tv [untitled] November 2, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST
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and especially, as we get into you know new led and lights that use some of that technology and either or interference with them or us how is that dealt with. >> so i guess there's two issues one issue with respect to radio frequency is addressed by the public health standards and the issue our specifically inquiring with with respect to interference with other systems the master agreements make it clear that in the event we need a pole for utility purposes that takes persistence so if we encounter any conflict any diego dictation of a monitoring system for street lights for example, we'll have the ability to direct
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the carry to remove the device under the agreement. >> what about consequential damages. >> if we were to interfere with carriers operations and that causes inconvenience are we protected. >> we're protected against that through the terms of the master license agreement. >> okay it was not i wouldn't find that i didn't go over it with a fine tooth culp but it seems like remove or removal of the facilities is an extreme solution as opposed to designing
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around it. >> maria i'm investing it but we require the license be acknowledged we won't enter into an agreement the puc will not be willing to answer into it with an absence of a waiver for consequential damages to the action or omissions and assume the risk from that point that is fairly standards language in our contract we'll call it out to you if we ever sign is an agreement you are taking on the liability. >> okay. then i want to make sure in our electrical review. >> yes. >> it is clear it includes the radio frequency
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interference as well i don't know if we need to amend documents for that with the form of the lease. >> i can work with the folks to understand if it's technology an issue i'm not sure i understand the possibilities there. >> we're not anticipating any problems on that front but certainly commissioner we can work with city attorney to address that issue and make sure it is covered sufficiently and i said you're certain it's a certain of how the facilities would operate after will installation in the event there is anticipated radio frequency interference. >> first making sure in the design we believe. >> there isn't any. >> correct and if it turns out despite of our efforts there is
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we have the ability to deal with it. >> correct. >> i don't think if there's an issue i didn't see it's an issue. >> and with are not anticipating any issues to the extent that we discovered after the fact issues then we would have the city protected by the lawns that was read to you and our facilities are to the effect we can have the devices removed. >> in terms of the scope of the engineering review did that require any clarification or something we can direct staff. >> i'll direct staff to do that. >> okay. >> i don't know any others.
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>> i have a question about the mount that is on top of how tall is that. >> the day's itself. >> yeah. >> you know how tall it is mary. >> about 2 and a half feet. >> okay and my lack of knowledge about this with the installation of 4 strands of fiber eye is that sufficient. >> we received that request from the department of technology yes, they think that is sufficient for their purposes. >> okay. those are all my questions. >> any public comment? seeing none, may i have a motion >> i'll move it. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries
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item 15. >> recommend that the board of supervisors approve the conveyance of on easements in an inincorporated county to the bachelor church of oakland and authorize an agreement to the easement to the church. >> good afternoon. i'm diana the real estate director i ask you to ask the board of supervisors to approve the easement the consideration it is the determination of the puc's obligation to supply the retail water to the church this church was one of 3 customers along the road in niles cannon we stopped supplying water in 199 had the california department of health found an issue with the water we supplied and over a periods of several years we funded construction of a well and we
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objected encroachment permits for the lines across caltrain and other property and feinstein in 2011, we entered into an amendment that led the way for the easement. >> questions? >> i'll move it. >> second. >> any public comment? i'll call for the question those in favor opposed? the motion carries >> thank you. >> so i said we do not have closed session today. >> correct. >> very good other new business? commissioners? seeing none, i do want to announce that the meeting of november 11th has been scald because that's veterans day and there's been a new meeting called a special meeting for
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>> he commissioner doreen [speaker not understood]? >> here. >> item 2, approval of the minutes for the october 14, 2014 meeting. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? minutes are approved. >> item 3, public comment and executive session. >> any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> executive session. >> is there a motion to move into -- >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> i move to reconvene in open session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> so moved to not disclose to not did you say close anything discussed in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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>> announcement of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during the meeting: please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phone, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device. ~ item 8, public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> is there anyone wishing to provide public comment on anything not on our agenda? seeing -- is there anyone? public comment is closed. >> okay, item 9a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioner, member of the
