tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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francisco (clapping) and the resolution they passed in full support and endorsement of inclusive schools week, san francisco youth commission and principle jason and his staff of the middle school and principle senate file if i lee and parents at sunset elementary the san francisco superintendent and the san francisco board of east side and jennelle of our autism and caitlin and we appreciate the pack hass as well, for their endorsements and the resolution that supervisor eric mar will present on december the first in support of the inclusive schools week and an addendum to our
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report we would encourage you to take a look at the teacher shortage currently there are 65 vacancy par positions 36 are special ed positions including the bilingual and special ed and parents that are specialists with the medical needs of our severely impacted students of at least three of those par positions are vacant along with 16 special ed classrooms 5 by colleges and one nurse while we can find teachers on craig's list we hope you can too we hope to see you in april
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(clapping.) commissioner norton. >> did you promote me so a couple of questions thank you for the report and also a pleasure to you all i'm curious about the first of all, i want to appreciate first of all, that you included some best practices in our report there are inxirwa to the district. >> what our looking for i haven't seen that in a cac report to thank you for that and then i was curious about the technology resource center particularly is that the marin that does that. >> it is the marin. >> so they just have that in a central locations for the families. >> yes. in it is open to
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families during certain times and skaters at certain times and proimentsz as well. >> that's a great model it seems like the other technology issues that you highlighted are particularly, of course, impact our children but all the children in the classrooms in the district we know we still have a ways to go in terms of making sure the classrooms are wider and implemented for the technology we want but this could be a great way of particularly because the i e p is driven by technology to have some place for families and teachers to go and get training and try out different tools so i think this is really great and i'm excited to say i checked high e-mail i'll be at june
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going forward for the inclusive school week i guess it's an assembly. >> great, great so thank you. >> commissioners questions or comments? yes commissioner >> i want to thank the cac for the tremendous week i appreciate your recommendations it is clearly written and the presentation was easy to understand i actually have questions of the superintendent and deputy superintendent in response to our presentation item issue are pretty significant i want to see if we could get a response from the superintendent that is a major obstacle in delivering the educational responses so we could make that a priority for our new staff we're looking to
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hire in it but get a response and couple of points i could make. >> thank you vice chair we've assembled those as the currency technology roll out in place i think you've heard from the cac members or the cac member from the experience of the i e p so we're able to capture in realtime the conversations that are happening around reduction and the movement towards a smarter balance that moves san francisco inidentified in a much anymore urgent way around investing in and implementing technology in fact, part of our design a
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universal design scheme in mind as we're rolling out technology as well so in every level at every place in the instructor program we're trying to maximum the instruction for the disabilities by all the general education classrooms the last thing i'll say as we look at infusing technology within the school district in vision ever 2025 it provides go instructional services so i appreciate the cac highlighting individualized learning plans are not for all students with disabilities but all students in all classrooms how we differentiate that for the
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students that needs an additional combines or a different learning style we're excited there are opportunities by utilizing current temples being able to provide the support for students in the classrooms i also appreciated the recommendation of the cacs recommendation you'll see that come forward in the district plan and the implementation around the common core and the instrumental practices. >> in terms of the structural backgrounds i think our parent engagement office can help ruth in particular is good at translating abstract things for parents to grasp so capture the
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engagement office to make the documents more assessable to our families and just too last things i think there was a call for real common planning time and 86 introduced a resolution on planning time i'm hoping this is the year we make real progress and the prices in staffing was a huge issue at our personnel meeting just across the district to i'm hoping that there will be time to discuss our response and our emergency plan to deal with the crisis superintendent do you have remarks. >> thank you, dr. murase on all counts there are city hall's in our district already that are utilizing the formatting time for collaboration and planning
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in real ways to part of what we're attempting to do it is have school leadership teams with their principles develop their own plan to utilize the time and capitalize object the time that is part of the day and that's one aspect it would be amiss normal for the public to say you have to designate collaboration time and if i don't have it there's no collaboration any teacher i as a teacher had high collaboration with my grade level team we want to make that explicit around the staffing let's be very, very clear we're in a different hiring envied nationwide but mr. taylor in california we're facing teacher prices with the
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rebounding economy san francisco along with school districts up and down the country are comprehending a shortage have teachers especially in northern california where it is rebounded we are actively engaged with our institutions of higher education there are less teachers and we're working very, very strongly with finding and recruiting teachers especially b clad teachers that are hard to find as well and with all due respected we're not looking for teachers on craig's list but have criminals i'm sorry. >> excuse me. superintendent no, we just heard a presentation we utilize craig's list.
