tv [untitled] November 6, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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from broadway. >> thank you and inspector burke hello commissioners i'll talk about several inspections i did inspections to the marriott and in the w hotel over the halloween weekend and basically, they were will managed and staffed the security no problems broadway was really busy a significant police presence on broadway and a lot of patrons on broadway in front of the atmosphere in the line they were really busy on halloween i did a wake through inspection to get an idea of the state of affairs inside the building it looked like it was fine inside while i was there and the only other thing the line could have
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been murdering better there was a lot of patrons i'm not sure they ended up expelled as many patrons that was an incident that happened but nevertheless, as far as the inspection goes everything was fine everything else if you have a question. >> i have one question and yes. >> k ts how do you know it's under new ownership. >> yes. i think they had a hearing did they come in. >> that's shocking that's been in the family oh, it was there tonight. >> jackson oh. >> well, anyway, they had minor noise issues we talked to security it should be fine. >> okay. great. >> if there's no other
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questions that will be it thank you. >> is there any public comment on the executive director report and our inspectors report all right. seeing none, this item is also closed now on to police department questions or comments do we have any oh, yeah. questions or comments from the police department? seeing none, do we have any public comment on no please no? all right. so now we're moving on to to number 5 hearing and possible action regarding the permit under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission before we get started i'd like to request to move item c montagno to our regular calendar please. all right. so we have a consent calendar two items on the
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consent calendar they're limited live performance application one the bizarre cafe and the other one in pa to him on this consent calendar any motion to - >> do we have public comment on our consent calendar all right. seeing none, the matter is with the commission. >> so i move to approve the consent calendar items 2 aba. >> on that motion our commissioner frost commissioner moshoyannis commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner hyde all right. both of those permits have been approved you're good to go. >> congratulations. >> all right. the next one we moved is the gentleman and this
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is also a limited live performance permit i think the reason you've decided to remove this from the consent calendar was because there's issues with the police conditions so i can tell you right now that is in the utter mission near to club male and female but they've had musicians a long time may be one guy they're coming into compliance and want the musicians to compliment their cuisine is anyone here from that place? well, mr. serious is not here should we go ahead or do you want to and i move to continue >> we'll continue. do we have a second >> i'll second that. >> on that motion since the applicant is not.
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>> is there a public comment on continuing this item? seeing none, and do you want to give us a date? >> the next meeting. >> all right. so that will be on november 18th a motion to continue this until november 18th commissioner frost commissioner moshoyannis commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner hyde cool okay moving right along to our regular agenda golden gate mad even kim has a place their applying for a entertainment permit commissioners they've applied for and been granted a musical device permit and want a full place of entertainment permit they've done outreach
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you'll find a letter of support from the union square and central station approvals of it they've recommended some conditions they've spoken with the applicant we'll let mr. kim explain the rest to you. >> good evening commissioner aim mr. xhoifrnt to 449 powell street at the corner of powell and sutter today, we have our entire basketball team with the san francisco manager been with them from 17 years and we have the i p.s. security profile security company doing other venues in the union square area we have mr. paul kim that
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handles the any of us active for the internal 0 fairs and bryan the barry at the end and julia the operator for the venue just to give you a little bit of a background it is four levels the first level is a lobby that is shared with weeks ago and stair wall leading up to the second floor the second floor is a bar with amazement games and a associate area then the third floor is a restaurant also a bar food is served continuously and both to the third and second floor but the third floor closes at 11 o'clock and if people 7, 8, 9 to stay they go to another
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floor we're here to talk about the c-3 area this is a business friendly area month businesses are there are it's a cash checking business the fourth floor which used to be a gal rethey want to make it a constrict space they'll have doors on the spaces but windows so their transparent and visible and security personnel will room that area and surveillance cameras throughout the venue we're putting surveillance cameras on the exterior we've filled our our permit and in addition, we have anybody that knows has a security or operation question go we'll be
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open to and we'll have our people. >> do we have questions for the applicant from the commission. >> i do so this address mr. kim owns a restaurant right there remind me of the name. >> laura's diner. >> no fears fine foods. >> yes. this is not the same address but the next door. >> on the same side. >> ups yes. >> i just wanted to know and is there something been there prior to this occupying that space out of curiosity. >> this space 3 floor has been vacant for almost 10 years and we tried to build a business there is a center and san
