tv [untitled] November 2, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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it's free admission. it goes from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. also harte baker one of our great bakeries on 15th and clement avenue is hosting a haunted house from 6 to 9:00 p.m., their first year. a brand-new business, please support the haunted house there 6 to 9. lastly 7:00 p.m. balboa theatre on 37th, 38th and balboa is showing -- they've been showing scary movies, but this one is a real scary one. it's trina lopez's documentary of second final rest, the history of san francisco's lost cemeteries, pretty much in my district. it's a history but also scary. it's also short films and other surprises. there is a charge to that, but you can get information from the western neighborhood's project at outside the rest i'll submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor tang. >> thank you. first of all, thank you, supervisor mar. i have to say i'm pretty touched by your gift. thank you so much. that was very sweet of you. first of all, i wanted to a
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thouctiontionv that i'm co-sponsoring a measure today along with mayor lee and along with supervisors yee, breed, farrell, chiu, wiener and martha would require a comprehensive facade inspection, maintenance and repair of certain buildings that are five stories or more to reduce the risk of death and/or injury that may result from deterioration on exterior facades of buildings. deteriorating facades can pose significant threats to pedestrian safety and this is an issue that was highlighted following the recent earthquake that impacted much of napa. not only does this measure aim to reduce pedestrian safety hazards before following an earthquake, it also serves to reduce post earthquake facade debris blocking first responders priority access routes. so, with that i hope to get the full support of the board on this measure. and the next two i have two in memoriams. it was incredibly sad last week that actually there were two district 4 residents that
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unfortunately passed away due to accidents. so, there are two pedestrian fatalities and both were residents of the sunset. one was a louis van belden and he passed away at the age of 87 monday october 20th after being struck by a vehicle on slope boulevard and 43rd avenue across from his home. he was a well loved member of our community and known by neighbors for his friendly demeanor. louis could often be seen around his home keeping his yard, keeping the sidewalk clean, george's deli across [speaker not understood]. he was with his wife and his daughter louisa at their home on slope boulevard. he met his wife in new zealand and they later married at saint ann's church at inner sunset. at one point in his life he worked as a printer and also for the san francisco chronicle and examiner when they were combined paper. his children attended saint gabriel's school and when he retired he stayed very active
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and went to the gym three times a week and, in fact, on that monday i believe that he was on his way to the gym. a community member shared that he what very concerned about pedestrian safety, especially concerning children, family, coming, going from the zoo and he observed over the years with the increasing population that slope was becoming more dangerous. our office is currently exploring proposals as part of the ocean beach master plan and our sunset district blue print to increase the safety for all users of sunset boulevard and we want to send our deepest condolances to his family during this difficult time. and the second one happened right outside where we work every day at city hall, priscilla known to many as prisci maretto was taken to soon us from the 23rd because of a tragic accident right outside. priscilla was born in 1945 in the philippines and she
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attended the far eastern university institute of technology in manila philippines. in 1972 she immigrated to the united states and married [speaker not understood] in 1974. priscilla worked in the controller's office and for her entire career starting in 1987 as an accountant and dedicated 28 years with the department. she was a senior accountant in the budget analysis division. she will be remembered as a pleasant, positive happy person by her coworkers. she was dedicated to her job and had an outstanding work ethic. as i mentioned she was a resident of sunset district and is survived by her husband, married 41 year, son eric, daughter clarissa, son-in-law and [speaker not understood]. i know she was fond of all of them. priscilla considered being a wife and grandmother her most
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important role in life, but she found great joy serving in her parish and community. she what an arktive parishioner of saint gabriel's parish and [speaker not understood]. a gifted singer [speaker not understood] she developed and cultivated lifelong friendship with fellow members of the [speaker not understood] prayer group and the [speaker not understood] club. services were held this morning at saint gabriel's church. again, i do want to send my deepest condolances to her family, friend, all of her colleagues in the controller's office, and for both of these in memoriams i'd really like to request that we adjourn our meeting on behalf of the full board in memory of these two individuals and really encourage all of us to continue our work with the vision zero task force with all of our city departments to improve pedestrian safety for everyone in san francisco. thank you. >> colleagues, can i request -- supervisor tang has asked we make both of these in memoriams on behalf of the entire board. without objection, that should be the case. [gavel]
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>> thank you, supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. >> thank you, madam clerk. i have two item to submit today. san francisco has a commitment to the growing number of families that are choosing to stay in this city. a number of young children is growing, making a huge leap from an estimated 36,300 in 2000 to 47, nearly 48,000 in the year of 2009. in 2012 our city established the office of early care and education and i want to thank once again supervisor avalos who led that discussion in 2012. to help us meet these growing needs and to help us align and
