tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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drive towards vision 2025. >> thank you. good evening laemg i'm joe salinas born and raised with the san franciscans known slogan i come from a family that also went to those schools over achieveers except for me my father an engineer and my brother an engineer and sister a cpa i'm an engineer i have a third grade daughter that because of logistics i put her going into a catholic school as i was grouping they had luck's lab and stuff like this you can lien hands on things i have a few notes i'll stick with the few notes the things important
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to me about the new school we did the summer pop up was it's more of a project based learning you know where you get out there hands on you know like in the really world you're going to have to learn math and it stuff and apply it my daughter build it i forgot what you call it she brought it home and that's more than she did in 3 years at her school and that's how i learned in today's environment the makers and the coding you know 0 this is what where our future is going they showed me this at the new school for that reason i'm in support of this school unfortunately my daughters at an age she won't be able to start abused they start out at keep in
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mind and first grade. but hats off to those who are fortunate enough to be at the school i hope you guys find the wisdom and time for the vision. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners i'm hillary the manager for the charter consultations ems it's as statewide advocacy organization that supports the high quality charter movement i'm here in support of the chart position first and foremost because of this teams unparalleled commitment to work in very close partnership with sfusd to establish a inquire based laboratory one very important components of the work to guide them through the petition process we worked with
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this team at all stamps from planning to petition writing and provided a review prior to simulation i'm sure you're aware of every charter school is newsom unique but this team approached the process with a collaborative lens throughout the process the team has engaged parents and families district principles as well as the stakeholder to insure the school contributions to the vanishment of the schools public vanishment to guides you the california education code is clear a local education agency shall not deny it unless it has written finding to the petition cc s a one committed that the new school is successful if san francisco we're very excited about they're clearly articulated plan to have
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professional opportunities and contribute to the practice in critical areas like school leadership and donation and the science and project based learning in light of that petition mission to provide a high quality and desire to meet the needs of needs i ask you to vote for the petition thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> . >> (speaking foreign language.) >> >> education is important in our home and we take the past to remember ourselves of that everyday. >> may i have the name of the speaker. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good evening my name is is a mare or marie the mother of a
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child in kindergarten in the public schools in the city and daughter that is in a preschool. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> we feel fortunate that my son was fortunate in all opportunities to participate in the pop up program a program which my son learned a lot even though it was only a two week program. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and i can tell you he had a positive impact in my son who before in the other programs had a lot of trouble adapting and
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socializing. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> but from the start year he of the welcome and confident from the beginning when we went to see and the teachers and to know more about the program speeding i have a to tell you the passion of my son right now is the marine life bay by the way, called the root and wings was the program. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> first class those themes do
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have anything in no one but the program was so well planned and the teachers passionate and put time in showing the kids the marine life and the wings and roots. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> the motivation was such that he passion for this subject grew and i think now if those programs had an impact like this in only two weeks who what would it be if he had the chance to be there for more time. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i'm wondering what it
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would be like in my child or children rather had the opportunity to be as this program in one year or 12 years. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> as far at is children we love them dealer we want the best for our children and i think the education is the most important we feel excited about a school we identify with the vision of education thank you very much your time is up 4 minutes double the time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening everyone
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i'm dr. eric the partners of nomination those of you who know me feel it strange to be talking about charter schools larger because i've got a bit of a reputation for being a charter school killer i was in the consisting i recommended the closure of 6 of them and they closed 11 charter schools larger because i believe in good schools regardless of the policy structure and if the schools are actually to the serving schools i don't think this powerful driver making opportunities for kids should be wasted on model that don't deliver that particular model will deliver
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when i asked to join the board i wanted to see how the teachers could be brought together to powerfully improve their instructions very well, i said this model can actually make that happen i have myself recommended 19 schools to be authorized as charter schools for the two different boards i've served and 11 of them were actually authorized and i have rectified 2 hundred and 19 charter applications in working in the public utilities and i've not seen one like this in all the application and schools i've visited in my day i've never seep one for all kids what the wealthy provide for theirs this
