tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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in the business administration entrepreneurship and innovation. she's class of 2015. so, monique has been continuing on the work around the pos and has spent an enormous amount of time logging what each county's program or lack of registry program that they have, been talking to the counties in terms of how they regulate that the pos system so that we have a comprehensive log of what each county is doing in the state of california. and i want to give them just a quick moment of opportunity to introduce themselves. so, monique? >> good afternoon, commissioner. so, a she said, i'm a student at usf majoring entrepreneurship, minoring in [speaker not understood] study. one of my classes is an internship here, so, i'm helping here with the pos systems and everything.
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so, the first thing i did was get a list of primary counties, mainly the larger ones, los angeles, san francisco, san diego, sacramento, riverside, and then i conducted like a list of how much it costs per system and a couple other notes as well. and then after that i went on to the smaller counties. so, i believe 40 counties, i believe. even the smaller ones, i've had to call and make sure they are complete based or so forth. so, the work so far and hopefully goes on to me writing a white paper expressing our desire to change regulation to compliant based here in san francisco. >> great, thank you. >> and then next we have stephanie nichols who just
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started and, so, stephanie ha done a couple things for the office. ~ has the new tax and treasurer's legislation has a new list of categories that you can tick off, muni registry business. so, the business councils do not -- wanted to provide them with a definition of what each of those items are. so, that was actually something that stephanie was studying. stephanie is a usf school of law, j.d. candidate, class of 2016. so, and was introduced to the office via [speaker not understood] who did the pos presentation to you. and then stephanie did do, worked on further legacy the presentation for you the initial sorting of just going through the s.f. data, database and taking a look at the different categories and dog the initial sorting. and then we'll be working on
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some additional projects, so. >> hi, commissioners. my name is stephanie. i am currently a usf law student. i did get my undergrad in business, so, i want to combine those. that's why after talking to wyatt, i really wanted to work in the office of small business just because it really interested me and i enjoy my study. >> she said, i hope to create more definitions for the additional terms that the taxing treasurer's office added to their list ~ just to kind of help get a definition of maybe why they were added and what type of business [speaker not understood] that you would check that box instead of another box. and then i also helped compile the list, preliminary list of potential business he for the legacy rebate program. i basically just went on to the data s.f. and put in specific
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terms looking 30 years ago or older and then also certain class codes [speaker not understood] felt would be best that fall under the definitions of it and then just compile it had into an excel spreadsheet. you only have one class code. i did a couple more and i hope to continue to work with that project because i really think it's a great project and would like to provide any help that i can. >> thank you. >> so, thank you, stephanie, and monique. so, you're welcome to stay or you're welcome to go back downstairs if you like. all right. also, so, to move on, so, the a-d-a subsidized assessment program we are now going to expand it city-wide. and it will be available as long as there are funds annually because of the dollar registration that's added to the annual business registration.
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we have approximately $50,000 to work with. so, that could add 40, around 40 kass p, subsidized casp inspections. it was opened up to targeted certain neighborhood programs. now with this fee we're going to be targeting -- opening it up city-wide. small business saturdays is coming up november -- i'm very embarrassed, but the last saturday of the month. we are very pleased that american express has decided to, again, include san francisco in expanding its sort of activities. >> the 29th. >> the 29th. yes, thank you. so, they are planning a main street make over which is just helping with kind of decorations and with hayes valley, and then small business saturday night in the upper
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fillmore, helping them put together some promotional thing that they can do for late night shopping for that -- for that neighborhood. so, and then, of course, we're doing the banners again this year along with the invest in neighborhoods program. formula retail, so, today in land use and economic committee starting at 1:30, the two formula retail item are being heard. and, so, hopefully find out after this meeting is over in terms of what was the final outcome. the point of sale registration, so, monique is continuing to work to help sort of develop some additional data and information for both our office, supervisor farrell's office and supervisor wiener's office, but our next steps are also to be meeting with dph. they are going to put together
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an assessment of the businesses he that they've gone into. they've done the testing ~. and they even have -- their registers, their pos system is office to see if we can see any sort of -- from that data, if we can make any sort of determination, you know, in terms of size of business, industry business, number of pos system in the business, that type of thing. so, i don't anticipate that this is going to be a fast-moving legislative change because i do think that we want to be measured about it, but we will be -- we're continuing to work on it. so, i'll just keep you apprised as each stage, any sort of new developments take place along the way. next, for your next meeting on november 10th, you will be hearing the 14 b local business
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enterprise program legislation. initially it was scheduled at the october 6 meeting, but was asked to be continued. and, so, supervisor chiu's office and the city administrator's office has commits today november 10th. and you will also be hearing both pieces of legislation. supervisor mar's and supervisor chiu is dealing with formula retail employees. so, i just wanted to make sure you're aware of that. last, last week supervisor breed had at the land use and economic committee establishing divisadero neighborhood commercial corridor and the fillmore street commercial corridor. the commission heard those back in 2012, i think, or late '12, early 2013. the one change that was made to those two pieces he of legislation, initially they had
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a ban for formula retail, but the ban was removed from the legislation when it was heard again and they'll just follow the planning commission's formula retail criteria. so, those two item passed out of land use and will be before the full board tomorrow for its first reading. i want to let you know he that our new website is live ~. so, we have developed it so that once the portal is live, all the subtantive material that was part of the 10 steps to getting your business open, [speaker not understood] financial business will be easily able to be extracted without having to be able to be extracted because all that information is now housed in the portal. ~ substantive so, there is a seamless transition once the portal goes live, which we're -- i'm hoping will be in the next couple weeks. it's pretty well ready to go.
