tv [untitled] November 7, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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with the school, have been involved -- there was recently a children's playground that was completed and opened about six, eight weeks ago, which the project sponsor generousy contributed to. part of this project includes a proposal of widening the sidewalk, and more importantly, building a parkway between the sidewalk and the street itself, the street is extremely wide, 86'. >> is that going to be a greenbelt way a po o. >> it's not privately-owned. it's in the public right-of-way. our office has presented similar projects in other neighborhoods in hayes valley and we work with the planning department to figure out exactly how it would be --
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the first-round of what we're proposing and then it goes to the various other departments within the city. but it's in the public way and it's public. it's just taking existing -- actually i have existing photos, if you are interested. >> did dog patch neighborhood association, did they raise any questions regarding the shadow cast on esprit park? >> not at all. not at all. dog patch association actually wrote a letter to the project sponsor. the vote was unanimous in support of the project. and on top of that, they were thrilled that the project didn't go to the height limit. they noted that they saw that the project didn't go to the height limit. and more importantly, they are really enthralled that we're doing this beltway, this greenbeltway between the sidewalk and the street. >> and the capital committee, the inclusionary housing is on-site? >> the inclusionary housing is
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on-site. >> seeing no other questions, i have been asked to do a roll call vote. stacy, would you call the roll. >> commissioner buell? >> yes. >> commissioner low? >> yes. >> commissioner bonilla? >> yes. >> commissioner harrison? >> yes. >> commissioner levitan? >> no. >> commissionermcdonnell is gone for the way. >> yes, he had an important meeting. >> so therefore, it is approved. >> we're on item 9. >> commissioner the items before you is discussion on action to approve the allocation of $645,000 to fund
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the deferred maintenance projects of which there are propelled sharon meadow repair and renovation and nursery roof replacement, mission playground fence replacement and hamilton pool shell replacement. >> for context commissioners in february of 2010 the commission approved the annual use, 50% of the annual fund balance in the open space fund contingency reserve to undertake much-needed deferred maintenance projects through the rec and park system. for '14 and '15, the open space fund contingency reserve balance totaled $1,598,531, and the contingency reserve strait of juan de fuca three subfund balances are in your packets attachment a if you wanteded to see those. 50% allocation which you have
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approved for deferred maintenance that fund balance $645,630. as is our practice, when i bring this to you every year, i also report on the previous year's deferred maintenance project and last year in fy13-14 the commission identified the roof replacement at the [sha-eurb/] sharon studio to be funded by last year's fund balance, which was allocated at $608,5000. the department after your approval used the job order contract authority that we have to proceed with the project and accomplish it within a specific timeframe when the sharon arts studio was not offering programming. so that the roof replacement would not interfere with those patrons. however, problems were encountered last year between the contractor and the authorized subcontractors and that disagreement delayed
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the project beyond the window we had to not disturb sharon arts studio programming. so consequently that particular project will be re-initiated this year via the city's informal bid process. the money that you authorized last year $608,500 has been carried forward and will be available to fund the roof replacement this year. so that will be going on along with what we're proposing here. so for what we're proposing for fy14-15 in the current year, is a list of deferred maintenance projects that will leverage gift funding to complete infrastructure upgrades, and also address two cases of infrastructure failure. addressing the first category, leveraging gift funding, there are two projects,. first one is sharon meadow irrigation repair and restoration. last year after the bluegrass festival the department
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received a generous gift from the harmon family for $63,000 to repair and restore the sharon meadow irrigation system in golden gate park. thus we would be able to achieve this $183,000 irrigation upgrade for only 66% of the actual costs. the additional benefit is repairing the irrigation system lines up with our water conservation goal and will be an efficiency measure for us pursuing that particular strategy. the second project in gift funding would be the rpd nursery vent system replay the. in 2012 the department received the gift of $15,000 from the parks alliance, designated specifically to fund
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replacement motors that operate the roof ventilation system in nursery greenhouses 1, 2 and 3. the motorized roof ventilation system is critical to the nursery operation and maintaining the desired temperatures for greenhouse plant propagation and to complete this greenhouse repair the department proposes to include $45,000 in the estimated labor costs as a deferred maintenance project. again achieving $60,000 infrastructure upgrade at 66% of the actual total costs. the remaining category of our proposed projects this year are addressing infrastructure failure. the first of those is rather topically today the mission playground fence, mounted on retaining wall that runs the length of southern perimeter of this play ground site was not included in the recent
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renovation of it's approximately 20' high and almost completely covered in ivy that has overgrown. weight of the ivy, covered with the torque and lever arm has caused this fence to lean and break from its foundation on the retaining wall. the department has removed the most dangerous portion of the failed fence and replaced it temporarily with a 10' fence and propose to remove the remaining length of fence with ivy and replace it with approximately high fence and screening product and the cost is $215,193. >> no ivy? >> pardon? >> no ivy. >> the ivy is not coming back. that will be eradicated and we'll provide a screening fabric on the fence for
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privacy purposes. >> on the ivy, the residents who own that, have we talked about replacement for that or do had he they want? >> they understand that it the ivy encroachment failed the fence. we proposed privacy screening fabric. the second project then in the infrastructure category is the hamilton pool plaster pool shell. since the capital renovation of hamilton pool in 2010-2011, the pool shell has sustained cracks on two occasions. we plastered over this the very popular pool, the one pool that has the
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water slide in it. last month a third significant crack appeared in the pool at midpoint. and we believe that this recurring condition is a result of a poor product specification of a bonding agent for plastering adherence to the underlying concrete pool structure. consequently, the additional pool shell cracks will continue to occur unless we address this underlying cause. so we propose to demolish the existing pool shell and reinstall a new plaster shell with the appropriate bondinging at. we can accomplish this project during the upcoming maintenance period that starts friday of this week and cost estimate is $110,780. so the total you have there with 25% contingency to cover all four projects is
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$654,630. so our recommendation to the commission is approval of this amount from the open space contingency reserve to fund the proposed four deferred maintenance projects. >> i have a question. >> i apologize. >> is there no recourse to the pool contractor on that bonding? >> there is not. it's outside of the warranty period and they built it to spec, so we can't get them on poor workmanship and we.ed patched it twice. >> is there any public comment on the item, with that we'll entertain and motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor, say aye?
