to reach out to the community to jason who has been teaching it to christian who is teaching it and but, we need more. so, i would like to work with whoever is interested in creating it. more. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, my name is
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mary, harris and i am the president of the district of eleven council, and the president of all of my neighbors in action. and a lot of what i was going to say, david, hooper already said. and so, i wanted to give accolades to our captain at last, and say thank you for the new captain, because he has hit the ground running and has been to a lot of community meetings and is going to be a really good community partner. i came here to say that. and i don't want to repeat it because david said it more eloquently. and i came here to ask about the realignment of the police districts and i heard that there was going to every ten years there is a realignment and i want to be involved in that because, where i live in the lake view, we sometimes are in the teravil and we were once
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in the ingleside and we want to be sure that the community stays whole, no matter which police district and so i wanted to ask where that process is, because i have not heard anything more about it. and then, lastly, because of the tone of tonight's meeting, i just wanted to say that i think that our police department is the finest police department in the whole united states. i have had the opportunity of working with the police department, in the lake view, for over 40 years. and we have accomplished so many things together. closing down crack houses, and taking back our park, and building a school. and everything else that we have been partners. and i want to say that there is two sides to every story. my brother-in-law with the san francisco police officer and he was shot and killed by a criminal. so, i understand the things that have to happen and why they happen and there is extensive reasons for the way things go down sometimes that we have to look beyond. my sister was left a widow and
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her three children have no father and he will never know his grandchildren and he was the most wonderful father on this planet and so my heart goes out to the familis that have lost their loved ones, and i tell you that it happens on both sides of the spectrum. so please, understand... >> respect everyone. >> why i have testified many times that this police department should have tasers and have alternate things besides using guns. so that no one else will lose their children or anything else. so thank you very much for listening. [ applause ] >> okay i am sorry that i am late and it might have been said already, i work as a tour guide, and a tour bus driver. and in the last 18 years, all over san francisco, in the bay area. i have a lot of input from outsiders from the whole planet, every day, in my ears.
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and i want to mention, something they are astounded at in this city, the total lack ever enforcement against the extremely loud motorcycles, and this city is full of them. and no cop is stopping them. when i complain, they will stop one guy, but there seems to be no policy to cut the noise level, there has to be something done, secondly, the bikes and pedestrians are out of control and you might say, ha, she is a tour bus driver, of course she would think that i am a bike and i am a pedestrian and i do everything and everybody should understand, traffic enforcement. but apparently, they don't because the police are not enforcing the laws against the pedestrians and the other violaters on bikes, and i am just sailing it that we have had a terrible accident the other day, on 46th and all of these things keep happening and no one puts them in the sf chronicle the truth that someone ran across the street out of the crosswalk, and how
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does the driver feel? put that on the front page. make it an issue in our city, we could become number one on the planet for top, safety, on the roads, when the police enforce the laws. but they are not, only against automobiles. that is wrong. and that is all that i have to say. as a native, who grew up three blocks from here. thank you. [ applause ] . >> thank you. >> further public comment? >> my name is lisa ganser and i moved to san francisco like a year and a half ago. and when i first moved here, i noticed like living in the mission, that there was a like a political climate, that of gentrification and i looked for a way as