tv [untitled] November 2, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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from this measure and i think we also have to make sure we continue to punish our pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of those drugs and the prep that we continue to make sure that people have access to every possible resource to help them afford the drug and help them with some of the very, very expensive co-pays i know we'll all work token tom nolan together to make sure we achieve that goal. >> thank you supervisor tang. >> thank you first of all, i want to acknowledge i am glad to see this supplemental went down if 8 hundred to $300 i want to highlight many of the grow efforts that the department of public health in san francisco has made for hiv preservation one of their core you functions they're the leader on epididymis
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metrological and they spend 16 will million dollars on hiv preservation annually in 2010 they were did first in the nation to recommend treatment for anyone with hiv and they were the first site that showed prep was effective at reducing the hiv infections and trans females and the dph enrollment surpassed all sites asia dph clinic sites is one of the prep projects, in fact, we're now still going to be continuing 3 ftes to retain the staff for the projects as a result of the efforts by dpw and all our wonderful community partners san francisco has far fewer undiagnosed infections in the via country and we're successful
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at laying a foundation hiv persons to care so prep is one part of this getting to zero initiate as supervisor wiener mentioned it is important for us to look at the broader picture how we address those issues in our outreach effort so although i know the amount has been reduced i feel that this is something we can absolutely address during our regular budget process and something that our dpw has been a great leader in the be entire united states and well excepted to handle the degrees and outreach programs i look forward to our regular proposals to further work on funding for simple programs and initiates with that, i respectfully can't support of the supplemental today, i don't say i don't support all our efforts in the intervention outreach. >> supervisor.
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>> i think it's important to recognize that our department of public health has been a leader worldwide in hiv treatment and preservation the fact is though as much as we've done we still have 3 hundred and 32 people that be infected and from a financial stand out i want to note that the study shows for every hiv infections you present you actually save between 3 hundred and 50 to 5 hundred thousands of the life of that individual for treatment respectfully i ask for your support. >> thank you colleagues reenforcement. >> item 11. >> supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang no supervisor wiener supervisor yee
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supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor chiu there are 10 i's and one no. >> it ordinance is passed on s first reading. >> item 12 to adapt the environmental quality act including the agreements with certain semi terrors with the enthrone water storage. >> roll call vote. >> on item 12 supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor chiu there are 11 i's that matter is adapted next item. >> item 13 a regulation to authors the general manager of
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the public utilities commission to enter into a new site lease with existence and control inc. and license for the purpose of existing or now a myself antennas or another general communication facility in al led for a 25 year term of $90,500 for an initial base rent. >> same house, same call? this resolution is adapted arrest to adapt the zoning map to improve the embarcadero alcohol restricted use district and african-american others code for the technical changes and making the requisite finding. >> supervisor breed thank you. i want to say a quick if you words about the items the few fillmore and
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embarcadero commercial district were borne out of the community by a lax process i worked with the fillmore neighborhood particular their administered that point a trarld structure it was delayed because of formula retail but i'm proud to see the mcds coming to fruition they're working to have a vibrant 0 corridor creating named commercial districts is an important part of that the embarcadero runs 12 blocks if hate street and home to businesses like most joe and o i can't say cafe it runs 9 blocks from mcallister to bush street and home to 13 hundred on fillmore and the historic fillmore and the same as the
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state bird provisions most ever you can't get a reservation for they spent years under the redevelopment action is now establishing it's on identity those mcds will protect existing hours and invite nor activity and appealing architecture and treating create a framework for the neighborhood planning controls to their unique needs and atmosphere and both adult to the pending new policies regarding formula retail if they should pass for more than any specific provisions about sickened the 3450ikdz will create an infrastructure to help to shape the future of the neighborhood i want to thank tom of liveable city and everyone in
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house planning code expert a big thank you to the administer to the embarcadero and fillmore to the folks to the merchant is association and from the fillmore merchant association for their support i have minor non-substantive the city attorney doesn't know whether one would pass before the other. >> supervisor breed i understand you make items so i'll ask the clerk to call item 15. >> thank you supervisor breed. item 13 an ordinance to overwhelm the fillmore district african-american other conditions to make the requisite findings >> so those amendments are for both legislation in drafting those the city attorney doesn't know whether one would pass before the other so the current