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public. port staff, thank you for joining us today on such a lovely day, and thank you for wearing your orange, most of you. so, go giants. hopefully this will be a short meeting so we can all go cheer them on. commissioners, i just have a few things to report, and the first thing is to follow-up on my report from last meeting on the disposal of our old dry dock number 1 and the arrival of the mv teshvthv. ~ tern. i think we talked about it at the last meeting. i'd like [speaker not understood] to walk you through quickly of the disposal, i guess the collection of the dry dock would be the better word. >> good afternoon, commissioner, [speaker not understood] with the special ports projects team. on saturday, october 18th, beginning at 6:00 a.m., port staff along with west submarine services and dock wise began the operation to position dry dock number 1 over the deck of the tern so that she could
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fully be ballast and lift the dry dock out of the water. that operation began at 9:00 a.m., de-ballasting [speaker not understood]. her decks were dry, which for the port was very significant because it what the moment at which title transferred and we no longer owned it. it was a very happy time. on tuesday morning aboard the tern, monique was kind enough to get gate authority to me to execute the bill of sale. we officially sold dry dock number 1 to dock wise for the sum of $1. ~ delegate that is a 1976 bicentennial silver dollar from the vice president of dock wise rob erickson's personal collection. he went and bought 100 of them when he was a kid. dug it out of a box, now he has 99. he gave that to us.
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nice symmetry there. we acquired dry dock for the sum of $1 back in the day long time ago. so, it's fit thattion she should go away for that same amount. i'm going to go through a couple of slides here to show you what happened. first, this is a shot of the tern before the lift operation from at&t park during the cardinal's game. so, apparently she was here not only to put dry dock number one out to pasture, but the cardinals as well. [laughter] >> fully submerged prior to dry dock reaching the tern. this is [speaker not understood] of the dry dock, just at the restart of the float over, over her deck. this is about midway, halfway through the lift. you can see me looking at the affidavit of ~ aft of the tern from the inside. most of the way through but
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still fully submerged, not yet captured by the dock wise vessel. once out of the water this is about how much space you had underneath. not very much. and just a reminder that this vessel dry dock is 408 feet long, the deck is 415. there is a squeaker, couple feet on either end. and here we go fully loaded, there you go. tuesday morning, about 7:00 a.m., she passed underneath the golden gate bridge and officially rode off into the sunset. [speaker not understood]. i do want to take this opportunity to thank some people who worked on this project over the last five years or, you know, 15 years in some cases. the maritime division, [speaker not understood], john davey have been unwaivering in their support of this no matter what odd form this has taken over the last couple years. [speaker not understood].
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the maintenance crew, tom carter, timfeld son toward the end executed all the complicated preparations that were necessary for this. ~ the city attorney's office tim yashida, what can i say about tim? he can be finicky. [speaker not understood]. it was exactly what the project needed. very grateful to have had his counsel on this project. rich berman in real estate was also invaluable on the environmental side of things. couldn't have done it without him. lawrence brown in finance and [speaker not understood] insurance requirements. and that's just inside the port. brad, no last name necessary foring me off the ledge a couple times over the last five years, and then outside the port the city purchaser jackie fong and assistant purchaser [speaker not understood] couldn't have done it without them. then matt hanson, city risk manager, and i could go on and
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on about people outside the city family. i'll end with leader nancy pelosi and her staff. this all started with a 2009 show of support from her folks which, you know, helped us with phase one and shrinking it down to a manageable size so we can actually complete the operation that we did last week. so, that's all for my presentation. for my substituted executive director's report, thank you. >> thank you. >> [speaker not understood] want today say a few words on that same topic. >> commission, i just wanted to acknowledge dailey's work on this. this was a complicated project exposing the port to very big risks and he managed a very complicated obscure a negotiation with dock wise and figured out very complicated insurance and risk management issues and so i just want to thank you for all of your work, danny. >> thank you. thank you, dailey.