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francisco history museum but didn't workout it out so we had to support our employees and also pay the rent so this is not the process so we changed the business and seems to be doing okay. right now thank you. >> so where this this space entertainment on all the floors. >> yes, ma'am. >> so constrict on the top floor and what else. >> the second floor is tab room a bar and also game and third floor would be a restaurant which has been restaurant and a few games but the fourth floor the tape floor we plan to have a few constriction games and we
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want to keep that open we get corporate and may want to have music or something so we want to keep that open the space is rather large so it's conducive. >> if i remember a hotel across the street and couple of residents attached to that building are they all been contacted and okay. >> through the suggestion of the permit officer who give us some good sound advise to talk to the neighbors we've contacted the services and mailed out 3 hundred and 54 letters to the residents not the property owners but the residents who live there and obviously did
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community meetings. >> any negative feedback. >> we only got one call back from a lady that minded more information we invited her over. >> mrs. garcia called you frankly but thank you very much. >> just one question from me what is a combined capacity for all floors. >> the breakdown obviously the first floor is an assess no capacity the second floor is 3 hundred and 15 persons and the third floor is 215. >> 232 and the fourth floor has not been evaluated yet by the fire department it's $0.40 not active yet. >> i ask only because somewhere in our application our proposing
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3 security 3 additional security folks. >> we're going to have one per one hundred so traditionally five or six. >> yeah. great i wanted to make sure it was in compliance with the one hundred ratio thanks. >> are there other questions for the applicant. >> i have one the restaurant is going to be open throughout the time the entertainment is going on. >> the food will be served continually, however, the shut down open the 3rd floor is 11:00 p.m. so it gets shut down and in but future. >> possibly with this entertainment more conducive to have people stay longer with adjustments right now not in demand. >> you're not skiing us to limit your third floor to
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11:00 p.m. >> we're not going to keep the staff up there with no business but at the same time grow into it. >> i got is. >> any other questions from the commission you can have a seat. >> thank you very much and we would like to hear from the police. >> hello commissioners steve from central station prior to tonight's being i met with mr. cain and the other gentleman we looked at the area at first, i of apprehensive with our kiesare
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with several successful businesses harder my problems whatsoever i looked at the taproom he think may be one last month one of the employees was hit over the head after they were trying to eject somebody but other establishments there was nothing there we're asking for 4 conditions one of the things we're i've talked with mr. kim or actually with the staff as far as the number action 99 there's system they have there i they have approximately 50 cameras so they were asking to change the days
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for 50 to 50 thirty central station is okay with that it's up 0 the commission 20 or thirty days would be a better choice and t and t and the kieks room not have the run of the place and the taproom didn't want that either and the third one the applicant shall not allow alcohol in the kiearae room he don't want the booze mixed in the karaoke room have a
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dark look with the rooms and window our feeling we'd rather have if adults want to have alcoholic beverages they're great but no reason to mix the kids the 18 or 19 years old it is too much of a teams if they've got a a cocktail if you have an open area where the security can look at people there is less likely to sneak a drink in such things as a karaoke room and the last one the applicant insures the staff is trained any questions. >> all right. thank you we're now opening it up for public comment i have two cards karen flood and kevin carol
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others line up behind them two minutes to make our public comment. >> good evening commissioner hyde and commissioners and staff i'm karen flood the executive director of the union square district i'm here to speak in support of the golden gate applications for the permit you should have a letter in our packet you've received and, yes, we're supportive mr. kim is a long time board member of the union square and prior to that the union square board he runs good businesses and invites us out to lunch and holds meetings we have a team of ambassadors and cleaners he's also honoring them and recognizing them and he started off as a street cleaner and proud of 3 he's taking great
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pride in the neighborhood and each of his 5 businesses he's done an extensive outreach to the neighborhoods as mentioned we think this is a wonderful edition to the neighborhood. >> good evening. i'm kevin carol the executive director of the hotel council mr. kim and the golden gate grill reached it out work with our hotels and we immediately succeed them to mr. padilla to see if there's questions that process and the way he reached out speaks to his business and happy to work with on on a couple of boards we're supportive of this permit he's a great example how he works for and with the community and we recommend you approve this permit for him as well thank you
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for your time thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners i'm asking you approve this golden gate taproom because i am part of the edition 6 i had a chance to hear they're about their project it is wonderful venue especially for 3 area so thank you. >> do we have any other public comment all right. seeing none, public comment is closed the matter is with the commission. >> so i'm family are mr. kim he owns a lot of well-managed successful businesses along that roaming run clurgz laura stein