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coordinate our city's efforts to provide early care and education for children ages zero to 5, this includes meeting the goals of the city-wide plan for early care and education and out of school time. today i am introducing along with supervisors avalos and kim an ordinance to reinforce the duties of the office of early care and education and to establish a citizens advisory committee to help with the development of a strategic plan, to improve access for our young children to high-quality early care and education. the office of early care and education citizen advisory committee will be a nine-member body that will represent a cross-section of parents, early care and education providers, experts, and advocates to help advise the director of the
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office to help our city expand early education for all and to offer expertise to the areas of policy planning, collaboration, and strategic partnerships. so, the second item that i would like to make comment about, colleagues, given the tragic events that occurred last week in front of city hall as referenced by supervisor tang, i have asked the city attorney's office to review and amplify -- review the amplified sound guidelines as it applies to our tour vehicles. i am hoping this will result in either moving forward legislation to prohibit drivers from acting, also as a tour guide, while actively driving
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tour vehicles or to either enforcing laws that exist. again, i would like to extend my deepest condolances to family of priscilla [speaker not understood] and do everything in my power to see it doesn't happen in the future as a continuation of our efforts to meeting our goals for vision zero. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i just wanted to say submit. go >> aye. giants. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor campos. ~ >> thank you. i just want to thank supervisor mar for this lovely gift. go giants. submit. >> thank you, supervisor campos. president chiu. >> thank you. first of all, colleague, i also want to add a few words about the tragedies this past week, particularly with regards to the tragic death of prisci last thursday right on our door
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steps. i know we use the term city family all the time, but here it really does apply, and i want to let our colleagues in the controller's office know that our thoughts and prayers are with them. and i was also reminded to ask all of us and the public to take the safe street pledge which is part of the ongoing public awareness campaign that's a partnership between the sfmta, the ta, police department, dph, walk sf and others as part of our broader commitment. folks can take the pledge at sf safe streets at colleagues, today i'm also calling for a hearing at gao on a report that was released yesterday by our chief economist, a report that analyzes the economic impacts of the central market tenderloin payroll tax exclusion zone which i was proud to walk on more than three years ago with mayor lee, supervisor kim, and many stakeholders. it's a detailed document that some of the key take aways show
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that the program has succeeded beyond our initial expectations. a few facts. payroll tax revenues grew at 648% for the area compared to an overall city growth of 47% during that same time period. the area $7.1 million more in payroll taxes he than it would have if the area had grown at the same rate as the rest of the city during that time period. the program caused 4.2 million in payroll taxes to be foregone, but because of the increase in the additional payroll tax it's a net benefit of $3 million. there was a 49% increase in the number of new businesses he established in the area in that four-year time period of 61 new businesses which is compared to the rest of the city's new business growth rate of 23% and of these 61 new businesses he established in the area, only 15 were part of the payroll tax exclusion. and i want to also note that commercial rents, residential rents and housing values in the
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area did increase significantly as we know but at similar rates to the rest of the city. of course t' good to see the data in this report, but i think for many of us to understand the success of the policy one just needs to walk along market street and see the new businesses and activity. it's a significant turn around for the neighborhood and also for the residents who live and work in that area. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. that concludes the introduction of new business. >> why don't we now go to general public comment. >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including whether or not to convene into closed session for item 30, the anticipated litigation relating to the potential negotiation or adoption of a joint powers agreement with the city of richmond. please note public comment is not allowed on item which have already been subject to public comment pursuant to board rule 4.22. please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisors. >> why don't we hear from our first speaker in general public comment.
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first speaker. hi, i would like to announce that next year march or may 20th will be 7,000 days from the year of julius baer lee. i've mentioned several times before that 9/111 was the biblical sixth trumpet. that was after two days from the jubilee. the jubilee year started in march of 1996. it started one second after the times of the gentiles ended, the times of the gentiles is 76 30-year cycles from the destruction of jerusalem. that is when the time of the end began. and i would be on record as saying the full month before the world trade center fell, i began to preach on the street, you know that's correct i did to colleges, i go wherever people are and preach the bible try to get them saved and i also mention prophetic things from time to time.