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commissioners, it's been an auspicious fall for us. we opened the long awaited cruise terminal which what first envisioned in the late 1980s and this disposition of the dry dock has been envisioned for over a decade. it's taken many different iterations and we held the foresight to not only stick with it but find a creative solution and we're really very proud of that. so, let me add my gratitude to yours as well, dailey, thank you. and to all the team. it was a good group effort. i know probably the happiest two people in the world, tom carter, peter dealy, they no longer have to be out in the storms de-watering it so it won't sink or blow away. peter doesn't have to worry about his birthday next week getting a call from the admiral to come and get the dock back because his daughter's wedding is next week and they don't want it to be part of the furniture. thank you, everyone, it's been
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a long story and the story ended very well. commissioners, next i just wanted to make you aware that two weeks ago i was elected to be the president of the california association of port authorities. that's an association of the 11 ports in the state of california. while we do a number of things, but most importantly, we work on international trade issues and tariffs and other things affecting our related businesses. the position is a two-year position and typically it is held by a person in northern california port, southern california port. it trades off every two years. i am replacing the outgoing president whos what the port director of san diego, waynn darbo and the president is the [speaker not understood] whos has also been elected the president of the american association of port authorities. so, very pleased with the opportunities ahead of us and you'll be hearing a lot more
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about the business of capa as we call it in the year ahead. it's a great opportunity. dailey, if you would, i also wanted to obliquely mention the world series. i think as most of you know, i'm trained as an investment banker. investment bankers are superstitious because we rely on the generosity of the marketplace every day. so, i don't really want to jinx the giants tonight, but i do want to mention -- can i have the saul? thank you. that there is a lot of orange in town and i know you've seen the pictures of hoist tower and ferry building and hopefully you've seen city hall. but i wanted to point out this one which is a picture of the flaming lotus girls art exhibit at pier 14 ~. the mayor's office asked if it could be lit orange and they were kind enough to do that for us. so, starting at pier 14 we have
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the final lotus girls. many of you, i hope, got to see the cruise ship terminal lit orange for the world series gay load last thursday night. this is it looking in from the embarcadaro promenade. and i really love this picture. these pictures by the way are courtesy of byron rhett's cell phone which is a pretty darn good cell phone. this is a picture looking back toward the city scape of the apron, so, the beautiful a baron with the gang way. wonderful shore side power terminal came outlooking very elegant the other night. ~ apron and then the fire works courtesy of the giants. apparently we heard from many of the residents around telegraph hill how much they enjoyed the fire works show and were cheering loudly as the fire works were coming out. so, it was a real measure of unity within the city and we thank the giants for bringing all of that to us.
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thank you, dailey. i did a quick survey of some of our restaurants to find out how this weekend's world series events affected them. most of our restaurants saw at least a 20% increase over the three days. the two restaurants, red's and java house neither of them stayed open to accommodate the crowds after the game. so, their revenues went up about 20% for the java house, but reds went up about 200%. the high dive said this was the best three days ever of their history in being open for now almost 11 years. they had previously seen the best weekend during the weekend of fleet week of 2014, and their revenues were up about 80%, which was astounding. they are really, really excited. so, people along the waterfront are celebrating. we haven't had a chance to talk to some of our other tenants such apedi cabs to see how it
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affected their business. everybody has been really happy. ~ mission rock has picked up some on the south side of the park. they picked up a lot during the weekend, so, they were also very thrilled. and, of course, i'm sure you saw a lot of non-port tenants have been interviewed over the last couple of days who have all been very grateful for the opportunity and the excitement that the world series has brought. so, they're excited for that. next i'd like to mention that today, as many of you know, partner tide line marine who is one of our water taxi partners launched their new vessel which is named the osprey, which gave jay a little worry when i said the osprey was here, the bird. i have to be careful how i refer to the vessel. tide land marine group as you know not long ago, you extended their lease in exchange for them having the wherewithal to engage and enhance their
