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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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proprietor for instance, mann than the ellis act do we know terms of how this is breaking out. >> madam chair rosales actually, the whole team wants to share with the update on the affirmative marking on the shipyard and. >> good afternoon, commissioners just for the record there's 45 applications of which we have one certificate of preference one ellis act preference holder and one red burden which are the preferences of this project as well as 2 from 92414 and two other zip codes. >> okay. so 45 interested parties? commissioner i'm sorry the
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project impact area found in the d d a >> so i want to make sure i didn't misunderstand 4 five hundred mr. president, but did i hear you say 3. >> one certificate of preference holders at the lottery preference one ellis act housing preferable holder we have one rent burden that is a demographics. >> is that usual. >> it's typically and better. >> i guess i didn't focus on the sale. >> the units are not built yet so we anticipate them in the next phases those folks that need a little bit of vision to get existed about those opportunities will present
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themselves. >> before i turn back to commissioner boosters i'm sure i, read it again can someone remind me of the prices point is for - >> yeah. we're at 80 percent of medium income and the targeting levies. >> that's for eligibility what's the market do we have a. >> purchase prices. >> both it ranks from one hundred 60 up to 2 thirty and sheila. >> i can speak to the market rate about $400,000 for the one bedroom and mid 5 hundred thousand for the 2 bedrooms and 60 thousands for the 3 beds and their 6 seven hundred for the townhomes.
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>> i have not been in the market recently that sounds reasonable. >> we've done quite a bit of work on the outreach so we normally are meant to do one marital for the preference holders so we do one through mo hs and 60 days before the units go to market we have one one hundred 80 days before that and so we'll be starting that in 54 at the beginning of november because those homes will be ready between february and july of this year so we'll be looking at april and also before march and august ran a space in the reporter that talked about the certificate of preference holder and what marital we've done we do them quarterly that have
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specifics about the preference he holders so some people don't know their grandchildren or people if tent they might be to ask sfgov so we're happy to push forward and getting feedback we want to see how we can grow and reap for people next round. >> there's been a increased since the this marketing period began it increased there we're seeing aloof a lot of people the preference homeowners and folks from the neighborhood contacting united states that are not ready now to purchase but they see the action happening they're getting ready so like i said i anticipate in the future phases we'll have more folks that will
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put their hat in the ring. >> commissioner bolstering. >> just to clarify one certificate of preference and one red burden the other 42 who are they then. >> they all currently live in san francisco with exception of two of them. >> uh-huh by i mean - the certificate of preference folks in the western is huge for me, i'm sure it's huge for everybody else maybe we can talk later how to sort of reach out to some of the families to get them back because it would be awesome. >> it will be more than 3 folks excuse me. commissioners more from the 3 targeted zip codes so
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we are 0 holding the lottery tomorrow and have more data we've done a preliminary screening we've gown through and done the data but after tomorrow will report back and there's paths or groups of folks to reach the more people we can get with the invests of preference the better chances it is a lottery that we can get the folks back home. >> i can speak to that we've had 5 individuals to our open houses and so we're hoping to have they actually have folks that want to follow-up so hopefully, they'll be able to apply but i can run through some of each we've done and on every single outreach we do do we have
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certificate perches holders we accident the first in april of 2014 and reran in the posters between march and august as the marketing caption we have in mind the publications in the bay area written and those do have a specific action for preference holders those ads went out 83 we did a workshop one n in july and one in september and those were focused on the pricing two open how does one on a thursday for individuals after with work and saturday for individuals that couldn't make it 25 people respectfully and an mo h and
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materials by e-mails to 8 community-based organizations within the bayview and materials to 15 community organizations that's outside of the requirements but we saw some of the key organizations that helped to reach folks in the area. >> there might be some data mayor newsom gave money to hire apple investigator to try to locate some of the folks. >> yeah. that did happen and that list came up with 0 is significant number potential co p holders we just got that that about 4 months ago we've started to reach out to the folks but the co p mailings we're speaking