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and i did 30 days leading up to september 11, 2001 say that around that time ~ the sixth trumpet will sound. i'm not saying that on day 7,000 the 7 vials will be poured out, i'm not saying that, but it is an interesting number. and i really think there will be three full sabbatical cycle fromx jubilee before the 7 vials will be poured out. but it's an interesting number because it was 4,000 years from adam to christ and so here we are 14 years at the very least into the seventh millennium. and many christians have spoken that the world would go on for 6,000 years. hugh lattimer in a sermon he wrote in 17 52, he was burned at the stake by bloody mary in 15 55, but three years before that he wrote that the world has gone on now for 5,552 years and it remains 4 48 more years. he and many christians have thought that the year 2000 would bring in the second
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coming of christ. it's very near and the [speaker not understood] saw the 1 ayes for item 28. abortion is murder. it's murder, and god is going to punish you on the last day for that and the rest of your sins. you can't make that which is good evil or evil good. good is good and evil is evil, and god is the judge and god determines what's right in the bible and the bible says be sure your sin will find you out. jesus said [speaker not understood]. >> next speaker, please. mr. president, the victims of the ka balance, my name is christopher [speaker not understood], 14 meters and 10 amok from sea level >> i rise to comment on the
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wisdom of economists ~. i tend to spare philosophers who discuss perception without discussing the photon. i offer the same treatment to economists who discuss inequality without discussing hierarchy. once again, i offer for your education this book, chimpanzee politics, [speaker not understood] power among the ape by france [speaker not understood], animal behaviorist of some repute. in his conclusion he discusses machiavellian insults so many took from his casual comparison of the motives of the noblest of princes without the basest of street thugs. further, [speaker not understood] conflict as constructive. [speaker not understood] all politics are not bad, but give the community its logical
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coherence [speaker not understood] which become frozen in more or less fixed ranks. as this formalization takes place during reconciliations, we see that hierarchy is a cohesive factor which puts limits on competition and [speaker not understood] child care, playing, second [speaker not understood] depend on the resultant stability of powers tested daily. [speaker not understood]. consequently chimpanzee politics are also constructive. human being should be regards as an honor to be classed as animal. to the people of the city and county of san francisco be the winners in next week's election. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good evening, my name is jackie flynn, i'm the executive director of the [speaker not understood] institute san francisco. i'd first like to thank you
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guys for your commitment to san francisco, the long hours that you guys work. and i really appreciate all of that. my comments are in reference to item number 35, the solo vision goals for san francisco by 2020. go solar ~ has made solar energy affordable and accessible to many residents and businesses in san francisco. with the go solar program, homeowners that have made -- that may have considered solar on their roofs but could not afford costly equipment and installation are able to reap the benefits of harnessing free energy. go solar is not just the way for our beautiful city to make our renewable energy goals and create a cleaner san francisco. there is also a significant economic benefit by adding value to homes and creating actual jobs. our young people can aspire to be installers, technicians, salespeople, battery [speaker not understood] engineers and so much more. these careers are created by
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the solar industry and our kids can aspire to create a brighter more sustainable san francisco. i stand in solidarity with our labor unions, local solar businesses he and community advocates ~ that are all in support of funding the go solar program permanently in establishing a solar vision for 2020. thank you. good afternoon. i'm also going to speak on item 35. my name is joe hernandez and i'm the organizer for labor 261. on behalf of our laborers, we believe solar can create good clean energy jobs for solar here in san francisco. thais' why we support the resolution in making go solar a permanent program for funding. it will create more work opportunities in solar installation. we'd like to thank president chiu as well as our solar and community partners for taking the initiative to increase
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solar work in san francisco and impact climate change at the same time. through community will you havable partnership we will continue to work on solar and other construction projects that make san francisco such a great city. go giants. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, jeannine coter, i'm with luminalt, local san francisco-based installer. i'm here also in support of item 35. we are building clean solar generation on homes and on businesses and on nonprofits. we're doing it with individuals that many of whom have been trained in san francisco through community-based organizations. having an aggressive goal like the 50 megawatts really sends a clear signal to the community-based organizationses and to installers that san
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francisco means business ~ and is going to transform the way that we deliver energy to our homes, to our businesses, and to our buildings. thank you very much for your consideration. go giants. >> thank you. next speaker. president chiu and members of the board, thank you for the opportunity to speak this evening. my name is andy schwartz. i'm here on behalf of solar city to speak on item 35. solar city is america's leader installer of solar solutions. we have over 3,000 employees in california alone and i'm excite today report we recently opened a new office in potrero hill, moving some of our headquarter operations to that new location. solar city strongly supports this item that was established solar capacity goal for san francisco rooftops and require all-new construction to offset a portion of the electricity load with clean energy. it makes sense for the city to set an aspirational yet
