tv [untitled] October 31, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening board of education members and superintendent carranza i'm susan kohlman the collective vice president of educated of san francisco i'm trying to look like rosy because i want to make the point that we do the work all of those amazing educators you've heard at most of the board meetings since we went into negotiations are evidence we need to hold onto the folks that are doing the work everyday in the way we make that more possible is to give the raise that people deserve so that we can stay in the city and continue to do the work we love with the students we care about i also want to note in the so we're talking about getting a contract settled and a fair
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contract you've heard from other speakers some of the things that were brought up in the special education advisory committee reporter duplicate proposals we've made and table we've made little motive at the spell education in the bargaining he respectfully ask i read the proposal around special education so we can continue to strive to do the best for our students who need us the most thank you (clapping.) thank you. >> so i have additional speakers for tonight. as i call our name, please come to the podium you have 2 minutes
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each (calling names) thanks two minutes each you may start press the button identify yourselves >> thank you very much supermarket i'm kate i'm a first and fourth grade at star king and person on the pta i'm going to talk about the proposed the webster to the canvas i want to thank brent stevens and i know this is not is an easy task star king is current undergoing
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our renovation that reduce our plagiarized space been one half san francisco school district has asked to keep them on campus for the renovation not only will the center help with the greening years in planning but important importantly we feel the negative impacts we've been experience since the popularity like the although, more relay will be exacerbated we're on the come back but fragile we have pre k and special day all of which have complex needs and the continued disruption will hurt us our contingent is deeply intertwined with the school we appreciate the difficult position they're in as we are undergoing our transformation by the way, we want to talk about
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where the plan is injuries us to our bodies we ask you to not relocate the students anothers daniel webster for the city hall year thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm a parent at star king elementary school i have two children or children a second graders and i also have a student in the program right now the issues at star king are according to our principle 3 times as more as they were last year right now our school our playground is smaller than a normal elementary school playground this which is forced our children to act out we hear
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numerous behavioral issues coming if the classroom okay i get a report everyday and everyday at something it is i'd like to come home and hear there was no fights on the playground everyone is getting along i know this the the world we all come from ethnics and backgrounds but it would be great to have a good time to play you want to say something yes or >> thank you (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name ises stare i'm reading for the education my
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name is as katie i'm the project during games after school and during the day this is my first year with the binge losses we have a quarter of a third of the space than last year, it has an effect on the kids the kids who like to play supports outdoors to love to play soccer if the child has one game now there's no option if the student doesn't like the game she wouldn't have anything at all for recess kids used to run and placing play tag now designated to small squares as you might imagine with the reduced space it has for physical accidents at the school
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it's dangerous for kids we've had many more fights and a small playgrounds we'll have kids with aggression issues don't have the physical space if we add 50 to one hundred and 20 kids to the schools it is worse this has affected the kids with protons we need to have the space for the kids our playground is tiny it is a tiny little square that is overrun sorry (clapping.) thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> for the educators i'm jenny wong a parent at star king and in the manner program i used to
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teach for the district as a special educators i know what the staff and teachers enyou demur it's hard to expect king to take on, on alleged thirty percent xhoupdz the stress they squeeze into a tiny room it will have more conflicts parents most importantly teachers who worked hard to get into it will be pushed over the edge and star king is relatively young program that has a high you turn-over rate we've already lost one excellent teacher there are and historically speaking finding the teachers for the education and experience it is a difficult task when we lose on experienced teacher we reflex finding not a
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qualified one but rather than a green one we hope that principle chang will reduce the turnover but this address burden on our school hurts our efforts what happens when the substitute teach is not available recently the second grade education teacher feel sick no substitute two teachers had to accommodate the general education students who couldn't aspect man an that doctrine at all those types of problems will be much more common with the thirty percent increase with the students poor educators if you saw the distressed look on my sons face we're already a full boat filed
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with holes don't make the teachers feel like they're on the titanic ready to hit the hole thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please and so sorry thank you good evening. i'm christina star king parent a first grader at the school i want to focus on the timing of that proposal star king as experienced a lot of transition in the last couple of years specifically a new principle last year and as you you'll are aware that takes time for a leader to start working at a school to be effective this year we are experiencing our moneytion projects as students in bungalows the proposal to introduce an entirely new year of transitioned to our school is just the wrongs time for our