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provision doesn't know my amendment updates that so each mcd references the other in the planning table, etc. so i move the amendment. >> supervisor breed passing has made the amendments siktd by supervisor cohen we'll take that without objection. that's the case and i'll appreciate our support moving forward with with a positive recommendation. >> colleagues, can we take those two items we'll take that without objection. the ordinance are passed on the first reading without objection. >> item 16 a recessing resolution to compass the interim zoning controls facing set the record starlight for 18 months making the requisite finding. >> colleagues, same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. this is adapted. >> this is the issuance of a
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top beer and wine license on columbus avenue and will serve the public with necessity. >> same house, same call? this resolution is adapted item 18. >> a motion to appoint demet to the entertainment commission the term ending july 21st, 2015. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president i'm speaking in support of the entertainment commission for this gentleman he's a xevenl well qualified for this position and particularly for the public health seats determining tree is the executive director that runs the fulsome fair up the alley and he's done it for a number of years and those two street fairs are really exemplar in terms terms of providing entertainment
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and community building running one stealing large and one event in a very, very responsible and well managed yet still edgy way so demetry knows how to get it done and well, he is has a long history in the entertainment community and has a long history in public health particularly- half a and the street festival focuses on will maintaining the health of the planters because we know that people can have health problems at street fairs if not well run demetry will be an asset to the commission and one thing about detrys appointment we know that street fairs and festivals at times struggle in san francisco the city is not sufficiently
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supportive of them and some of the fairs and festivals have actually had to access operations so having that prospective on the entertainment commission someone that has run for a good period of time to successful he street festivals will be an educate to other commission and will do when i want to see happen the entertainment commission play an even larger roll in fostering our street fairs scene in san francisco so i strongly support detry and ask do as well. >> supervisor campos. >> i don't want to repeat with supervisor wiener indicated i want to note this is one of the best appointment we'll make to the commission this individual given the important roles he plays in the two events that supervisor wiener tabbed brings
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an important prospective and this is someone that knows how to be successful in entertainment at the same time that responsible so i'm excited will this appointment i know this is an individual that applied previously and i think it's great for the city that he will be serving inand with that can we take this item same house same call? without objection, this motion is approved. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 19 is a motion appointing almudena bemubeu, haregu gaime (residency requirement waived), bill hing, leah chen price, and elahe enssani, terms ending june 6, 2016, to the immigrant rights commission. ~ 2016. >> supervisor mar. >> i just wanted to single out one of the appointees, professor bill hing and thank him for mentoring generations of immigration and immigrant rights lawyers like myself and
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asian american leaders as well from founding of the immigrant legal resource center to many other organizations and really giving advice to so many of the various justice struggles within immigrant communities. i wanted to thank him and say it's an honor to have him serve on our immigrants rights for our city. thank you. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i, too, wanted to single out one person, leah chen price. she's a native san francisco an. i'm glad she went through the process and her name is coming before us. i support her wholeheartedly. she's intelligent, talented,v and comes from a family that has been commit today san francisco and ensuring the immigrant community folks coming new to our country have the access to the resources they need so they can make san francisco their home. so, i'm excited and, colleagues, i had hope you will join me in supporting ms. leah chen price. thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> yeah he, just a quick comment. there are several people that's going to be asked to be part of
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the immigrants rights commission. and generally we would have individuals in these appointments, and as was in item number 18, an out standling person for that commission, this is one group of people that i feel very he proud to support. i mean, every single one of them are very outstanding people that will move our agenda in regards to immigrant rights issues, and i'm looking forward to having them all serve on the commission. thank you. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i just want to thank the committee for recommending haregu gaime who is native to the russian community unfortunately. she was priced out of her community like many of my friends who grew up in the western addition. and i'm really glad to see her so actively engaged in san
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francisco and continuing to not only do work around the bay area, but to fight for immigration rights and changes to our laws in order to make sure that we move legislation forward a lot more aggressively than we have. she's really a strong supporter of human rights and she is an incredible choice for this commission. and i do support her residency requirement waiver and i hope you all will support her appointment as well. thank you. >> and with that, colleagues, can we take these items same house same call? without objection, this motion is approved. [gavel] >> we don't have any 2:30 special commendations today. we'll pass over our 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 special commendations. and with that, why don't we proceed to our committee reports. madam clerk? >> items 27 and 28 were considered by the neighborhood services and safety committee at a special meeting on thursday, october 23rd and forwarded to the board as a
