tv [untitled] November 3, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PST
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angel item so everything about this is fracture was to appreciate just to status quo having the thousand pipe parkway for the - is there any additional public comment on item 3 seeing none, public is closed colleagues could i have a motion to forward item 3 to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. >> we'll take that without objection. applying madam clerk call item 2. >> a hearing requesting presentation from various departments for the traffic congestion program. >> okay supervisor kim requested this hearing. >> thank you, supervisor wiener and all for being here i'm sure you're aware of because i talk about this issue
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pedestrian safety is an important issue for our office and especially for the district we represent that includes the south of market and the tenderloin neighborhood because of the close proximity of the neighborhood to our freeways and entrances and exits to a variety of neighborhood and, of course, the employment centers south of market area tenderloin in particular the east selma and beacon hill have historically experienced intense amount of gridlock because of their proximity this is esz batted when we opened our giants stadium in 2000 to begin posting our worldwide series team and continues to grow this part of san francisco one of the most dense areas of san francisco and san francisco community transportation authority recent
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2010 calibration study they said there will be total gridlock in 20035 unless we're able to reduce the traffic volume by 26 percent we're seeing that as jobs and housing grows in our may be that is a positive thing but continue to work on pedestrian safety concerns throughout the district in 2011, we established a workshop from the tenderloin and south of market and south beach neighborhood for advocating for pedestrian safety one of the issues we've heard about is about the impact of walking through the neighborhood after a game and the experience of feeling intimated by the number of cars that gridlock on third street or townsend or main and harrison or other intersections
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with cars that are angrily trying to get in and out of our neighborhoods and the experience that state has been often for pedestrians and cyclists we have to maneuver their way around cars that block the box we also know we've lost many lives and also have injured many of our neighborhoods because of the fact we've not managed the congestion outcomes very well one of the first and most heartbreaking stories from beacon hill who lost a 63 year-old friend in december of 2004 at the intersection of main and harrison she was out in her neighborhood because the direct told her to walk for her health and we should be encouraging walking as a mode of transportation and continue to
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build our office and residential buildings throughout our city we have to have more people to walk because it is not a reality to drive in our cars we should be designing our streets to pedestrians are produce tied above outline modes so they want to assure their neighborhoods are more safe their told by the deputy director of streets it was not a viable traffic improvement program needs to be complemented 10 years later the traffic is worse and most of us who live south of market harrison street serves a westbound aerial that carries more than 13 thousand drivers most 7, 8, 9 to get home as
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quickly as possible over the golden gate bridge i received a sector of people behaving balanced in september that highlighted the insane traffic and driving through the intersection thereby blocking all the traffic from the other angle one of our safety members set you up a camera to film all the violations and since 2003, 3 people are died in this intersection new york city has a campaign do plain clothes the intersection and virginia beach put but up signs thirty years
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ago san francisco had a campaign it's dissipated without a doubt formal commitments in place over the last couple of years i want to thank sfmta in particular we've been working to have strategies about don't block the box and sfmta initiated a pilot from july to september with data they're to present at today's hearing it is what we can do to continue our work and how we can make our pilot permanent thought intersection in our district and whatever tools we have i want to recognize that san francisco municipal transportation agency has been working on don't block the box cameras and to help with the enforcement with the work that sfmta and sf pd does we
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know that people will be moving slowly and we want them to move and don't block the box will be an rather than to help us we have sfmta here and i want to thank and recognize aaron miller and peter and they're planning interim aerial that did the car count and prepared the data and liz bringing so from sfmta and the enforcement manager for the sf street division i want to recognize sf pd will be here to answer questions maybe momentary about the pilot and the partnering with the sfmta so unless there's more comments i'll open up for sfmta for presentation. >> thank you for calling for
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that hearing today federal and state this is an important issue particularly in south of market but to a lesser degree this is a real problem but south of market is definitely the epic center of the gridlock and the violations of the law we see that have presented impacts on twraf and the neighborhood quality of life and this is really blocking the box it is a boarder challenge where our streets are basically, the so you - yeah. we'll get to you in one second (laughter) where otherwise, it looks like i'm lecturing you, we is a boarder issue in san francisco where the streets are like the wide west and earlier this year we held a hearing on double
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parking we've ramp and double parking throughout the city that has impacts on congestion and creating traffic jamgz not to mention blocking bike lanes and other problems despite having this huge amount of double parking we saw extraordinarily little enforcement navigate when sf pd was here sf pd has to write the tickets sfmta has little latitude in many situations the worse you can expect an officer will thrill to move our car and if people don't have a fear of getting a ticket because they park their car in the middle of the street or decide to move into the intersection and block the box by the fact it is clear i'm not going to make it through the