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and then i've provided you with some updates on the staffing and they hope that we are getting to interviews in november. and then working to schedule the presentations from the departments that you've requested with the health care security ordinance, the health department, and the planning department. so, those are the key elements to communicate with you from my director's report today, commissioners. if you have any questions. >> thank you. next item, please. >> will you let jane know she did a really fantastic job on the portal. really top notch. her presentation was great and i think a fantastic foundation going forward, so, that's really fantastic. >> next item. >> all right, so, item number 9 is president's report.
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>> i just have one brief item. thursday night, this thursday night, october 30th at 6 o'clock on the corner of castro and 18th we'll be having our grand opening of our sidewalks in the castro. we have new widened sidewalks, rainbow crosswalk. and the businesses he in the castro are going to be staying open late on thursday night ~. we have tentative the mayor, supervisor wiener. we're trying to get people back into the castro. you know, it's been shut down most of the summer due to this construction. it's finished so we want to have a great big party, want to close it off to traffic. businesses are going to be open late. i'm just encouraging everybody to come to the castro and shop, eat and drink on thursday night. so, that's what i have. >> sounds like a good idea. >> next item. >> item number 10 is vice
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president's report, but since the vice president had to leave early, we will -- shall i move on to item number 11? >> time number 11. >> item number 11 is commissioner reports. >> commissioner ortiz. >> i want to congratulate [speaker not understood], last week was the 41st anniversary. we're doing a great job in the mission district for a very long time. so, congrats. >> great. any other commissioner reports? seeing none, next item. >> item number 12, general public comment. this allows members of the public to comment generally on matters within the commission's purview, and suggest new agenda items for the commission's future consideration. ~ purview. >> do we have any members of the public here who would like to make a comment on any future meetings of this commission? seeing none, next item, please. >> item number 13, new business. >> any new business? nope, next item, please. >> item number 14 is adjournment. >> do we have a motion to adjourn?
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>> good evening and welcome to the regularly schedule meeting of the san francisco ethics commission, we will begin by taking the role. vice chair renne. here. >> hayon. >> here. >> keane. >> she is taking this down and i don't think that she needs to do this part. >> the first item is public comment on the matters appearing and not appearing on the agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the ethic's commission. >> good evening, commissioner
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hur and commissioners. i'm hoping when you go into closed session, on item 6, that you may have a conversation about the second complaint that director st. croix dismissed. as i mentioned in your september 22nd meeting. that the (inaudible) did not go into the order of the sections 3.1.1 of the sia. and that indicates no officer employer shall aassist or provide assistance to an entity. and it seems quite clear to me, that mr. pilpil's repeated appearances here before you have done just that repeatedly. so, i would ask that you
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consider when you are in closed session. going to dismiss the complaint back and taking a good look at it. i am also, a little disturbed to see on the table tonight the policy discussion paper regarding the sunshine task force referrals. that topic is not on the aagain and in fact it has been presented to the forum in two separate meetings of the sunshine task force, without the ethics commission having discussed it before it magically appeared at (inaudible) and it rings a bell, the same bell that allen (inaudible) lawsuit, that to the supreme court is still making up its mind whether it is going to hear.
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that lawsuit was filed, that the ethics commission ever having discussed it first. and these drafts recommendations regarding the task force referrals, one would think, a reasonable person would think that you are taking action. but you have not taken any action, because you have not even discussed it yet, in a meeting. so, it seems to me, that the cart is before the horse, again. you need to tighten up these processes. >> next on the aagenda is presentation by the code for america's sf brigade. >> steven, are you going to make a introduction. >> as you may recall, last month, we gave a presentation about the individualization projects that i have been working on as part of the staff
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and today we have some members of a community group called the sfbrigade, which is part of code for america. and they have been working on a similar project, and they have been using our open data, website to access our information and so actually the data visualization projects that i built and the projects that they are working are, are working on the same source data, and so just to give you a little idea, the summer that (inaudible) and i first met with this group and out of any group that i have met with and since i started here, this group really did their homework. they had three hours of questions for us. and at our first meeting. so, i have been very impressed by them and they have a website to show you today. >> great, welcome. >> could you use the microphone, please? >> can you hear me? >> yes.
