tv [untitled] November 1, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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i think this is very timely to have this conversation and what commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell mentioned about what is happening in the mission, and we can't look at one development, and i think that it would not be prudent or wise to look at one development without looking in isolation and that we would need to look at, all of the developments surrounding for example, marshal elementary school. and that has the maximum capacity of 240 students since we did sell the property right across the street from it, to the mayor's office of housing hoping to build 115 of affordable family units which we thought may go to marshal elementary school. so that i think we are challenged in a couple of ways here. and i think that the information that we have, needs to coincide with the information that and be aligned with the information that the city is giving us and we need to look at transportation systems and uls the
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infrastructure to support our families here and what kind of support services, are we planning for the next 20 years to support the families coming in? do we have enough recreation and open space and i think that all of these things the families look at and schools do need to look at this and not in isolation but rather, as part of the bigger picture. of what makes san francisco a great place to live and people want it live here. and educate the children in the public school system and actually lay down roots here. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. seeing, no further comment. at this time, i will open up for public comment. >> seeing no public comment at this time, public comment is now closed. i do want to thank both the planning department and sfusd, for the presentation today. and also, beginning the conversation a month ago, and
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in advance for preparing for this hearing and i am really excited about supporting the development of policies, here both in the city level and at the school district level. and that will further integrate, both the city's planning, and the projections and also own plan and forecasting and this is not just an issue that impacts planning but the future economic development of the city but i do hear from the employers how important our public school district and the success of this district is to growing our workforce population. i am really glad that we have this at this school district and maybe this is an appropriate item for the city and the school district to continue a robust discussion around. and having served on both bodies, it really is just interesting to see, kind of the shift in conversation, when we are looking at our surplus properties like 700, and 1950
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mission, the idea was always, how can we sell it or use it for other purposes to benefit the community, affordable housing, revenue for the school districts, grocery stores, garden and all of those sorts of things and now we are looking back at the sites and saying that actually are they more appropriate to help us grow our student bod barack obamaedy in areas that we are growing our residents population i i look forward to a information on the mission bay, elementary school and i know that the office will continue. >> and i am sorry. >> i keep calling it the elementary school and pushing on the site and the construction of that site, because that is a site that is deeded to the school district to build on and we know that we will not meet the need if we don't do the planning today there is a lot of long term planning that is involved in this. and what is exciting is that we can incorporate this in the area plans and particularly in our district, we are engaged in
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long term plans, with central soma, and maybe other area plans, and you know, our focus from our office has always been about affordable housing and open space, and the street infrastructure and public transit, but now we should be looking at child care, and kthrough 12, and maybe asking, and seeing whether that should be a part of our area planning, whether we should be looking at parcels or setting aside parcels for the growth of usd and if we should be looking at a study and developer impact fees for this as well and that is exciting and i look forward to the next stage of conversation. and i assume that we will want to keep this item at committee. so, i will make a motion to continue to the call of the chair. and i think that it would be great, also to have sfmta involved in a future conversation because transportation is a key piece to this as well. not just housing and our schools.
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and i think that you know, it is really interesting as we see increased congestion in our city because of our growth in worker and resident population there will be i think more questions on how we do the student assign sxment enrollment. and so seeing, no further comments, i will take a motion to continue this item. >> and i will do that without opposition. >> madam, clerk are there any other items? >> there are no other agenda items. >> seeing none, meeting is adjourned.
