tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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it to the committee where there was further discussion last week and i think that it is back at the full task force next week, and so the task force and the sunshine advocates will have an opportunity to review it and provide comments, prior to the commission hearing it. so i think that was the intent and that is under way, and i spent some time with jessy on it, beforehand and i think the input was helpful, so, i hope that we have a good discussion, next month. >> great, thank you. >> also, i should note, in terms of future actions, there is an interested persons meeting november 10th, and 13th,; is that correct?? >> yeah. that is true. >> on, well, proposed changes, thank you, david. >> proposed changes to (inaudible) we are looking for community and the public and
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etc., regarding third party reporting. and then also, disclaimers, and then a couple of the items that we talked about earlier this year, about amending the ordinance to take those out, and the unconstitutional provisions. >> so, between those two issues, i think, the commission staff is doing, at the out reach, work and so the people have a chance to review the things and discuss, before it gets to you, rather than just have to deal with things, so things are going well, thank you. >> is there a motion to adjourn the meeting? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? >> none. meeting is adjourned. october 2
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have the call to order and roll call please. commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph marry commissioner perez go giants commissioner hyde we have a would you state your name and the commissioner has an emergency i'm sure you're aware of we have a vacancies we have quorum and you can precede do you need a reminder.
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>> no, i think i'm okay i'd like to start off by thanking sfgovtv for putting us on the air and like you all to turn off our cell phones and we'll move on to item one. this is a time when members of the public may address the board on items not on the agenda do we have my public comment seeing none, public comment is closed i would number 2 is to review and approve the minutes of august 5, 2014, we don't have the correct people here to vote on that so i'd like to have that continued >> i move to continue. >> i second. >> commissioner perez
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commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost commissioner hyde all right. now we're to the report from the executive director. >> good afternoon. we're trying to be exceeded i'll do the best i can this evening i wanted to update the commission on a couple of matters including the business protective legislation there's a whole bunch of legislation getting written and introduced by people running for offices so there's a lot of it to digest i'm not going to go through it a copy in a nutshell it's positive incentive to protect legacy businesses that have been here
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for thirty years or more and insensitive vision zero landlord and giving tax incentives take a look at it it will be in front of committee level in the next couple of weeks and if you do of the anything of interests and want someone to come here it is not needed our approval is not needed our support is also good and many businesses are food and beverage businesses we have a presentation from the heritage folks they're behind us in a big way it is related to businesses we work with. >> can i ask a question. >> uh-huh. >> in the entertainment room those legacy businesses if their beverages and not food are they considered in the legislation.
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>> yeah. i think surface food is not an issue if you were not able to come to our party on october 7th it was really fun i think in competition again with the gienlts game as you recall it was the last turnout it was fun if you've been to hawthorne and want to go let me know as i said earlier commissioner akers left us we have a vacancy at rules committee last thursday the committee moved out to the commissioner for that asset at that time, so on the other hand, we expect next tuesday the 28 to have that position approved and he will get sworn in hopefully in the interim between that and
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our next meeting november 4th we will have a full commission at this point where are we oh, i put on here the work on the night time and development we're working with the san francisco state university senior seminar i brought this up for the seniors to get them to do some work for us it's a complicated issue on how to best preserve night time in the phase of ongoing new residential development south of market there is not been housing and you that's where night time is permitted we're moving forward in the interest of time if anyone is interested in the scope of work i'm happy to provide it to you with we had a meeting with the coroner's
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office an event basically, the economic impact two report we did impact report for night time businesses probably two or three years ago and computed festivals even though their impact is quite large this version is almost complete we've been ben and i are working on how to get our arms around the events that happen in san francisco which is really amazing if you really look at the standpoints and if anyone wants to help us with that we should be able to give the controller's office what they need they've conducted surveys 7 or 8 large events and gotten good numbers in terms of
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surveys we've come up with a number you'll be impressed with in terms of the vail to the city that those events provide individually and as a whole so again literally thousands of these we're going to try to scope it down to something reasonable but there's millions and millions offer people that come here to spend money 2, 3, 4 san francisco for the purpose of attending those outdoor events. >> does this include the nike marathon. >> absolutely does that include over and over can world. >> probably not we're coming around to the end of and making policy decisions we had that discussion this morning that's a decision the officials will make. >> okay. cool. >> so that's coming along well, i think i'm done i'm going to