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feasible goal consistent with the values of its citizens, the action the board has already taken to assert its leadership on clean energy and the challenge we all face in living and adapting to the risks of climate change. as of last november the solar industry employs [speaker not understood] more than the three investor owned utilities in the state combined. the industry is growing at a rate faster than the statewide ashev and projected to grow 7 times faster than tech and health care sectors. this is a testament to what the industry has done to help san francisco and the state to end its he can no, ma'am i recovery by creating good paying jobs that can't be outsourced and importantly must be hired locally. by adopting this resolution the city can elevate its leadership role on [speaker not understood] unrivaled by other california cities of its size. i'd like to especially acknowledge president chiu for your work and supportive leadership to benefit san francisco's diverse community
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~. [speaker not understood]. thank you all of you for your consideration. good evening, i'm walker wright with sun land. sun run is a resident solar company that was started here in san francisco in the mission in 2007 with nothing more than two business school classmates and an idea to expand solar across the country and make it financable. today we are on the corner of market street and 2nd street and we have over 1300 employees and are one of the largest national solar companies out there right now. our company has looked at go solar s.f. as the beacon for national policy that has create this had epicenter that we are now, the center of the solar conversationment many of our partners are here in san francisco ~. our financing colleagues are here. installation technologies are here. it's here because san francisco has been ahead of the curve. as a policy epicenter for solar. let's keep it that way and
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continue to move forward with go solar sf and the vision for 2020. thank you very much to president chiu for your support ~. >> next speaker. good afternoon, supervisor. eddie young with defense [speaker not understood]. i'll be even briefer today than last week here to speak in support of solar vision 2020. thanks again to president chiu for introducing this and thanks to supervisor mar as well as for co-sponsoring the resolution. respectfully urge your support. thank you. >> next speakers. good evening. this is an old man's suggestions or observations. i'm 84. i've an old man. number one, [speaker not understood] beauty, i can't always describe it but i know it when i see he it. number two, strive for happiness but know contentment. number three, adjust to reality but with a higher goal in mind. number four, have mutual
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respect for yourself and others. number five, don't sacrifice the advancement for comfort and conformity. number 7, strive for survival that fits the times. number 8, some try to make time stand still by making everything alike. that's a philosophical comment. got to think about that. number 8, [speaker not understood] is our brain instincts and harmony with our evolutionary instincts. for example, to develop a brown instincts by experiencing through time and [speaker not understood] instincts by physically evolving through time. and my question he is have we turned love into a commercial success in this country yet? thank you for listening. >> thanks.
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next speaker. hello, my name is dana rosea. i live in the mission. the bay area had extremely high rates of breast cancer. marin county had the highest rates of breast cancer in the entire world. studies show that hormone replacement therapy played a major role in half the cases of breast cancer in marin. hormone replacement therapy should have never been put on the market until it was thoroughly tested. it was a known carcinogen for decades and editorial in the journal of the medical association by the ama in 1939 says plainly, the possibility of carcinoma induced by estrogen cannot be ignored. we need to do a thorough investigation of this product
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until it's prescribed for routine therapy. i go to marin and talk about these issues regularly and about how cancer is largely preventable. and i'm getting a great deal of harassment for doing this. i've spoken regularly with supervisor kim about this ongoing harassment. but last night some high-tech means were used to tighten the muscles in my back so badly that i was virtually immobilized. i was able to stretch for about an hour or so and amazingly my back got somewhat better. the same high- >>experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by tech technology is also used to prevent me from going to sleep at night ~. i've also discussed this matter with supervisor kim frequently. i'd like the community to under
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i work in cancer prevention and disease prevention and that i'm getting extreme harassment for doing so. cancer is big business [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. good evening, supervisors. my name is jessica [speaker not understood]. i'm an organizer with unite here local 2 with the hotel worker union and i think that worker came and visited your office last week to ask you to support the resolution that was introduced by supervisor campos to support the chesapeake nonunion chesapeake workers who have been fighting for many, many years to win a fair process to organize. many of you on the board have been supporting these chesapeake workers, the worker at the shore man's wharf at le
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meridien since day one and i want to reiterate how much it mean for the workers and our deep appreciation for the support that so many of you have shown. and thank you, supervisor campos, for introducing this important resolution. as you probably know, workers at these two hotels have been organizing for a fair process since 2008 and the new owner has recently taken over. both those hoe he tells, workers have seen the conditions continue to deteriorate at work. ~ hotels and we also delivered this petition that was signed by a very strong majority of the 300 workers in the two hotels, calling on the owner and the operator of their hotels to agree to a fair and neutral process for workers to organize. there are a few workers who are
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going to speak today, but i really want to urge you to continue the support that this board has shown for these workers in this really, really difficult struggle. we know we're going to win and workers are commit today keep fighting. your support mean a lot to the workers. thank you. ~ >> thank you. next speaker. ~ committed to good afternoon, my name is nancy lee. i have been hired at fisherman's wharf almost 19 years. i'm the server in the restaurant. i have two sons, one that's attending u.c. davis. the other has been service the military two years. he just returned home from afghanistan. six months ago
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