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>> madam, president, may i call the roll? >> yes. >> president loftus. here. >> vice president turman? >> here. >> marshal, excused. >> mazzucco. excused. >> dejesus. >> present. >> wo ng. >> present. >> commissioner melara excused. >> you have a quorum, with us this evening is the chief of police gregory p. suhr. >> welcome to everyone, to the ingleside to the meeting and
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thank you all for taking the time to be here and in particular, i want to thank the folks of balboa high school and the is assistant principal and thank you so much for the school and the captain and everyone else and the community members and this is for the folks to know this is the road show that we go on once a month and we have two meetings at our city hall every month and one meeting. and it is an important time for us to get out here and what is happening in the neighborhood and what is working and what particular strategies and communities are employing, and the various on whether it is working or not and it is important and it helps us do our jobs. and to hear from you guys about what is happening. and to not make folks have to come to city hall, because that can be a haul for folks. so it is gaoed to be here and we also do a little bit of a different structure for this meeting and so my colleagues will actually introduce ourselves and what we do during
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the day and who we are in the world. and then, without further adieu, i will ask my colleagues to start. commissioner wong? >> thank you. >> thank you, for coming out and so we ran a little bit late this evening, my name is victor wong and i have worked in public service and civil rights as an attorney for 22 years and time as a public defender and as a kiefl consecutively rights attorney and as a da prosecuting sexual assault and hate crimes and i am the deputy director of api legal out reach which is the largest provider of immigration legal services in the city and we mainly focus on immigration and domestic violence and human trafficking and elder abuse and as a non-profit that i spend my day job at, thanks. >> so my name is dejesus, and i am an attorney during the day and i have been on the commission for a number of years and i grew up in san francisco and in the vernal heights area. and i do have to say, in 1972,
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i took driver's raining here at balboa it was interesting to come back here. and but it is always a treat to talk to community members and we go once a month and it is your opportunity to tell us all of your issues and concerns and we do listen and so we look forward to hear what you have to say, and i want to thank you for the world series game going on and you are here and so you are here and thank you very much. >> vice president turman? >> my name is turman and i am the vice president of the commission and i am the lawyer and where i have, and i have to labor in the employment to helping to draft the policies, and for the different employment laws. and i also serve on the police commission as the vice president of the non-profits here in san francisco and i am glad to be here tonight. and i am here with the opening,
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and please tell us your concerns, and we will do what we can. so thank you. >> thank you, vice president turman, and again, my name is susy loftus and i am a native san franciscan and i should tell you that when i was nine my connection was we lived here but i went to elementary in the richmond so i would take the 38 geary to bart at pal station and then we will go to 24th and mission and take another bus and walk up the hill and so i have very fond memories of this neighborhood and my husband and i are raising our three kids in the sunset and i was a prosecutor and now i work at the attorney general's office and i worked with an incredible organization called the center of youth wellness that is about addressing and healing kids exposed to trauma early on so we can get them on a path to be healthy and successful. >> thank you, for me, and i, and my mom will watch later and
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she will be so happy. and so, unfortunately, we have been talking a lot this month, about domestic violence that is domestic violence awareness month and i do have to say that i will ask my colleagues to adjourn this meeting tonight in the honor of we have this year, lost four victims to domestic violence, four homicide victims and we will talk about their names and we will ask to adjourn this meeting in their memory, the city had 44 months without having a domestic violence, and that ended in january. and so, i will ask my colleagues to do that, and remind all of us that today is the 14th anniversary of the tragic murder of claire joy timbango which was a catalyst for the city's response to domestic violence more appropriate and effective and, we keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers and ask to adjourn in the honor of the victims that we lost to domestic violence. and so, inspector call the
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first line item. >> madam, president, i have an announcement. there will be no closed session this evening. it will be put over to the next meeting. thank you. >> line item 1, reports to the commission, discussion. one 1, chief's report. and review of recent activities. >> good evening, public and commissioners, and director hiks, and i will be brief tonight, because as always, we have a large crowd here. we want to allow enough time for the community. and it has been a crazy busy month, and a month of october for the city of san francisco. and obviously we have got through, fleet week and the play offs started and the giants are winning which is great. and the celebrations have been peaceful, which has been great, and we are gearing up now for all of our home games, when the giants come back home for friday saturday and sunday.