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his place will not be a problem because of the way he operates his other businesses so as the motion put forth i'm going to vote for this. >> a second. >> i second that. >> i'd like to add the amendment to change sf pd condition one to 20 days as requested by the applicant and okayed by accident police. >> accepted. >> great. >> on the motion to approve that with a police condition changing condition one. >> commissioner frost commissioner moshoyannis commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner hyde all right. so move forward congratulations. >> all right. so our next one is for we were talking earlier
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about the k p for jackson doing business as as jackson for an entertainment permit on the bermuda triangle and the new operators want to continue to operate entertainment and northern station approved that with a condition in our binder i want to mention crystal has a maid our conditions on a color paper their ears to find thank you crystal so sam is here and he can talk about jackson. >> do i want those letters from the community now. >> sure. >> we got a lot of them today. >> great, thank you arrest my name is sam i'm the managing partner now jackson those are two of the other partners that are here mr. miller and one of
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our supporters bryan first of all, jackson i'm sure you're aware of you guys know the location you mentioned you know the location and ownership k t has been there a long time and it's location is 231 fillmore street in the heart of the district the closest streets loma bar it's active in the marina that has for decades a type liquor licenses a well-known bars some blaze places like the balboa cafe those are within half a block of jackson now some of the other well known establishment is east side west an lombardy and mask and condemn
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and on chestnut jackson is in the epic center of the bars and restraints so essentially a lot of bars in the area the goal for jackson and ownership in seeking a new entertainment permit for keeping pates u what's been going on keeping up with the cultural that draws us to the city in san francisco we want to expand our music program to include open mic nights and comedy for the off nights sunday nights an overwhelming amount of support for entertainment at this location do make the establishment the best for everybody in the community and over the years san francisco has lost it's culture within community i've lived here for a
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6 years my friends and i don't see the night time so that's a .3231 fillmore jackson is a place for entertainment for decades and occurring to the current building owner perry that called me we have a good relationship which is nice this place back in the 70s was a country western bar that had cool acts and that's kind of cool to hear the ownership at jackson along with the community support asks for a new permit so we can continue to entertain our customers that's been part of the community i'd like to answer any questions you have. >> commissioner joseph. >> hi i have a bunch of questions but let's start off with talk about our experience
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in this. >> my experience started first of all, i should give a little bit of background we're from different walks of life i was a police for san carlos and trained police recruits. >> in this business. >> sorry to interrupt you i managed a club for a year between career changes call envy it was on first and howard a staff of 33, 3 bar margins or managers and 12 security guard and 9 bartenders we would do thirty thousand in cash from liquor i was in the industry in and out of it for a a long time from there, i started a place called the brick jarred and two
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under oath years ago i took over a place on unity street an italian bar we have a staff of 12 to 15 and everything is homemade and delicious food i can get a plug in the movement towards taking over a bar i love country but that was 5-year-old i thought why hadn't anyone done this this is a little bit of my background. >> so are you going to do country. >> we're a country bar it's a brand new country bar wood on the walls and brand new steel bars we're working so on some of the deck core our passion myself and my business partners is
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really i would say we like to brand ourselves as a country brand military police bar you can give back you laugh with you we raised 5 thousand dollars for the wounded warriors we had all the blue angels that was awesome a wounded worrying come in with his reputation are around the nation is great we showed a video that made people cry it is branded that way and working. >> here's my concerns i spent a lot of time on the street that bar was a mess so the owner was really the manager was someone behind the bar the line going down fillmore street was a mess we got complaints in the 0 hotel
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across the street and complaints from residents in the alley the problem with that place it causes problems on the street. >> sure. >> so i see that you say that security and management will play a role in policing loud patrons and moving them along to their next bar so you can move loud patrons to be allowed at the next bar i mean, that's kind of how it reads i kind of wanted to know i believe you probably are going to be really popular because it sounds like the theme is going to be cool the only thing i'm concerned about how you are going to manage the line along fillmore and the line along the alley not to disturb the residents so inspector burke
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and paul i didn't don't have to cite you. >> i think a big part is the person working the front door we have an experienced person 3 couldn't make it here he's a door host my feeling we need to limit the number of people and those people are not going to be able to come in friday and saturday nights are the popular nights and the other nights have not been prayed if you come there wednesday night there could be 15 or 20 people at the bar. >> i'm sure you'll change that. >> we're going to try we're talking about friday nights from maintained to one and how to manage the crowd and not allow all those people if we're seeing we're k ts now the new barsr
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