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>> but that's not our strategy i want to be clear that's not our strategy we're casting a wide net but make sure we have credential teachers that have the instrumental expertise so it is absolutely on your priority list as well i appreciate the highlighting of that this is a incredibly important working collaboratively with our aspect take as well. >> thank you any other comments thank you superintendent i was going to give a plug we heard that ed join for the listening audience our vacancies are being published on ed join and craig's list that is a plug so
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superintendent i interrupt our comment especially those paraprofessional positions that are tilt so needed on an everyday basis i want to give an advertisement since we're on air of folks that are interested in applying for those jobs yes now so thank you very much for the presentation and so i wanted to know on the update on the handbook around common language so where are we on updating our handbook does anyone have an i didn't want. >> so commissioner we'll come back that's a instant issue, in fact, we didn't have a handbook up until two years ago it is a instant process we'll get an update. >> i know the acronisms are
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hard and to have the inclusive practices and the positions for all i think that probably with the practice to be included want to add that in and also i want to give a shout out to the office of the chief they've been in the forefront to the information to the parents i don't know if that should come from them they've actually been the ones to be pro-active so thank them for going that and hopefully some of our parents have attended and do a private session hopefully and thank you, dr. murase i did write a statement for the district to set aside time i wrote the resolution actually, i doesn't write that the teachers wrote it for me, i know there's great need and desire to designate
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planning time for all teachers and also i have a question about the reading certificate now so what are the reading certificates it is it something you go through training and get one so would you mind just a couple of minutes. >> we were looking literacy positions in the district and asking what kind of qualifications they had we looked at what's available at universities for someone to get a certificate through the teaching krenlsz there's something called a reading certificate last week taking 6 classes based on interferences for those who are struggling rather than the regular teaching credentials this is more targeted at students that are struggling rather than more of the same some kind of of teaching quantity rather than
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qualify it is something the teacher gets on top of their credentials if they have a high school credential for teaching english they could get a reading specialist certificate to show they're highly qualified to teacher the interference so any attentive can get it and would be better qualified to support students struggling in reading. >> do we current know how many teachers are is those credentials certificates is there a number. >> we can get that you information president fewer. >> those is something the teaching program is are awarded it has to be a credential program so i wonder how we're getting the word out to our teachers and the opportunity for them to participated in the
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program can staff answer that superintendent. >> so there maybe higher east side that offer the information but dr. valentine and i have seen a lot of teachers we help to gain those special shins and popular programs in use this would be helpful to be part of our memo so we want to do careful planning and have capacity to do the school system. >> i'll add president fewer the psychiatrist san francisco has been recognized for the approach of the common core and implementing the commoner core has not only been implementing our curriculum in the approach but our approach to balanced literacy builds been reading and
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writing skills that are being referenced in a special certificate it is not only a specialized certificate it is our balanced approach to literacy is second to no one we'll have daisy and others present this to you so you see the rig rose and super quality work for the teachers and administrators are doing with the teachers across the district as well. >> thank you and then under our recommendation for access so where are we on one hundred percent of classroom in wifi activity, however, you say that is basic quite sfraeng is anyone here to answer that question from staff. >> good evening board of
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education superintendent i'm the technology officer and the unified school district so where in the process inform wifi we don't have - we've covered every classroom in the middle grades thanks to the foundation and -- excuse-me. out of our common core state funds we're implementing wifi for the classrooms in all classrooms by march and it is a little bit different we can assess the signals but it is designed to run to 45 computers every classroom we don't have them identified to the this point in time. >> are there classrooms we've done? no high school meets what we
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feel we need for 21st century learning, however, 30 high schools have good wireless mission lincoln and our two are the categorizing right now >> thank you very much superintendent i think you're going to give us an update. >> thank you president fewer and mr. cybercy as well i think the questions our asked are absolutely important questions we've done the analysis of what it does to make every clamor completely wireless less with enough abandon width for the 21st century technology within the digital plan we're bringing forward to the district the ball park figure is $190 million it is not a small ticket item but it is also highlights for us how important it is that we have
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been able to forge strong partnerships and with our elected officials across van ness doing this in a cooperated way but that will be coming to the board as well. >> thank you superintendent. >> thank you so much for the presentation i hope that was informative to all of us but thank you very much commissioners any comments. >> scomplinz i appreciate the questions and session we've had it's clear many of the things we will do and not to do it's not we don't want to provide those things and this recent discussion of the wifi conservative so it's clear we're not going to go from where we are now both one step it seem