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and not to jinx anything but for what happens after that. more to home. we did have this week a visit from the secretary of education, duncan about a lot of the good things that we are doing in san francisco with children, and pushing our education programs forward that the obama administration and secretary duncan are looking to see if pilots can be initiated in the bay area regional collaborativive that could be pushed across the rest of the united states and we of course as a police department want to be a part of anything that involves young people. i too have a connection to the ingleside and i also grew up in san francisco and in my summer and after school jobs were working at the central drugstore in the rec pharmacy and so driving all over the place and driving drugs legally to people that were shut-ins
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and could not get their prescriptions so that is kind of my connection to the mission. so with that, i will defer the rest of my type to the captain, who is new to the district, but only new as a captain. he spent a lot time here as at other ranks that i am sure that he will tell you about when he gets here. thank you. >> thanks. [ applause ] >> sergeant, call the next line item? >> 1 b, occ director's report. review of recent activities. >> welcome director hicks. >> thank you, president loftus and members of the commission and chief suhr and captain and members of the community, i am joyce hick, the director of san francisco office of citizen complaintser in addition here from the occ is very investigator sherry hall in front and it is a pleasure to
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be here this evening to speak with you about the functions of the office of citizen complaints. we are also known as the occ. and we are the third largest of the oversight of law enforcement agency in the united states, only surpassed in size by new york and chicago. the occ was created by a board of supervisors sponsored charter amendment in 1982, and we became fully operational in 1983. and that makes us 32 years old. we were originally an office in the san francisco police department, but later we were placed under the direct supervision of the san francisco police commission as an independent agency separate from the police department and the police commission and also a civilian body, and the function of the occ is to assist the police department in building trust with the community. by being the bridge between the public and the police in
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matters of police misconduct and also, police policies. our mission is to insure police accountability, but conducting fair, timely, and unbiased investigations. making recommendations on police policies and practices, and conducting mediations between the complainants and the police. here in california, law enforcement agencies must have a procedure to receive complaints from civilians against peace officers. the occ serves that purpose for the san francisco police department. we have a staff of diverse individuals. 35 of them, the majority of whom are investigators and the balance of our staff consists of attorneys and support staff. we conduct investigations to find out what happened, and when we receive a complaint. we follow the evidence, by
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interviewing the person who brought the complaint, the involved police officers and also, civilian witnesses. we have subpoena power to compel testimony and obtain evidence. and we obtain additional evidence from the police department, in the form of police reports and other documentation that the department generates. when we investigate we conduct field investigations where we go to the site of the alleged occurrence and photograph places or persons, as well as look for, a cameras where we or that might have captured the incident. and our aim is to complete our investigations within nine months, and with limited exceptions, we must complete them within a year, pursuant to state law. when we complete an investigation, we make a finding of whether the complaint of conduct violated any police department rules or local state or federal laws.
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we have a standard of proof that is the preponderance of the evidence, it means that the probability that the complaint of conduct occurred is more likely than not. that is, greater than 50 percent. if after we conduct a investigation we make a finding of misconduct, that is that an officer violated a rule we forward that finding to chief greg suhr for further action and he can impose discipline of up to ten days of suspension. the police commission has jurisdiction over discipline that is greater than a ten-day suspension and so the more serious misconduct. another, a vehicle that we use to resolve complaints, is mediation. we provide mediation, as an alternative to discipline. last year, the occ facilitated
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59 mediations, that is 8 percent of the 722 cases we closed last year. and the purpose of the mediation program is to allow complainants to resolve their issues with the accused officer in a dispute resolution format. the goal of our mediation program is to bring the parties together to achieve mutual understanding. we have a partnership with community boards in the san francisco board association, so that we are able to provide neutral mediators for the program and we do conduct the medation and languages other than english. our mediation program is a voluntary program, and that means that both the complainant and the complaint officer must agree to mediate in order for the medation to go forward. officer participation rate in our mediation program is high and last year, 87 percent of eligible officers participated
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in the program. the occ mediation coordinator donna salazar was last year's recipient of the president's award from the association of the dispute resolution of northern california. now i would like to share a few statistics with you about the complaints of the occ received last year, and how we resolved them. in 2013, the occ received, 727 complaints, that is a two percent reduction in complaints we received in 2012, when we received 740 complaints. last year we sustained 6 percent of the cases we closed. that means that we found some type of misconduct or negligent of duty. and we found that 2 percent of the allegations were unfounded or not true, the largest percentage of allegations were for neglect of duty followed by
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conduct, reflecting discredit, unnecessary force was ten percent of the allegations we received and last year we sustained five allegations of unnecessary force. i will tell you a little bit about the dem graphics of the complainants. >> 2013, 28 percent fp african american, caucasians were 30 percent and another 19 percent declined to state their race. and additionally it included asian americans at 6 percent and latinos at 12, and native americans and pacific islanders at 2 percent and 3 percent other. the staff of the occ speaks several languages. two of our investigators are by lingual, for the languages other than the ones that i mentioned we will obtain
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interpretation services. last year, we conducted 25 case intakes in spanish. and three in cantonese and two in madorine and one in russian and you can lesh more about the office of citizen complaints at our website, we received complaints in several ways, one of them is at our offices which are located on the 7th floor of 25 van ness avenue, on the corner of vanness and market. we receive wall-in complainants from the public from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., monday through friday and we also received the complaints by telephone, e-mail, mail, and on-line, and fax. we have an answering service for after hours complaints.