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went directly to the people that have the certificate cop holders so we're transmittal trying to locate possible other folks as well. >> this is has phone numbers i'll help call this is a great opportunity to come back home. >> that's a question are the mailings this is an opportunity come and call verses one hundred and 60 thousand financing that are available when you do the market it's within reach kind of. >> the first mailings is one hundred and 80 days before the amount of homes we have closed to our mo h has the specific pricing and refers people to get their preapprovals through the lenders and information about the workshops coming coming up
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and when we distribute the materials through the african-american community it has information about the workshops about the lenders and homes and prices so we've tried to to be comprehensive with the information. >> as we get more information more people that are not homeowners they don't think they can be a homeowner but at those prices i'm sure to help you. >> what else works is postcards someone's parents passed away and it says city and counties they maybe toss it but we'll do postcards so you get it and read it and contact someone and lock online but that might be easier
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as well they just pick it up and however you design it an opportunity to come back home that might work too. >> thank you we wanted san franciscans back home. >> absolutely i do have a question so you're doing the lottery open thursday which is the first lottery; right? so how many more are you going to do. >> this one is for the first 9 homelands in lot 51 and the next is scheduled for april once we have a clear idea of timeline for 56 and 67 we'll wanted to have enough time one scheduled for april other one 56 and 57 before the end of next year. >> so those on thursday urge you to pick how many and those
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who didn't qualify b will be pit back again. >> we'll draw all 41 numbers in the lottery starting with number one and go down seek the further qualifications will until we fill all so those folks that don't get in they tend to go in april put their reapply no april for an opportunity. >> there was a discussion previously those who don't qualify can came back and qualify. >> absolutely. >> but they have to go through the process i thought that was discussion about styling this they don't have to keep on replying it takes longer but we
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- >> we have our it's called dalai it stand for database of applications no database of affordable listing dalai. >> it is, etc. (laughter). >> affordable housing information applications. >> and so what applicants will be able to do a candidate an account in the system and then do a search for things they want to apply for opportunity and apply for them through theory accounts every time there's a new opportunity they'll are so update their information by not start over like with the name and address only update if their income has changed or the tax years have changed.
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>> it's an improvement of the previous process than to reapply for all the documents i'm glad that's at least being done saw it is slow. >> yeah. we're hoping that i the end of the year it will be under place to the lottery - >> there's funding. >> yes. >> specifically allocated for this so the money that being put into good use. >> yes. thank you. >> i just wanted to know if we have a list of the executive orders how many are there. >> certainly commissioner president mccarthy is requested a list of the certificate holders as commissioner boostering indicated an effort through the previous commission to really find eligible
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certificate holders eligible folks who are eligible through our project there's implementing for us maria maybe you can add more motioning information and we currently have almost seven hundred active certificate holders so that's folks that have come to us and applied for the certificate and use it to apply or waiting for an opportunity to want to apply for and in the list there were very many names i'm sorry i don't want to tell you the wrongs number there have a couple of thousand names for additional people to contact and see if they're actually certificate of preference families so, i mean we get instead applications for new certificates every most people find out they didn't know
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they qualified and are finding out they do. >> it's a great thing we have that list the sad part those are people we kicked out of the city; right? >> yeah. >> whatever we can do to bring them back would be i think greatly appreciated by all of us. >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> yes. i would agree so any other questions commissioners? okay. so we have item six d it's been moved forward by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner bolstering please call the roll >> commissioner mondejar commissioner singh commissioner bolstering and madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 4 ids. >> okay. the this item passes. >> item 5 e.