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turn it over to unless you have questions for me, you don't have a microphone so - >> sorry. >> thank you director good afternoon, commissioners a couple of quick notes a bunch of larger events those past couple of weeks this weekend the treasurer nike events that last year was the first year we have any complaints to speak of both events were monitored very well and a lot of outreach a hotline set up i was able to communicate with both of the producers in advance of the events themselves to get ambient reading for the women marathon about 6:00 a.m. on sunday i was able to get the
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ambient for the treasure island for the marks but all and all went on without a hitch the commission didn't get complaints the hotline for treasure island musical festival got 5 calls nothing from telegraph hill the coincidence was last year's weather and fatigue led to complaint about the festival dream parts was not font events that happened in the civic center and discussing the sound check we realized that was loud so that he went out from our offices and talked to them and
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kept a close eye there i think two complaints come into the police that evening and club malibu is back in the headlines i got a complaint via text on friday just before 2 upon arrival the music stopped and the door was open and many open containers found inside had a long discussion with nadia the manager and they had a meeting are abc tomorrow that was already sweltered prior to the music i hope to learn why that interview was scheduled and have an update the next 7, 8, 9 we meet and my last note something
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has been going on the performance art institute we'll have an inspection on november 6th with building and fire and electrical and entertainment they're operating without a permit any licenses of any kind and so we hope to wrap that up without incident i can go into detail and i have one question on the complaint that is a complaint against the by top and other addresses one e-mail what do you mean. >> i was trying to save space that was one complainant that mentioned all those places we think i have yet to hear back to
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after i reached out for more information. >> okay. thank you. >> yeah. he have a question i'm glad to hear there was no compliments about the nicky's women marathon do you know if they've move forward with their ceremonies at 8 o'clock. >> i got there it started after 6 and was over after 7:30 the highest peak was probably during the singing of the national anthem and the end. >> i'm glad there was no containments. >> yeah. they reduced their system i think it worked. >> are there any other - okay. >> hello commissioners a few quick notes did several inspections on grand
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avenue at grant and green salon and the only one notable was granted and green they were pretty loud so we'll be following up and keeping an eye on that as far as the noise whatever some complaints may got a complaint on the fourth i passed by macy's it was not macy's it was a bar we don't permit there is an issue with that we'll follow-up definitely with the police that patrol that beat with code enforcement i'm trying to figure out 80 how to handle that situation compliances with the pier 25 hotel it turned into a non-issue i talked with management they were good with immediately
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starting the process the honey hive they had a noise issue but nonetheless we remember able to get it under control with sound tweaks i helped them and it was curtailed mad dog and the franchise we were he - they should be coming into guidance it's been a little bit longer than we like they've taken too much time i wrote them a violation and did did a sound check its lucas and he supported their process and as far as the permit updates issued a permit to the bar in regards to all the venues with the hearing dates we've visited them and
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make sure they had their notices that's it if you have any questions feel free to ask. >> one i was at honey hive where they receiver to you. >> yeah. danny was appreciated the help they don't have a lot of endurance inheritance with managing the sound. >> i have a question about honey hive were they using the sound amplified. >> yes. we are both me and my partner gave them a talking to they said they did sound testing he so to speak told me e told them in commissioner hyde founded we got it under control
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and they've been good about following our direction we will be following up immediately probably this weekend. >> okay. thank you thank you. >> i'm sorry to take two seconds i want to reiterate something that was said we've never done this we've got this we're cheshg postings so if questions come up if it was not posted correctly we're going to have eye on it you guys should acknowledge that and in addition hopefully, if we haven't started already we're going to try to visit everyone in a year because most of the time we've spent all of our resources because we had one on problem
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venues repeating over and over there are good venues that we don't go to because they're good but now we're back to inspections who are doing a regular at least a visit one a year to even just make sure our contact information is up to date and that the permit is in order and so i wanted to undermine that for you. >> thank you because till when i was reading the permit updates i was impressed that was ones here that's something that is really important to do and it's interesting to see how many aren't using it and who is and breaking and entering everyone into compliance that's great so thank you is there public comment on the executive director's report?
