tv [untitled] November 5, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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[pledge of allegiance] >> madam president, i would like to call the roll. >> please do. >> president loftus. >> here. >> turman? >> hire. >> commissioner marshall? >> present. >> commissioner mazzucco? >> present. >> commissioner dejesus? >> present. >> commissioner wong. >> present. >> commissioner melara. present. >> you have a quorum and with us today is gregory p. suhr and the director of the office of complaints joyce hicks. it is good to have you here and there is certainly a lot to talk about and a lot to report, it was a busy october and i want
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to let my colleagues know that as you known it is a tough couple of weeks for the state wide law enforcement community, between october 24 go ahead and october 29th, four officers were killed in the line of duty in california. and very sadly, i will ask my colleagues for us to adjourn today's meeting in their memory. so, with that, inspector please call the first line item. >> line item one, presentation of the certificate of appreciation action, mr. christopher patrick traughber. >> commissioners, good evening, the public and director hicks. this one is mine, first president loftus thank you for that acknowledgment and it really was a tough time. it is not often that we get to do this, but we try to get the public's help whenever we can. and sometimes some people do things and it is just amazing
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the presence of mind, and the selflessness where people do things and such is the incident that i am about to describe and if i could get christopher patrick traughber to come up, and if i could get you to come up. and so this young man happened to be on the corn corner of mccal ter at 6:20 at night on october 22nd and as the story goes, he was just standing on the south east corner of scott street, when he observed a black suv back into the last right-of-way on the even side of scott street just before mccallister street and observed occupant get out and later identified as a suspect bender and walked quickly up the east side of scott street. he was there and waiting for a ride, right? >> yes. >> waiting for a ride and he is just, doesn't know anything that is going on. >> unbeknown st to him, less
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than a minute later, in that minute, victim, edmond who had been picking pictures at the park had returned to his residence at 818 scott street and he was walking up the staircase when he placed the camera on the stair and felt someone to punch him causing him to lose his balance and go to the ground. he sum stumbled forward and saw who hit him and observed the man running away from the staircase at 818 scott street, toward mccallister with his camera in his hands, back to mr. traughber at this point in time, a minute had gone by and he sees somebody running down the block, being chased with someone, saying stop him and he looks and see the source of the yelling observes mr. bender who he saw get out of the car running back towards the vehicle and he has the presence of mind to take his cell phone out and take two
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pictures of the license plate and the car he broadcasted that or when the police show up, very quickly, he gives the information to the police, the police put it out and within a couple of minutes... >> i heard later that it was 20 seconds from an officer. >> and i exaggerated. 20 seconds later, northern units have the vehicle who unfortunately had rear ended the unoccupied parked sfpd minivan, all four suspects are taken into custody, cold shows get done and just perfect. but none of it happens, if this young guy minds his own business and does not get involved and does not take the picture. so as soon as all of that happens, in, you know, before you can say, you know, bob is your uncle, he makes this case, and all of the officers working together get four guys that were out to do
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robberies and violently assaulted someone from behind. so, when i saw this on con, we have a mutual friend and so i called patrick he was going by at the time and he could not have been more humble and kind of spoke to the points and i said if i get a chance i think that my bosses would like to your story and maybe we can give you something to mark the day and continue your patrols and i tried to hire him and i think that he is still thinking about that, and so with that, we have a certificate for you. which says, to christopher patrick traughbr in service to others, a great personal risk. awarded november 5, 2014. >> thank you so much. >> [ applause ]
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>> thank you so much, i appreciate it. >> colleagues, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for your bravery. thank you so much. >> you are right, chief, we would want to recognize that, yeah >> wonderful. >> he was a good kid. >> could you call the next line item. >> consent calendar, receive and file, sfpd occ status report on general orders and policy proposals third quarter
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2014. >> colleagues on the consent calendar, there are some documents that you received in your packet. and any questions for the department or the occ on either of these documents? >> i know, commissioner mazzucco often asks about the status of the social media policy, any questions there? >> you are good? >> you have the wrong city attorney for that issue tonight. and so, >> we will have to save it for another day. >> all right, you lucked out. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> no. >> okay. >> do i have a motion to approve the consent calendar? >> so moved. >> second. >> all of those in favor. >> aye. >> passes and inspector call the next line item. >> line item three, general public comment, the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, speakers shall address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or
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department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel, should refrain, however fr, entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. and limit your comments to three minutes, please, thank you. >> thank you, inspector. >> any public comment, today? >> >> welcome. >> hello, madam president, and vice president and commissioner and chief. my name is thomas simpson, and you may recall that i came a few months ago to tell you about a project that i was working on dealing with the number of black youth who are in juvenile hall, especially the number of boys, and you may recall that i have seen a fact sheet that shows for july the 31st, and the 13, that about 61
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or 2 percent of the youth in juvenile hall were black and young men and that may have disturbed me and i may have known that but seeing that right there, it was like wow, i own a small company and we use the arc to deal with the community, and we see that a number of youth in juvenile detention sparked us to do so, what we decided to do was have two projects and one was to have a one-day conference, and the empowerment and to succeed and to combat the idea of young black men not succeeding, the goal was to inspire and up lift and motivate the youth to see that their yesterdays do not have to dictate their tomorrow and to assist them to successfully advance from to
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adult hood and we had the event, at the complex and it was a big success, throughout the day, about 50 people showed up, for three sessions. and one session was young, black men and the law. and that sparked a lot of discussion. and it sparked a lot of discussions on two different plains, and on the panel there was a lawyer and there was a gentleman that would spent, 27 years in prison for different things and another gentleman who was 30 who had spent some time in and out of jail but changed his life and we had a po from another county. and what seemed to spark most of the discussion is how to survivor an encounter with the police if you are a young black man. the lawyer, the people who were primarily associated with having been in prison, felt that the best way to survive was to be polite, to be courteous and to be calm.