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my name is (inaudible) and i want to introduce my team mates. >> my name is steven (inaudible). >> i'm peter howell. >> as steve mentioned, we are part of a volunteer group called code for america. now code for america is a non-profit organization, what they do is they try to bring people who are working in technology, wo ven together with the groups that need the help with the different kinds of projects and so the space we work in is called civic tech and so there may be a lot of different ways in which people who are working in the tech industry, can help out with government programs or social programs that might need some of these resources but don't have the money to be able to actually hire those people. so that is kind of a space that we are in, we are all volunteers. and so we are part of the local
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chapter and it is called the sf brigade, and we are one of the many group of volunteers of many different projects that they are working on. and we focused on the taking the data that steve and jessy have helped us really understand taking that, and making it much more accessible to the public. so, we are going to just walk you through, what we have created. and we will take some questions at the end, each one of us will present a little bit about the different parts of it. and you can ask us anything that you would like to, or would like us to explain more, or any ideas that you might have, at the very end that we could maybe try later on. and of course, we definitely want to thank boe, jessy and steve, because they have consistently come out to meet with us and really help us
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understand and make sense out of this data. we don't look at this data on a daily basis and so this is really and i am sure that you guys are fed up with hearing about the form 460 just as hearing about it was was is this thing? so they were very helpful, in helping us, sort of sort through that stuff and really try to make sense out of a lot of this data and so we really want to thank them both, for everything, so far. is it on? >> yeah. >> okay. >> all right. so this is a small piece and this is just for this lecture and so what we have done is basically focused on the form 460, and what you are going to see is the data is actually broken up into... (inaudible) and one is all of the campaign finance for the board of supervisor's election, and the ballot matters, and so i will
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just walk you through quickly what we have and so for the prepositions we just have all of the (inaudible) listed out. and if you go to each one, you can see that we have there is a for and an against listed, those will be listed. and then, if you click on any individual one, you can see the total raised and then this is the, and this gives you the full visualization of the summary by date, and so if you just, rollover it, you can just sort of see the date. and coming down, this is a visualization that tells you about where the money is coming from. so there is a schedule a of 460, so if you hover over them, it sort of goes around, and who made the donation.
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and there is a little bit of sorting on that. and this, tells you, and this is schedule e. and which tells you, the expenditures. and we have a little bit of a grouping, if you drag and drop one of the circles, it tells you who that is, and how much it gives you the break down of what it is. >> is there any way that you can make it any darker? the text is very faint. >> yeah, i think that it is because mainly of the resolution. >> yeah. that would not surprise me. >> okay. >> yeah, if you can't, that is fine. >> steve, how do we? url, also, we will be sure that you can access it, it is on-line and you can access it
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any time. so, yeah, so yeah, so we have the same thing for candidates. so it is broken down just by the districts that are currently up for election, and again, this is the same thing and we have the incumbents and all of the other people and again, if you click on any particular individual, it gives you the same data. and it gives you the money raised and the money spent and the balance by date, and then, it will also tells you all of the (inaudible) for that particular individual. you can group by different types of entities that are making those contributions, whether it is individuals, or recipient committee and then it also gives your grouping by size that shows you how much in
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this case it is 500 and it was given 500 and above, and those are below 500 and so you can just get a rough sense of like, it is about a third, that is less than 500. and the rest is mostly, everybody's maxing out on 500. so, the same thing. and going down, and you can see what they are spending their money on. we created something, for the incumbents, and one of the great things, that we have accessible through the sf gov site is data on lobbying, so
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who is lobbying all of the different board of supervisor whens they are lobbied and what contributions were made. and so we were able to take both of those pieces of data and put it together. and you can see right here, that it is combining the data of lobbying and contributions. and this is sort of a heat map that tells you some activity and so you can see for scott weiner on the 27th. he got six contributions. yeah. from the san francisco association of realtors. so it is the san francisco association of realtors in the contacts and you can see what it is for. and what the issue was that they lobbied for. and so, you can see that it is
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ellis act evictions or illegal inlaw units and so all of those details are in there. and i will turn it over to peter and we will talk a little bit about the challenges that we had with the data. >> all right, so i did some work with the propositions, and one of the things that we found out as we did work with the data is that all of these things that we decided to actually display like just total money raised, who was giving money, a lot of these things were not necessarily, we need to actually go and find them. and so, for people like our
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group, or for other people in san francisco, that want to just understand how some of these elections are funded, and it was just, it was great to have this information and we just needed a way to actually make sense of it all and for me personally, it was... i can actually understand, now with this website, and some of how some of the funding actually works. and i think that it is really beneficial to be able to have this information that the city provides on-line. that anyone can actually use, and then, i hope that it will continue to be available for
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people like us. or for people who are in journalism, and anyone who wants to be able to use this data, and then, i know steven will talk about what our future ideas are for making some of this data a little more consumable for just normal citizens like us, or for like i mentioned journalists too. and some of the things that like austin mentioned we had some challenges working through the data and for example, steve has helped us a lot with just some of the reporting in the data, was inconsistent and so there were some committees that when they made different filings and i am sure that this is familiar would have different variations of their
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name when they reported. so, for a human, looking through it, it is really easy, so, it is easy to see when a committee has just has a slight difference in a name but for a computer of course, it is something that is a little harder to pick out and so thankfully, because he works with the data every day, he has had this challenge as well and he was able to help us out. but, at some point, in the future, maybe this will, this data will, i will be a little more consistent and it may be all reported electronically, and be able to have some of those inconsistentcies worked out so that it
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