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>> aye. >> the secretary informed we didn't get a motion on item 7. is there a motion to approve item 7? >> what was item 7 -- i'm sorry, i would move to have that approved. >> i will second that. >> moved and seconded and roll call vote please. >> commissioner buell? >> yes. >> commissioner low? >> yes. >> commissioner bonilla? >> yes. >> commissioner harrison? >> yes. >> and commissioner levitan? >> no. >> so moved. >> thank you. we're now on item 11. -- item 10 is offcalendar, item 11, harding park golf course approval of fourth amendment to the master tournament agreement with the pga tour. >> good afternoon, commissioners, tom hart with property management. i would like to mention why no. 10 was taken off calendar and
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assure everyone nothing is wrong. we have been working on filling up that agreement. our counterparts -- my counterpart with the organizations have been quite busy after we announced that the 2020 pga championship would be held here. they became very consumed with work, preparing for the 2014 championship held in kentucky in august and then on the heels of, that they had the ryder cup. so we have been in contact with them and i think i will be back next month with that agreement. i'm here now to present to you the 4th amendment to the master tournament agreement. the third amendment which was approved by you and by the board covered a total of nine tournaments over 16-year period that was to end in 2021. the fourth amendment will
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actually give us a possible 11 tournaments from the beginning of our signing with the pga tour and that will take us through 2025. something rather different with this amendment as opposed to the others is that we actually have two guaranteed tournaments. match play tournament carries the cancelation fee, as well as president's cup. those are definitely ours and our office has been in discussions with them and we feel it's very likely we'll have at least two or three of the other optional tournaments coming our way. the first being possibly the 2016 match play, and then as recently as last week, we added 2018 into this parameter.
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the site fees have been increased to $1.1 million per event. with the exception of the president's cup, which is $1.375 million. in addition to that, we are eligible for participation fee of 6.6% of any gross operating revenues that exceed $10 million for all of the events, except for any possible charles schwab championships and the threshold for that is lowered to $8 million. the terms of the agreement, there have been no changes to the terms of the agreement. other than the scheduling and the fees, if you have any other questions, i would be glad to help you. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> entertain a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded, all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> thank you, tom.
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>> item 12 is harding park golf course approval of supplemental appropriation request. >> good afternoon commissioners. i'm katy petrucione and i'm here this afternoon to ask for your approval of a supplemental appropriation request tot mayor the mayor and board of supervisors in the amount of $1.3 million to support the 2015. the department estimates it will cost approximately $1.3 million to host the tournament including $545,000 in salary and fringe benefit. $260,000 in materials and supplies. and $500,000 in lost revenue. all of these costs will be reimbursed by the pga tour under our agreement with them.
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the city and the pga tour agreed to bring the 2015 tournament to san francisco after the department had concluded the '14-15 budget process. in order to establish appropriation authority for both the revenue and expense associate with the tournament, we need to ask the mayor and the board of supervisors to amend the 14-15 budget. the department started work to prepare for the tournament this past july. right now the crew at harding is working through a list of tasks that include rebuilding the nine bunkers at fleming, resoding the driving range at fleming and weed removal, fairway top dressing and extensive work on both harding and fleming, the harding staff
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is working diligently to accomplish the majority of these tasks before the rainy season, god-willing, starts in november and this compressed schedule has required staff to perform many of these tasks on overtime. the week of the tournament itself we estimate that the harding crew will work 330 hours of overtime every day, as they water the course, repair damage from the day's play and move holes on the green. after the tournaments ends staff will restore the areas of the course affected by the pga's tour hospitality facilities and all of this work will be funded by the tour. after the commission or hopefully after the commission approves the supplemental appropriation requests, we will go to the mayor's office for the mayor's approval. draft the legislation with the controller's office and
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introduce the appropriation ordinance at the board of supervisors in november. i'm happy to answer questions. >> commissioner low. >> i think there is public comment. >> i beg your pardon. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> i thought the big crowd showing up here were all golfers. >> being none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner low. >> katie, is there reason assurances that the pga is going to reimburse -- is it reflected in the agreement? >> yes, it's part of the master agreement. >> move to approve. >> second. >> moved and seconded, all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> we're moving op to item 13 generate public.