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but he also talked about the rights of the people who were being stalked. and youth, especially young youth, who are into that, i have my rights and the idea of sticking up for one's rights and why are you arresting me? can i leave? instead of questioning the police and they said that there was a lot of discussion and my time is rolling so i have to go forward and we came up with the recommendations and some ideas of recommendations on how to deal with that. and one is, at the confrontational stage, how can that be deescalated before it gets to the point of what was brought up of... >> thank you, you could submit your recommendations in writing to the secretary who could share it with the commission. >> thank you, great. i will do that. >> thank you for following up on that. >> all right. >> any other further public comment? >> hearing none, public comment is now closed inspector call the next line item.
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>> line item four, a, chief's report and discussion and review of recent activities. >> commissioners and director hicks and i would also like a copy of those recommendations because it sounds like you are on to something and i would comment, that both the jail population and the juvenile hall population, are at pretty much all time lows right now and so i don't know, i would like to find out what the number is verses the percentage, because, whatever it is, it is lower than it has been in a long time. so i would like to know that sometimes the percentage can be deceptive if there are ten people there and five of them are whatever. so any way, we just we have been a little bit busy the last couple of weeks. and we spoke a little bit about the early part of october, which was fleet week presidential and vice presidential and maybe the next presidential on and on and on, and then, there were some
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baseball and so, the baseball worked out and the giants played in the last game of the season, and that worked out too. but we had a rough night, the night after, city totals for the game's celebration, there were approximately 38 arrests, related to the celebration, 29 of those were alcohol related and it was about 50/50 in and out of town, we made 6 felony arrests two for weapon's possession, and there, but, all in all, i just thought that the officer, and the men and women of the department really shined in showing restraint and there was a great plan, i was out there for myself, with deputy chief tomioka and pretty much the whole night. i have probably not seen as many bottles as were thrown at officers, going back probably to the 81 super bowl
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celebration that we did not really know what was going to happen, so, that is going to be something that we have to figure out, going forward, but, again, all told, i think that we worked hand and glove with the dpw and the fire department to make sure that the fire problem that we had in the 2012 did not may out, and there were some street fires but we got in and put them out quickly. three officers were treated at general hospital for one for alaceration to his hand, and one of our female csi folks hurt her shoulder getting hit with a bottle and one of our motors got hit in the arm. but again, all were treated and released and no one was kept, thankfully no head injuries, and so, you know, absent not having to take the bottles, at all, the night went well and we didn't have any of the destruction that we have had
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before it was limited to graffiti and i have gotten the complaints that it was expensive to get off but it was much better than 12. the parade itself went terrific, again, great plan, kutos to ops and all of the other inner agency folks and the streets got opened quickly and we did get three guns out of the event and none were discharged and no shots were fired and one of them was used in a robbery and that arrest was made, and all without incident and the officers carried themselves beautifully and we rolled right into the critical mass and went off without a hitch and the good time has had by all for halloween. and the rain held so, all in all, it was an unbelievable way to close what was a very, very busy, october in san francisco. and we are still getting our cost reports in. but, again, i think that for, as alive as the city was. sometimes you have to spend some money to make some money and so that i think it was a
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good thing and again, i think that the cops did a great job and we have had a tough, last few days, for traffic, and we have had three fatalities, and one on the first, a skateboard rider, who is actually determined by the accident reconstruction team to be at fault was killed at third and cargo on monday november third, and edi and larkin a pedestrian was killed by a hit-and-run vehicle, a nissan maxima white in color that is outstanding and wanted for hit-and-run and on november fourth, a victim was riding in between two both ends of trailers, and he fell in between at the unit block of turk street and he did not survive his injuries. so, again, we keep working real hard to get ahead of these things, but we also want people
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to be aware that the streets are very busy too. some good news, we did make an arrest in the blessing scam that reared its ugly head again in october, there was a team working, victimized two people and there was another third scam, the suspects were arrested in customs trying to get back to china in new york photo spreads were done. again, great job and they used actually facial recognition software in new york to id the woman and then the rest of the case fell together and she is currently being held in new york and pending charges, awaiting extradition on charges of grand theft and extortion and elder abuse and we are working with the chinese chamber and the self-help with them to get the bags out that we did a couple of years ago and we would like to get them out before the holiday season and because this is apparently one of those kind of pyramid kind of schemes, where people come in and hope that the people don't remember and one of the victims was aware of the