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school because we have had sometime transitioned it is a lot for many institutions; right but the elementary school school half of the years are spent in the transitioned it's takeing i think it is pa hard over wants star kings i want to focus on one you you know we have a difference population of kids including kids that have experienced a lot of dislocation and transitioned in their own lives the schools should be a place of stability and introducing a new elements such a bungalows and one hundred center kids incorporated into the community is a lot to ask for and the other pointed in my language attrition is an issue when a kid lives e leaves in third and figured out grade they
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can't be replaced so if the students move to private school or outside the district i think that anything that increases student turnover is something the district should look at carefully when it is thinking about a language immersion program this is not the right school or times for the >> thank you. next speaker, please (clapping.) hello board of education i'm jamie a parent at star king for seven years it's a community very dear to me but a community that needs a lot of support i've worked for the district in special education for 13 years the star king is an important part of the day the students have opportunities to make conductions connections with their peers during play special day class teachers contributed input to our
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playgrounds hopefully a they'll be implemented and this program will be more inclusive and develop foreseeny activities to support all kinds of learners and statement from our fourth and fifth graders this is his words the students in the special day class are kids with amp they often have difficulties with loud noises and crowded environments they avoid the unpredictable situations and environments due to reconstruction the students with amp stay on the outer perimeters of yards it is taking uppermost of the spaces our students with autism are having difficulties navigating the yards as all i have our students and often told to move or hit with balls the games top
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every sways because of this those students are staying away from the yard areas this is not what we want for our kids this is not good for the students with the possibility of more standards will make recess difficult with the students with activism at star king i highly recommend not adding to the population as charles you very much (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi dear board members i'm wondering if i can have transmission in my native tongue. >> please say our name.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> okay my name is - i have a kid in the third grade in the star king in the elementary school and i know that school has a lot of programs. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> sorry. >> and i know the students of the school come from a lot of family backgrounds. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i know because of this different backgrounds and i know it's hard for us to especially the parents to have a common ground on all different issues
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but - >> daniel webster moved to star king is an exception. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i have two topics to talk about tonight the use of cafeteria in the school. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so, now we have 3 different schedules to use this cafeteria to first one starting at 11 in the morning. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> that means that kids have to start their lunch at 11 and at the same time because of the ongoing construction in the school sites it is a little bit
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alcoholic a hard in the cafeteria. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so imagine if we have another one hundred more students from daniel webster it will give a more load and burden to this school and that means some of the kids have to start their lunch to my left another maybe 10 something. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> the other top u topic i want to talk about the limited space in the playground. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i believe parents who is
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present in the meeting do not want to send their kids with the school with a limited play area for the kids for the past two years we don't have any good spatial space for the kids to play in their during their break or after school. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so to my own memory the most precious momentums for their kldz is that i spend my time playing or charging after my peers in the playground.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i think with more kids transfer for another schools that means our kids don't have enough space for my after school programs or during the break. >> thank you very much (clapping.) i need to come to conclusion before you make a decision i'm sorry you have to think about the school and the parents behind them thank you very much (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening my name is is frank i have a first graders at the program and thank you for giving us the time to speak i'm sure you've heard about the space issues with cause the children in taking the approach
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i'm sure you're aware of that people have different opinions the desi the district has issues in our situations this is problematic and the safety issue ems if there's an emergency evasion drills students need to be 50 yards away from the building before the bungalows for the cooperation have teachers to supervisor them with that gone you have to go into the city streets i don't know how familiar with you are but let me paint i a picture on one side of the street is the kick open fields an open field with a huge hill no fences and very easy for a kid do walk other than the
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side and on the other side is a small street where cars come from both evens they need to stop you have head on traffic with kids stations doctor and the last part is the main obviously the big morning drop off we tried to approach the planning city in putting in speed bumps you'll see 50 miles per hour it is really fast so god for bib an emergency there are or there the students will be sitting in not an ideal oxygen so thksz it is wisely to talk about this for the schools. >> thank you very much (clapping.)