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if you didn't speak under item 4 you may speak under this item no public comment. public comment is closed. do you want to do the general manager's report and the president's report or just go finish the item? >> i'm going to use the prerogative of the chair and say let's finish the agenda. >> commissioners matter and this item is designed to allow commissioners to raise issues that they believe the commission should address at future meetings and there will be no discussion of these issues at the time. commissioners, are there any matters that you would like raised at future meetings. commissioner levitan? >> i think i might have missed my time. what we'll talk you about at a future meeting is the success, the resounding success of the world cup fencing tournament that will be held at kezar this weekend. this was an important item.
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i will be very brief. i just want to commend rec and park for being as involved as they have been. this is a great committee led by anne cribs with the bay area committee. and tickets underwritten by many generous bay area supporters of fencing. we'll have the world's best, olympians from san francisco at this competition at kezar pavilion this week. as we gear up as a city and as a region, hopefully to get future olympic games here, i think it's important for people to show their interest and commitment to this very exciting sport. and yes, i used to fence don't say cycle or picket -- touchet. >> that is it. we will discuss that in the future. >> commissioner low.
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>> i have a 7-year-old nephew who it's a wonderful sight to see little boys with high-energy with swords. i'm not sure it's such a great idea, but it's a wonderful event. i wanted to first thank the general manager for being proactive in taking this first step on the mission playground. and, as well as commissioner bonilla and commissioner mcdonnell, who couldn't hear the heartfelt thank you for taking the first steps on this issue. i do think when i watched the video, that isn't us and it should be us and it should be our city. and we can do better. and i do hope that the commission and the general manager -- with the leadership of the general manager continues this dialogue and makes the outreach to the community groups so that we have a deeper dialogue, not just with the mission district,
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but with high-needs neighborhoods, who are concerned about open space and access. and we have talked about it before, but i think now is an opportunity for us to have that deeper dialogue, the deeper dive into what we can do better. and while there are differences, i think we should embrace and respect those differences, but come up with solutions. i hope that the general manager can be innovative and help guide us on this discussion. >> here, here. >> commissioner bonilla. >> along those lines i would just like to thank phil for having the staff available to really shed more light on the situation and to be there to demonstrate that this was a very important matter and to be there to answer -- to be part
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of the dialogue. and just want to thank you, phil. i was very impressed with the staff who were there, because it really spoke to the diversity question that was raised. it was interesting that and i should note, although i shouldn't have to, but that the staff that were there really were representative of that community. that was good to see. >> thank you. seeing no other comments. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment -- commissioners' matters? it's only if they made a comment. come on up. >> i just am very excited that allan low said he wanted to go a little bit deeper in terms of
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open space, especially, i'm interested in the eastern neighborhoods, where there was this commitment to open space. which is not really being met. there are a lot of buildings that are in permitting process now that are going to create future problems with very high density and real degradation of the wonderful places that we have. thanks. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. item 15, new business agenda-setting. commissioners? any public comment? being none, public comment is closed. 16 is communications. commissioners? public comment? being none, public comment is closed and 17 is adjournment. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> so moved. thank you one and all.
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programming was our first step we wanted to offer a program that is, you know, makes people happy and leaves them with memories. >> here and there. >> so more points. >> ready 1, 2, 3. i think a big part is it's coming from san francisco it is real estate a kind of vibe people relate to each other and everyone's living in the city and you can feel the breath of fetish air and the experience you get out here. i think it give us an opportunity to get away from technology you come out here and look at it here and not look at
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our iphones and you kind of lose users in the city and have a cup of coffee >> i'm corey a typical day increase no typical day. and just the first time being on the talent show and getting a huge applause and i never expected it is is r is a great experience i'm an executive chief here at kathy serve over one hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks. people love our meals and the idea they can pick up a meal and don't worry about shopping or doing dishes and enjoy and have
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a great time at camp mather >> grasping grab on. >> i like camp mather it is a lot of freedom and kids run around it's great. >> they have all the things i don't have to do the kids get to do what they want to do and we basically focus on them that's our only job. >> i like camp mather because i can ride my bike. >> i love camp mather. the children are up here playing around and riding their booiths bicycles that's a great place to see what the word is like outside of the city.
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>> welcome to the november 5, 2014, meeting of san francisco board of appeals the pooerd officer is commissioner president lazarus and she's joined by commissioner fung and commissioner honda our vice president r and commissioner bobbie wilson are here with absence if the rotate is if the commissioners vote make a difference in the outcome the board can carry the case over to my right is an attorney an
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