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scams and went forward with it any way. and so, again, great case made and hopefully that will take care of that. we have seized about 900 guns year to date off of the streets of san francisco, and 54 of those, were at a gun buy back that we did on saturday, including an ar 19. and that was turned in and it was no longer on the streets and i know that it is not the 200 guns that we got the day after sandy hook at omega but then again, we did not have to suffer, something like sandy hook to motivate the folks and 50 guns plus is still 50 guns plus. and then, lastly, going back to juvenile hall, the command staff and other police officers will be playing some of the kids on friday afternoon at 4:00 and it has been put together by a city youth now which is an
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organization that prioritizes at-risk kids and it is just a good chance for us to interact with the kids, when they are stuck in there on a friday afternoon, and i don't think that anybody is betting on us. and so, that will conclude my report. >> commissioner dejesus? >> sure, so i do think that everything went well and i have a question about the mission, and most of the damage i believe was in the mission and the bond fires were in the mission and i am just wondering and knowing that they did a good job and they did a great job and i am wondering if i can better prepare since it is the mission where it is an area where a lot of these violent things can occur. >> if we can get the people to promise not to light the bon fires but there were bon fires at third and king and i think that we did the best that we could at picking up fuel, and dpw and we escorted them in and out and they picked up things
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at the curb and we took a ton of garage out of show place square, that afternoon, including 400 syringes and we did the best that we could, every single night that was a potential clinch game in preparation not to have fuel at the curb for burning but you know, it is just, the fires pailed by comparison on the other night, compared to the bottles that were thrown, that was by far the most egregious act, we are not figures in a video game, if we get hit by a bottle, we could be killed if we were hit in the head, working with the firefighters we were able to have a strategy where we got the fires that were let put out quickly and the greater problem with them getting up the stuff to get the mission street back open again,
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but, pretty much, mres or minus an hour of midnight and we had all of the streets open again and everything was improving and then it went south on us a little bit at suter and poke at bar closing time but we had sufficient resources on hand to redeploy and i think that all in all, considering the freeways were packed in bound and we got a notice from the chp, shortly after the game and that reversed right around eleven. you just don't win the world series every day. >> no, which i love to win, but thankfully you don't win the world series every day. >> thank you. >> commissioner wong? >> i would echo, my fellow commissioners and i think that great job during a perfect storm of all of these things happening in october and i was wondering chief, switching gears, if you could speak a little bit about the police, redistricting process coming up. >> sure. >> i apologize that was on high list. >> we are in the ten-year window and we have gone past it
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a little bit that the charter mandates that we will look redistricting to insure the most efficient deployment of the police resources so that everybody gets the same response time and on and on and on. and this year, it is particular exigent since the new southern station, does not lie in southern police district and so that necessitates a certain amount of movement. and you will find in your december 10th packet, the first iteration, the first draft, very much, not the final map, so, that nobody gets excited, it is a starting point, and it will be in your december 10th packet with some of the work that was done with regard to the caculus that the consultants did on a huge amount of data that was crunched to get to this map to balance everything out and there were a lot of consideration and a lot of meetings with the generational police officers, to try and figure out how to make it line
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up the most efficiency and this is the, what came of 18 original maps with some submaps. and we are down to an original proposal for the commission's consideration, and then there will be a 90-day, public comment period, where i would imagine probably the best idea and some of the districts don't change much the all but like i said the southern will change and we will necessitate the tender loin to change and the bay view to change and the northern to change a little bit and so maybe, since those districts have changed those might be four districts that we contemplate having meetings or maybe we could join the two districts to have one meeting. and however, the commission would like to do it since it is endeavor, and it is worth the time spent to get it right. >> we will talk about that on december tenth, but thank you. >> commissioner ma
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