tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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dollars how are they funding it and for other cities like portland that shows up in they're in the study from pourld 0 other cities like seattle there's a bigger canopy how do they fund it the los angeles trees caption there's one in new york city those are high profile funding and they've been the friends of the urban forestry knows more but collected a lot of private money and there's large a nonprofit involved but a large committed of money from the city support to achieve something like that. >> you've raised a good point because it is i don't want to say easy by you can raise a lot
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of money to plant trees so in the interest of planting trees go to corporations and sexy to plant trees but the problem to maintain it not only now but forever for the life cycle of a tree so the problem we've had and hopefully la won't have the same problem we'll go ahead and and plant a lot of trees but not have the money to take care of them so some of the funding in terms of the long unsustainable sustainable funding we'll also be able to put together another sources to the original planning department and friends of the urban forest don't a phenomenal job maintaining the trees for the first 3 years of their life then the question what happens after that a that's where the city has to step in or not have
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the longevity. >> i love the history and the contention of what san francisco looked like before the heave developments but as the history of the founding of the friends of urban forestry to what we have today and what a great document and the phases you've laid out to plan for a greater more trees lined san francisco that are really appreciated so thank you, supervisor. >> great, thank you mr. shall i colleagues in no questions or comments we'll open number 2 up for public comment we have public comment cards which i'll call (calling names). >> mr. flanagan. >> thank you, very much. supervisors we're incredibly
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fortunate to have a board of supervisors 3 actually have started to address this problem this is a problem that's been around inform many, many years and ironicly the friends of the urban forestry is captured in the document we were starting 33 years ago because the board of supervisors cut the budget for the planting of street trees a bunch of concerned citizens said that shouldn't happen i want to increase score what supervisor wiener said the money for planting trees is easy sexy and happens but the money for the care and maintenance of trees has horrifying in the city come hard to come by it's hard to compete in the budget process so three years ago when we were informed by the department of public works that the relinquishment program was going
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to be started we identified the fact this is exactly the worst thing we could be doing as a city the city should be taking back all the responsibility for the street trees that's the best practice not only in california but throughout the united states for all the reasons that have been stated it's much more efficient and done much better and not fair to release trees back to homeowners that don't have the money this was 3 minutes wow, that was fast the friends of the urban forestry have been working extremely hard with the partners and supervisors to maintain the level of the questions on - and perhaps in 2016 have a solution for the voters of san francisco. >> thank you mr. flanagan. >> chair and supervisors kers
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ton san francisco beautiful dean outlined why his organization got started thirty plus years ago in response to the reduction of the street trees actually, they first started as a committee with the cable cars we joined with the committee with the chamber of commerce and started the citywide tree planting program in san francisco you've got 60 years of advocates saying we want to help us to get more trees in san francisco and the department of public works is saying we can't maintain the 3rd of street trees and we'll meeting only 50 percent of gallows and the dpw is saying we'll increase our tree common place by 50 percent and this mayor has not shown
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leadership but we need vision and our advocates will support you san franciscans have said over and over they have the trees in the neighborhood we want to see leadership forward on 24 so, please continue those talks and let's give the city the departments and the people of san francisco and the advocates the leadership they need in order to move forward now is the time it can't get worse. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is susan restraining order so i'm a resident the district 8 thank you very much for your attention to this issue i'm an 11 year volunteer for the friends of the urban forestry i moved from out of state and the first organization i joined and the work i've been doing for the
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past 11 years has been training volunteers of friends of the urban forestry to maintain street trees i was trained by an arrest warrant bolster and which went to classed i read and learned and have been teaching residents of the san francisco ethics commission i did not know and old retired working who care about the trees in san francisco it has been a huge part of my life i'm an advocate for trees and for animals i'm a former member of the animal control and welfare commission i speak for those who can't speak for themselves i want to tell you what you don't know about me in addition identify put in hundreds of hours of volunteer time and my commitment is not only to the past but the future
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i'll pay more taxes and keep working for trees and share all my knowledge for trees but i need you to find an answer thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. ross 0 is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm paul wormer i've been invested by the city with trees, in fact, i don't object it but i did indeed have questions about the responsibility the box for the tree was too small the tree was out growing it was right next to public utilities and i asked them sf puc i have questions before i accept this now i saw on the presentation from sf puc there's
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opportunities to ask questions but i think what got lost in the statement there's an opportunity to summit an appeal and there's an opportunity to appear before a hearing officer to state the appraisal appeal but no dialog and answering of questions this makes it frustrating also the statement that the director reviewed the appeal and will respond to you i went to the appeal hearing in march or april i still don't know how responsible i am i've not heard from dpw i understand the folks are under a staffed but if there's smou someway to help facilitate communication from the agency that's skuks to take the responsibility when we are trying to define that responsibility such as the