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and if a after hours complaint alleges serious very serious misconduct, our investigators will meet with the complainant after hours. and you can also file a complaint at your district police station and station personnel will forward those complaints to us. and again, if you would like additional information about the office of citizen complaints, senior investigator sherry hall is in the audience to answer your questions, that concludes my remarks and thank you. [ applause ] any questions for director hicks? okay, thank you, sergeant, call the next line item? >> 1 c, commission reports, commission president's report, commissioner's reports. >> thank you, sergeant. since we have so many people who want to speak, i think that i will reserve most of my report for our next meeting at city hall, but i will say that,
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i had the good fortune to attend the crisis intervention training program that was put on at a conference in monterrey they sent me to learn more about crisis intervention and improving the response to individuals and mental health crisis and it was tra extraordinary and the it was a group of mental health professionals from across the world, kentucky, tennessee, hey ohio and it was clear that the crisis intervention team model that we adopted here in san francisco is really, happening in many places, and here in san francisco, really fortunate to have a real commitment from the mental health professional to work with our department and in a real commitment by the department to work with the community. so, i will talk more about that in our next meeting but i wanted to make sure that the folks knew that we did attend that and continued to work with our mental health working group and i will give more of a
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flushed out update in november. >> colleagues, anything to report? >> commissioner wong? >> last wednesday, we had a screening of two films documenting our work against hate crimes, and the chief, and captain were kind enough to come and talk about their work, in the department's work in fighting against hate crimes. i did receive one occ complaint or what i believe to be an occ complaint by e-mail and i forwarded that to director hiks and i just want to alert her that i got a call as i was coming here today from chinese press, involving a case that just finished in the criminal courts, where there is a language, access issue and so i will forward that to director hiks to follow up, and there is something of a complaint by the public defender's office that the officer that responded spoke different, with the conflict of the filing the case and i will send you the press release, but apparently, it is
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creating a concern in the chinese community, with the communication issues which i know that we want to address. >> i also... >> thank you. >> i also want to report that on october 14th, commissioner or vice president turman and i attended the ceremony for the people from the beginning of the year until, somewhere in february? >> spring. >> spring. >> yes, spring to the end of the summer and there was a number of captains and sergeant and deputies, and deputy chiefs and the families came and it was really, it was heartwarming and it is important to acknowledge the accomplishment of many people, and i have to say that it was an incredibly diverse group of people that were promoted and they were from all different races, parts of the city and it was just, the women, and men, and it was, it was good to see the diversity, that is coming up, and being groomed for leadership and coming up for leadership in the department, and it was also heartwarming
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for the families because mothers were pinning their sons, fathers were pinning retired officers were pinning and there is, their sons or daughters and the children were actually pinning their parents and there was a husband and wife team that broke out for the sergeant and it was good and it was really good and it was good to see the new leadership or the developing leadership in the departments. and so if anyone gets a chance when we had the promotional ceremonies it is a good thing to see. so thank you, chief. >> thank you. >> commissioner wong, i think that you might have been, modest, but wasn't the movie about you and how amazing you are? >> i think that it was. >> i think that if you know, him, he was incredible hate crimes prosecutor. >> i am sure that it was about how amazing you are. >> we have been joined by the immediate past president mazzucco, thank you so much, commissioner, do you want to introduce yourself? >> yeah, i apologize for being late, i have a day job, and it had a very important meeting that i had to do as an attorney here in san francisco and i have been on the commission for almost six years or seven years.
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and at least it is my favorite part and coming out to the community and meeting with the community, and again, i am like i said i had a meeting, but, it is great to be here, and waiting to hear your input and so thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> sergeant, call the next line item? >> 1 d, commission announcements and scheduling items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. action. >> colleagues? >> it was not my turn to talk >> there will not be a meeting on the 29th, because it is the fifth wednesday of the month. and the next schedule meeting will be wednesday, november 5th at 5:30 p.m., the metal of valor ceremony will be november 12th, 6:00 p.m. at the scottish right masonic center. 2850, 19th avenue.
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>> my turn now. sergeant, call the next line item? >> line item two, captain joseph mcfaden commanding officer of ingleside station to address the commission on police activities in the ingleside district. discussion. >> sorry, captain, my colleague has a comment. >> i just want to follow up, on what commissioner president suzy loftus mentioned and i know that supervisor jane kim asked if we could reconvene the homicide review panel and it is something that we have been working on this past week and in particular, this last vick, cecilia lamb who was murdered a block and a half from my office, who from her family's account appears to be a long time, dv advocates and working for the betterment of the city and i know that there is a process to be followed and i am wondering on the process and the poli
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