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school provides that and thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. next speaker, please and first off it's deeply humming to be here and with the people that are strengthening our vision of the 15 learning i'm emily the co-founder the school i'm a total optimistic i believe the giants with win it all tomorrow invite and building in the education of all kids regardless of the thickness of their wallet and i believe we cap all children passions and strengthen and in collaboration with many of the people sitting in this room we have create an
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exceptional educational model that was valeted by receiving all solid marks on the mask and received the heist curriculum marks for a startup funding but importantly most importantly there is trimmers support and excitement from parents that see this model as equality in opposition that meets their children's needs my understanding the concerns are not around the rig over and over of restrictness of our educational model but center on the authorization of a case 5 elementary school and we appreciate the valid and legal concerns at hand as such tonight i understand 3 paths a recommendation for authorization or denial or a recommendation to table the vote and give us the time to make an amendment to our chapter
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petition and clarify any misrepresenting of the k 5 recommendation he humbling ask you to table the vote or authorize the charter and thank you very much i promised the audience we could have a big cheer a after all the - (clapping.) i'll hand it back to supervisor. >> thank you emily (clapping.) so any comments from the superintendent or board yes commissioner haney. >> i wanted to make a motion to move to table this item and allow it to be resmemd with corrects for the next meeting and which corrections are you ref to. >> well they'll make the corrections and bring it back
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new year in two weeks to postpone it to the next meeting and so your motion so you need to second. >> second. >> okay i think so can you please say again the motion. >> move to people the item to allow it to be simpleminded with the corrections for the next meeting. >> i don't believe the language is resubmitted that was for reconsideration. >> i spoke to egyptian the re - you i was under the impression in order to resubmit they'll have a resubmit a complete new application i could be wrong egyptian. >> the process by which the board entertains charter school pointing he petitions is a
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product of board policy so the normal route a chapter he petitioner presents an entire petition that has gone through the committee process and presented to the board for an undetermination of their approval or disapproval it is, however, not without the discretion of board if there are in the petition technical aspects that the petitioner will request to change it would be within the boards authority if they deserved to entertain a people time or resubmission and enter without going through the standards committee process if the board in their opinion the changes were relatively minor. >> so i'm saying the normal process is what i think you're telling or your president me to
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say vote up and down and if it's voted a brand new submissions would be handled through the normal process i am also saying though because this is a product of board policy you could modify that if you so desired am i i'm questioning i think i'm - >> well, so my question general council to the boards discretion of whether or not they'd like to reconsider it if there's wasn't major changes to the petition is that what i'm hearing. >> within the boards discretion yes, ma'am and i'm wonder what constitutes a major decisions because i refer back to the last amendment we did or approval we
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did with kip and also gateway about their attendance preference this is changing a preference and it warranted a whole process because that was significant enough of a change i'm hearing this change would be from a k through 12 to switch it to a k through 57 so in our judgment is this a significant change or a minor change. >> i'm leaving this determination to 9 board as to where it seems like like a major shift in the focus of the program that's being recommended. >> so general council i our office about whether or not the change in the student assignment process for the two charter schools was significant or not
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your response it's significant enough it warrants a vote on it and as you see we went through the whole process of committee so now you're telling me that you don't have - >> i'm not remembering that go confidence was it the one last friday and no sir, the one commissioner moran kip and the gateway and our council aging yes at the time said i had exponential to you and i said you'll not be present by the way, u but united airlines yes said and representative in our office said it was significant enough to go through the whole process i'd like to sort of - >> if what our asking. >> but the change in the
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charter. >> to go for the proposal. >> excuse me. commissioner wynns there was a proposal to include to change their admissions process. >> it was not tntd. >> but even to change that it had to go through a resubmission we had to go through the whole process of committees first reading committees, etc. because your office respectfully tells you that was a significant enough change to warrant that and actually that was the exact language the general council at that time, encourage do you remember that or am i losing it. >> i remember september and yeah. i remember is a significant enough change in the
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chapter it will have to go through the whole process i am wondering is it significant enough of a change to warrant a whole process. >> president fewer i'm hearing from you in our couching and fraction you feel that this change is significant enough to warpt a standard handing in the same process as the other one i'm telling you that is a digestion within the boards discretion and no general council i'm not saying that i'm saying in your legal advice is that a big enough changed to warrant a new process i'm asking the general council for legal advice on whether or not this is a significant change as your office gave us an opinion on the other charter.