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like in response to those report sometime during the year the cac should be involved have a report that tells us what kind of progress we can make so for instance, i don't think we're prepared and i don't know how exactly we'll do it would be an interesting conversation to have a reading specialist we can't do that it's expensive but i want to have a discussion and recommendation from the staff and ask them what they think to address the deficits we might have in reading instruction for kids that are disabled and everybody else so those kinds of things those are broad recommendations those are good to have those discussions and think about those things but i think the most helpful thing 2 to 3 the board especially, as
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part of our ongoing efforts to redesign and improve the services for disabled i kids is to have some response to this which actually give us some about the specific plans and how we might get somewhere down the road to fulfilling those recommendations thank you. >> superintendent. >> so thank you president fewer i want to take it opportunity for the education for our hard diligent work i remember 6 years as a deputy superintendant going to my first take meeting and being expressed with the challenges we had in front of us (laughter) and quickly we had our special education audit that illustrated many areas we should be focused on i appreciate you've taken the
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audit to heart and if you've noticed we've been following a plan for addressing those issues but hearsay also been very, very important a vacuum has been the substantive conversation about a thoughtful analysis where we are from a new prospective from a parent stakeholder prospective we've gone from a place of special education i send those kids to that room to get inclusion how offense is that to now every classroom is an inclusive classroom so we struggle with and how do we make that a reality it is the right struggle how to support our teachers and educators in the classrooms and how to support our students and how do we make sure we have enough you funding
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to support what's happening in the classroom i'm happy for the special ed cap we've moved from a place to a service and now how we really, really ramp up our services that important the one thing i'm going to ask the board of education feels strongly i'm going to ask we stop talking about engagement we'll engage the parents so let's talk about parent reinforcement instead of engagement whether a parent which a student with disabled but a parent that has knowledge and owns the process is an empowered parent that's what we want and this evening we've had a presentation by folks helping to improve our system so thank you for all your work we
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appreciate what you do. >> thank you superintendant and on behalf of the 13 thousand students you advocate we thank you very much (clapping.) we can - okay item f public comment on contents items none? oh, we need to vote on the resolution i think we did we voted on it we didn't vote on the resolution for inclusive school week yes, we did public comment on consent items item d consent a motion and second >> second. >> any items removed for first reading by the board any items see severed by the boards seeing
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none, roll call vote. >> wait, wait, wait. >> commissioner wynns. >> i'd like to sever e-3 e 5 yes and wait commissioner wynns. >> 142 e. >> it is 2 e resolution okay. >> thank you very much anyone else thank you roll call vote would take place under section o so at this point, i want to since we'll start the general public comment and the next item is lengthy we have several speakers i'm taking item j request the general matters i have a list seeing no objection from my colleagues as
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and call out your name come to the podium everyone has 23 minutes (calling names) has two minutes (calling names) oh, she's already here (calling names). >> thank you mr. kelly you have two tennis. >> thank you very much board president ms. fewer. >> thank you. >> we have great faith in the giants and expected this them to sleep in the four games and asking people to come in could say is tombs i'm coming with charles dickens we fingered proposition thirty now working without a contract it is the
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worst of times this leetsdz to the entire tale of two cities that's been going on in the city we had great expectations but like tiff under the toll linkage of the lady we thought we were looking at a bleak house now we don't want our children turned into the students like oliver deficit but provide for our children and get this over before some of us ended up singing christmas carols and hope we'll have the support of the district in reaching a settlement we're very pleased that in breaking away from mitigation and sitting down together with the district we've made some motion towards the kinds of things we need to do for settlement when you hear the
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superintendent revoke the rebound we need to see that in the proposals from the district if you licensed to the people outside chanting you heard them talking about 3 percent won't pay my rent that's the kind of thing we're facing people in san francisco who work and live here the people that cannot come here because they can't afford to live and work here the paraprofessionals you want to track but the wages will not allow them to have a decent standard of living in san francisco those are the people we're representing and asking for raise foreclosure and those are the people we hope you'll have in mind as you go into the private closed session at the end of the meeting and talk about that. >> thank you mr. kelly
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >>. >> thank you. next speaker, please hi, i'm dorsey shard a have two children endorsed in the prek at lafayette elementary and the second in the fourth and fifth grader at harvey milk academy in the castro i'm here to talk about the crisis at harvey milk and scotland you add the resources for the staff and teachers any sons class has been without a teacher same class was left without a teacher last year as well there are teachers that go two years in the row i want to commend the strunt kersey at the back of the rool and trying to help the students as they attend the school without
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