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>> i move that. >> yes. commissioner singh it's the same motion moved by commissioner singh and seconded by sxhoefrt. >> commissioner mondejar commissioner singh sxhoovrt madam chair rosales madam chair the vote is 4 i's very good item passes next item, please. >> the next order of business is 5 f approving the company as underwriter to company inc. as co-managers for the 2340shgd taxable allocation revenue bonds and berry company, llc as underwriter and company inc. and field, llc as co-managers for the 2340sh9d sales of the ferry 13 allocation bonds resolution
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number 89, 2014. >> okay. before we hear anything on this item i need to recuse myself that's been a source of revenue to my law firm unless there's objection i'm going to turn it over to the chair to commissioner mondejar and i'm going to have to leave the room on advice of council thank you. >> item i'm sorry this is for item 5 f next order of business approving the selection of i'm sorry this is supposed to be read by the concert madam secretary call the
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next item madam director for item 5 f. >> commissioners as we discussed as a part of your budget we have an opportunity to take advantage of favorable trick or treaters and refund a portion of our illness portfolio not to exceed an amount you've taken a number of steps and approved the refunding amount and approved the avon purchase agreement entered into with the underwriters and the second to last final action is the underwriters for each the bond series with that, i'd like to ask john the financial analyst to present this item. >> good afternoon director bohe and members of the board i'm a financial analyst item 5 f
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approves the managing of the under writers for the tax allocation refunding bond it itself expected the bonds will be issued in two series 2014 b and tax exempt 2014 c each series will have a senior manager and two co-managers only september 12th the ocii adapted the resolution which is attachment c to the staff memo this authorized 0 the subject to oversight blooded and the issuance of the bond and set limits on key perimeters for each series max size, maximum underwriters discount resolution approves the form of the purchase contracts which are attachment ab and provided for
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approval of the under writers at the at a later time it approves the underwriter team and the oversight board resolution 92014 adapted on september 22nd confirmed the authorizations of the commission 832014 the department of finance review is underway at this time if you worse on the selection process for the underwriters an rfp was issued on june 27th to the panel inviting proposals for the co-manager for the 2014 refunding bonds and 14 firms respond to the rfp by a deadline of july 11th is a selection panel was convened comprised of companies and nadia of the controller's office and public finance and myself
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panel evaluated the proposals wherewith the focus on the successful inheritance and the knowledge of ociis credit and the depth and quality the panel gave strong consideration to ociis goals with respect to 1950 c and the financing panel makes the final represents to the b bonds the managing under brirg and the steve nicole's company at this point, i'd like to introduce the representatives of those firms from pipeer the managing director and from steve we have the senior vice president and from stevenson london i didn't
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odom for the series 2014 c bonds baxter and berry was chosen as managing underwriter and dean as co-managers here today representing those firms are vincent and baksz take care ma collateral and our senior vp and the senior advisor our next steps in the issuance have november 18th will be the final commission acts and the commission will consider approval of the preliminary official statement and that will the final action prior to the
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bond and also there will be a meeting of finance authority that will approve the redeems agreements the bonds currently outstanding were issued by that authority so it will be an agreement with the financing authority and the commission or the ocii and the trust that takes care of the actual nuts and bolts and we can't guarantee if that comes through we'll prices the bonds in early perhaps the first week and prior to december authenticating is our goal of the transaction that concludes my presentation. thank you.
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>> thank you madam secretary are there any speaker cards. >> no speaker cards. >> is there anyone that wants to speak on this matter okay. so now i'll public comment is closed are there any comments from fellow commissioners. >> i want to move this item for vesting the process. >> it's been moved. >> i want to get x persons what kind of competently pens they have before this you know, i never saw them before we've worked and duplicate a substantial amount of with work with sea full and baxter they've done the deals and they know our
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credits and steve inform is in both of the deals and pipeer did a lot of deals over the past five or six years it's bigger the bond they know us very well it was one of the criteria we've not worked before with the other two co-merchandise stevenson and the other but we in bringing them on really accommodating the ocii policy to reach out a little bit and include the lbe firms. >> i know about - i also know want to know what is the -
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>> i'm not sure things have been wild but there are in the range of the taxable bonds of 5 percent at the longer end and for the tax exempt bonds in the range of 4 percent. >> so this is a taxable bond. >> it's in the range of 5 two bonds one taxable and one tax exempt. >> how many are taxable and how many tax exempt. >> it depends on a little bit we're not insure how many are going to be if you wanted we have up to $3 million but we won't be funding each 3 hundred millions as the rates up and down roughly i think the split was roughly if we did all of them it was about 2 hundred on
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the tax exempt and one hundred and think taxable we the all 3 hundred. >> i never saw that did we the taxable bond was a floatable bond tax-exempt. >> because of the types of projects we fund with our housing money and the limitations on the tax exempt bonds we've done probably well, probably 2/3rd's of our issuance in the last five or six years that's been taxable it's housing because we're subject to those uncle restrictions that the irs impose. >> i second that. >> so there's been a motion from commissioner bolstering and
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second by commissioner singh so administering please do the roll. >> commissioners commissioner singh sxhoovrt ma'am, interim chair commissioner mondejar. >> please call chair madam chair rosales back to the room >> thank you thank you very mu much. >> i'm glad i have all the background to - >> thank you
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okay. next item i believe. yes next item >> okay thank you, madam chair the next order of business public comment. >> do we have speaker cards. >> yes. i have one speaker card oscar james. >> mr. james. >> thank you very much commissioners i'm oscar james again with the boichtd i want to bring up one it is important i'm a certificate holder okay. and he received a letter of new affordable housing opportunities at 2175 market street and you know they ask for a count reference but on this particular operation they say a crin