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good evening. i'm a parent at star king and have two kids a daughter in second and third grade you've heard about the playground and the jarred and space i wanted to talk about what we have project and designed for this play yard there's going be a green yard this project is very rare and unique it was designed and entireed by our children it out lie of the school a school where the spaces create a connection to the natural word in the garden a playground that provides opportunities for every child to explore activities a safe place for the contingency to come together for dedication of our children but if the popularity were to
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stay we'll be unable to stay on the playground especially for the pre k program the special day tasks was noted made into our space as planned and principles ensue u but an insurance that only one year of disruption of construction so the second fees will begin next summer by 2016 and by then we're sported to have no more bungalows and part of the playground should be subtracted we've applied for a sf puc without further ado, grant of $100,000 and won we were receive those the money will go to buy and snail a water and build one
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of the green areas obviously if we don't do this we won't be able to thank you very much. >> hi pier thank you for the opportunity to miss the giants game tonight (laughter) i wanted to sadly enough i want to frail start off by thooing brent stevens for that all the work in this difficult situation i know you guys have a lot to make decisions around a lot of rather difficult choices but we want you to make the right choice with with respect to this isaac issue not addressing bears the burden to this community we feel last week we're getting a world-class education our oldest
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is hayden working through the executive few minutes ago things and erecting had an this the fourth grade wants to talk about what is happening with his class to erecting than can you say. >> hello my name is erecting than i'm in mandarin and everyday in my class me and my friends also see my teacher being really stressed because we're a bunch of people are having problems and the last few weeks people are being physical with those problems and a lot of people are being sent out of class i feel walk lessor not getting to learn that much because our teachers also having to get on the phone to get someone open the phone to take somebody down and the last
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couple of days i've seen two people go around and through chairs and someday i think someone will get hurt. >> oh, okay. all right. so he's saying this because we understand they need the space to run and get their energy out that's an important component thank you for your time (clapping.) no more speakers? general comment is closed now we will resume oh, yes superintendant >> bottom top of the eight 10, zero. >> okay thanks for if superintendent (laughter) now we are at item 8 this is all right been moved and seconded on
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august 13th my may i have this authorization to grant an alternative to deny the san francisco charter may i have a report from the budget and curriculum please. if you don't mind thank you for . >> for the new school we had deep conversations in the curriculum meeting there were plenty of questions we needed answered i appreciate the petitioners have sent sunset documents all of the commissioners through the packet in their mailboxs from the several questions that
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came 11 pages of responses to the questions that we brought up in curriculum i wanted to appreciate emily and ryan for getting those to us as quickly as possible and being thorough and i apologize. i can't i have to remember what the recommendations was from the curriculum meeting so maybe the budget committee can respond. >> sure while you're checking our file the budget committee heard this petition on october 1st staff review found insufficiencies including an overrefines on what they call soft revenues for the operating costs loans for that insufficient allowances for contributions to the teacher retirement system and also flag extremely low cash
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balances year one and two in their budget the petitioner supplied changes to the petition lower the salaries for teachers across the boards and benefits to address those concerns committee forwarded the petition back to the full board with no recommendation. >> thank you with without representation. >> and to the committee the board voted to deny the petition to the full board. >> thank you commissioner maufas. >> may i have a reading of the resolution by michael davis. >> thank you president fewer resolution is foorgs authorization to grant or alternative to deny the charter of san francisco charter. >> so is there that was a
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completed resolution? yeah. >> that's the title do you want the whole resolution. >> do we normally have a reading of the whole resolution; is that correct no okay. that's fine i think we've all read it quite frankly many times so we have public speakers signed up a few of them so everyone is granted two minutes (calling names) you know who you are
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