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committee reports as amended but with the same title. item 27 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to require certain city contractors and subcontractors with 20 or more employees to submit an equal pay report regarding compensation paid to employees; and establishing the equal pay advisory board to analyze and recommend the best methods of data collection that will identify wage gaps, and setting forth the membership and duties of the advisory board. ~ set forth members and duties of the advisory board. >> supervisor campos? >> thank you, mr. president. for us the idea of this law is something that first came up when we read that earlier this year. president obama issued an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide aggregate compensation data by race and gender. we thought it would be helpful to, and important for san francisco to emulate the federal directive at the local
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level and my office immediately reached out to the president of the commission on the status of women, nancy kushner rodriguez to see what she thought of the idea. she said she liked the idea and put us in touch with federal officials who were part of the process for implementing the president's directive. my office next reached out to [speaker not understood] who is a regional representative for labor secretary tom perez, to kelly jenkins pultz, federal women's bureau, as well as martha [speaker not understood], first entity in the country to actually collect equal pay data from state contractors in new mexico. we also reached out to [speaker not understood] who is the co-founder of the bay area equal pay collaborative that has been working on the issue, closing the gender pay gap for so many years. we also reached out to the
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executive director of the human rights commission, theresa sparks. all of these local, state and federal experts thought it was a good idea for san francisco to emulate on a local level what the president is doing at the federal level. these individuals and many other local leaders on this issue helped us shape the law that you see today. and i especially was moved as i was walking into the board chambers by the about 100 or so women that were -- felt important -- it was important for them to come out today to make the point that the issue of pay equity has been an issue for way too long. the fact is that the equal pay act of 1963 has been in effect for more than 50 years. it requires that we have equal pay for equal work, and yet there is a gender gap in pay.
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census data from 2011 shows that the average woman still earns 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. the pay gap is even greater for african-american women and latina women f. you're an african-american woman, you earn 64 cents on the dollar and if you're a latina, you earn 56 cents on the dollar. women comprise more than 50% of the labor force in the united states and the consequence of wage discrimination are not only wrong, but it means beyond the impact on women that it actually impacts all of us. in san francisco where we are experiencing an affordability crisis, it means that women and their families are having a harder time paying rent, securing quality health care, paying for child care, and saving for a rainy day or retirement.
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eliminating wage discrimination is not only a matter of fairness. it will have real material impacts on women, their families, and society as a whole. my legislation will take a step and it's only a step in ensuring that taxpayer dollars that we as a city spend are actually spent on contractors that pay women equally for the work they do. last year the city and county of san francisco paid $5.2 billion to vendors. if we were to institute policies that ensure equal pay for all workers, we can actually make a difference on the lives of thousands of women. our legislation, i believe, is a modest effort that does the following. it adds a new section to the administrative code's nondiscrimination provisions which require all city contractors with at least 20 employees and all city
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contractors with a grant agreement of 50,000 and more to submit an annual equal pay report to the city's human rights commission. the report will include summary compensation information for employees, identify by gender and race. please note that we are aware that 14,000 vendors with the city and county of san francisco in fiscal year 2014 would meet this requirement and the controller's office estimates that 11% of city vendors have 20 or more employees. therefore, we estimate that only 1,540 of the 14,000 vendors that the city employs would be impacted. again, only 1,540 -- 1500 of 14,000 vendors. the legislation creates an initial phase during which the legislation will actually not
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go into effect or at least the data collecting requirement. during that period the director of the human rights commission is charged with the responsibility of convening a working group to design a data collection system that is best suited to both identify if wage discrimination is taking place at a workplace and to also minimize the administrative burden on city contractors. the board of supervisors mayor's office and the commission on the status of women will appoint members to this working group. and let me say that i at some point when we began this process, we thought of legislating the exact data that the city should collect, but we thought it was important to be as inclusive as possible to have this wait period so that we gave every person who may have a say on this an opportunity to weigh in. after conversationses with
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martha burk who designed the data collection system for new mexico, we created in this legislation the equal pay advisory board which will be responsible for designing the right system for san francisco. collecting the right data is complicated and we want to make sure that the people designing the system have the proper expertise to do this right. for this reason we specify the qualifications necessary for each of the seven members for the advisory board, which will include a person who has worked as a discrimination or employment lawyer with an emphasis on gender equity, a person who works in human resources responsible for diversity, a person who has worked on quantitative gender analysis including statistic, and i want to thank the commission on the status of women, after speaking to the president we also provided a copy of the legislation to their director more than a month before this vote.