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organizations of other city that makes things easier and takes away some of the stress and i'm hoping you address some of our activities and encourage that conversation to the citizens who are trying to work with the program thank you. >> thank you, mr. wormer maybe after the hearing i'll talk with ms. short so maybe she can answer our questions. >> mr. cleveland. >> representing the buildings and commercial owners i'm encouraged but what you're doing supervisor wiener and we had a discussion and about a year ago we are supportive then and now you have the urban responsible responsibility and coming up with the dedicated urban resources and thank you. we and
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support that. >> thank you, mr. cleveland. >> next speaker. >> frank mason i'll say this is a one fits all and everyone gets a street tree and but people are are unable to sweep the leaves and so forth there's no bump sticker measure of success for the $500 million program its a reduction crime reduction there's no scientific measurable standard now the department of the environment 2012 plan there is supposed to be 20 units of co-2 reduction and this street tree plan will contributed 6 thousand units and you have the conflict with the natural areas on the other hand,
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now street trees are going to common trees and their contending to go and remove street trees under the sequa ask the awe ma impact at mercury for the public situations there's 15 thousand situation locations for a backlog of $15 million funding for the property owner is basically our treating property owners that are the automatic materialer machine and needs adult supervision the trees recklessly allocated trees funds now the career our says we're losing revenue and what's the parcel tax for a high-rise condolence if you're going to have 25 levels and the property
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owner is getting the bad end the parcel tax and school tax and city college and others public works that has the highest public works for the activities and . >> thank you. >> and we've got too much trees in district 8. >> i haven't heard that one is there any additional public comment on item 2 seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues thanks for taking the time to here this is an important issue in terms of making sure we have a healthy and expansion active urban forestry in san francisco i want to thank the public works for giving a candid assessment and i know it's frustrating for the department you want to be able to do more and thanks to the urban forestry for caring the
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trees and planting them and being a voice in the community so colleagues this is an issue that will be ongoing and this is certainly not the end we'll have having a discussion for some time until we dissolve this issue i'm committed to making sure it is resolved. >> commissioner johns. >> thank you very much i want to knowledge your presentation it is knowledgeable i hope the folks at home are learning something new and carla we've got trouble with the trees the ones we have are big and uplifting concrete that presents a problem and large community that is aging and struggle people are struggling to stay in their homes and when we realize they have to have the ownership of those trees it is an
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additional structural we have to balance that i agree with supervisor wiener's comments you see younger people planting trees and the older ones have complaining the trees are over grown and sick so it's a complex issue we find ours in and recognize the dpw and the friends of the urban forestry i don't want to be discouraged from planting the trees but be time fill of the funding and how we're going to be able to take care ofs trees we need to be smarter how we are allocating resources in a very resource stressed city so to supervisor wiener i want to say thank you for pulling together this
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hearing it was informational and particularly about the administration fee i have no idea there is a admin fee we've got to reduce the fees for those who are living on 0 fixed income still have an opportunity to maintain the trees that's it for me and with that, colleagues, can i have a motion to continue item 2 to the call of the chair. >> so moved. >> we'll take that without objection. thank you, everyone madam clerk call item three and four together relating to are formula retail. >> it is an ordinance acknowledging the planning code business with 19 or more outlets
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worldwide and the retail with 11 or more oltsz worldwide and this is a culmination of a lot of work by supervisor mar and his office and the planning department supervisor mar. >> thank you supervisor wiener as people quickly leave the room let me say this has been several years of work from community basis leaders and small business levied that have obey working on the issue of supporting the neighborhood character and a neighborhood voice in planning when chain stores as we call them formula retail stores make applications to move into different commercial districts this effort from my office and
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especially supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen and other supervisors that have proposed individual and district level proposals from supervisor farrell to supervisor breed and supervisor kim as well but oath of our efforts 2, 3, 4 pulling those together come from the input of my colleagues, i want to start bythanasia our planning director john ramming and emily roger the hard work complicated work they and their voices from any office that are cooperated that with the valuable information and from the strategic economics in their hard work for the expensive study of formula retail in san francisco or chain stores in san francisco and all the timeably with any staff to overcome at times that seemed to be differences when were wide but coming together with one measure
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i'm very, very unemployed with all the with work and thank todd with the department of workforce development and supervisor wiener and his power to help us to move across the finish line to have one measure to move forward to the full board and nick from my staff as acted like a bruce in ways to pulling people together to work as a team in this effort to strengthen and update our formula retail stores in the city and many community members and experts in economic development cvs have been valuable and stacey and paul wormer who spoke and wendy and steven cornell and ricky white and incredible small business owners but others from the
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merchant association and john and pat and andy who is in the audience today and camille and he is from the urban groceries and kyle and chris and nancy and peter coning from the kouvenl housing and raul and larry and deanna and i apologize if i've left anyone out i wanted to say also that i agree with the conclusions of the strategic economic consulate in their comprehensive study and we'll have a clearing to go through this and our study of the chain controls are working in a way to that in 2004 and our