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public comment is closed and wrooerg to move into police departments questions or comments do we have any police departments comments and questions this evening no >> i'd like to yeah. there he comes. >> oh, come on. >> good evening lieutenant david i'm the new officer in charge of the abc liaison unit frankly, i never thought i'd or be here again, after doing this job over the last 14 years and other assignments along the way but the ever talented chief suhr encouraged we me to come back i'm happy to be back here the
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chiefs made a commitment to working with this commission and i think there's some good things ahead he know it can be a busy next year and life is as crazy as ever i think the theme is kind of to get things on track which is lieutenant santos was trying to accomplish thank you and. >> you soon >> as inappropriate as it may seem i have to do this (clapping.) is there any public comment on that item on the police commenting questions any more applause seeing none, public comment is closed now we're going to move on to item 5 when the this consent calendar i want to say that there's a possibility that people at home need to know this is indeed number 5 we had a
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number one issue so but first before we get to that i would like to remove item d the emerson tablet from the consent calendar can we get a motion. >> i move to remove emerson tablet from the consent calendar. >> misinforming. >> commissioner perez commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost and commissioner hyde. >> so, now we'll move on with the consent calendar consent calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a
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future hearing. is there anyone nor abc and e on the consent calendar? that would like to be removed? oh, okay sorry not heart burn ride and john's grill and hotel recognition any members of the public that wants to speak on this all right. so public comment is closed so we need a motion to approve the consent calendar >> okay i'll make a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> i'll second on that motion. >> commissioner perez commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost and commissioner hyde and so all those permits are approved.
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>> all right. so number 6 hearing and possible action regarding acts for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission this is our regular calendar can we take the emerson tablet first. >> yeah. we'll bring up the first person it is in north beach a performance space that is kind of unusual sandwiched in a residential block been hosting arts for years and come on up for 3 and a half years and would like to move forward with a live permit to do music and events and that sort of thing and i believe that ms. haywood wanted to have this removed from the calendar to discuss the police condition it should be in our
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binder crystal. >> i've got it. >> that's it. >> great i thank you. >> hi and all the conditions are fine except one thing we were asked to install surveillance cameras for an art gallery over the top for us we're not a route i didn't it's a glass of wine and listen to poetry if you could reconsider that. >> okay. that's accident only one. >> that's the only one everything else is fine. >> is there anything else do we
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have questions for the applicant. >> so you have a cost estimate. >> no, we found out about it today it will be cost and i'm basically subsidizing it myself i'm not sure it will cost at least one thousand dollars to do that. >> how many doors do you have. >> we have two doors on upper door through the private offices that is not open to the public. >> we have a public door. >> yes. in the alley and don't have trouble with the locals. >> are you guessing it's a thousand dollars. >> i'm guessing. >> oh, okay. as i said we found out about this today. >> okay i have a question
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commissioner lee. >> explain to me or to us what kind of fence and exactly how big is our gallery? >> the gallery is about 26 hundred square feet we have like classical music concerts and jazz and an art exhibit and poetry reading that type of thing and we would like to be able to serve wine there so at the events and be in compliance you know we've been doing it for some time there not the wine but those events it's been pretty mellow. >> you're in control of all the events. >> oh, yeah. very low-key we don't have distances or whip people into a frenzy.
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>> you don't have events that have their own dj. >> we don't want this type of events there's enough of that in north beach already, we're trying to fill another category we offer cultural events and represent a lot of the local poets and cultural hub to if lawrence shows up and other poets they can organize their own events. >> do you think that instead of security situations because your gallery is fairly low key but in general for theft, for people walking by just general be liability do you think it's part of the business model i don't think you have to go expensive but it is kind of your choose i'm saying cameras are not also
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for concert reasons but liability. >> it's true i do put riders on my insurance policy but it's not a big on or about we don't leave the door open our hours are one to 5, 4 days a week and an actual event it's done by 10 we are there and watch the doors we're positions to be at the front and haven't had problems in 3 and a half years so - and what kind of an artwork. >> just painting we have an 86-year-old artist and doing a retrospective of his artwork that's really fun. >> local art you know san francisco artist california
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artists we like to focus on because there's a lot of them. >> i'm surprised they have an art gallery i want to have security in our venue because we don't want to broadcast everyone i don't have security. >> it seems like it is working we keep an hawk eye and it seems like it is working truth be if we decide to pull another 10 year lease our lease is up next year we'll have to revisit all those things we'll see how that goes. >> are you selling wine there. >> no unless we have a permit we get a local permits nonprofits want to run a poetry event otherwise no. >> all right. thank you. >> you'r
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