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business and venture into a larger vessel. they've been running two smaller protector vessels for the last two years. they hold about 4 to 6 passengers. the new osprey vessel shown here in the photo can hold up to 40 passengers. she was certified by the coast guard in a record three weeks. that's how great a vessel and clean shape she is. some of us had the privilege to go on a very short ride today and she's incredibly smooth and really just feels like you're out on somebody's back deck going around the bay. they launched her just before fleet week and her first tour of duty was to move the blue angel's pirates from san francisco to alameda for the air show and back. that is a nice gate to have, i think. in the days since they've worked the ship about 19 hours and served i think well over 300 passengers serving a lot of giants fans. and in addition, having a larger ship has allowed them to make their pricing more
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competitive to bring their price countdown. so, for anybody that's interested, even if you just want to go out and see the bay which today is a perfect day for it, to go onto their website and check out their pricing. so, very pleased, and the partnership with if you could show the other picture, you can see there is a nice back area as well as the boats in the foregroundand the osprey is in the foregroundthere next to the san francisco spirit. but she looks great, a few passengers inside the vessel as well as outside. so, there is a little something for everyone there. and then lastly, commissioners, i just want to remind everybody that tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. we will be celebrating the opening of cruise terminal park and the dedication of lucy and fritts jewett grove, pier 27 across from lombard street. i look forward to seeing as many of you a can join us.
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and that concludes my report. >> thank you. is there any public comment on the executive director's report? seeing none, next item. >> commissioners' report. >> darren, kip? just wanted to echo executive director's comments regarding the osprey. it was exciting to see. and speaking with them, they are exploring unique and innovative ways to have vessels that they'll have virtually no emissions and even one that will not even use any gasoline in any capacity at all. they're doing some project with solar power and few other opportunities, but exciting to see them on the cutting edge of clean technology transportation. and then, again, reiterate several things. since our cruise ship terminal has been open, we've had a few events there and it's been
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spectacularly beautiful. so, we'd invite people to please come to the opening of the park tomorrow. and just wanted to see if at some point we might be able to allow some of the community groups that have been involved and in the planning process that are affected to perhaps get a tour of the terminal, there may have been some that have not had a chance to see, perhaps invite them to come in. >> sure, we'd be happy to. >> and then, of course, hopefully the orange signifies the port for our -- one of our larger tenants a they go to the world series today. and i promise we will conduct a quick meeting and we should be out before the start of the game. >> commissioner adams? >> first of all, i want to say on the dry dock to everybody that was involved, a special thank you to you, dailey. i know it was a tough year for you. you lost your father, but he'd be proud of you. you're hanging in there and just want to say thank you guys all for your hard work.
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director moore, congratulations on being president of the california association of port authorities. that's a big job. i think that our ports clearly in california need a lot of attention. i think with your leadership both with the ports of l.a., long beach, oakland and sacramento, that you will bring a different vision to it, you being in your position now for ten years. of course, you know port directors last a minimum of three to four years and you have lasted a long time. so, i really think that is deserving to be bee stowed ~ bestowed upon you to be the head. good luck. >> thank you, commissioner. >> i will say one thing. as many of you know, i'm i've been a big proponent of water transportation ~. i'll go on record to say since we didn't have the tide land tour today and newport, i want to say i think it's a great
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step we're taking. it is an expansion of the boat and their fleet. we did take a nice ride. i just want to emphasize being able to develop more modes of water transport not only just for special events, recreational, but also hopefully if we ever get to the point where we can see it also as helping in more commuting in addition to all the existing ferries that we do have to relieve some of the congestion which is one of the biggest issues we do face on the embarcadaro and we hope to see more north to south. so, this was just another step in that direction and clearly we want to applaud them for take thattion and they've been successful so far. we hope that they'll have more success along with our other operators and hope we can expand this program going forward, and that we continue to maintain a focus on figuring out how to build more infrastructure for more water transportation along the waterfront. so, this is another i think milestone in our development and our progress in this
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