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and i want to thank the commission on the status of women for its feedback, for its expertise which we have incorporated the comments that they gave us. after initial phase-in period of the human rights commission believes that wage discrimination has taken place at a particular business, it can proactively investigate the business to determine whether workers receive equal pay for equal work. if a human rights commission determines that the employer has violated equal pay laws, the commission can recommend that the city department that contracts with that vendor issue penalties against the vendor and/or terminate and/or suspend any outstanding contract with the city. the human rights commission is being asked under this law to report annually to the board of supervisors on the data that it collects. any trends in pay discrimination, the number of investigationses it commence based on the reports that it
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receives and the number of contractors that were penalized for violating equal pay laws. discrimination based on sex and race is already prohibited in the city's administrative code and by federal law. however, the human rights commission only enforces the provisions at this point when individuals file allegations of unequal pay. the problem is that it is simply impossible for women to determine whether they are victims of wage discrimination because, as a 2011 survey from the institute for women's policy research found, about half of workers report that the discussion of wage and salary information is either discouraged or actually prohibited in the workplace. there is essentially a culture of secrecy around compensation which has allowed this wage disparity to remain countrywide for more than 50 years. this legislation is
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groundbreaking because it provides the human rights commission the data it needs to proactively investigate businesses without having to rely on individual worker complaints and therefore ensure equal pay at hundreds of businesses that contract with the city and county of san francisco. the legislation is also unique in that it contains consequences he for contractors that are violating equal pay laws ~. if after an investigation the human rights commission believes that discrimination has occurred, the contractor can be required to pay monetary penalties or risk losing its contract with the city. we are the first government entity to attach consequences to failure to comply with equal pay laws. i want to make it clear that the passage of this legislation, the discussion on what data to collect and how to do so is only the beginning once this legislation is passed. before any provision of the ordinance related to the equal pay report goes into effect,
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the equal pay advisory board that is created by this law must be fully in panel and it would take up to at least three months during which it would hold public hearings and ultimately this advisory board must return to the board of supervisors with recommendations on the best data collection method as well as any other trailing legislation that is needed to achieve the recommendations. we wanted to make sure that this piece of legislation did not go into effect until that work was completed. the advisory board had six months from its inaugural meeting to bring its recommendationses to the board. therefore, nothing will go into effect until at the earliest nine months after passage of the ordinance. in fact, we know that it could take and probably will take longer, depending on the recommendations of the advisory
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board. passing this legislation is simply the first step and it puts us on record that the main thing we are doing today is that we are committing ourselves to end the secrecy. i want to thank a number of organizations that have supported this ordinance, including the equal rights advocates, the california chapter of the national organization for women, now, the legal aid society, the employment law center, san francisco women's political committee, la rasa central [speaker not understood], the asian law caucus, the bay area equal pay collaborative, the california teachers association, the california nurses association, the national union of health care workers and [speaker not understood] employees international. i want to make one point, that in response to a comment from the san francisco chamber of commerce, i will be here by
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making a motion to add the following language on page 5 line 24. and i quote, "the city will not disclose any information contained in the equal pay report that qualifies as a trade secret or proprietary information." the concern that was raised to us by the san francisco chamber of commerce -- and we welcome the feedback -- is that there might be proprietary information that they do not want to see disclosed as part of the report or as part of a government records request. the language that i move to include in the ordinance addresses that concern. i want to just end my remarks by noting a couple of points that have been raised. we introduced this piece of legislation more than a month ago. there has been actually a lot of me
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