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voters passed prop g and we need only some thought full twinkling to clarify a.m. gut and to strengthen our formula retail ordinances as well to reflect the neighborhood changes in the changing neighborhood context as well a key context from the many small business owners was to give a stronger voice in the process i've been committed to giving our residents a strong voices in the corridors and to leveling the mr. mayor field for independents and small business owners and to provide they provide much of the character and charm to the neighborhood and to san francisco as a whole the legislation before you and i've just handed out the amended version as well it come from
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dozens of meetings with community leaders and small businesses leaders and from an ongoing dialog with the planning department many of our small businesses today all of us know we're struggling to this kind of some of the small businesses are struggling to keep up with rising renting and the growth has attacked many chain stores and allowing many others to expand the strategic economic study shows by creating disincentives for chain stores to locate in the san francisco commercial district the formula retail controls may help to lower the costs making the commercial districts less attractive for formula retail this helps to lower the rents and reduce the costs for the retailers this process was
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established in 2004 and 6 allows the planning commission to exercise discretion to respond to case by case concerns by community members and the majority of formula retail conditional use applications have been approved, however, in cases with community members have reached a clear consensus that the chain stores are not desirable the the conditional use authorizations have been denied this seemed to work and chain stores willingness to go through a conditional use process depends on on the unique process and the chain stores will likely produce applications for new retail where they anticipate positive representation by the community and the finding point to a process that gives community and
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decision makers an opportunity to have a recent dialog that generally researchers positive outcomes that makes sense to the residents and the businesses there's no shortage of cheap stores 12 and 50 one thousand 2 hundred chain stores in san francisco they're welcomed in but our legislation aimed to close the loopholes that leafs ambiguity so it creates the a.m. gut it robs the community in the existing businesses to have a say in the critical 0 decisions that have quill outcomes it seeks to bring a greater level of how often active data for the planning department and the planning commission as well and also, we aim to increase the
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civic participation by giving more notice as well this amended piece of legislation has 9 major components i'll walk us through and although, my colleagues to make comments before the planning staff gives their explanation the 9 components of the legislation the legislation expansive definition of formula retail to apply for businesses with 11 or more outlets worldwide sooepz only in the u.s. the chain stores are more global it will include the japantown based business to count the stores out outside of the u.s. and number 2 our legislation includes the railway uses closing loopholes that
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exist like fitness changes and cash checking outlets and some neighborhood might find concerns with number 3 the ordinance requires that when considering a conditional use application for a formula retail recuse use the planning commission look at the proposed as on other businesses in the area it requires the applicant it have a consistent prepare an environmental review report and to have an environmental review environmental review and it expands the nos about increasing the neighborhood voice for formula retail applications requiring an additional 10 days of notice for the planning commission hearing for the application to be considered and number 5 more data it's a data
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driven process to measure the formula retail in a neighborhood it taking into consideration district wide complication in close proximity to the proposed chain store business and a efficient way to deal what the formula retail business that is replacing a formula retail business more efficiency in the process and 7 expands the formula retail controls as supervisor kim's district and number 8 main e maintain the number of outlets that are required to be dipped as a chain store not allowing it to expand to 19 and 9 in addition, i intend to create a working group that will be convened in my office to alcohol evaluate the
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issues of the formula retail subsidies those are chain stores owned by a bigger entity they've meet reserving and representatives from the city attorney's to adapt the legal recommendations for the spin-offs in our city all the times that i have kind of before us i'll give a couple of arguments but i think a key one is keeping the they recalled of our definition of what a formula retail is at 11 and not allowing it to expand to 19 i don't believe it's necessary or wise to increase the threshold in my of our coalition we've worked with also feel strongly about this the will of the san francisco voters in prop g in 2006 established it at 11 we believe there's not a valid reason to change it though i
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don't want to increase the treld number want to look at other issues to consider a smaller is change especially in an independent one our proposal to work with similar stakeholders to utilizes the small business priorities processing pilot program sb and petite as the four ps but the small business created one to extremely the small business changes and to be incentive to our smaller changes between 12 and 19 stores t so this sb 4 p will look at those changes that are between 12 and 20 opening statements and move more efficiently through the fee
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it is has the benefit of keeping the they recalled at 11 providing a faster track for smaller changes that many want to see help concluded my office if a small chain is required to go through or goes through if a small chain qualifies and goes through it without triggering objections it will speed it along, however, in the objections triggers on a objection by small community it could be raised to a fuller hearing i intend to explore that with the support of the planning commission and the planning staff in my opinion towards the end of last week, i want to say there's negotiation
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