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>> i'm not a lawyer but it seems like to me what i've heard as general council this is significant enough to require a process they've what i've heard so unless someone else has something devil the question has been asked and answered. >> this is part of the reason i think the amendment is coming up because there's condominium conversion around what the process is what the not the process turning from a k through 12 petition into a k 5 petition and shorting the petition but submitting the documentation. >> modifying this is hearing it in two weeks in a different forum i don't understand this to be submitting an entirely new
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petition for a completely different request the request is the same it's a shorter number of grades within the petition so that's why i think the amendment is being requested we can think about it from a k through 5 and bring it back in two weeks and look at it from the k through 5 vs. having them going through the whole process we'll only modified the grade k through 5 this is why we want to hear it in a couple of weeks i'm having a hard time understanding what is possible and not and one thing that is absolutely essential is that there not be confusion amongst the members of governing board what their
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approving or disapproving and this is a major request. >> thank you and commissioner wynns a comment. >> i want to speak to the amendment that was proposed in the same vein i building that this would be a by the way, it is not appropriate to use the word resubmission that will be still before us on an amendment before you frankly it will need to be resubmitted and go through the process because we have heard from the petitioners and from you know supporters tonight how carefully planned this charter is and if you carefully plan you know i'm not prepared to support it but a k through 5 it is fundamentally a different institution than a k-12 school
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we need to recognize this therefore i'm not support the amendment i'll be supporting the idea i'll be willing to support it as a charter so i don't want to support the procedural amendment before us. >> commissioner maufas and through the chair if i may inquire since you're sitting here i'm going to ask you why you can certainly join her. >> why you all explicit were you not advised by our staff to consider where are you going our petition and resubmitting it as a k 5 petition and were you not advised i won't have to go drove the entire process or the other
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chunk process i think i remember some of the conversation and those options being presented to you. >> yes. a little bit so i think it might help let me back up we start the process of designing the school we flagged f this immediately with the legal team we're designing a curriculum so you read about kindergarten through fifth grade knowing a chapter is only a 5 year chapter and up for renewal we will he will have the middle school or a high school our world is change and we don't know what a middle school will look like in 5 years and now the process. >> i want to get to the question. >> once it was flagdz the curriculum hearing this was in fact an issue the legal team
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advised this is a technicality we don't need to resubmit nothing on our ends to do up to the boards discretion to make the change on the floor instead of authorizing k 12 but k 5 we only did the clarification we do have our legal team here tonight in the event it is helpful to answer the questions i think so there are two understandings of the law to be authorized just simply for - >> i don't have i have one understanding fy i. >> okay. >> commissioner norton. >> yeah. so legal council you're saying in the board determines this is a - not, in fact, a major change or how making this change will,
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however, it is a major change or not isn't that a suspension of board rules won't we need 5 votes to accomplish the mission to change our rules that's exactly but i'm saying would we need 5 votes for the motion. >> so, now we are all fairly confused maybe i'm speaking to myself quite frankly there's a motion it's been first and seconded on the table. >> i need to hear the motion again. >> commissioner haney. >> i motion to postpone this item and allow it to be rehearsed (laughter) with corrections for the next board month to month
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reconsidered. >> no, it didn't have to be reconsidered if you postpone you only postpone it is like - >> it's only an amendment. >> excuse me. i want to - okay. so question. excuse me. we have a we have a motion on the floor to postpone this to the next meeting of november. >> yes. postpone it; is that correct. >> that's the motion on the floor and building that commissioner norton said we need 5 votes to pass; is that correct. >> okay ms. casco do you have a comment. >> only 5 votes or are we're going to - this is a super majority 2/3rd's. >> well, the council just told
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me according to our rules we will be suspending our rules for the majority why would this go ahead. >> sorry if we're pit all this together the postponement and the fast track possibility with the changes then it is a suspension of the board rules that requires a vote if it's just a pony time then it's 4 but what is postponement is the same thing comes back 2 weeks from now and we're no further along than now. >> so sxhaefrn since you've proposed this this is your responsibility to clarify it. >> to clarify what?
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>> (laughter) >> just to clarify our motion you just heard the jeopardy council is if we poison it you're considering what we're considering tonight in you choose to postpone it to change that's a suspension of the rule that votes instead of 4 do you understand that. >> i want to care it with the suspension of rules. >> okay. again. >> so that requires 5 votes. >> okay commissioners are we ready to rotate or there other comments or things to confuse us. >> dr. murase you look kind of concerned. >> i'm not comfortable with the suspension of the rules we have a clear process for our charter approvals and other progresses that have run
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