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worst is someone is going to tell them to move along we have to have the enforcement on blocking the box and congestion we had a double-parked vehicle it is a 4 lane road there recent a lot of four lane roads south of market i can park my car in this lane and it didn't bother anyone but 3 blocks of traffic jam it bothers a lot of people this is an important conversation but it goes beyond blocking the box it is just having that focus and consistent enforcement so people understand they have to follow the rules and that there is a significant risk of consequences if they don't follow the rules and i want to close by saying i agree that there is gridlock south of
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market it is horrible and getting worse and worse and worse unless he take aggressive steps i know that steps have to include having fewer cars in the area and just one more example of why it is in everyone's interest including car owners who drive to have fewer cars on the road there seems like to be easier to drive in the city we should be encouraging people to drive and this is not the case if you want to make it easier to walk and to drive in san francisco fewer cars need to be on the road and giving people more options like ridership and not making people feel like they're not going to get around without the car with that, supervisor cohen >> on all the thought strrmdz
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supervisor kim i was wondering if we got input if the transit drivers. >> i'm not sfmta can cover some of this but those who are blocking the box to block muni i've been on buses that can't get through an a green light base their cars blocking the interconnection and all riders on the bus are friltd making it hard for the bus to get through the street. >> we need to hear from the transit workers it is interesting are the delivery trucks that block ironyly from potrero hill to the south of market in district 6 and there are delivery trucks that block not only one lane but another lane of traffic i'm happy to
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give you the name of the company peter or pass it on the pd i see someone in the audience today but i'm looking forward to hearing the sdrugs discussion particularly pd prospective it boils down to enforcement i know we are pretty strapped in terms of our resources we're on the uptick in get more officers out of the academy and onto the streets but as we get back to our city chapter mandated funding levels i know from my prospective it is an enforcement issue and also we've got competing priorities sixth district and intellect without
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further ado. >> muni issue it's a public safety issue for our fire trucks we've actually we've been having this conversation how to get fir trucks a notation that making the streets safe for pedestrians and bicyclists is completely untrue i know it's a conversation we will have but what blocks fire trucks are vehicles that cause gridlock or blocking the box we did a ride along with chief joanne because they wanted to show us some of the troubles they had getting around not a single one was caused by a pedestrian bulb out or bike lane every problem was a vehicle by a delivery truck but sometimes a smaller vehicle
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blocking an intersection the fire department should be part of this conversation i impressed to the fire department the fire department should be advocating to sf pd to be more consistent about endorsing the traffic laws because it has fire safety impact supervisor kim. >> i want to get into the presentation i want to say one thing about don't block the box pd has jurisdiction it is a parking violation because you're not moving so we're trying to pilot to see how sfmta can work with pd limited enforcement in targeted areas i'll i'm going to turn it over to sfmta. >> i'm aaron miller the project manager for the gridlock enforcement with the sfmta
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i have a presentation to give us a summary of our finding and make preliminary recommendations for don't block the box. >> i'm going to talk about intersection blocking but i want to take a moment to place the pilot in the program this is something we've been working on since late 2012 a project we've worked closely with the community and our own agency regional transportation partners and sponsors to develop a list of transportation strategies that we believe could help both existing gaps in the transportation network as well to serve the future demand in a growing neighborhood what we heard loud and clear from the contingency is that we
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can't wait any longer 5 or 10 years we take a look at those strategies a little bit close to see if we can't pull some out for pilots we've run pilots in our agency for an efficient way to see things on the street during the trial, the idea for the don't block the box was born from that so to design the pilot we reached out again with the community those dots are all representations of different direction intersections w that are requesting enforcement the yellow dots am from work we did with the warriors transportation subcommittee the purple dots
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from a memo that was put together by the south beach beacon hill association and then the blue dots are locations where the pcos are and the red location is the location that after looking at all of this together with our enforcement distinction and traffic engineers we've decided would be good candidates for the pilot we settled an harrison and main and bryant street i talked about the growth around harrison and main that is important to look at that interesting our pcos told us that second and bryant didn't get improvement on a regular basis and if you've seen that intersection you know why
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so to run the pilot we've emptied 7 of our interims their fantastic we sent them out into the field to count of the cars blocking the intersection ether a 6 month period during the peak it happens to be on giants afternoon game days we choose o days to look at the worst of the worse in hindsight in our agency we think that's not the best representation there is bad behavior going on everyday so we might not looked this for a special condition with that. >> can i ask a quick question as supervisor kim mentioned my understanding is so this is
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whether they're blocking the box or double parking a parking control officers from the curb to the sidewalk if the car starts moving the parking control officer no longer has jurisdiction. >> i'm not sure about the specific condition but i'll talk about in a few slides the california vehicle code. >> great. >> the police department might have a better answer. >> eave heard if mta there is a challenge. >> we have our enforcement manager here. >> so hi, i'm cameron supervisor yes, we can cite if a vehicle is parked if they're not actively loading or unloading
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their products zero tolerance but if they start moving that's pd's jurisdiction. >> right because it's a moving violation. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. so where am i so the first two days of the pilot we went out and established baseline of a number of blokz in the intersection and blocking the crosswalks just to let you understand what that was may i have get the slides thank you this is what we counted we counted cars in the middle of the intersection on the inside of the crosswalk and we also counted cars that were halfway in or completely in the crosswalk and technically the citations look at the whole intersection not in the center
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wisp interested in the numbers in the crosswalks because the questions around pedestrian safety day 3 and 4 of the pilot those are the first days of enforcement on site they issued citations so again citations issued in california vehicle code 3226 the anti gridlock of 1987 allowed the pcos to give citations there are several sub categories the but the pcos are looking for cars going through the intersection and can't move into the crack or intersection unless they have enough room to hull u pull going into and
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outcomes the citation now what i understand about the police department in this case if the intersection have a don't block the intersection sign and vehicle ignores that that's a moving violation and the citation is a little bit higher on that and then day 5 and 6 we had our enforcement officers out using hand signals that are officers issuing citation as well on these days so pardon me okay. we were interested in evaluating the citation versus the hand signal
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for important we found them equally important but a advantage with the hand signals for the pedestrian walking so what did the data stlils at those locations the data shows the intersection blocking there's no room once a vehicle a there and issuing citations to use hand signals are most effect about a 10 percent advantage as i mentioned for intersection if they're using hand signals i think about that it makes sense to the people on the ground helping people passing this is
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informational not a data point but information in costs that generates the activity this is this is a little blue signal but the cost of running the pilot with our interim staff and our parking control officers was a total of about $270,000 for about $4,500 a shift fairly expensive the income we got from the citations we issued was $9,000 it was $10,000 for each citation the state gets $9 of those funds and we keep the rest for mta operating budget it is not able we didn't issue citation everyday we didn't issue as many sizing as the cost of the pilot would have been
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so in summary what we saw was that enforcement works the data shows intersection and crosswalks is slower compared to no traffic enforcement it contribute to more civil listed driver behavior and better quality of life and quickly to all the residents in the neighborhood anecdotally the resident are interesting interested in seeing for enforcement in terms of quality of life this is something that helps them our preliminary recommendation
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includes targeted enforcement combined with an active media campaign you talked about a lot of enforcement for several concerns there are 3 e's we talk about the enforcement and education and engineering and what we know didn't happen with this pilot we explicit do any education about what we were doing we're pretty much that people don't know the law to helping people said what is legal and not and another thing we've been looking at is doing a little bit of an engineering analysis in the area to make sure that signage is visible and posted where it needs to be and striking and tow away zones are working as well as they can cameron about tube a little bit
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more the recommends around enforcement. >> can i ask a quick question about the ticket cost i know there's a difference between mta penalty is and sf pd penalty for the same violation is it set by the state or is it something that sfmta can set similar to a parking ticket. >> i can look at but i'm not sure it's a california vehicle code violation so. >> okay. again, supervisors cameron enforcement supervisor just briefly about what we're doing today we've pretty much focused on intersections that led to the bay bridge assess in
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more recent times in a year and a half we've spent an incredible amount of resources for the market street corridor for the effectiveness project now muni forward both cases there issues are the same intersections with gridlock and because those historically those locations have had more so like fulsome street vs. first and harvey's on ramps they lead into a tunnel on the freeway and have been historically a major problem for us we've been out at first and harrison for several years now and roadway unless we need to have pcos actively professionalism 6 posts we're
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running the signal box right now just to keep traffic flowing so we don't have a bottle next it works well on thursday and fridays and every week, we have a pco there 0 again, if we need more with whether a pd support we've deploy pcos to locations that are needed depending on the situation they'll fix posts and pedestrian seas or vehicular movement or any combination of those again, we talked about the 3 workerss it's important that we have public awareness and education i see and drive the city quite a bit and see a lack of signage that is clear to me ourli
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